Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 17 The Great Power Tianlong

Chapter 17 The Great Power Tianlong
Special skill: Dawei Tianlong

Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV1
Explanation 10: Consume 300 points of fighting spirit to summon the golden dragon shadow to fall from the sky, causing multiple attacks on the target area, causing a total of (1000% attack power + skill level × [-]) points of damage. This damage is not subject to defense damage reduction and resistance reduction. Affected by damage reduction effects such as damage reduction and toughness damage reduction, it cannot be blocked, but can be dodged, and is affected by critical hits, vulnerability, damage increase and other buff effects.

Note [-]: If there are multiple targets in the target area, the damage will be shared evenly.

Explanation 2000: Spending cultivation × 2 and a piece of [Dragon Jade] can increase the skill level to LV[-].

Note [-]: After the skill level is increased, the skill book is bound and cannot be traded.

"Mader needs ten points of fighting spirit to release this stunt! But my upper limit of fighting spirit is only five points! What's going on? I got a stunt that can't be used? How can I increase the upper limit of fighting spirit?"

Lu Chaoding was anxious.

Is Dawei Tianlong strong?

Very strong!

The minimum damage is more than 1000 points, which can be done alone or in groups, and the damage can only be increased, not reduced. I guess the visual effects used are also very cool.

It's a pity that it consumes too much fighting spirit!

That’s a full ten points!
Lu Chaoding thought that even if his upper limit of fighting spirit was raised to 10, it would still take many rounds to accumulate ten points of fighting spirit during the battle.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chaoding equipped the skill book of Dawei Tianlong. Anyway, he has no other special skills now. He will just think about how to increase the upper limit of fighting spirit in the future. After all, there is hope.

Then, Lu Chaoding took out the [True Solution Atlas·Shen Lian].

This chart can be mounted in a combat skill or stunt skill book. Lu Chao tried it out and found that he could mount it in the [Heavy Attack] skill book or the [Mighty Heavenly Dragon] skill book. In short, This is not a one-time enhancement item, but a non-binding permanent item that can be replaced at will to enhance the target.

Of course, "arbitrarily changing the strengthening target" means that during non-combat periods, during combat, the True Solution Map cannot be arbitrarily unattached and then attached to other skill books.

"This map is not bad."

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and hung the [True Solution Atlas] on the [Heavy Attack] skill book.

At least he can still use [Heavy Attack] now. Although [Mighty Heavenly Dragon] is strong, it is just a decoration now.

Lu Chaoding took out the bottle of Peiyuan Pill again, and unceremoniously took out a Peiyuan Pill and threw it into his mouth. He bit it with his teeth and it was crunchy and tasted like jelly beans.

"Ding, you took one Peiyuan Pill and your cultivation level increased by 428!"

Lu Chaoding's body flashed with golden light, and the Peiyuan Pill in his mouth seemed to turn into gas and disappeared.

“It tastes good and the effect is not bad!”

Lu Chaoding looked happy. He poured all the available cultivation points into the character upgrade slot, and then took out a Peiyuan Pill and drank it, gaining another 476 points of cultivation.

Then transfer 48 points of cultivation to the character upgrade slot, and the slot will be full. The system prompt immediately sounded: "Ding, are you sure you want to spend 500 points of cultivation to upgrade the character level to LV5?"


"Ding, congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to LV5, life +80, attack +8, toughness +1, defense +1!"

Lu Chaoding looked at his attribute information and found that his health had reached 300. He was very satisfied and continued to take medicine and upgrade. The system prompts kept ringing in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to LV6, life +100, attack +10!"

"Ding, congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to LV7, life +120, attack +12!"

"Ding, congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to LV8, life +140, attack +14!"

"Ding, congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to LV9..."

"Ding, congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to LV10, health +180, attack +18, toughness +1, defense +1!"

Lu Chaoding took 10 Peiyuan Pills in one go, consuming a total of 4500 cultivation points, directly raising his character level to LV10.

