Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 163 Who can stop me in this world?

Chapter 163 Who can stop me in this world?
After Feng Baisui died, a server-wide announcement was issued. The golden treasure box he dropped appeared for three seconds, and then directly entered Lu Chaoding's storage space.

Lu Chaoding ran to a safe place and opened the treasure chest happily.

Soon, four items appeared in front of Lu Chaoding, namely a special prop [Sect Establishment Token], a four-star costume [Crane-haired Immortal], a special prop [Baicao Garden Construction Drawing], a special A bottle of four-star elixir [[-]-year-old elixir].

Among them, the effect of the four-star costume [Crane-haired Immortal] is to hide its attribute information after equipping it, generate the image of a white-haired old man, and provide the main weapon with the dragon wooden staff costume.

However, the fashion does not add any attributes, and the star promotion only modifies the external image of the "crane-haired fairy". In Lu Chaoding's view, it is an entertainment prop.

[The construction drawing of Baicao Garden] is quite good. According to the description in its attribute information, Baicao Garden is not a sect-exclusive building. It can be used by all players. It can be built in the sect’s station, or in an exclusive cave or without an owner. The land is two acres in size. Herbal materials such as Polygonum multiflorum, ginseng, and hemostatic grass will be automatically produced in it, and there is a small probability of producing plant land. The Herb Garden can be destroyed, and the props produced are not bound.

Lu Chaoding felt that he could paint more of these drawings. He had no need for them, but it could be rewarded to sect players and used to develop the sect.

As for the four-star elixir [100-year-old elixir], this thing is a bit strange. Its effect is to increase "life span by [-] years."

The "life span" here obviously has nothing to do with the player's life span, but a special hidden attribute, which is comprehensively determined by the player's attribute data, professional characteristics, etc., and is dynamically calculated by the system. Ordinary players cannot check their own longevity, but Lifespan can affect certain skills. For example, some skills require lifespan to be released.

"Skills that consume lifespan... Let's use the Destiny Illustrated Book to brush them up in the future. I guess the skills that can only be released by consuming lifespan should be very powerful!"

Lu Chaoding put away these four items and looked at the battlefield again. The huge war flag was still flying in the air.

The two golden lions no longer fired their roaring cannons. Huang Zuiying, Chu Wudi, and Chu Shuishui blocked the entrance of the mountain gate. Ding Quanzhen, the weapon refiner elder, also came over to watch the battle curiously.

There are not many NPCs attacking the mountain gate, and most of them have turned around and run away.

"Retreating? Is it because I killed Feng Baisui and Jin Wuhen?"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes. He felt that the "quality" of these NPCs was very good, and they were much more spiritual than ordinary NPCs.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Most of these NPCs come from the Golden Sword Sect and Tianfeng Sword Sect. The NPCs in these two sects who do not know how to surrender or adapt have already been killed by Yan Shangjing. The rest can be said to be Those who have been screened have a certain personality set, or are relatively intelligent, know how to escape, and know how to surrender.

The death of Jin Wuhen and Feng Baisui really affected them. Those who are smart will naturally not fight to the death. Taking advantage of Yan Shangjing's battle with the Peach Blossom Sword God, and having no time to care, of course they will choose to run away, and some even directly sail away. .

Lu Chaoding launched a chase and killed five more level 60 NPCs. However, he was unable to obtain any loot, so he no longer persisted in fighting.

As for Dugu Tian, ​​Jiang Youxian, Wang Chengang and others, they really have the mentality of fighting a BOSS. They are very excited. They form a team, select the target, and pull it into the battle space. They win or lose, even though they don't get any loot. I also often roll over, which is also very exciting.

"Leave the one with residual health to us, the Four Musketeers of Fire, don't grab it!"

"The hot chicken Zhao Qian and Sun Li were wiped out by the remaining blood boss again!"

"Don't grab the boss, just do what you can!"

"Zhao Skirt, don't use colorful thunder clouds to fight for the BOSS with us!"

"Hahahaha, brothers, we just killed a level 50 BOSS, it's so exciting!"

"Don't let them run away, Mad, it would be great if these bosses dropped treasures..."

