Chapter 165
After a while, Yan Shangjing held a one-star Qianyuan token and walked out of the Qianyuan Hall. She went back to the mountain, and as expected, there was no obstacle.

The world BOSS looked arrogant at first, but soon he seemed to have opened the door to a new world, his face full of surprise and curiosity.

"You profiteer, how dare you sell a mere pirate slave at such a high price? Is there any justice? I will kill you first, and then I will wipe out this black shop of yours!"

She attacked the salesman at the Pirate Market and slapped him dozens of times. The salesman did not move at all, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Yan Shangjing frowned. She froze in place for 10 minutes. Then she tried to destroy the building, but found that she couldn't. Not to mention houses, courtyard walls, even grass on the ground, she couldn't destroy it.

The NPC fell into deep confusion, and then she tried to intimidate and threaten the salesman, and so on. In the end, she could only buy from those NPCs honestly without enjoying any discounts.

Yan Shangjing realized that these NPCs on Qianyuan Island were completely different from her.

Half a day later, Yan Shangjing arrived at the entrance of the Qianyuan Boat on the coast of the Inland Sea. She wanted to board the Qianyuan Boat, but two guards immediately stopped her.

"Your Qianyuan token only has one star, so you are not qualified to board the Qianyuan boat!"

"Anyone who breaks into the Qianyuan Ark without permission will be killed without mercy!"

The two guards looked cold.

Yan Shangjing carefully examined the two guards for half an hour, but finally did not dare to act rashly. She snorted coldly, rolled up her sleeves and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Gan Duoduo, who was 1.2 meters tall, bald, short and fat, wearing a golden robe, a jade belt, and a black gauze hat, took the initiative to walk to the stern of the ship. He held a bottle of iced watermelon juice in his left and right hands, and drank from his right hand. After taking a sip, he threw the one in his left hand to Yan Shangjing.

Yan Shangjing knocked away the ice-cold watermelon juice with one palm, a wary look on her face.

Gan Duoduo smiled slightly and said, "Yan Shangjing, don't be so nervous."

"Huh? Do you recognize me?" Yan Shangjing's expression became more serious.

"Of course I recognize it." Gan Duoduo took another sip of iced watermelon juice and said, "I have a few things here. I hope you can help me complete them. Maybe you don't understand yet. Helping me is also helping you. If everything goes well, maybe Your destiny will be changed..."

While speaking, Gan Duoduo waved his hand, and a round mirror appeared in front of Yan Shangjing. The round mirror flashed, and an island appeared inside, and that island was the half-sinked sword. Poxu Mountain.

Hongchen Qijie Mountain, the first floor, Mountain Gate Square.

At this time, it was crowded and lively.

Jiang Youxian, Dugutian, Wang Chengang and many other members of the reliable sword sect were sitting on the newly made long benches. They were chatting and laughing with each other, and they were all very comfortable.

In front of the main hall of the mountain gate, Lu Shaobao was leading a few people to build a high platform. Zhao Weike was directing from the side. Chu Wudi and Chu Shishui, the two captain builders, were setting up flags. Several flags had been erected, with the words "Celebrate the sect" written on them. "Promoted to the third rate", "Reliable Sword Sect Commendation Conference", "Sect Management Campaign Site", and so on.

The flags were fluttering in rows and the big characters were eye-catching, making the players sitting on the benches think about it.

Zhang Defa was also on the side. He did not start a live broadcast, but he took the members of the "Reliable Talent Troupe" to practice singing and dancing, just like a rehearsal for the show.

The weapon refiner elders Ding Quanzhen and Hainiu were also there. They were like curious melon-eaters, looking around with a bit of confusion in their expressions.At this time, Lu Chaoding was in the main hall of the mountain gate. Hua Dashao was beside him and said: "Brother Ding, I have seen it. Sea Urchin is indeed not an ordinary NPC. Don't look at his ordinary appearance now. In fact, he has the bloodline of Qilin. There is a sword in his body, and that sword seals the power of his bloodline. If the sword can be taken out, there is a high chance that this sea urchin can soar into the sky and become a BOSS-level master!"

Lu Chaoding asked: "How to take out the sword from his body?"

"It probably has to trigger a specific plot, I'm not sure about this!"

"It seems that your reputation as the omniscient sword god is worthy of your reputation. That's all, then just let it go!"

While Lu Chaoding was talking, he took out a [Deputy Leader Token] from the storage space.

Items obtained from sect development gift packs have binding properties, so props such as [Deputy Leader Token] and [Left and Right Guardian Token] cannot be spawned through the mission hall.

Lu Chaoding showed the [Deputy Leader Token] to Hua Dashao and said: "With the token, the position of Deputy Leader is also available, but it still depends on whether he can become the Deputy Leader. It’s up to you to hold a vote later and run for office.”

When Hua Dashao saw the [deputy leader token], his eyes shone brightly, and he hurriedly said: "Brother Ding, I understand. I will go canvass for votes now. I must be the leader of this post."

After saying that, this guy hurriedly left the main hall of the mountain gate.

Lu Chao looked at his back and nodded. He felt that Hua Dashao was very enthusiastic and could be considered a good candidate for deputy head.

He put away the [Deputy Leader Token] and checked the storage space again. There were more than 600 [Zhenyu Golden Spirits], two thousand copies of [Golden Spirit Sword Technique], more than 3000 bottles of [Golden Spirit Yuan Dan], and [Nine Transformation Pills] Twenty thousand bottles, more than 500 [Fire Cloud Horses], [Sect Establishment Token] 4256 pieces, [Construction Drawings of the Sutra Pavilion] sixteen pieces, [Construction Drawings of the Baicao Garden] more than three thousand pieces...

With the cooperation of Zhang Defa, Lu Chaoding divided a large number of items into multiple parts. As the saying goes that happiness alone is not as good as happiness for everyone, he decided to hold a sect meeting to distribute benefits to his disciples and show his status as the leader. strength.

A moment later, after Zhang Defa and his group finished their dance, Lu Chaoding walked up to the high platform set up in front of the Shanmen Hall.

Looking down at his disciples who stretched their necks and looked expectant, he coughed twice, raised his left hand, trying to show his inscrutability, and said: "In the previous battle, the world BOSS was defeated, and the Qilin Sword Sect After disbanding, the sect’s reputation increased, and it was promoted to the third level. This was mainly because this leader was wise, powerful, and very reliable. Although you are all fighting scum, under the leadership of this leader, you also showed your style. This leader I’m still very pleased. I said that after the war, welfare will be distributed! Now is the time to distribute welfare.”

After saying that, Lu Chaoding opened the storage space, took out the items such as [Zhenyu Golden Spirit], [Golden Spirit Yuan Dan], [Excellent Hero], [Super Hero], [God-level Miaojue] and other items, and stacked them in front of him .

The players sitting on the benches below immediately stretched their necks to watch, and talked loudly at the same time. Those who were close enough saw the attribute information of items such as Zhenyu Jinling] and [Jinling Yuandan], and immediately exclaimed.

"Damn it, there are five-star weapons!"

"Brother Ding is so brave, where did he get so many five-star weapons!"

"Am I dazzled? How could there be so many five-star weapons?"

"No way, Brother Ding is actually serious. Do you want these high-end items to be sent to me..."

Lu Chaoding listened to the exclamations of the players below, and smiled slightly. He pressed his palms to signal everyone to be quiet, and said: "Don't be anxious, take your time, I have many treasures, now I will go first Upgrade the mountain gate!"

(End of this chapter)

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