In the mission information panel, it actually requires 10 cultivation points to upgrade from LV11 to LV10000!
"Tsk, tsk, [-] points of cultivation, this is the level threshold!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He still had 10 Peiyuan Pills, but even if he took them all, he would not be able to reach level 11.

Therefore, he was no longer in a hurry to take medicine. After putting the medicine bottle back into the storage space, he opened his attribute panel and looked at it carefully.

Name: Lu Chaoding
Occupation: Sword Immortal Level: 10
Cultivation: 28/500 (28 points available)
Life: 1000+200
Attack: 100+60
Toughness: 2+2
Defense: 2+2
Speed: 125
Heavenly right: none
Ground animal: Boiling blood poodle LV1
Fighting spirit: 0/5
Talent: Sword Control (LV4)

Secret Skill: Splitting Sword Shadow (LV4)

Combat Skill: Heavy Attack (LV2, True Solution·Shen Lian)
Special skill: Dawei Tianlong (LV1)

Weapon: common sword (refined +2)

Fashion: Marshal Pig (refined +0)

Pendant: None
Back piece: Ghost Face Hatchet (refined +1)

Status: Recover an additional 0.5 life per second (from Marshal Pig)
"The strength has increased dramatically!"

Lu Chaoding felt that character level improvement had a great effect on improving strength, but with his current strength, it was impossible to kill the Night Owl Tiger on the third floor of Linlang Cave alone.

"It seems that we have to wait until tomorrow or tomorrow night to go to the third floor of Linlang Cave. Let's continue hunting tonight. With my current strength, can't I kill nocturnal beasts below level 10 casually?"

Lu Chaoding thought about this and walked down the cliff.

He was equipped with a pig marshal costume, holding a sword, and a halo at his feet. He quickly found a level 10 night wolf as an attack target.


Lu Chao reached out to point at the night wolf from more than 30 meters away, and the sword and 16 sword intentions flew out like missiles.

swish swish swish...





"-8, broken toughness, -720!"



A damage number immediately appeared on the head of the level 10 night beast, the white bar was completely empty, and the health bar seemed to explode, shortening to a small length.

The level 10 night wolf only had 1000 health points, but Lu Chaoding knocked out 968 of them, leaving only the blood skin!


Lu Chaoding laughed, and the next moment he entered the battle space, he was a little depressed.

Because there is 1 minute of battle preparation time between entering the battle space and starting the battle.

That night, the wolf had only a trace of blood left. He could kill him easily, but he had to wait another minute. This made Lu Chaoding feel quite tortured.

"It's so inefficient. Isn't this a waste of time? It seems that if you are farming Night Wolves, it is best to farm those below level 10. One sword per sword. You don't have to enter the battle space, so the efficiency is high!"

Lu Chaoding silently summed it up. After the battle, he determined to find the wild wolves below 10 to take action.

Lu Chaoding didn't know what other places were like. Anyway, here in Lion Cliff, there were still a lot of night wolves below level 10, and they accounted for the vast majority of the night wolf group. There was no need to worry about not being able to fight. The only thing he needed to worry about was the night wolf. Form a team, or let the Night Wolf King lead a team to outflank or something.

Lu Chaoding has an attack range of 40 meters and can run very fast. He can run away even if he cannot be beaten. Under his careful and careful operation, the jungler can be said to be fast and safe.

So, unconsciously, the sky gradually became brighter.

Night wolves and other night beasts no longer continued to refresh, but disappeared one after another. After Lu Chaoding killed another level 9 night wolf, it finally became bright and the system notification sounded: "Ding, daylight is coming, and the night beasts have dispersed. The jungle and dungeons are back to normal!”

"Ding, [Sleep at the foot of Lion Rock] mission failed, you can't receive the reward!"

"Ding, Senior Brother Niu Daren seems to be announcing something, please arrive at the temporary camp as soon as possible!"

Although Lu Chaoding was a master of liver-explosion, he was still quite sleepy after fighting for such a night. He didn’t even want to count the loot and shouted: “Call it off and go back to sleep!”

(End of this chapter)

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