Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 168 The unreliable mountain gate guard

Chapter 168 The unreliable mountain gate guard

At this moment, two giants appeared out of thin air in front of the tall mountain gate.

These two giants are at least one foot tall, and they are burly and strong. They are dressed in the clothes of the entry-level disciples of the Reliable Sword Sect, and both have mohawk hair. They sit cross-legged in front of the mountain gate. One cuts the air with a wooden sword, and the other uses The little dagger is repairing nails, looking leisurely.

They are the unreliable mountain gate guards sent by the unreliable system. Among them, the one who uses a small dagger to repair his nails is [Dongfang Dafa], and the one who uses a wooden sword to chop the air is [Dugu Qiu Sheng].

A nearby player spotted two tall guards and curiously came over to look at them. [Dongfang Defeat] blew his fingernails and said angrily: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen such handsome mountain gate guards?"

Dugu Qiu Sheng followed up and said: "The best defense is to attack. Instead of guarding the mountain gate here, it is better to take the initiative and attack the enemy's mountain gate to take precautions before it happens."

After saying that, he stood up, picked up the wooden sword and walked down the mountain.

In the surprised eyes of all the players, the mountain gate guard actually walked onto the sea, and then walked on the waves, not knowing where he was going.

Dongfang was uneasy after being defeated and stood up and said: "If there are no enemies to attack the mountain, then why bother guarding the mountain gate? As a qualified mountain gate guard, I must invite enemies to attack the mountain in order to reflect the value of my mountain gate guard. !”

After saying that, he strode down the mountain gate and quickly entered the sea.

"Damn it, what's going on with these two guards!"

"They all ran away!"

"One is going to attack the enemy's mountain gate, and the other is going to invite the enemy to attack the mountain! What are these two weird things?"

"As expected of an unreliable guard, what a personality!"

All the players started talking, and they all thought these two big guys were silly and weird.

When Lu Chaoding arrived at the mountain gate, the two men had already walked five or six miles in the sea.

"What the hell?"

Lu Chao caught up with [Dugu Qiu Sheng] with his sword on his head, and after a quick glance, he saw his attribute information.

[Dugu Qiu Sheng: LV60 Sword Master, an unreliable mountain gate guard of the reliable sword sect, with 6000 health, 600 attack power, 0 defense, 0 toughness, and 600 speed.Has the ability to attack first, attack first, attack first, attack continuously, and interrupt attacks.Description: Excellent light skill, uses offense as defense, likes to take the initiative, automatically resurrects in front of the mountain gate 2 hours after death. 】

"Level 60, only 6000 blood, only 600 attack power, very high speed, really weird attributes, seems to have very good abilities, but likes to take the initiative... What a guy, the mountain gate guard doesn't guard the mountain gate..."

Lu Chaoding stopped in front of Dugu Qiu Sheng and shouted: "Dugu Qiu Sheng, where are you going?"

Dugu Qiu Sheng raised his hand to Lu Chaoding and said: "Back to the leader, the best defense is to attack. When my subordinates go out to fight, kill the enemy in advance and prevent them from attacking the mountain gate!"

"The best defense is offense. It makes sense, but who are you going to fight against?"

"Whoever you find will be who you are. If someone who is not from our sect is killed, he will not be able to attack our sect's gate!"

Lu Chaoding felt his head pounding and said, "You are trying to make enemies of the world! Stop making trouble and go back to stand guard. If enemies come to your door and you are not there, wouldn't you be derelict in your duty!"

"It makes sense, then I'll go back and see if there are no enemies coming out again!"

[Dugu Qiu Sheng] nodded and immediately turned back.

"No enemies will come out again... That's all, let it go!" Lu Chaoding shook his head. He understood that this NPC would definitely be restless and would definitely run out again, but he could be resurrected indefinitely, so there was no need to worry too much.

A moment later, Lu Chaoding found [Eastern Defeat] again.

[The Great Defeat of the East: LV60 Sword Master, an unreliable mountain gate guard of the reliable sword sect, with a life value of 2 million, attack power of 600, defense of 600, toughness of 600, and speed of 2.Have the ability to take the initiative to show weakness, take the initiative to stop, give up and get out of the battle, and give up and regain blood.Description: Excellent light skill, uses himself as bait, likes to invite enemies to his door, and will automatically resurrect in front of the mountain gate [-] hours after death. 】

"Good guy, the attack power is only 2 points. This guy is bound to be defeated by Dongfang!"

