Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 155 Destiny Illustrated Book

Chapter 155 Destiny Illustrated Book
Looking for a guide at random, he could still encounter a good plot mission. Lu Chaoding felt that he was quite lucky.

Next, he asked Li Chengzhi to lead him to the City Lord's Mansion.

Soon, Lu Chaoding discovered the difference between Tianyun City and Tianfeng City.

There are many NPCs in Tianfeng City and it is very lively. Most of the NPCs there can interact with each other. They can also engage in activities such as trading, laboring, patrolling, etc., and can also actively talk to players. Although there are many NPCs in Tianyun City, most of them stay idle. They are dull, and many of them are as static as statues, requiring players to actively provoke interaction.

Therefore, in Lu Chaoding's opinion, Tianyun City, which currently has few players, was deserted and deserted, just like a dead city.

After walking through three streets and visiting thirteen shops, Lu Chaoding was brought to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

There were two guards standing in front of the gate. When they saw Li Chengzhi, they immediately shouted in disgust.

"Where did the stinky beggar come from? Come on!"

"This is the City Lord's Mansion. If you don't want to die, get away!"

Li Chengzhi turned pale and clenched his fists. Lu Chao walked up to him and looked at the two NPCs. He found that their level was only level 20 and said with a smile: "Call your city lord!"

"Where did the stinky beggar come from? Come on!"

"This is the City Lord's Mansion. If you don't want to die, get away!"

The two guards said the same line and looked at Lu Chaoding with disdain.

"Oh, these two brothers have quite a personality!" Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and then used the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique]. Soon a nine-foot-long sword fell from the sky and directly hit the city lord. The gate of the mansion was blown down.

The two guards rushed out of the smoke with disgraceful faces, and rushed over to the top of the landing.

"As expected of a low-level NPC with limited intelligence, he actually dared to rush over after seeing my methods!"

Lu Chaoding was too lazy to take action himself. He waved his sleeves and six Huangquan Sword Spirits crawled out from the ground and immediately stepped forward to clear the way for Lu Chaoding.

"Follow me!"

Lu Chaoding said something to Li Chengzhi calmly, and then just walked forward with his head held high and his hands behind his back.

To be honest, this city lord's palace is very grandly built. There are stone lions in front of the door. After passing the gate and bypassing the dragon-carved screen wall, you can see the spacious courtyard like a school ground. Behind the courtyard is a tall palace with golden bricks and green bricks. With its tiles, it even feels like a palace.

Of course, there are also many guards in the courtyard.

However, the guards who appeared later were not as brave as the two gatekeepers. They formed a team in front of the main hall.

An NPC wearing an official uniform and official hat jumped out and shouted: "Who dares to break into my city lord's mansion!"

Lu Chaoding could see the attribute information of this official NPC. He was the lord of Tianyun City, his name was Wu Sanyuan, and he was a level 50 BOSS.

At this time, Li Chengzhi clenched his teeth and stared at the official NPC, his eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire.

The city lord Wu Sanyuan looked at Li Chengzhi, then at Lu Chaoding, and said disdainfully: "Where do you dare to name these untouchables and stinky beggars?"

Li Chengzhi took a step forward. He looked at Lu Chaoding, who had an indifferent expression. He clenched his fist and seemed to have made up his mind. He took two more steps forward, stared at Wu Sanyuan fiercely, and shouted: "Thief, I am Li Yanjing." His son Li Chengzhi, I’m here to take revenge today!”

At this moment, the "plot animation" was obviously turned on. Wu Sanyuan looked up to the sky and laughed, with a look of disdain on his face. He pointed at Li Chengzhi and said: "Revenge? Just you? I think you are throwing yourself into a trap and seeking death." !”

He raised his arm, as if he was about to order his guards to take someone, but then he looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Who are you? Could it be that you are an accomplice of this guy who doesn't care about life and death?"

Lu Chaoding said: "I am the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu Chaoding!" "Reliable Sword Sect? What a small sect that is not popular, I have never heard of it! Did you smash the door of my mansion? I'm really shocked. You have a bear's heart and a leopard's courage, come here, take it down for me, and rectify it on the spot!"

