Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 167 The deputy head who likes fashion design

Chapter 167 The deputy head who likes fashion design
The "benefits" provided by Lu Chaoding made the management of Hua Dashao and other sects both excited and troubled.

There are so many good things that I don’t even know how to divide them.

They not only want to quickly improve the strength of the players in the sect, but they are also afraid that giving away too many good things will spoil the people below them into bad habits, and they are also worried that those with ulterior motives will take advantage of them.

In short, it took a lot of effort to find a balance point, and only a small part of the "benefits" were distributed. Most of the good things were sealed up by them, and they still need to slowly study how to use them in the future.

After the sect conference, most of the players followed Lu Shaobao to build the Baicao Garden, but Hua Dashao stayed where he was, silently studying the sect management panel.

As the deputy gang leader, Hua Dashao's sect management panel is similar to Lu Chaoding's, except that the authority is one level lower and he cannot receive sect development tasks.

"In the next few days, my first task is to establish a detailed file of the disciples of the sect and kick those badass players out of the sect. I must create a cold and stern role for myself so that ordinary players can be in awe so that I can manage them better in the future. Sect. Hey, is this a sect fashion design? Me and Brother Ding share the design? Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Ding’s design is too rough. The styles of the disciples’ and elders’ fashions are similar. No, I have to change it..."

Hua Dashao discovered the "School Fashion Design" page, and immediately opened the door to a new world, and started to engage in fashion design.

It took him nearly six hours to complete the modification of the apprentice's clothes.

"Well, it's almost done. No hats will be added to the entry-level disciples' fashions. Hats will be added to the higher-level status fashions. The belts will be dog-head buckles. For senior status, leopard-head buckles, tiger-head buckles, dragon-head buckles, etc. will be sent to Brother Ding for approval. Just give it a try, and if it passes, continue to modify the elite disciples’ costumes!”

Hua Dashao seemed to have completed a big project. He stretched and looked over his design again. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became. Finally, he sent it to Lu Chaoding with great expectations.

At this time, Lu Chaoding, who was on the second floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, was chewing the [Nine Turns Pill] and looking around, thinking about finding a place to build a Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, when he received a system prompt: "Ding, Deputy Head Hua Da Shao has submitted a modification plan for the entry-level disciple’s fashion to you, please approve it.”

"Well, fashion? Why is this guy doing this? Does it need to be modified?"

Lu Chaoding opened the sect's fashion design panel and immediately saw Hua Dashao's fashion design.

Originally, the martial arts fashion designed by Lu Chaoding was very rough. To put it bluntly, it was just a big cloak. Now look at Hua Dashao's design, it is very professional.

The clothing for entry-level disciples he designed includes more than ten parts such as outerwear, underwear, belts, boots, hand guards, and wrist guards. The patterns on the clothes are very complex, the details are full, and the styles and colors are excellent. Just look at it. Look, it gives people a very high-end and well-made feeling. It also follows the setting of the word "reliable" on the back of the windbreaker, but the font has been adjusted to make it look more comfortable, and it is also divided into men and women. Style, of course, also takes up two fashion design pages.

"This design is very thoughtful. There are actually two models for men and women. It must have taken a long time. I don't know where he found so many materials!" Lu Chaoding felt ashamed, and then with a thought, the approval was approved!

Quickly, all the entry-level disciples of the Reliable Sword Sect flashed with light, and they put on the clothes modified by Hua Dashao.

"Hey, the fashion has been updated!"

"This set looks great!"

"It's really good! Look at the cuffs, collar, and corners. Wow, the design is so detailed!"

"Putting on this costume makes me feel so proud, as if I'm the boss!"

"In the past, fashion was simple and cheap, but now it is really high-end and classy..."

Hua Dashao specially visited the players and heard their comments on the new fashion. He was secretly happy and felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Haha, your hard work has paid off. I have been recognized by everyone. Next, let's modify the elite disciples' costumes. They must be more beautiful and better-looking than the entry-level disciples' costumes!"

Hua Dashao was very motivated. He ran to the nearest Sancai building, as if in seclusion. He ignored what was going on outside the window, and just focused on the sect's fashion design. He enjoyed it and worked tirelessly. As for establishing the sect's disciple files and other matters, he completely ignored it. .

Lu Chaoding didn't know that his deputy boss was crazy about fashion design. He built [-] Sutra Pavilions on the second floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

These twelve Sutra Pavilions are evenly distributed, just like the twelve scales on a dial. They are independent of each other and are all sect buildings, but the skill books in them are counted separately.

In fact, there is no benefit in having too many sutra-storing pavilions. One is enough. Lu Chaoding built so many, firstly because he felt luxuriant, and secondly because he regarded them as decorative buildings.

After all, the buildings created by this system are much more gorgeous and beautiful than those built by Lu Shaobao and others.Lu Chaoding threw the hot chicken skill book he had drawn before into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion opposite the mountain gate. He found that the skill book binding his skills could also be placed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Afterwards, the skill level will be cleared and the bound state will be unbound, allowing other players to equip it.

