Chapter 151
At Tianfeng Port, Dugu Tian was thinking about how to run his own wharf. Hua Dashao came to him, shaking his goose feather fan, and said: "Dugu Tian, ​​the Sword God of Underworld, how many Sword Spirits of Underworld have you collected now?"


Dugu Tian's pupils shrank when he heard this.

He is the Underworld Sword God. This information has never been revealed to the public. Hua Dashao actually knows it. Could it be that he really knows everything?

Hua Dashao smiled and said: "We are all disciples of the Reliable Sword Sect, grasshoppers on the same rope, brothers on the same boat. I have no ill intentions, I just want to tell you that I can provide you with bone materials."


Dugu Tian was shocked. The Underworld Sword God and the Underworld Sword Immortal have the same professional characteristics as the "Underworld Soul Transformation Secret". This Underworld Spirit Transformation Technique needs to act on skeletal materials to create the Underworld Sword Spirit, but the skeletal materials are really hard to find. Dugutian fought many wild monsters and searched the trading house all day long, but so far there was not a single Underworld Sword Spirit. His hidden profession did not show any advantages at all, and this almost became a major worry for him.

"Can I still lie to you?"

While Hua Dashao was speaking, he opened the storage space, took out a skeleton, and said, "Look, this is Ye Linlang's skeleton! The best skeleton materials can be produced from unreliable training studios."

"That's it? Are you kidding me? Do you think I don't know? Ye Linlang's bones are bound and cannot be traded!"

Dugutian's face was expressionless.

He has long known that there is a chance that question mark sword ghosts will appear in unreliable training rooms. If you kill them, you can get [Ye Linlang's bones], but the chance is too small, and his luck is also very bad. So far, he has only known that other people have When he came out, he never touched it once.

Seeing that Dugutian didn't react much, Hua Dashao smiled and continued: "Of course I know it's bound. I'm just telling you that you can get the skeleton materials through unreliable training rooms. If you don't want to do it, or you don't like it, Too slow, as long as you transfer this dock to me, I will take care of all your skeleton materials in the future, okay?"

"So you wanted to hit my dock? Go ahead, I don't have time to chat with you!"

"I'm serious! I really have a way to get skeletal materials!"

"Then you name a price and I'll buy it. Do you want my dock? Impossible!"

Hua Dashao was about to say something else, but suddenly his expression was startled and he looked straight ahead, his expression gradually showing surprise.

Dugu Tian followed his gaze and saw a man in gray robe walking on the sea. He was obviously an NPC. He didn't think there was anything strange. He waved his hand in front of Hua Dshao and said, "Hey, you What's wrong? What's there to see?"

"Run!" Hua Dashao shouted quickly, "The big boss is coming. If you don't run, she will kill you!"

"What? That man in gray robe is the world BOSS?"

Dugu Tian was a little confused, but when he saw Hua Dashao running away, he ran with him.

The man in gray robe seemed to be strolling leisurely, but he seemed to be shrinking to an inch, and his speed was actually extremely fast. Hua Dashao and Dugutian almost ran out of the pier when she came to Liao Hu.

Liao Hu is one of the players who joined the Reliable Sword Sect along with Wang Chengang. He has good equipment, a high level, and is very active. He is considered the number one figure in the Reliable Sword Sect.

He was squatting on the ground counting money and muttered: "One yuan, two yuan, three yuan... The income from running a business is really good. I have enough money to pay for the practice room in half a month!"

The man in gray robe suddenly asked him: "Is Tianfeng City ahead?"

Liao Hu raised his head when he heard this, looked at the NPC up and down, and said nonchalantly: "Yes!"

"Are the masters of the Golden Sword Sect and the masters of the Tianfeng Sword Sect in the city?"

"How do I know that?"

"Are you a reliable sword sect?"

"You have some eyesight! Brother Ding is protecting us, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" The gray-robed man suddenly pointed at Liao Hu's eyebrows like lightning.

