Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 162: The sect establishes a token

Chapter 162: The sect establishes a token
"Haha! This guy is as enlightened as his apprentice. He even kowtowed and begged for mercy, yet he still spoke so harshly!"

Lu Chaoding was amused by the old man in yellow robe.

To his surprise, the system prompt came immediately: "Ding, the special NPC Huang Zuiying has requested to join the Reliable Sword Sect. Do you agree?"

"Can you really join? Is this a special ability?"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and responded to the system: "Agree!"

"Ding, the special NPC Huang Zuiying joins the Reliable Sword Sect and automatically obtains the status of a reclusive elder of the Reliable Sword Sect!"

The next moment, Huang Zuiying, who was half-kneeling, laughed and stood up. The costume of a reliable sword sect elder immediately appeared on his body, and the fighting space was shattered.

Lu Chaoding's newly added fighting spirit and toughness values ​​were cleared. Huang Zuiying, an old man in yellow robe, jumped on top of the nine-foot golden lion and shouted to Chu Wudi: "You bastard, get out of here and let me teach you." Control this golden lion statue!"

Chu Wudi said: "Master, you were not beaten to death by the leader!"

"Hmph, what kind of person is Weishi? Although the leader is powerful, there is nothing he can do about Weishi!"

"Then Master, why did you join the Reliable Sword Sect!"

"Evil disciple, it's not because of you!"

Huang Zuiying kicked Chu Wudi off the golden lion statue, and then seemed to control the golden lion statue seriously to attack the invading enemy.

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes.

"This guy is a reclusive elder, a reclusive elder? What do you mean, is he good at reclusiveness? He should have a hidden setting. I have to ask Hua Dashao later..."

After thinking silently for a moment, Lu Chaoding put on the [Flying Insect Sword] again, turned the saber-toothed tiger into a tank, took up the Daxuan Sword, and continued to snipe the enemy from a distance.

A moment later, Jin Wuhen, the former head of the Golden Sword Sect, entered Lu Chaoding's shooting range. Lu Chaoding knocked him to half health with a normal attack from a distance and pulled him into the fighting space.

This Jin Wuhen is a level 60 BOSS with a life value of [-] million. He is definitely a master. Unfortunately, he is not as spiritual as Huang Zuiying, and he has no "comprehension". Lu Chao tried to persuade him to surrender, but he didn't understand at all, so he just said He spoke cruelly, but was eventually killed by Lu Chao with a unique move.

"Ding, server-wide announcement: Jin Wuhen, the former head of the Golden Sword Sect and the current left guardian of the Qilin Sword Sect, has been killed, and the plot related to it is forced to end."

After this server-wide announcement, Lu Chaoding heard another ding, followed the sound, and found that Jin Wuhen actually dropped the treasure.

It was a golden treasure chest.

At this time, the battle space was not broken yet. Lu Chao stepped forward to open the treasure box, and six items immediately floated up.

The first item is a jade token.

[Sect establishment token: a special prop that allows the establishment of a sect in the Borderlands after use.Note: After the sect is established, it will initially be at a low-level level with a simple mountain gate. It is necessary to recruit at least two entry-level disciples within 24 hours, otherwise the sect will fail to be created. 】

The second item is a palm-long golden sword.

[Zhenyu Jinling (Jinling Sword Pendant): A special prop. When used as a weapon, it is the five-star sword god’s exclusive weapon Zhenyu Jinling. It can greatly increase the power of skills and divine power and increase the damage of lightning strikes. It can also be used as a pendant. , it is a five-star universal pendant, the Golden Spirit Sword, which can greatly improve lightning resistance. 】

The third item is a book.

[Golden Spirit Sword Technique: A special prop that occupies a secret skill column, a combat skill column, and a stunt column. After equipping it, players are allowed to choose an exclusive secret skill, an exclusive combat skill, and an exclusive stunt for the Golden Sword Sect. 】

The fourth item is a scroll. [Construction drawings of the Sutra Pavilion: special props that allow sect players to use. After use, they can build the Sutra Pavilion, a functional building of the sect, at the designated location of the sect’s residence.The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion can store the player's bound skill books and knock them down to their initial state, turning them into unbound skill books. Please explore on your own for details. 】

The fifth item is a pill.

[Jin Ling Yuan Dan: A special elixir, only for Sword God players to take. After using it, you will have a chance to obtain the special secret skill Golden Spirit Sword Body. The Golden Spirit Sword Body does not occupy the secret skill column. Please explore on your own for details. 】

The sixth item is a letter.

[A secret letter from Qin Jiashan, the right protector of Jinjianmen: mission props, special props. You opened this secret letter and found that Qin Jiashan, the right protector of Jinjianmen, was performing a long-term lurking mission. He was good at digging tunnels and recognized him. The first sentence of the secret code is: Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang. The second sentence is: Golden sword is good, golden sword is wonderful, golden sword, golden sword, croak! 】

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed and collected all six items.

In his opinion, except for the sixth item, the other five items are pretty good. You can get many more through the mission hall. Although you can’t use them anymore, they can be used to give away to others or train your subordinates. They are of great value. Definitely not cheap.

"Many players should like things like sect establishment tokens. There are also Jinling Yuan Dan, which can be obtained in large quantities. Sword Spirit players can take it hard and get the Golden Spirit Sword Body [-]% of the time, which is equivalent to gaining an additional secret skill. , this is a rhythm that has taken off, and it is going to take advantage of the Sword God players in the sect..."

Lu Chaoding muttered for a moment. When the battle space was shattered, he continued to look for other high-level NPCs as attack targets. He killed several level 60 NPCs in a matter of seconds, but unfortunately he could not take away the loot again.

Suddenly, a figure rushed into the mountain gate like a sharp arrow and landed in the main hall of the mountain gate among a large number of players of the reliable sword sect.


"No, a high-level NPC is coming to kill us!"

"Damn it, it's a level 60 BOSS!"

"He started killing randomly, everyone, be careful..."

Then there was a flash of sword light, and the Shanmen Square quickly became a mess. A large number of players were killed instantly, but it was not enough to pull the murderer into the fighting space.

And the one who broke into Shanmen Square was Feng Baisui, the former head of Tianfeng Sword Sect.

"You've come at the right time! If you don't take the road to heaven, there will be no way to hell to break in!"

Lu Chaoding hurried back to support.

This person is also the leader. If he wants to come and die, there is a high chance that he will be able to get the loot.

Feng Baisui's attribute data are almost exactly the same as Jin Wuhen's. His health value is also 2000 million, and his attack power is as high as [-] million. There is no player at the scene who can take his sword.

Chu Wudi jumped out and shouted: "Feng Baisui, how dare you come to attack our faction, you really have the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard!"

"Third brother, it's you! No wonder I didn't see you. It turns out that you have defected to the Reliable Sword Sect!"

Feng Baisui obviously recognized Chu Wudi. As he spoke, he kept moving and killed several more escaping players.

He also wanted to attack Chu Wudi, but was suddenly overwhelmed by a large number of mechanical missiles.

Lu Chaoding launched an attack. At this time, he was equipped with two five-star flying insect swords. With a normal attack, the missiles were like a dense rainstorm.

When the bombing ended, level 60 Feng Baisui's health bar was immediately empty, and he was killed directly like that!
Unexpectedly, another golden treasure box appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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