Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 15 You were trapped by me

Chapter 15 You were trapped by me
"There is only one person in ten thousand who can enter Linlang Cave twice!"

Lu Chao strode into Linlang Cave with his hands behind his back.

Although he was forced to jump off the cliff this time, he benefited from the plug-in, which made him feel happy and superior.

Of course, Lu Chaoding has more expectations in his heart.

The secret treasures on the first floor of Linlang Cave are already extraordinary, but what about the secret treasures on the second floor?

Lu Chaoding has decided to go for the nocturnal pig beast with 1500 health.

Linlang Cave is not a copy, but a secret realm of chance. The scene on the first floor is exactly the same as before Lu Chaoding was teleported away. The lid of the chance treasure chest is open, and no new guardian beast appears.

Lu Chaoding wanted to go straight to the second floor. When he passed by the chance treasure box, his heart suddenly moved. He took out a piece of compressed biscuit, put it in the chance treasure box, and closed the lid of the chance treasure box.

There is no change in the attribute information of the chance treasure chest. In this way, if an uninformed person comes, it will not be obvious that the treasure chest has been opened just from the appearance.

"I wonder if opening this treasure box and collecting the compressed biscuits will also be regarded as collecting Linlang's secret treasure, and then be transported back to Lion Cliff..."

Lu Chaoding muttered that he would not try it. If he was really teleported away, he would lose blood.

"That's all, just keep this compressed biscuit, and teach those who come after you not to return without success."

Lu Chao smiled and had a mischievous thought in his heart, wondering if any lucky person would get the compressed biscuit he left behind.

He continued to move forward and soon reached the second floor of Linlang Cave, where he saw the nocturnal pig beast again.

At this time, Lu Chaoding glanced at his attribute data. Character level LV4, life 220, attack 82, toughness 1, defense 0, speed 125, fighting spirit 0, and available cultivation level 224!

He immediately spent 200 points of cultivation and raised the combat skill [Heavy Attack] to LV2.

LV2's [Heavy Attack] can increase basic attack damage by 50%, but the effect can only be said to be average. Moreover, upgrading this combat skill to LV2 is already the limit and cannot be upgraded again.

"The one-star white combat skill really stretches the crotch. It's not worth upgrading. These 200 points of cultivation are a bit wasted. That's all. Now the damage can be increased a little bit!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the nocturnal pig beast again and said slowly: "I admit that you are very strong, with a health value of 1500, but your speed is only 80. If I use [Vampire Potion], with the blessing of my 125 speed, you will be How to deal with it?”

The nocturnal pig beast snorted twice, seeming to sneer at Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding didn't hesitate, he raised his head and drank the [blood-sucking potion]. Immediately, his body glowed with a faint red light, and he obtained the buff status of "attack blood-sucking +2% within 10 minutes".


Lu Chaoding roared, and his momentum increased. He was standing more than 20 meters away from the nocturnal pig beast. He first turned on the halo of the ground creature, then grabbed the sword in his hand and rubbed it, creating 16 sword shadows. Then he threw the sword into the air and made a sword dance with the sword in his mind. Finally, he put the index and middle fingers of his right hand together and pointed towards the nocturnal pig beast in a serious manner.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The cold light shone, the sword was like a meteor, the sword and the sixteen sword shadows hit the nocturnal pig beast's forehead one after another, and the damage number immediately floated up like an explosion.





"-4, broken toughness, -564!"






The total damage from one sword is 689!

Enter the battle space!

The 125-speed Lu Chaoding immediately ushered in the first round.


He coldly pointed at the nocturnal pig beast again, swish, swish, swish...

The sword and 16 sword shadows flew towards the nocturnal pig beast's forehead like a bombardment. Each blow made it nod like garlic.

Since the Nocturnal Pig Beast's toughness has been emptied, Lu Chao's sword hit full damage, with a total damage of 210!

At the same time, Lu Chaoding's "Blood Fury" was lucky enough to be triggered. His figure immediately grew taller, his attack power increased to 86, his attack blood-stealing superimposed to 30%, and numbers popped up above his head.







There are 19 numbers in total, 17 of which are green, which are the life recovery brought by attacking blood-sucking. This is the effect of [Blood Drinking Potion].The calculation of damage and life recovery in Hongchen Sword World does not count decimals, and any fraction less than "1" is "0". Therefore, under the 10% attack blood-sucking effect, Lu Chao, who has 82 attack points, returns 8 health points with his basic attack, and the splitting sword shadow The attack is only 8, and the blood return of 10% is 0.8. Erasing does not count, and the actual blood return is "0".

Of course, Lu Chaoding's life was already at the upper limit at this moment, and his blood regeneration was overflowing.

As for the other two numbers popping up above Lu Chao's head, they are blue, representing the concentration of fighting spirit!

This is the extraordinary characteristic of [Splitting Sword Shadow].

