Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 16 The Secret Treasure on Level 2

Chapter 16 The Secret Treasure on the Second Level
Lu Chao stepped forward to collect the loot.

There is no doubt that the nocturnal pig beast dropped a set of costumes.

Fashion: Marshal Pig

Number of stars: two stars

Occupation: General
Refining level: +0
Fashion features: health +200, toughness +2, defense +2, additional health recovery of 0.5 per second during non-combat periods, automatic cleaning, and never wear out.

Fashion parts: marshal mask, tusked helmet, pig underwear, pig leather pants, pig boots, black bristled armor, pig belt, pig leather gloves, marshal shoulder pads

Note [-]: Costumes cannot be separated into equipment, otherwise the features cannot be activated.

Explanation [-]: Consuming more than two stars of [Pig Crystal] can increase the refining level of [Pig Marshal]!

Note 3: Green fashion can be refined up to +[-].

In the world of Hongchen, there are no separate equipment parts such as gloves and helmets, nor fancy accessories such as rings and necklaces. There are only three major items: fashion, back pieces, and pendants.

A fashion piece is a set, and a back piece is a large accessory carried on the back. Lu Chaoding's ghost-faced hatchet is the back piece. As for the pendant, Lu Chaoding has never seen it before.

"Nine parts! It's included from the inside out!"

Lu Chaoding clicked on the equipment on the information panel of [Marshal Pig], his body flashed with light, and he changed into the [Marshal Pig] costume with black as the main color.

The style of this fashion is rather bulky. The leather armor and leather pants have fishnet-like patterns on the front, and long black hair on the back. The helmet is huge, like a hood, and there are a lot of black bristles on the neck, and each bristle is very thick. , exploding like hedgehog hair. Matching the helmet is a dark golden pig face mask. This mask can cover the entire face. There are only two eye holes in it. The pig belt is also strange. It comes with a Cut off the small tail into a rolled circle.

Lu Chaoding felt that his image at this time should be very similar to the Predator. He jumped and rapped for a while, but he felt very comfortable and did not feel bulky at all.

"Not bad! The attributes of this fashion are excellent. Although the image is a bit inferior, I still prefer this set of Marshal Pig to the sailor dress!"

Lu Chaoding was satisfied with the results of killing the nocturnal pig beast, and he went to look at the opportunity treasure chest.

This opportunity treasure chest was marked No. [-]. After Lu Chaoding opened the lid, he found that there were three items in it.

The first item is a piece of blue jade the size of a playing card.

[Secret Jade Slips: After use, choose a secret skill, combat skill or stunt according to the prompts!Note that the skill information and star level cannot be viewed before selecting a skill. There is a high chance that a three-star skill will appear, a small chance that a four-star skill will appear, and a very small chance that a five-star skill will appear. 】

The second item is a small jade bottle as high as a palm.


The third item is a blue book.

[True Solution Map·Shen Lian: A three-star special item that can be attached to combat skills or stunt skill books. The effect is an additional damage increase of 20%. 】

"It's all good stuff!"

Lu Chaoding rubbed his hands together excitedly, thinking that it was indeed Linlang's secret treasure. The three items were all very good, but the Peiyuan Pill was probably the worst among them. After all, cultivation can be obtained through jungle, and the other two items were It can be said to be rare.

However, in the early stage, the value of this bottle of Peiyuan Pill is immeasurable.

"There are 20 pills in a bottle. Each pill can increase your cultivation level by 300 to 500 points. How many wild monsters do you need to kill to gain so much cultivation level? If you take them all, how many levels can you upgrade to?"

Lu Chaoding tried his best to suppress the urge to collect this secret treasure. He stepped forward and soon found a staircase extending downward.

After walking through this not-so-long passage, Lu Chaoding saw the scene on the third floor of Linlang Cave.

