Chapter 166

Lu Chaoding took out the [Mountain Gate Upgrade Scroll], and with a thought, the scroll automatically unfolded, and golden light emitted from it. Five seconds later, the scroll disappeared, and a regional announcement immediately sounded: "Ding, the leader uses the Mountain Gate Upgrade Scroll. The mountain gate is being upgraded...Ding, the upgrade is complete!"

After everyone heard the regional announcement, they all looked in the direction of the mountain gate. The mountain gate there was originally very simple, but at this moment, it suddenly shone with light, and then changed rapidly in the light.

After three breaths, the mountain gate took on a new look. It was transformed from an ordinary gatehouse into a tall gatehouse with three entrances, like a white marble carving. This gatehouse is four feet wide and almost six feet high. Zhang, there is a golden plaque above the gate tower. The four characters "Reliable Sword Sect" on the plaque are golden and seem to shine.

At the same time, the stone steps under the mountain gate were also widened and became like white marble, which looked much more upscale.

"Oh, Shanmen has become more impressive!"

"That's what it looks like!"

"This mountain sect can actually be upgraded. When the sect is promoted to the second level, will it be able to be upgraded?"

"It's fun to develop a sect. I also want to be the leader and create a sect for fun..."

Many players ran towards the mountain gate curiously, exclaiming in wonder.

Lu Chaoding looked in the direction of the mountain gate, then took out the [Deputy Leader Token], [Left and Right Guardian Token], and [Elder Token] and used them. Immediately, all the reliable sword sect players received their sect. System prompts for new positions.

"Before distributing benefits, choose a few reliable managers. You should all know, elders and higher positions enjoy privileges in the sect. For example, they can control the sect's big ship, nine-foot-long golden lions, and colorful auspicious clouds. , you can recruit disciples, etc., etc., first choose a reliable deputy leader. The deputy leader has a sect management panel, which can manage sect buildings, view sect information, recruit and expel disciples, design sect fashion, etc., and has rights Duoduo, if you want to run for office, just come on stage and let everyone vote!”

As soon as Lu Chaoding finished speaking, Hua Dashao jumped onto the high platform. He patted his chest and said: "The reliable deputy leader is here. My profession is the omniscient sword god. I have an omniscient elf who can see hidden things." Set it up, choose mine, and give each person 100 yuan! Is it reliable?"

"Only 100? That's unreliable!"

"Extremely unreliable!"

"At least 200!"

"Haha, Hua Dashao, if everyone chooses you, wouldn't you go bankrupt!"

"Is it reliable to blatantly buy tickets from us?"

There was laughter immediately below the high platform, and amidst the laughter, Zhao Weike jumped onto the high platform. He quickly switched the gun and sword several times, showed it to everyone, and said: "You all recognize me, 99% of the people here do. I was the one who took over the faction, I, Zhao Weike, am brave and resourceful, and I am definitely the most reliable..."

Before he finished speaking, someone immediately started booing under the stage.

"Jumping off a cliff to show off your skirt, you have the nerve to run for deputy head?"

"Haha, if Zhao's skirt is reliable, who wouldn't?"

"Zhao Skirt, how much would you give me to vote for you?"

"It's weird that he would give money!"

“Can I vote negatively?”

Zhao Weike listened to the shouts of the players below, his face expressionless, and he began to switch guns and swords again and again, saying: "Choose me, and I will lead you to clear the lore and fight BOSS in the future!"

But obviously, his rhetoric did not impress the players below. In comparison, the 100 yuan was more attractive.

Except for Lu Chaoding and Zhao Weike, there were no more people running for deputy leader. Next, Lu Chaoding conducted a simple voting session. In the end, Hua Dashao got 2012 votes and Zhao Weike got 1 vote.Zhao Weike was very dissatisfied with the result and shouted that he wanted to drag Hua Dashao to compete at the sword discussion platform. Hua Dashao ignored him at all and came to Lu Chaoding with a smile on his face.

Lu Chaoding understood what he meant, opened the sect management panel, and appointed "Hua Dashao" as the deputy gang leader. A light flashed on Hua Dashao's head, and the seven characters "Deputy Leader of the Reliable Sword Sect" appeared. He was delighted. Hehe handed over to everyone in the audience and said: "Thank you so much for your support! The 100 yuan will be distributed later. Don't worry, I am very reliable and what I say will definitely count."

After saying that, he jumped aside and called up the sect management panel to check.

Lu Chaoding then chose the left and right guardians and elders.

After nearly two hours of commotion, Dugutian was finally appointed as the left guardian, Jiang Youxian was appointed as the right guardian, and Wang Chengang and Lu Shaobao became the third and fourth player elders.

"Okay, let's actually distribute the benefits!" Lu Chaoding returned to the center of the high platform again. He was too lazy to think about how to distribute the benefits. He said to Dugutian and others: "The deputy leader, the left and right guardians, and all the elders, please Now that I’m on stage, I have a lot of stuff here, so I’ll leave it all to you. You decide how to allocate these benefits.”

"That's great!"

"Brother Ding, just leave the things to us, don't worry!"

"As the deputy head, I must be fair and just and distribute benefits to everyone properly!"

Hua Dashao and others worked hard, and even they were shocked when they saw the so-called "welfare" that Lu Chaoding took out.

"No, are you going to hand them all out?"

"Brother Ding, where did you get these treasures? There are so many five-star weapons? I haven't picked out a five-star item yet!"

"Zhenyu Jinling and Jinlingyuan Dan are matched together. Together with [Jinling Sword Technique], Sword God players are about to take off!"

"The Sword God can fly, and the Sword Immortal can wield a sword, which makes travel easier. I suggest these be given to the Sword Demon and Sword Master first!"

"No, you can't give it away so easily. If you get it too easily, they won't know how to cherish it!"

"I think it's enough to give each person a pill first."

"This is no small matter. If the allocation is not done properly, problems will arise. Let's discuss it seriously!"

"I suggest that we all equip ourselves first..."

Several managers quickly discussed it and finally found a benefit for themselves first.

Dugutian knocked down two Jinlingyuan Pills on the spot and actually obtained the Golden Spirit Sword Body. He laughed and showed the introduction of the Golden Spirit Sword Body to everyone. The characteristics of this Golden Spirit Sword Body are the additional level of toughness and Defense, and the damage of metal and thunder weapons is increased by 50%, and the resistance to metal damage and lightning damage is reduced by 50%.

"This sword spirit and sword body are still intact!"

Dugutian took another [Zhenyu Golden Spirit] and said, "I'm taking off."

Lu Shaobao received the [Baicao Garden Construction Drawings] and said: "Our construction corps will keep 2000 of these drawings, and the rest will be distributed to those players who perform better and are more reliable. Do you want to take a few? It’s good to have a few acres of herb garden, but you can’t randomly choose a place to build it. I’ll make a plan as soon as possible..."

After the discussion of these people, it took most of the time for the items that Lu Chaoding took out to be distributed.

Those who had performed well in the battle before, such as Zhao Qian and Sun Li, the Four Swordsmen of Boiling Blood, the Four Swordsmen of Dogtooth, and the Four Saints of Poxu, etc., all received very generous rewards such as the "Building Drawings of the Baicao Garden".

(End of this chapter)

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