"I'm lucky. I gathered two extra points of fighting spirit, and with the normal attack recovery, I gained three points of fighting spirit with this strike!"

Lu Chaoding nodded secretly, grabbed the flying sword again, held it in front of him, and made a gesture of resistance. Sixteen sword shadows followed him and lined up in front of him!

He knew that it was useless. As long as the nocturnal pig beast attacked, he would still lose as much blood as he should, but he could feel more psychologically stable by showing off his tricks.

The next moment, the nocturnal pig beast rushed towards Lu Chaoding ferociously. Judging from its appearance, it looked like a crazy bison. It seemed that it could knock Lu Chaoding away in one go. However, it stopped in front of Lu Chaoding. It came down, and used its horn to gently arch the top of the landing. The movement was as gentle as if it were touching something beloved, for fear of accidentally breaking it.

This is the way the Nocturnal Pig Beast performs a basic attack, and after attacking, it wiggles its butt and returns.

A damage number appeared above Lu Chao's head: "-75, Breaking Toughness"

When the nocturnal pig beast returned to its original place, Lu Chaoding's second round began.


Lu Chaoding used his combat skills. The sword and 16 sword shadows were lined up in front of him, and the sword tips were all tilted upward at 45 degrees.

After two breaths, the energy accumulation was completed. The sword and the 16 sword shadows lit up with light. Lu Chaoding once again reached out and pointed at the nocturnal pig beast and shouted: "Kill!"

Swish, swish, swish...

The luminous swords and sword shadows were like missiles, quickly bombarding them, and 17 overlapping damage figures emerged from the head of the nocturnal pig beast.

"Heavy hit, -129"




In this attack, Lu Chao suffered a total of 257 injuries!

The nocturnal pig beast has 344 remaining lives!

Lu Chaoding's "Blood Fury" was triggered again, and 17 blood-increasing numbers appeared on his head.





Boiling blood rage and blood-sucking potion gave Lu Chaoding 30% of the blood-sucking attack. After one attack, he actually recovered 70 points of health!
As a result, his health bar was almost full and his life returned to 215!

"Haha, the next round is still mine, you were trapped by me!"

Lu Chaoding shouted, and sure enough, the system prompt sounded immediately, and it was still determined that it was Lu Chaoding's round.

Lu Chaotai's speed is 125, while the speed of the Nocturnal Pig Beast is only 80. According to the battle settings, both the offensive and defensive sides start from the 10000-meter circular runway at the same time at the beginning of the battle, and can take action when they reach the end.

So when the 125-speed Lu Chaoding finished the third lap, the 80-speed Pig Beast had not yet finished the second lap. This was a trap, that is, Lu Chaoding’s third round was judged to be second to the Nocturnal Pig Beast. Before the round.

"Heavy hit, kill!"

Lu Chaoding roared, his momentum was like a rainbow, he used [Heavy Attack] again, a sword came out, the sword shadow bombarded, the total damage was 257, the output was stable!
Lu Chaoding's health bar was then completely filled up, but unfortunately the blood boiling rage did not continue to be triggered, and his body returned to its original state.

At this time, the blood boiling pig beast's health value was only 87 points.


Lu Chaoding finally felt relieved.

He envisioned the battle with the nocturnal pig beast. With the third level of talent and a speed of 125, Lu Chaoding could ensure that he would play for three rounds. If he could enter the fourth round, he would definitely win.

But before the fourth round, he had to withstand a second attack from the Nocturnal Pig Beast.

The attack power of the nocturnal pig beast is a full 150 points!
After the toughness was broken, the damage was enough. If Lu Chaoding did not recover his health, he would lose 225 lives after being hit twice. This exceeded his upper limit of 220 lives and he would definitely be killed.

Therefore, in order to increase the chance of survival, Lu Chaoding used [Vampire Potion] to ensure that his health was replenished before the Nocturnal Pig Beast attacked for the second time. It didn't need to be more, as long as it exceeded 150.

Although Lu Chao had a poodle on his head and had a 50% chance of going into a blood-sucking rage when attacking or being hit, thereby gaining the ability to recover from blood-sucking, he was afraid of being unlucky and failed to trigger this state, so he used [Vampire-sucking] in advance. Potion] to seek stability.

The next moment, the nocturnal pig beast grunted and ran up to Lu Chaoding. After taking away 150 of his life points, he wiggled his butt and returned with satisfaction.

"End your sinful life!"

Lu Chao shouted, and at the beginning of the round, he struck out with another sword, and the nocturnal pig beast was knocked down. Then its body turned into light, and the light quickly condensed into a set of clothes lined with green light. The most conspicuous thing among them is a helmet, which seems to be made of a pig's head with tusks.

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up: "This is... a fake trap!"

 Thanks to the book chaser chhea for the reward, thanks for leaving the claws, and thanks for the comments!

  Please recommend new books, collect them, and ask for everything!
(End of this chapter)

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