There is also a chance treasure box on the third floor. In front of the chance treasure box lies a giant black tiger. The giant tiger is probably more than a foot long. It has two straight and sharp horns on its head, and its tail is soft. Shaking it, resting its head on its front paws, it looked like it was dozing.

[Night Owl Giant Tiger: LV15, life 6000, attack 600, toughness 20, speed 120, defense 10, has skills two-hit combo, three-hit combo, bloodthirsty combo, and bleeding attack. 】

Lu Chaoding turned and left without saying a word.

"Mad, this is the BOSS! Level 15 only has 6000 HP. Who can beat this? He jumped off a cliff and died. I'm so angry when I see you!" Lu Chaoding muttered.

He definitely doesn't have the ability to check the secret treasure on the third floor of Linlang Cave now.

After returning to the second floor of Linlang Cave, Lu Chaoding waited for another half an hour before collecting the Linlang secret treasure in the chance treasure box, and then he was immediately teleported back to Lion Cliff.

Lu Chaoding looked around. There were still many night wolves under Lion Cliff, but the night wolf king did not know where he had gone. Without its guidance, the night wolves here were wandering aimlessly. Lu Chaoding His appearance did not attract any hatred from Night Wolf, and his situation was quite stable at the moment.

"Let's choose a skill first!"

Lu Chaoding rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to take out the [Secret Jade Slip] he just got. With a little manipulation, the jade slip immediately turned into light and dissipated. A selection window appeared in front of Lu Chaoding, and a selection window quickly appeared on it. Word.

The system prompt sounded: "Ding, please choose a profession!"

Lu Chaoding selected "Sword Immortal" on the selection window.

"Ding, we are randomly generating an optional skill catalog for you..."

"Ding, the catalog is generated. You can choose one of the following three secret skills, three combat skills, and three unique skills to obtain its skill book."

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up, and nine skill icons appeared in the selection window.

The first row is the secret skill icon. The optional secret skills are: [Seven Star Sword Formation], [Transformation Zhenru], and [Scattered Sky Flying Sword].

The second row is the combat skill icons. The available combat skills are: [Devil Curse], [Giant Sword Technique], and [Flying Dragon Slash].

The third row is the stunt icons. The optional stunts are: [Dawei Tianlong], [Shangqing Poyun], and [Jianque Tianmen].

"What kind of skills are these? They only give you icons, you can't see the skill introduction, and you don't know the star level of the skill. Are you asking me to take a gamble based on the name?"

Lu Chaoding actually felt a little dazzled.

Which one should I choose?

They all seem to be good skills!

Are there any five-star ones?

The name sounds strong, but don’t just give it a one-star rating!
The system won't deliberately bury pits.

Lu Chao gritted his teeth with hatred. He knew that it was useless to struggle and made an immediate decision.

"I already have the secret skill of Splitting Sword Shadow, and I can use it very smoothly. The combat skill also has a heavy attack. Although I am a one-star hot chicken, I have spent some time to upgrade. Now I have a rare opportunity, and I must choose the special skill! Dawei Tianlong, Shangqing Poyun, Jianque Tianmen... I don’t know what Jianque Tianmen means, I can’t think of it. The same is true for Shangqing Poyun. It may not be an attack skill. For Dawei Tianlong, if the star rating is too low, won’t Fahai lose face? So, I choose..."

Lu Chaoding resolutely reached out and clicked on the icon of [Dawei Tianlong].

"Ding, congratulations on getting the five-star [Daw Mighty Heavenly Dragon] skill book!"

"Five stars!"

After Lu Chaoding heard the system prompts, he couldn't help laughing.

"The system is still very reliable! Let me tell you, with such a cool name, how can it be a low-star skill?"

Lu Chaoding quickly opened the storage space, took out the [Dawei Tianlong] skill book and checked it. Then his face froze and his smile froze on the spot.

 I ask for support for my new book, I ask for recommendations, I ask for everything.The update time will be at 11:30 and 18:30, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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