However, if other players want to take out the skill book from the Scripture Pavilion, they will have to consume the "sect contribution". If they put the skill book in, they can get the "sect contribution". The specific consumption and how much sect contribution they get will be calculated by the system.

Sect contribution is a virtual value that can only be opened by sect players after the sect contribution hall is established.

As for the sect's contribution hall, which is the basic building of the sect, Lu Chaoding has received the sect construction task. As long as he reaches level 53, he will get two sect contribution halls and an [Elder Token].

"Level 53. Other players can unlock the sect's contribution hall when they reach level 35. For me, they have to reach level 53. Sometimes the system is unreliable, but it does live up to its name. Sometimes it's quite deceiving..."

Lu Chaoding thought for a while, put the skill book of the five-star universal secret skill [suspended death] into the Sutra Pavilion, took it out again, then found Zhang Defa, used the mission hall to brush it into 9999 copies, and put [-] in it. This is in the Sutra Pavilion.

"The skill of suspended animation is very interesting. It can be used to implement various tactics. It can save lives at certain times. It can also be regarded as a benefit for the sect. There should be disciples of the sect who are willing to exchange it with the sect's contribution... I would like to transfer the sect as soon as possible. It’s not difficult to build it in the Hall of Contribution, just take unlimited medicine..."

Lu Chaoding made plans silently. Two days later, he used [Nine Transformations Pill], [Baoxuan Pill] and other materials to raise his level to level 53. During this period, he also took a lot of [10000-year-old Pill], and " "Shouyuan" has also been increased to [-] years.

Ten thousand years seems to be the limit of [1-year-old pill]. If you take this pill again, your longevity will not increase.

"Ding, the level has been upgraded to level 53, and the sect construction task 003 has been completed. Congratulations, you have obtained the Elder Token × 1, and the two sect contribution halls are under construction..."

"Ding, regional announcement: The construction of the two sect contribution halls has been completed. All players of the Reliable Sword Sect have unlocked the sect contribution system. Sect players can obtain sect contributions through donations, completing daily sect tasks, defeating enemy targets, etc. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, regional announcement, open the independent promotion route for sect disciples, and reach the corresponding sect contribution. Sect players can decide whether to advance from entry-level disciples to elite disciples, true disciples, elders, etc. For details, please go to the sect contribution hall to check!"

"Ding, the sect construction task 004 will be automatically opened. Please upgrade the leader's level to level 40. Completing the task will reward you with 5 fashion design × sect and unlock the sect mall!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking tasks, and tamperes with the content: Please upgrade the leader to level 40. The reward for completing the task is 50 sect fashion design × [-], and the sect contribution mall is unlocked!"

"Ding, the leader's level has been raised to level 40 and the sect construction task 004 has been completed. Congratulations on getting sect fashion design x 50. The sect contribution mall is under construction..."

"Ding, regional announcement: The construction of the sect contribution mall has been completed. All players of the Reliable Sword sect can go to the sect contribution mall to shop. All items in the sect contribution mall need to be purchased with the sect contribution. The permanent products are [Compressed Biscuits], [Lottery] Coupon], [Peiyuan Pill], other products are random products, which are refreshed from time to time. The higher the sect level, the higher the chance of high-quality products. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, the sect construction task 005 will be automatically opened. Please upgrade the leader to level 50, develop the sect and be promoted to the third level. The reward for completing the task is 2 mountain gate guards!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Please upgrade the leader to level 50, develop the sect and promote to the third level, and the reward for completing the task is 2 unreliable mountain gate guards!"

"Ding, the leader has reached level 50, the sect has been promoted to the third level, sect construction task 005, the unreliable mountain gate guards are dispatching..."

"Ding, the unreliable mountain gate guards [Dongfang Daefei] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] have been sent to the mountain gate. The two mountain gate guards have independent personality settings and may not necessarily execute the orders of the elder, protector, deputy head, and head. , please explore by yourself for details.”

"Ding, the sect construction task 006 will be automatically opened. Please upgrade the leader to level 60, develop the sect and advance to the second level. Completion of the task will reward you with a sect building spree!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking tasks, and tamperes with the content: Please upgrade the leader to level 60, develop the sect and advance to the first level, and complete the task to reward the sect building with a huge gift package!"

Lu Chaoding felt very satisfied after listening to this system prompt.

The sect construction task 006 was obviously difficult to complete in a short time, and Lu Chaoding didn't care. At the moment, he was very curious about the two unreliable mountain gate guards.

"The Great Defeat of the East and the Victory of Dugu, these names make me feel unreliable. There is a high probability that they are weird NPCs created by an unreliable system. Go and have a look and see what attributes these two have."

Lu Chaoding thought about this, moved his hands and feet, and then went to the mountain gate.

(End of this chapter)

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