Wu Sanyuan gave an order, and a large number of NPC guards wearing armor gathered towards Lu Chaoding and Li Chengzhi.

Lu Chaoding shook his head and said nothing. He equipped three flying insect swords and pointed at Wu Sanyuan. The sword-shadow flying insects like a swarm of locusts immediately bombarded Wu Sanyuan.

Wu Sanyuan yelled and was immediately beaten to death, but nothing fell out.

"Ding, regional announcement: Tianyun City Lord Wu Sanyuan has been killed!"

Following this regional announcement, the armored guards who were rushing towards Li Chengzhi immediately stopped and suddenly rushed to Li Chengzhi, half-knelt down, and shouted in unison: "I'll wait for the rescue to arrive too late, please City Lord. Give me the sin!"


Li Chengzhi was obviously stunned.

Lu Chaoding was also stunned, but immediately understood what was going on.

Obviously, the unreliable system occasionally came into play. According to the tampered content, Li Chengzhi directly became the lord of Tianyun City, and next, he should donate his family heirlooms.

Sure enough, after a brief moment of astonishment, Li Chengzhi said in a deep voice: "It's amazing, I actually became the city lord!"

He waved his sleeves, and the tattered clothes on his body were immediately replaced by a gorgeous official robe, and a black gauze hat was added to his head.

"Is this how I became the city lord?" Li Chengzhi looked at Lu Chaoding excitedly, knelt down quickly, cupped his hands and said: "Master Shenwei, for Chengzhi, I killed the enemy, and even gave the villain the position of city lord. I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Please accept Chengzhi’s nine obeisances!”

After saying that, the new city lord kowtowed nine times in a row, and then said: "I have great merits in nature, and my means are all-powerful. Everything Chengzhi can achieve now is all due to me. I am an extraordinary person. I wish to worship you." As a master, please let me do it!"

"Apprenticeship?" Lu Chao was stunned. There was no such reward in the mission description?

Li Chengzhi added: "From now on, our Tianyun City will only respect the Reliable Sword Sect, pay tribute every month, and give gifts every year. As long as Chengzhi is still the city lord, anyone who dares to disrespect me will be Chengzhi's mortal enemy and the target of the entire Tianyun City. Please accept me as your disciple!"

"Really?" Lu Chaoding wondered whether Li Chengzhi had awakened. He thought about it and felt that there was no reason to refuse, so he said: "Okay, then I will accept you as my disciple! "

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, as soon as he said these words, he actually received a system prompt: "Ding, Tianyun City City Lord Li Chengzhi joined the Reliable Sword Sect and obtained the status of an entry-level disciple."

After the system prompt sounded, Li Chengzhi's body flashed with light, and the official uniform he was wearing immediately transformed into a brand-new entry-level disciple's fashion of the Reliable Sword Sect, with the word "Reliable" shining brightly on the back.

Li Chengzhi also had an expression of ecstasy on his face. He took out something like a picture album from his arms, respectfully presented it to Lu Chaoding, and said: "Master, this is the heirloom treasure of my Li family, the Destiny Illustrated Book! Chengzhi will general This is dedicated to Master!"

"it is good!"

Lu Chaoding unceremoniously took the picture album-like Destiny Illustrated Book and received a system prompt: "Accepted Li Chengzhi's commission to kill Wu Sanyuan. The task is completed. Congratulations on obtaining the Destiny Illustrated Book, a family heirloom of Tianyun City Lord Li Chengzhi. "

Destiny Illustrated Book: Special props, consumable props.

Function [-]: Carry it with you and use the lottery tickets anytime and anywhere.

Function [-]: Before you or others use the lottery ticket to complete the lottery and claim the prize, use the Destiny Illustrated Book to open the same-level prize guide and allow you to specify the prize from the illustrated list. After use, the Destiny Illustrated Book will disappear. Please explore for details.

"Hey, this thing looks so powerful. Once used, wouldn't it be a prize of your choice..." Lu Chaoding was shocked, "What's even more amazing is that this thing is not bound! It is not bound, it is not bound Sure! Doesn’t it mean that I can get unlimited rewards through the mission hall?”

(End of this chapter)

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