Lu Chaoding rubbed his eyes. He had never seen an NPC with lower attack power than this one.

"Dongfang was defeated. Are you looking for someone to attack your own mountain gate?"

"Hey, Master, you actually understand me! Only when the enemy comes to attack the mountain, do we who guard the mountain gate have a meaning of existence, don't you think?"

"So even if there are no enemies to attack the mountain, we still need to create enemies to attack the mountain?"

"That's right! Even if we use lies or cajoling, we have to let the enemy attack the mountain in order to show the value of our mountain gate guards."

"Okay! But I suggest you take a walk near the mountain gate. If you run too far, I'm afraid you'll get lost!" Lu Chaoding was a little helpless. He was too lazy to care about this [Eastern Defeat], thinking that this time the system was very unreliable. Reliable, if you say it is for unreliable gatekeepers, it is really for unreliable mountain gate guards.

"What's the use of these two unreliable mountain gate guards? They probably just go out and die!"

Lu Chaoding no longer cared about the two unreliable mountain gate guards. After returning to the sect's station, he found Zhang Defa and used the mission hall to buy a batch of pills, King Aolong's land and Huoyunju land.

Later, Lu Chaoding summoned the masters of the sect at the sword discussion platform and said: "Come on, come on, click me to buy the death-free gold medal, the Dragon Sword, and the iced watermelon juice!"

After inviting everyone to shop, Lu Chaoding added: "I don't know if any of you have heard of the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror. The Nine-Level Tribulation Mirror is a key tool to deal with the world BOSS Yan Shangjing, but it broke and turned into There are nine fragments. I have the first fragment here. The other eight fragments are scattered among the eight Kirin secret realms. All of them need to be collected to form the Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror. That Kirin secret realm must be a very important secret realm in the plot. There should be no shortage of treasures. I need eight teams to carry the fragments handed down by me and go to the eight Kirin secret realms to get all the fragments. Can anyone volunteer?"

Wang Chengang said at the foot of the sword discussion stage: "Brother Ding, I'll sign up! Now that we've reached level 30, we're going to Tianyun Prefecture for the Tianxing Trial, so we can take a walk around."

"Brother Ding supports us with a large sky patrol ship. We will go through fire and water for Brother Ding and promise to retrieve the fragments of the robbery mirror!"

"What kind of sky survey ship do you want? What do you want about flying land animals?"

"Yes, yes, brother Ding will match us with Huoyunju, let's go too!"

Dugu Tian, ​​Jiang Youxian, Zhao Weike, Zhao Qian Sunli, the Boiling Blood Four, the Four Swordsmen of Fiery Fire, the Four Saints of Poxu and others all expressed their willingness to go to the Kirin Secret Realm.

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with this. He took out eight [Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror·Fragments One] and distributed them to Wang Chengang, Dugutian, Zhao Weike, Jiang Youxian, Zhao Qianli of Zhao Qiansun Li Zhong, and Hu, the boss of the Boiling Blood Four. An, Lin Xifeng, the boss of the Four Musketeers of Fire, and Zhou Huairen, one of the Four Saints of Poxu, asked them to form eight teams each to get the fragments of the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror.

And before they left, Lu Chaoding equipped all of them, except Zhao Weike, with four-star Fire Cloud Horses and some [Nine Turns Pills]. These guys were very happy, and after a while they collectively rode the Fire Cloud Horses. Went to sea.

As for Zhao Weike, he also pulled a team of four people, but he drove the sect's yellow-class sky survey ship out to sea.

Lu Chaoding looked at their departing figures and muttered: "I hope these guys can come back smoothly. My next task is to take medicine to reach level 60, and then see if I can upgrade the exclusive cave to a cave!"

At the same time, in Tianyun Prefecture, there was also a large survey ship going out to sea. The target of this survey ship was Hongchen Qijie Mountain. Li Chengzhi, the lord of Tianyun City, stood on the bow of the ship, and the breeze blew his trusty windbreaker. He muttered: "If Master is willing to take action, there is no need to be afraid of the Heavenly Sword Sect..."

(End of this chapter)

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