Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 152 Unlocking Excellence

Chapter 152 Unlocking Excellence
Tianfeng City is in complete chaos.

The players were hunted down, the guards were slaughtered, and even the support from the Golden Sword Sect and Tianfeng Sword Sect came to no avail. They were all ravaged by the gray-robed man.

Regional announcements sounded one after another, announcing the deaths of NPC bosses.

Two hours later, a server-wide announcement sounded: "Ding, the leader of the Golden Sword Sect, Jin Wuhen, has sworn allegiance to the mysterious man. The Golden Sword Sect has been destroyed, the disciples have been disbanded, and the sect's costumes and other sect props have disappeared!"

"Ding, Feng Baisui, the head of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, swore allegiance to the mysterious man. The Tianfeng Sword Sect was destroyed, the disciples were disbanded, and the sect's costumes and other sect props disappeared."

"Ding, the Qilin Sword Sect has been established, and its headquarters is tentatively designated as Tianfeng City..."

This series of server-wide announcements was truly shocking. A large number of players were shocked, and related posts quickly appeared in the forum.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had already arrived at Peach Blossom Island. He also heard the server-wide announcement. He felt very confused and muttered: "What happened in Fengcheng today? How come the two major sects were destroyed? It was the mysterious man who did it." ?The force is so high?"

At this time, the Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee and his son Sea Urchin had already left the island to greet Lu Chaoding.

The Peach Blossom Sword God Hainiu was still only wearing big pants. Lu Chaoding returned his previous robe to him and said: "Elder Hainiu will be a reliable member of my sword sect from now on. You have to pay attention to your image. You should wear these clothes first. Later, when I design the sect elder's clothes, you can put them on!"

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

The Peach Blossom Sword God respectfully handed over his hand. Under the influence of the occasionally unreliable system, he really seemed to be loyal to him wholeheartedly.

Lu Chaoding asked him to board the ship, temporarily "installing" him on the sky-level survey ship as a guard.

Sea Urchin naturally also got on the boat. His identity was just a special handyman, and his status was probably still below that of an entry-level disciple. At this time, he was carrying a pot on his back and was very curious about everything.

"This guy, Sea Urchin, has a name. He can't stretch his hips like this. I'm afraid there's some plot going on with him..."

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, the Peach Blossom Sword God suddenly came to him with a frown and said: "Master, there is something I must tell you clearly. My original name is not Hainiu, but Xiang Ruyan. I come from ten Qilin Cliff, two states away, is the head of Jiulin!"

"Jiulin? The legend of Jiulin?"

Lu Chaoding immediately thought of the previous server-wide announcement, and he realized clearly that the opening of the large plot mission [Legend of Nine Lins] might be related to the Peach Blossom Sword God's loyalty to him.

The Peach Blossom Sword God continued: "Fifty years ago, eight junior brothers and I came to the Twelve Prefectures of Hongchen. We wanted to use the swords in our hands to do something great, but God's will played a trick on us, and we were seduced by the enchantress Yan Shangjing. , used, and made many mistakes. Although we finally suppressed the demon Yan Shangjing, eight junior brothers were seriously injured and passed away one after another. I was the only one living in seclusion on Peach Blossom Island, and I no longer dared to mention my previous name. But now, that Yan Shangjing actually got out of trouble... This woman is powerful and evil in nature. Now that she appears in this world, she will definitely bring disaster to the world. Please take more precautions, Master."

Having said this, he reached out and grabbed Peach Blossom Island. The Peach Blossom Island immediately split into two, and a palm-sized golden fragment flew out from it.

"Yan Shangjing has a special skill that can create countless clones, which is extremely difficult to deal with. To kill her, we can only use the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror. The Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror is the most precious treasure of my Qilin Cliff. It can be divided into nine parts, and I and the eight Junior brothers each have one fragment. If you want to kill Yan Shangjing, you can only collect the nine fragments and merge them into one, and then use the power of the Tribulation Mirror to hunt down and kill all of his bodies. I was injured back then, and I still have it today. I can’t recover, and I know it will be difficult to improve my strength, so I’ll leave this fragment to the master!”

