Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 149 He slandered me

Chapter 149 He slandered me
Hearing this, Lu Chaoding waved his sleeves, snorted, and said: "You two are considered respectable, driving a sky survey ship worth [-] million, and you only give me this little compensation? I don't think you are sincere. The anger is getting stronger!”

Chu Wudi hurriedly said: "Master Lu, please calm down, otherwise..."

He suddenly took out his sword and slashed a disciple of the Tianfeng Sword Sect who was standing next to him, killing him with one sword stroke. He said: "You dare to bully a disciple of the Reliable Sword Sect. Your crime is unforgivable. You will all be punished by me." Apologize with death!"

After saying that, he actually took up his long sword and hacked to death all the Tianfeng Sword Sect disciples on the deck of the sky surveying ship. Then he looked at Lu Chaoding with a smile on his face and said, "Master Lu, look at these. Anyone who offends the disciples of your sect will be executed by me, is that okay?"

Chu Shishui on the other side also quickly raised his sword to kill the Golden Sword Sect disciples beside him, and soon killed them all. Then he also raised his hand to Lu Chaoding and said: "Master Lu, anyone who dares to offend the disciples of your noble sect, You will be killed without mercy in my place!"

"These two are ruthless people!" Lu Chao shook his head. He felt sad for the innocent disciples of the Golden Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect, and said: "That's all, I am kind to people, so I will tell you what you said. Stay and get out!"

"Then I'll take my leave!"

"Master Lu, see you later!"

Chu Wudi and Chu Gishui felt like they were being pardoned. After leaving two treasure chests, they immediately fled by boat. The city guards below followed suit and retreated, and the fallen sky surveying ship was also left behind.

Lu Chao reached the top and dispersed the black cloud formation, then dropped down to collect the loot.

He couldn't take away the fallen sky surveying ship, and he couldn't control it. He hit it with several [Extraordinary Giant Sword Techniques] and destroyed it directly. Each of the two treasure chests contained 10 gold yuan and a scroll.

Lu Chaoding was not interested in the gold yuan and was too lazy to collect it, but the two scrolls made his eyes light up.

[Construction drawings of the Sancai Building: special items, exclusive props for the sect, limited to the use of the master. After use, a Sancai Building will be built at the designated location of the sect's residence.After the Sancai Building is established, when three sect members form a team, the special effects of the Sancai Formation will be triggered, with health +1000, attack power +100, and toughness +10! 】

[Tianfeng Port Pier [-] usage voucher: a special item. After use, you will gain the right to use Tianfeng Port Pier [-] and enjoy privileges such as free parking and free ship repairs. Please explore on your own for details. 】

"These two items are quite special!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and waved to Hua Dashao and others who were staring at the back. When they came closer, Lu Chaoding threw the [Tianfeng Port Pier 20 usage voucher] to Dugutian without caring. Authentic: "There are [-] gold yuan here. Let's share it with you. I have important things to do next. You guys should work hard in Tianfeng City. Remember what I said. Disciples of this sect will not be bullied." No one should be humiliated!”

"The leader is tyrannical!"

"The leader relies on great numbers!"

"Keep the Master's teachings in mind!"

"Master, you are too fierce. When will we fight for hegemony in the world?"

"How about we really take down Fengcheng today?"

"Dugutian, what did the master give you, can you take a look at it?"

"Damn it, Tianfeng Port Pier [-] usage voucher! Do we have our own pier?"

"I know that pier. The location is pretty good..."

A burst of compliments immediately sounded. Lu Chaoding chatted with them for a while, then walked into Tianfeng City. Then he found an empty and uninhabited place to open the entrance to the exclusive cave. With the help of the purple gold gourd, he took the nameless black-clothed man People were released.

"Be honest, follow us obediently, and you will suffer less physical pain. If you don't know the current affairs, then don't blame the brothers for being too heavy-handed!"

After the man in black was released, he was stunned for three seconds and then shouted viciously at Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chao nodded, naturally he would not resist and said: "Come on!"

Soon, Lu Chaoding was put into the sack again.

