Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 170 The unreliable Flying Sword Passing Letter

Chapter 170 The unreliable Flying Sword Passing Letter
Lu Chaoding feels quite fantasy.

He didn't understand why he sent people out to explore the Qilin Secret Realm, but they went to attack the Tianjian Sect, and their entire army was wiped out and captured.

That day, the head of the Sword Sect was also outrageous. He sent a letter from Feijian asking for 100 million gold yuan. If he didn't give it, he would give up.

"What kind of world is this?"

Lu Chaoding shook his head.

The members of the sect are unreliable, but as the leader, he must be reliable!

However, Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry at the moment and continued to take medicine and complete tasks.

His goal is to reach level 60.

Level 60 is the upper limit of the level of excellence. Lu Chaoding is estimated to have reached level 60. There will probably be a Tianxing trial. Only after passing it can he continue to level up. It will be suitable to travel by then.

As for the props that Lu Chaoding obtained through the mission hall, they were King Ao Long and Huo Yunju.

Lu Chaoding doesn't have any needs now, so he just wants to upgrade his exclusive cave to an exclusive cave!

When it comes to taking drugs, Lu Chaoding is very serious and very passionate.

He took a handful of [Nine Transformation Pills] and could eat several thousand pills an hour. He ate them tirelessly all day and all night until his tongue was numb. Finally, he received a system prompt to upgrade.


"Ding, you have reached the limit of excellence. Go to Tianyun Prefecture Tianxing Tower and pass the Tianxing Trial. If you break through to the extraordinary realm, you will unlock the level limit!"

"Finally upgraded to level 60!"

Lu Chaoding said with emotion.

It has to be said that after reaching level 30, the cultivation level required for players to upgrade becomes increasingly outrageous. For example, to upgrade from level 40 to level 41, it requires [-] million cultivation levels!
It takes one billion to upgrade from level 50 to level 51!
Although it is not a level threshold to upgrade from level 59 to level 60, it still requires 9 million cultivation levels.

That is to say, Lu Chaoding was taking potions desperately, so he could reach level 60 at this time. If it were an ordinary player, fighting monsters and taking potions normally, who knows how long it would take to reach level 60.

Anyway, as far as Lu Chaoding knew, no other player had reached level 31 except him.

The system prompts continued to sound in Lu Chao's head.

"Ding, level up to LV60, complete the main mission, and unlock the world map."

"Ding, there is a teleportation point of the Great Sword Monument marked on the world map. Select the teleportation point of the Great Sword Monument and you can quickly teleport there (limited to once per month)."

"Ding, start the main mission, go to Tianyun State to complete the Tianxing Trial, and be promoted to excellence. The reward for completing the mission will be +100 lottery tickets!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is activated, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Go to Tianyun State to complete the Tianxing Trial, and be promoted to excellence. The reward for completing the task is unreliable lottery tickets +100!"

"Ding, congratulations on completing the main mission. Unreliable lottery tickets +100. The items have been automatically distributed to your storage space."

"Ding, start the main mission: level up to LV60, complete the mission and unlock the [Flying Sword Message] function."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: the level is raised to LV60, the task is completed and the [Unreliable Flying Sword Passing Book] function is unlocked!"

"Ding, congratulations on completing the main mission. The [Unreliable Flying Sword Passing Book] function has been unlocked for you."

"Ding, you can use the flying sword function to send a letter to a designated target. Depending on the distance of the target and the environment, it requires different levels of cultivation. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, you can use the unreliable flying sword function to send a letter to the specified target, but there is a certain chance that the target will be wrong, the content will be lost, the flying sword will be out of control, etc. Please explore on your own for details." "Ding, start the main mission, please Go to Tianyun State to complete the Tianxing Trial and be promoted to Extraordinary. The reward for completing the mission will be +100 lottery tickets!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates tracking tasks, and tamperes with content: Please go to Tianyun State to complete the Tianxing Trial and be promoted to extraordinary. The reward for completing the task is unreliable lottery tickets + 1000..."