Looking at the high-spirited disciples of his sect, Lu Chao stood on top of the tank and shouted: "Disciples, hunt down the invading enemies and kill them hard. If you can't defeat them, just fight. Don't be afraid of death. Fight with your life. Think of yourself as a natural disaster. Although the BOSS will not drop treasures, I will give you benefits."

"Brother Ding, what kind of benefits can you give me?" "Can you give me five-star weapons?"

"to make!"

"Brother Ding, if you say that, I will take it seriously!"

"Waiting for Brother Ding to receive benefits!"

"I've died three times, please give me at least 3000 yuan!"

"Everyone, come on, make Brother Ding bald!"

All players responded enthusiastically.

Lu Chaoding was full of confidence and chatted with these players.

However, most players did not take Lu Chaoding's words of "giving out benefits" seriously, thinking that even if Lu Chaoding would give out benefits, it would just mean giving out some gold coins.

At this time, Hua Dashao came to Lu Chaoding and said: "Brother Ding, the newly recruited reclusive elder has a hidden setting. Let him live in seclusion at Siguo Cliff. His strength will slowly increase, and he will definitely be promoted to extraordinary. And as long as he lives in seclusion at Siguo Cliff, he will be promoted to extraordinary. Praise him and make him happy, and he will be willing to pass on the skills to the players."

"Transferring power? What do you mean?"

"It means passing on one's own cultivation to players, allowing players to upgrade, unlock talents and skills, improve skill levels, etc. In short, this guy is willing to sacrifice himself for others. The premise is to praise him and make him feel comfortable, and he will make selfless contributions. , and in the future, when he is promoted to extraordinary and reaches level 60, Si Guoya can also activate the forbidden land attribute."

"It's interesting, it's fun! Hua Dashao, remember the merits! By the way, have you seen whether there are hidden settings for manatees and sea urchins?"

"not yet!"

"Take the time to take a look, there is definitely a hidden setting between these two!"

Lu Chaoding chatted with Hua Dashao for a while, then found Huang Zuiying and said, "Old Huang, as the reclusive elder of our sect, you should go to Siguoya to live in seclusion."

"Okay, I'll go now!" Huang Zuiying said, "Master, let me tell you the truth, I am only one step away from the extraordinary. In name, I live in seclusion, but in fact I am in seclusion. When I advance to the extraordinary, this mere witch Yan Shangjing, I It’s easy to destroy him... I won’t say any more, I’m going to live in seclusion right now, I’m definitely not afraid of Yan Shangjing!”

After saying this, the drunk shadow layman used Qinggong to jump several feet high and went up the mountain.

Seeing that he had gone far away, Chu Wudi said to Lu Chao: "Master, my master is unreliable. He likes to brag and has a very tough mouth. In fact, he is most greedy for life and afraid of death, and he doesn't have much ability. According to me Look, he was just afraid that Yan Shangjing would cause trouble for him after he defeated the Peach Blossom Sword God, so he ran away! To put it bluntly, if Yan Shangjing defeated our reliable sword sect, he would definitely be the first to surrender! "

Lu Chao said: "It doesn't matter, our reliable sword sect will not be defeated. We must believe in the Peach Blossom Sword God!"

Chu Shishui said: "The Peach Blossom Sword God is naturally powerful, but this witch Yan Shangjing is probably stronger. Master, I have to rely on you to deal with this witch!"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "This leader will take action when it's time to take action."

After another half an hour, the flag in the sky shattered, and Yan Shangjing and Hainiu reappeared. There were health bars on their heads. Their blood volume was low, and their health bars were both below one tenth. , each of them fell back after appearing. The manatee fell in front of the mountain gate, his face pale and his body staggering. Chu Wudi and Chu Shuishui quickly stepped forward to help him.

Yan Shangjing retreated ten feet in mid-air, took off her hood, and wore a dark silver mask on her face. She suddenly laughed and said: "Xiang Ruyan, you have made no progress in all these years. I am very disappointed. Now that you have no power to fight anymore, who in the world can stop me? Come on, help me burn this mountain to the ground!"

(End of this chapter)

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