Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 169 The Flying Sword Password from Tianjian Sect

Chapter 169 The Flying Sword Password from Tianjian Sect
Dugutian and others were traveling around. Their plan was to first go to Tianyun State to conduct the Tianxing Trial. After being promoted to Excellence, they would then use the teleportation function of the world map to separately go to the locations of various Kirin secret realms.

Half an hour after leaving the island, they were riding horses and chatting, feeling very happy.

"Brother Ding is really awesome. After taking the elixir he provided, our level should be at the level of first-tier players!"

"I just finished browsing the forum. Someone in Tianyun City is doing a live broadcast. There are still very few players who have passed the Tianxing Trial!"

"Haha, I also watched the live broadcast. There is a must-go place in Tianyun City called Chunhua Tower. It's so exciting!"

"Everyone knows the guy who does the live broadcast in Tianyun City!"

"Huh? Who is it?"

"He was the guy who brought the pirates to attack my faction. He played with nunchucks, teamed up with the boss, and shouted that he was capable of fighting the Five Harmonies. However, he was crushed to death by Brother Ding with a sword!

"Sword Master Song Shu?"

"That's him. His live broadcast room is called [Since I Became the Turtle of Chunhua Tower]. It's very popular right now, and it even has a tendency to surpass my Defa!"

"Became Mr. Turtle? This guy is really a talent!"

"Haha, this guy revealed that he was sold into a brothel by Brother Ding, and he has been calling the boss all day long to redeem him!"

"Brother Ding still has this ability?"

"Hearing what you said, I really want to go and have a look at Chunhua Tower!"

"Let's all go together and let Song Shu take care of us! The Fire Cloud Horse given by Brother Ding is so fast, it won't take long!"

"Yes, Huo Yunju is really easy to use!"

"Hey, aren't those two stupid guys down there our mountain gate guards? Why did they come here..."

Everyone was amazed when they spotted the mountain gate guards [Dongfang Dafa] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] walking on the waves below, wearing the attire of an entry-level disciple.

Zhao Weike drove the sky survey ship away from the team and came to the two unreliable guards.

"Hey, you two are not guarding the gate, what are you doing wandering around here?"

Zhao Weike stood on the bow and shouted.

[Eastern Defeat] said: "It turns out that it's Elder Zhao Weike, and I'm here to invite the enemy to attack the mountain!"

[Dugu Qiu Sheng] said: "The best offense is defense. I use offense as defense and find people to fight with."

"You two are idiots!" Zhao Weike muttered, rolled his eyes, and said: "Get on the boat and follow me. I will lead you to find the enemy!"



The two unreliable guards were sword masters. They used Qinggong and quickly jumped onto the sky survey ship controlled by Zhao Weike.

There are three other players on this sky surveying ship. It was Zhao Weike who temporarily pulled him aboard in order to form a team. Their names are He Chang, Li Qingyao, and Yun Shan. They are players from the same village as Wang Chengang. Their professions are Sword God, Sword Immortal, and Sword Immortal. Juggernaut.

He Chang came to Zhao Weike and said, "Elder Devil Cry, what are you doing with these two mallets?"

Zhao Weike said: "They are level 60 bosses. It will be a honor to keep them by your side!"

"These two are mountain gate guards. It feels so outrageous that you took them away!" Li Qingyao also stepped forward and said.

Yunshan smiled and said: "Yeah, it feels so unreliable!"

"This is fun, haha!" Zhao Weike said, "You remember, as a reliable player of the sword sect, you have to do unreliable things. This is what I have learned after going through many hardships. You can slowly understand it. Well, one sentence can benefit you for life!"

"As a reliable sword sect player, you have to do unreliable things?"

He Chang, Li Qingyao and Yun Shan looked at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads. They felt that "Zhao Skirt" was very unreliable and far inferior to the steady "Brother Gang".

Half a day later, this team from Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain met the sky survey ship from Tianyun City.

Nowadays, large survey ships are still rare. Zhao Weike and others have never seen them before. In fact, they have not encountered even a few large survey ships. Therefore, they can't help but feel excited when they see the oncoming survey ships. Take a few more glances.

And quickly, they discovered that the person standing on the bow of the sky surveying ship was also wearing the clothes of an entry-level disciple of the Reliable Sword Sect. "Hey, is that also our sect's big ship?"

"No, there is a flag on the boat, and it seems to have the three characters Tianyun City written on it!"

"It should be Tianyun City's big ship!"

"Who is the NPC wearing our fashion?"

Dugutian and others were very curious and flew towards the sky surveying ship. On the sky surveying ship, Li Chengzhi was greatly surprised when he saw the people coming.