With a clang, Liao Hu turned into white light and disappeared. The gold yuan that was not firmly grasped in his hand fell out and rolled far away on the ground.

Obviously, he was instantly killed.

There were other reliable sword sect players nearby who saw this and immediately exclaimed. "Damn it, Brother Tiger was assassinated!"

"Bold, even members of our reliable sword sect dare to kill!"

"Don't you know that Brother Ding is covering us?"

"Reliable disciples will not be humiliated, brothers, come on!"

Several people quickly gathered in front of the gray-robed man, but in the blink of an eye, they all turned into light and disappeared.

Dugutian, who had run all the way out, saw this scene and exclaimed: "What's going on?"

Hua Dashao said: "This person's name is Yan Shangjing. She is a woman. She is the world BOSS. Her personality is cruel and murderous, cold and ruthless, and she likes to kill Skywalkers. The plot setting she was given is to conquer all sects. Kill all the players and unify the twelve states!"

"Conquer all sects and kill all the players? Such an exaggeration? Hua Dashao, are you kidding me?"

"I am the omniscient sword god. I can see the hidden settings of NPCs! If you don't believe me, pull me down. If you don't want to die, just run with me. I guess there will be chaos in Fengzhou today!"

As soon as Hua Dashao finished speaking, a server-wide announcement suddenly sounded: "Ding, server-wide announcement, the mysterious man in gray robe appears in Tianfeng City, the large-scale plot mission [Legend of Jiulin] has started, all players can participate in the plot and influence The direction of the plot!"

This server-wide announcement came suddenly, and many players heard it inexplicably and didn't pay much attention.

As for Tianfeng Port in Tianfeng Prefecture, after the server-wide announcement sounded, the man in gray robe began to kill. Every time she took a step forward, a clone would come out from behind. Those clones were like ruthless killers. , kills everyone he meets, and is unstoppable. Even Wang Chengang, who is riding a black saber-toothed tiger, cannot withstand the casual blows of those clones.

"Damn it! It's really a big BOSS. Lao Wang and the others were wiped out by the group!" Dugu Tian exclaimed and shouted: "Hua Dashao, how much is this guy's life worth?"

Hua Dashao said: "I can't see it, but as the world BOSS, she must be very powerful. Let's run into the city and see the plot!"

"it is good!"

After hearing this, Dugu Tian started his magical walk and teleported to Tianfeng City Square.

In this square, many players from the Golden Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect were active. They didn't know that the gray-robed men outside the city had gone on a killing spree, and most of them were watching Chu Wudi and Chu Shuishui.

Although these two "giants" looked as cold and arrogant as ever at this time, they were wearing big pants and looked quite happy.

"What I saw with my own eyes was that Old Demon Lu stripped them naked!"

"Does Mr. Lu still have this ability?"

"Can he also pick off women?"

"I now believe he can force girls into prostitution!"

"Don't listen to those rumors on the Internet. Let me tell you, Brother Ding is actually an AI!"

"AI? Isn't it a real person?"

"Made, as a player of Golden Sword Gate, I feel ashamed now!"

"With such protectors and elders, the sect will be doomed sooner or later..."

In the discussion of these players, Chu Wudi and Chu Shuishui, who were wearing big pants, suddenly raised their heads at the same time. They frowned and looked in the direction of the city gate, and said in unison: "Who dares to come to Tianfeng City to run wild!"

After saying that, the two of them flew into the air at the same time, and a large number of players followed them curiously.

At this time, there were already too many clones of the man in gray robe. When she came to the ruins of the city gate, Chu Wudi and Chu Shishui, who were wearing big pants, came to stop them. The two of them first scolded angrily, and then were attacked by the clone of the man in gray robe. After being pulled into the battle space and the battle space shattered, the two men reappeared. They looked at each other and ran away.

While running, he shouted: "Go and invite the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu, or we will all be destroyed together!"

The gray-robed man laughed loudly and did not chase the embarrassed two people. She stepped into the city and continued to create clones, and the players were the targets of those clones.

(End of this chapter)

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