After saying this, the Peach Blossom Sword God respectfully presented the fragment to Lu Chaoding.

[Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror·Fragment One: Special items and mission props. Provide the locations of the other eight fragments (click to view). Collect all nine fragments to synthesize a one-time special prop, the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror. 】

Lu Chaoding inspected the fragment, and also checked the location of the other eight fragments. He found that the other eight fragments were in eight Kirin secret realms, and these eight secret realms were distributed in the south and north of the world, seemingly very far apart. Far.

"It may not be easy to collect these eight fragments!"

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, accept the mission [Legend of Jiulin], collect all the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror fragments, and kill Yan Shangjing. After completing the mission, you will be rewarded with 100 lottery tickets and reputation spread × 1!" "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Collect all the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror fragments and kill Yan Shangjing. The reward for completing the task is 1 unreliable lottery ticket and 100 reputation spread!"

"What the hell is reputation spreading?"

Lu Chaoding adjusted the direction of the sky survey ship, and then carefully studied the locations of the eight Kirin secret realms. One of them was in Tianyun Prefecture, which seemed not far from Tianxing Tower.

Half a day later, Lu Chaoding drove the sky survey ship directly to the top of Tianyun City Square.

In the center of the square below is the Tianxing Tower.

This tower is very majestic, like a giant building, with a sense of epicness. The tower has 5 floors and is a thousand meters high. It is an octagonal tower with entrances on all eight sides. The whole body of the tower exudes a faint golden light, and the outside is There are also mysterious golden runes surrounding and flying.

The square was very empty, with very few people. There were a few scattered NPCs, but there seemed to be no players at all.

At this time, Jiang Youxian had already sobered up. She flew down from the sky patrol ship on a wine gourd and said, "I'm going to participate in the Tianxing trial!"

Zhao Weike was also released by Lu Chao. He practiced switching between guns and swords on the deck. Sea Urchin squatted aside and watched carefully as if watching a play, applauding from time to time.

The Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee seems a bit dull. Without his plot trigger, he just sits cross-legged on the bow of the boat, looking rather inscrutable.

A moment later, Lu Chaoding also jumped off the sky survey ship, and he entered the Tianxing Tower directly.

"Ding, you have entered the Tianxing Tower. Your level has reached level 30. You meet the conditions and are about to start the Excellence Realm Tianxing Trial!"

"Ding, please select the difficulty of the trial! The trial difficulty is divided into five levels: easy, normal, difficult, extremely difficult, and desperate! The higher the difficulty of the trial, the richer the reward after completing the trial."

"Choose despair!"

"Ding, are you sure you choose despair? Tip: If you fail the trial, you will be able to participate in the trial again after 24 hours!"


"Ding, the Despair Level Tianxing Trial is being prepared for you. The trial is generated. Please defeat the Bronze War Beast within three rounds. After completing the trial, you will be promoted to the Excellent Level. The upper limit of the level will be raised to LV60, and you can obtain additional certificates. Jade x 5, Jade of Inheritance x 5, Jade of Enlightenment x 5, Random Props x 1!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: Please defeat the Bronze War Beast within three rounds. After completing the trial, you will be promoted to the Excellent Level. The upper limit of the level will be raised to LV60, and you can obtain additional certificates. Jade × 5, inheritance jade × 5, enlightenment jade × 5, unreliable random props × 1!”

After the system prompt ended, Lu Chaoding entered a battle space dedicated to trials. Opposite him, a bronze war beast with a life value of 500 million, a height of two feet, and a look similar to a lion appeared.

"Can this be called despair?"

Lu Chaoding was very disappointed. He equipped the flying insect sword and at the beginning of the battle, he knocked down the bronze war beast with just one ordinary attack.

The trial rewards were distributed immediately. The Jade of Certification, the Jade of Inheritance and the Jade of Enlightenment were naturally good things, but the unreliable random props made Lu Chao stunned.

That was actually the skill book for the five-star secret skill [Transformation Skill].

(End of this chapter)

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