Seeing the sect's fashion, he knew that the person opposite him was from the same sect!

"I actually met a fellow disciple!"

Li Chengzhi ordered the sky surveying ship to slow down, and when Dugu Tian and others came closer, he bowed his hands and saluted, saying: "Li Chengzhi, the Lord of Tianyun City, the head master accepts me as a disciple, I have met all of my fellow disciples here! "

"Huh? Lord of Tianyun City?"

"What are you talking about? You are Brother Ding's apprentice?"

"The Lord of Tianyun City is Brother Ding's apprentice?"

"Is Brother Ding so strong?"

"Brother Ding is a legend..."

When Dugu Tian and others heard this, they all sighed, feeling that it was a bit outrageous.

Zhao Weike stepped forward and said: "It turns out that I am the disciple of the head of the Sect. I am the elder of the Sword God of the Reliable Sword Sect. I wonder where the nephew of the city lord is going?"

Li Chengzhi respectfully saluted Dugu Tian and said: "Chengzhi pays homage to my uncle! Master, Chengzhi is planning to go to Hongchen Qijie Mountain, where the sect is stationed. Firstly, he will pay tribute to the sect and send gifts, and secondly, he will also ask the sect for help. I feel ashamed. , our accounting office in Tianyun City is now empty, and I only brought 200 million gold yuan this time, I don’t know if Master sees it..."

The new city lord of Tianyun City told everyone about his purpose. When he heard that Tianyun City would pay tribute of 600 million gold yuan to Tianjian Sect every month, Dugu Tian and others became excited.

Zhao Weike said: "Master Nephew, are you saying that if our faction can kill the Golden Sword Sect, then the 600 million gold yuan per month will belong to my faction?"

Li Chengzhi said: "Master is as kind as a mountain to me. Without Master, there would be no Chengzhi today. Master's Reliable Sword Sect is the backer of our Tianyun City, and our Tianyun City is the territory of the Reliable Sword Sect." , it is appropriate to pay tribute and give gifts. If there were no constraints from Tianjian Sect, our Tianyun City could provide more than 600 million gold coins to the sect every month. Materials, weapons, elixirs, etc., etc., could also be sent to the sect in large quantities! "

"So exciting!" Zhao Weike looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone, can you help nephew Chengzhi get the Heavenly Sword Sect first?"

"Six million gold yuan per month, as well as materials, weapons, and elixirs, are provided for free! Tsk tsk, this is a great thing. I agree and support it!"

"I support it too!"

"Then go and destroy the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

"Speaking of which, just a few of us can make it happen?"

"It all depends on people, not to mention the nephew Chengzhi, he is the lord of Tianyun City!"

"I can see it!"

"How can we let the Tianjian Sect take away our interests from the Reliable Sword Sect? We must kill the Tianjian Sect..."

After Zhao Weike, Dugu Tian, ​​Wang Chengang and others discussed it, they felt their blood boiling. Finally, they agreed and decided to attack Tianjian Sect. On behalf of everyone, Zhao Weike said to Li Chengzhi: "Senior nephew Chengzhi, Tianjian Sect is here." Leave it to us to deal with it. You don’t need to go to the sect’s station. Return immediately and take us to the Tianjianmen station! In addition, Brother Ding regards money as dirt. The 200 million gold yuan on the ship does not need to be sent to the sect’s station. It is given directly to us. , we split it up, just consider it as the reward for the hard work of dealing with Tianjian Sect!"

Li Chengzhi was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "It's so good, it's so good!"

He immediately ordered the ship to return.

And half a day later, Lu Chaoding, who was taking medicine and completing tasks, suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, a special event has been triggered, our sect has entered into a hostile relationship with the Tianjian Sect, Elder Zhao Weike, Elder Dugutian, etc. have been captured, Huang level The sky surveying ship has been impounded, and the head of Tianjian Sect sends a message to you with flying swords."

After the system prompts, a small sword appeared out of thin air in front of Lu Chaoding, and with a flash of light, it turned into a piece of letter paper.

Lu Chaoding unfolded the letter paper and saw what was written on it: "34 elders and disciples of your sect attacked our sect's mountain gate for no reason and were subdued by our sect. Please ask leader Lu to bring 100 million gold yuan and come to redeem them within ten days." , I will meet with Master Lu at that time to discuss the territorial affairs of Tianyun City. Yours sincerely, Master Wan Tianyi of Tianjian Sect! Note: If you don’t come to redeem me within ten days, your vote will be torn down.”

"Holy shit!" Lu Chao was stunned. "What's going on? They were all captured as soon as we went out, and I had to redeem them! These guys are too unreliable, are they trying to trick me?"

(End of this chapter)

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