Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 164 Increased popularity

Chapter 164 Increased popularity

No one responded to Yan Shangjing, but dense mechanical missiles suddenly rose into the air and bombed her.

Lu Chao took action.

He was riding in a tank 200 meters away, wanting to see if he could kill the world BOSS who was still alive!
boom boom boom boom...

The explosions were very dense, and the light and fireworks quickly enveloped Yan Shangjing, and damage numbers popped up crazily from above her head.

But five seconds, ten seconds, 20 seconds...

When the explosion ended and the flames dissipated, Lu Chaoding did not enter the battle space. In his field of vision, there were hundreds of Yan Shangjings in the air, each with only a trace of health bar left. They appear to be the same and cannot tell the difference between true and false.


Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and wondered what kind of method this was, multiple shadow clones?
He had suffered enough damage, and he didn't understand why Yan Shangjing didn't die and why she had so many transformations at once.

"Where are you bastards, how dare you sneak attack!"

In mid-air, the more than a hundred Yan Shangjings shouted at the same time, all looking at Lu Chaoding!
Lu Chaoding didn't dare to hesitate. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, then casually took aim at a "Yan Shangjing" and launched a normal attack.

Taking advantage of the missile bombing, it thought, and the No. [-] martial arts cannon in the Nut Secret Realm was immediately activated. When the mechanical missile bombing ended, Lu Chaoding still did not enter the battle space. He found that several Yan Shangjing had been killed. The mighty Tianlong then burst out of the air and launched an attack on the remaining "Yan Shangjing".


The mighty dragon is majestic and brave, roaring, biting and spitting thunder, with four stages of attacks!

This time Lu Chaoding saw it clearly. In the area shrouded by the powerful Tianlong, several "Yan Shangjing" were "beaten back to their original shape" and turned into gray donkeys, but then they were beaten to death and disappeared. .

"Being beaten back to his original form? Donkey? Could it be that this Yan Shangjing is a donkey spirit?"

Lu Chaoding was confused, but he did not dare to stop and continued to attack other Yan Shangjing in mid-air.

"Huh? Where are my subordinates? Where are everyone from the Qilin Sword Sect?"

Yan Shangjing in the sky roared in unison, but they quickly reacted. After looking at Lu Chaoding, they all ran away in all directions.

"Trash, they are all trash, have they been wiped out! The reliable sword sect, huh, I despised it, so let me let you live for a while, hahahahaha..."

Yan Shangjing's voice gradually faded away. Among those Yan Shangjing who fled in all directions, a few were stopped by Dugu Tian, ​​Jiang Youxian and others, but dozens of them fled quickly and disappeared soon.


Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes. He returned to the mountain gate. Hainiu, who was supported by Chu Wudi and Chu Shuishui, now managed to hold his hands over Lu Chaoding and said: "Yan Shangjing can have countless clones, and every clone is real. But using the shadow to recover is like being reborn with a drop of blood. Without the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror, she can't be killed, cough, cough, cough! Fortunately, the leader has extraordinary methods and teaches her to retreat after being injured. However, after the demon girl recovers from her injuries, she will definitely come back to attack the mountain gate. , and I... I'm afraid I won't be able to stop her by then. I was injured by her and won't be able to use force for half a year."

After saying that, the manatee coughed continuously, as if the injury was really serious, and he passed out.

Lu Chao was shocked and said: "No, Elder Taohua is seriously injured. Who can heal the injury? Who has the medicine? Come here quickly!"

As soon as he shouted, several players actually ran over.

"I have the secret technique of increasing blood!"

"I have the best blood-restoring pill. One pill can replenish [-] health points. Ah, Elder Taohua lost [-] million health points!"

"Elixirs are useless, you have to use tricks!"

"Get out of the way, I'll do artificial respiration!"

"Master, give him a gold medal to avoid death!" "Stop making trouble, Elder Manatee is in a coma. Just carry him to the main hall of the mountain gate behind to rest!"

These players talked all over each other, and after making a fuss, they carried the manatee into the main hall of the mountain gate.

Lu Chaoding was not too worried. Manatee was naturally seriously injured and comatose, but this was actually a special state. It could be clearly seen in his attribute information. It could even be seen that he would wake up in 24 hours. There was no Danger to life.

At this time, Hua Dashao came to Lu Chaoding again and said: "Master, this Peach Blossom Sword God is not a human being!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Lu Chaoding's mind moved, and he knew that Hua Dashao must have seen the hidden setting of the Peach Blossom Sword God.

"He is a sea unicorn... It should be said that his body is a sea unicorn. He was solidified into a human form for special reasons. The upper limit of his level is stuck at level 60. If his old injuries can be cured, he can return to level 90. Here is There should be a hidden mission!”

"How to heal his old wounds?"

"I'm not sure. I'll go find the sea urchin and ask!"

Having said this, Hua Dashao hurried to the top of the mountain.

At this time, a server-wide announcement sounded: "Ding, server-wide announcement: [The Legend of Nine Lins] plot advances, Yan Shangjing disbanded the Qilin Sword Sect, the Tianfeng City Qilin Sword Sect General Forum was abolished, and Tianfeng City was temporarily transformed. Become a land without one!"

"Ding, regional announcement: The Qilin Sword Sect failed to attack the Reliable Sword Sect. This story will be spread within a certain range. The Reliable Sword Sect's popularity has slightly increased and it has been promoted to a third-rate sect! Reward a sect development gift pack!"

"Ding, regional announcement, the Reliable Sword Sect has been promoted to the third-rate sect, Siguoya has upgraded, and obtained the dungeon feature, allowing up to 9 people to be imprisoned at the same time. Please explore on your own for details."

After the three regional announcements sounded, the players around the mountain gate immediately cheered, and there was an additional sect development gift pack in Lu Chaoding's storage space.

After opening the gift package, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, you have opened the sect development gift package and received a deputy leader token, a left and right guardian token, two elder tokens, and a mountain gate upgrade scroll. , sect fashion design once, and a yellow-class sky survey ship!"

At this time, more than a hundred miles east of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, the stream of light flew down and turned into Yan Shangjing wearing a gray robe on the sea.

"The leader of the reliable sword sect... can make Xiang Ruyan loyal. This person does have some skills, but he is still too immature. After I recover from my injuries, I will attack again, and the first one will take his life!"

She murmured, looked around, chose to walk east, took one step, and appeared ten feet away.

Ten minutes later, Yan Shangjing arrived at Qianyuan Island.

Looking at the boundary stone on the coast, Yan Shangjing smiled softly.

"Is this Qianyuan Island, the island where the Four Strange Men are stationed? I want to see what makes this island so different."

Yan Shangjing flicked her sleeves, took one step, and crossed the pier to the top of the crater.

She continued to move forward, but this time the effect of shrinking to an inch did not appear. Instead, she seemed to have hit something and was bounced back two steps.

If this phenomenon happens to players, it is very normal. They just hit the air wall. If you don't apply for the Qianyuan token, you will not be able to enter the back mountain of Qianyuan Island.

Yan Shangjing was obviously also subject to this restriction.

She stood there blankly like a stone statue for 2 minutes, then finally flicked her sleeves and walked towards a Qianyuan Hall.

At this time, Qian Duoduo, who was sitting on the bow of the Qianyuan boat, smiled slightly. He glanced in Yan Shangjing's direction, then took out a bottle of iced watermelon juice and slowly sucked the straw.

(End of this chapter)

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