The sack was sound-isolating, so Lu Chaoding couldn't hear anything going on outside. He calmly called up the chamber of commerce chat group. Seeing that there was no chat content, he opened the forum again, and suddenly found that he was attacking Tianfeng City and extorting money. The deeds of blackmailing NPCs have been spread widely, and many posts refer to themselves as "Old Demon Lu".Suddenly, a new post appeared, titled [The Sinful Lu Chaoding], and the poster was "Sword Master Song Shu".

Demon Lu does all kinds of evil. He is a scum among scum, a villain among villains, and a cancer among cancers. Attacking Tianfeng City for no reason is nothing. I have been persecuted by him for a long time, and now I will make his recent evil deeds public.

Everyone knows that on Qianyuan Island, all the pirates on Qianyuan Island are raised by Mr. Lu. He is the leader of the pirates and is good at kidnapping, robbery, and extortion. There is a beautiful NPC on Qianyuan Island named Ding Quanzhen. He forced a good girl into prostitution. He was unfaithful and took his master's sister-in-law Ye Cuihua into his harem. He monopolized Qianyuan Island and established the Reliable Sword Sect. Many female disciples were under his unspoken rules. He opened a Reliable mall and kidnapped them if they didn't give good reviews. people……

Knights with righteous hearts, how can you let such a scum continue to be arrogant? Use your energy to eradicate Lu Chaoding and wipe out the reliable sword sect. This is doing justice for heaven and has immeasurable merit.

Lu Chaoding frowned and read the post, thinking to himself that this was not just a rumor.

"If you can't beat me, you'll ruin my reputation. You're using dirty tricks!"

Lu Chaodong gave this post a thumbs-down, only to find that the number of likes on this post soared like a rocket. Soon a large number of players posted replies, all of which were verbally critical of himself. They seemed not to doubt the content of the post at all. Authenticity.

"I witnessed with my own eyes the entire process of Mr. Lu forcing a girl into prostitution!"

"I'm an undercover agent in the Reliable Sword Faction, and I testify that everything mentioned above is true!"

"Old Demon Lu is too perverted, he must be punished!"

"I'm a victim, I've been infiltrated by Demon Lu, woo woo woo!"

"I'm a man, and I was also sneaked, hahaha!"

"Zhao Skirt said he had also been sneaked!"

"Old Demon Lu is so abominable, there is no little Jiji..."

Lu Chao's blood pressure was a little high after reading the forum, and in the end he simply quit the forum, out of sight and out of mind.

After a while, the sack was opened, and Lu Chaoding saw a bright light. He stood up from the sack and found that he had come to a dark and secret room.

Next to him stood the man in black who tied him up.

He bowed, with a flattering tone, and reported to the person in front: "Third Elder, fortunately, I did not disgrace my order, and I kidnapped this kid."

Lu Chaoding looked up and saw that the person the man in black was trying to please was the third elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, Chu Wudi, who had just escaped in a hurry.
The elder's eyes were wide open at this time. He looked at Lu Chaoding and sweat was visible on his forehead.

"How dare you harm me, Xiao'er An!"

The third elder got excited and kicked the man in black away. With a pop, he knelt down in front of Lu Chaoding, cupped his hands and said, "Master Lu, there is a misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding!"

With eyes wide open, he pointed at the man in black who was kicked to the ground and said, "He's slandering me, he's slandering me!"

At the same time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, cooperate with the man in black to complete the kidnapping. The mission is completed. You will gain the allegiance of the peach blossom sword god Manatee and his son Sea Urchin!"

"Ding, Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee joins the Reliable Sword Sect, and based on his abilities, he will automatically obtain the status of Peach Blossom Elder of the Reliable Sword Sect!"

"Ding, Sea Urchin, the son of the Peach Blossom Sword God, joins the Reliable Sword Sect. Based on his abilities, he will automatically obtain the special handyman status of the Reliable Sword Sect!"

"Ding, please go to Peach Blossom Island and accept the allegiance of the Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee and his son Sea Urchin."

"Ding, server-wide announcement: Some plots related to the Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee and his son Sea Urchin in Peach Blossom Island are forced to end..."

(End of this chapter)

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