A series of system prompts made Lu Chaoding a little overwhelmed. After looking through it carefully, he brought up the operation page of [Unreliable Flying Sword Transfer] and shook his head.

"Flying sword to send messages!" Lu Chaoding muttered, "This communication method is too primitive. Can't it be equipped with a portable chat window? Can you send a mobile phone? Why do flying swords to send messages? Mine still doesn't work. For the spectrum version, there is a certain chance that the target will be wrong, the content will be lost, and the flying sword will be out of control. Can this still be used?"

Lu Chao tried to reply to [Head of Tianjian Sect Wan Tianyi], and after some manipulation on the [Unreliable Flying Sword Letter] page, he sent the six characters "How dare you blackmail me".

"Ding, this unreliable flying sword transfer requires 1200 points of cultivation. Do you want to continue?"


"Ding, 1200 points of available cultivation will be deducted from you, and the unreliable flying sword will set off immediately!"

After the system prompt ended, a small sword appeared out of thin air in front of Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding reached out and pointed into the void. The small sword immediately flew away and quickly disappeared into the space. It was unreliable that the flying sword passed the message. That's it.

“I don’t know what the head of the Sword Sect’s expression would be like when he saw my reply that day.”

Lu Chaoding muttered, and then began to check his attribute information.


It is worth mentioning that taking [Nine Transformations Pill] has a small chance of permanently enhancing your physical fitness. Lu Chaoding ate too much and had already reached the upper limit of this permanent enhancement, which is +10 health and +1 attack power. Ten thousand, defense +1000, toughness +100, speed +100.

This physical enhancement is included in Lu Chaoding's basic attributes.

Now that he takes [Nine Transformations Pill], he can only increase his cultivation level in the character upgrade slot.


And just when Lu Chaoding was checking his attribute information, 50 miles east of Tianyun City in Tianyun Prefecture, in the Tianjianmen station, Tianjian Mountain, Tianjianfeng, and the head hall, the head of Tianjian Sect, Wan Tianyipan, Sitting on the high platform, he was lecturing the members of the Tianjian Sect below.

Among those members of the Tianjian Sect, [-]% are NPCs and [-]% are players.

Wan Tianyi looked arrogant and said in a cold voice: "Our Tianjian Sect is a second-rate sect, and the reliable sword sect is no more than a third-rate sect. How dare my disciples be so bold? Hmm, just a few dozen people dare to come to my sect and act wildly. I am simply seeking death. I have already sent a message to Feijian, the leader of the reliable sword sect. If he does not give me a satisfactory answer, I will not give up..."

As soon as he said this, a small sword suddenly appeared out of thin air a foot away in front of Wan Tianyi.

"Hey, the Flying Sword Chuan Shu was sent by the head of the Reliable Sword Sect. I didn't expect that his cultivation level is not bad!" Wan Tianyi stretched out his hand to move towards the small sword, wanting to see the Fei Jian Chuan Shu. Function.

But at this moment, the flying sword that passed the message suddenly swayed, suddenly became densely packed, and then suddenly flew toward Wan Tianyi.


Wan Tian was startled, and damage figures immediately appeared above his head. He roared, and his body turned into white light, and a treasure box fell out. The treasure box appeared for three seconds, and then suddenly disappeared.

Only then did a piece of letter flutter down, with only six characters on it: "How dare you blackmail me"!
At this time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, your flying sword is out of control!"

"Ding, your flying sword launched a normal attack on Tianjian Sect's leader Wan Tianyi, and Tianjian Sect's leader Wan Tianyi was killed! The treasure chest dropped by Tianjian Sect's leader Wan Tianyi has been automatically entered Please check your storage space yourself!”

"Ding, server-wide announcement: Tianjian Sect leader Wan Tianyi has been assassinated, and the plot related to it is forcibly ended."

(End of this chapter)

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