Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 154 Why is there such a deceptive setting?

Chapter 154 Why is there such a deceptive setting?

In the Chunhua Building, Song Shu received a system prompt: "Ding, you have joined the hidden sect Chunhua Sect and obtained the status of an entry-level disciple of the Chunhua Sect."

Song Shu was stunned.

What the hell is the Spring Flower Sect? Why did you join it?Where did Lu Chaoding get himself into?
The four strong men were still pinning Song Shu to the ground. At this time, Madam Hua came over, knelt down, patted Song Shu's face, and said: "When you enter my Chunhua Building, just stay here. Let’s start with Mr. Turtle. From now on, you will be responsible for the work of welcoming guests and serving tea and water! Don’t even think about escaping!”

After saying this, Madam Hua stretched out her hand and flicked Song Shu's forehead. Song Shu felt his forehead go cold, as if ice water had been applied to it.

"Ding, you have obtained the special title [Chunhua Tower Turtle Master]. This title will be automatically displayed when you are in Chunhua Tower."

"Ding, you were planted with a life and death talisman by Hua Lao Bustard. Your life and death are controlled by Hua Lao Bustard. Your resurrection point is forcibly bound to the Hongchen Sword Monument of Chunhua Tower!"

"Damn it, how could there be such a deceptive setting! This is a way to destroy me!" Song Shu muttered, and he was even more unhappy when he remembered what Lu Chaoding said just now.

Hua Lao Madam said again: "Don't tell me, Madam, I won't give you a chance. Work hard. If you do well, your position will be promoted. When you can come out and take customers, you can earn gold dollars. With gold dollars, you can To redeem yourself, the madam doesn’t ask you how much you want. You can redeem yourself for 500 million. If you get along with a rich guest officer, maybe the guest officer can redeem your life for you. If you don’t want to come out and accept guests, there is a way out, turtle. If you do well, you can be promoted to a guard, and I may even teach you some skills. See if your four senior brothers are strong? They were all taught by me, the Madam!"

Having said this, Hua Lao Bustard waved his hand, and the four two-meter strong men let go of Song Shu.

Song Shu's eyes widened and he took out the nunchucks from his waist.

"I'm going to... fight with you!"

He jumped up and was about to hit Hua Lao Madam, who had a sneer on her face. Then Song Shu felt a pain in his abdomen. It was really painful, as if his intestines had been broken. He fell to the ground with an ouch, Holding my stomach in pain and roaring.

The "Four King Kongs" jumped out again, punching and kicking Song Shu. Strangely enough, Song Shu was beaten badly and could feel pain, but he did not die.

After a while, Song Shu was beaten like mud, thrashing on the ground and unable to get up at all.

This was definitely something he had never felt since he entered the game, and it also made him feel more aggrieved and depressed than he had ever felt before.

"Lu Chaoding, damn it, don't give me a chance!"

He snorted.

At this time, Lu Chaoding actually returned to Chunhua Tower. Madam Hua immediately greeted him with a smile on his face and said: "Master Lu has gone and returned, but he still wants to have fun in the slave's house? That damn thing Mr. Turtle, hurry up and make some tea!"

Song Shu hummed and couldn't get up.

"Drag that useless thing down here!"

The "Four King Kongs" then carried the Song Dynasty book to the back door as if they were carrying a piece of rag.

"Oh, so miserable?"

Lu Chaoding took a look at Song Shu's miserable appearance and felt a little surprised. He shook his head and said: "Hua Lao Bustard, I have just arrived in Tianyun City and I am not familiar with the place. I want to find a guide. I wonder if you can Can’t help.”

"Small things, small things!"

Madam Hua smiled and snapped her fingers, and another big man jumped out.

"Go, bring Mo Chengzhi to me!" Hua Lao Bustard ordered the big man, and then said to Lu Chao with a smile: "Master Lu, please take a rest, that Mo Chengzhi has been in Tianyun City since he was a child. Run, he is very familiar with Tianyuncheng, so it would be most appropriate for him to be your guide."

"Really?" Hua Laobao's operation obviously exceeded Lu Chaoding's expectations again.

Soon, a skinny young NPC with tattered clothes but bright eyes was brought to Lu Chaoding.


"Form a team and lead the way?" Lu Chaoding secretly noticed that NPCs with names and surnames are not simple. Most of them have plots to explore. They are also more intelligent than ordinary NPCs and can communicate better.

"Okay, it's him!" Lu Chao nodded, and at the same time took out the Qianyuan Token and swiped it at Hua Lao Madam, turned over a dollar, and said: "This is the hard work fee!"

Hua Lao Bustard was extremely excited and said in surprise: "One dollar, it's actually one dollar. It's just a simple effort for me, but Master Lu actually gave me a huge reward of one dollar. No, it's too much. I don't feel at ease with it. Please be sure to pay attention tonight." Let the slave family serve Master Lu!"


Lu Chaoding quickly pulled Mo Chengzhi away from Chunhua Tower.

As soon as he left Chunhua Tower, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, Mo Chengzhi invites you to join the team. Do you agree?"

"Hey, you are really extraordinary!"

Lu Chaoding looked at Mo Chengzhi carefully again and accepted his invitation to form a team.

Then Mo Chengzhi bowed to Lu Chao and said, "May I ask what your orders are?"

Lu Chao said: "Please be a guide. First introduce Tianyun City to my city lord. Tell me where there are special shops and where I can get hidden tasks... Can you understand?"

Mo Chengzhi nodded and said, "I understand! But..."

He suddenly knelt down in front of Lu Chaoding and said: "For Hua Lao Bustard to be so respectful, you must be a very powerful man. If I guessed correctly, the sky-level survey ship staying above Tianyun Square belongs to you, sir." Well, I am reckless, kowtow to the master, and ask the master to avenge me!"

"What's going on?" Lu Chaoding was a little stunned, "I just want a guide, what's the point of revenge?"

Mo Chengzhi really started to kowtow and said: "To be honest, this villain's real name is Li Chengzhi, and his father is Li Yanjing, the former lord of Tianyun City. Three years ago, the despicable villain Wu Sanyuan teamed up with Tianjian Sect to kill my father. Not only did he usurp the city lord He killed all 36 members of my Li family. The villain escaped by pretending to die, changed his name to Mo Chengzhi, and wandered on the streets! If the master can avenge this bloody revenge for the villain, the villain is willing to pay for it with a family heirloom. Gift."

"Ding, trigger the special opportunity mission [Tianyun City Lord], accept Li Chengzhi's commission, kill Tianyun City Lord Wu Sanyuan, and obtain Li Chengzhi's family heirloom after completing the task."

"Occasionally, the unreliable system starts, tracking and updating tasks, and tampering with the content: accept Li Chengzhi's commission, kill Wu Sanyuan, and obtain the family heirloom of Tianyun City Lord Li Chengzhi after completing the task!"

"Li Chengzhi, the city lord of Tianyun City... Could it be that by killing Wu Sanyuan, this guy in front of me can become the city lord of Tianyun City?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and said, "What is your family's heirloom?"

Li Chengzhi said: "The Treasure of Destiny!"

"What is the use?"

"I don't know. But my father once said that this treasure is worth ten thousand gold!"

"It's only worth ten thousand gold. Do you know that my leader's sky-level survey ship is worth one billion!" Lu Chao smiled and said: "But I think you have a lot of good fortune and you are the material to be a city lord." , this boss helped me with this!"

(End of this chapter)

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