Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 171 1000 million, forgetting the past

Chapter 171 1000 million, forgetting the past
At this moment, Tianjianmen was in chaos.

In the main hall of the leader, all the players of Tianjian Sect were stunned!

"what's going on?"

"The leader was beaten to death right under our noses? He is also a leader after all!"

"Is this a weird incident?"

"Who did it?"

"Look at this letter, 'How dare you blackmail me', what does it mean?"

"Look at the signature, this is a message from Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect!"

"Did Lu Chaoding beat the leader to death?"

"The leader just said that he wanted a satisfactory answer from the Reliable Sword Sect, and then he was directly beaten to death?"

"It's so scary!"

"Made, this Lu Chaoding is too powerful, isn't it? Can you kill a level 60 BOSS in seconds?"

"Everyone, what should we do now?"

Amidst the discussion of these players, NPCs such as the deputy head of Tianjian Sect, the left and right guardians, and the six elders appeared one after another. They took turns to inspect Lu Chaoding's Flying Sword Letter, and their expressions became extremely serious.

The deputy head of the Tianjian Sect is named [Zhang Tianci]. He is holding the flying sword and passing the letter, saying: "This is the warning given to us by the leader Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect! The methods of this leader Lu It was so powerful that if the leader dared to blackmail him, he would be beaten to death! Everyone, what do you think?"

The right protector [Yuan Tiantan] said: "Master Lu has such magical skills, we are definitely no match for him. Now it seems that the reliable sword sect cannot be provoked, and the disciples of the reliable sword sect cannot be offended!"

Protector Left [Sun Tianya] said: "Protector Right is right, even the leader was killed by a flying sword. We cannot be the opponent of Leader Lu. I suggest that the disciples of the reliable sword sect be released immediately!"

The Punishment Elder [Xie Tianwu] said: "I agree. Come on, please release the reliable sword sect member in the sky prison. No, please come over!"

These NPCs quickly issued a series of orders.

The players of the Tianjian Sect in the main hall felt that it was outrageous, but a few accepted the mission and hurriedly ran out of the main hall and went to the "Heavenly Prison".

"Tian Lao" is a special building of Tianjian Sect. It is tall and magnificent, and more impressive than the main hall. There are many NPCs and 32 players imprisoned in this Tian Lao.

These 32 players are Zhao Weike, Dugutian and others.

They came to Tianjianmen's station before, with a fierce, mighty and high-spirited attitude. Zhao Weike sent [Dugu Qiu Sheng] and [Dongfang Dabai] to take the lead, but somehow, [Dugu Qiu Sheng] encountered Tian Jianmen. Wan Tianyi, the leader of the Sword Sect, was captured in less than 3 minutes.

And [Eastern Defeat] begged for mercy on the spot, and then led Wan Tianyi and a large group of high-level NPCs from Tianjian Sect to surround his brothers.

Wan Tianyi has the skills to catch people, he can press acupuncture points, immobilize, and tie people up. In short, after a fight, Zhao Weike and others were all captured, tied up like twists one by one, and thrown into the sky prison.

They even suspected that they had been ambushed by the enemy.

Only Li Chengzhi and others saw something was wrong and ran away in time without being caught.

As for [Dugu Qiu Sheng] and [Eastern Defeat], they were being imprisoned with them, squatting aside and not speaking.

And this Tianlao is isolated from the outside world. It is impossible to connect to the Tianxing Forum, enter the simulated sword theory, and receive regional announcements.

Therefore, they still don't know that Wan Jianyi, the leader of Tianjian Sect, has been killed.

"Zhao Skirt, it's all your bad idea. You know these two guys are unreliable, but you still send them to lead the charge!"

Jiang Youxian was yelling depressedly at this time. She activated the [Escape Master] skill. Normally, she could escape from the battle when she encountered an opponent she couldn't beat. However, Wan Tianyi was a level 60 BOSS and was very fast. He was pulled by him. Once you enter the battle space, you cannot escape from the battle.

"Jumping off a cliff to show off your skirt is very harmful. You said that if you join the reliable sword sect, you have to do unreliable things. This time it is really unreliable! I really believed your lies!"

He Chang, a bald player who was in the same group as Zhao Weike, also spat loudly.

"That's right!" Li Qingyao echoed.

"You blame me?" Zhao Weike snorted and said, "Why didn't you blame me when you divided the money? Why didn't you blame me when you sent those two fools up the mountain? Why did you blame me when you were caught?"

Dugutian shook his head and said: "Stop arguing! Think about what to do now. Oh, what will Brother Ding think of us? It's too embarrassing to be arrested collectively just after we left the mission!"

At this time, a player wearing a weird conch-shaped hat came outside their cell. He looked around Zhao Weike and others, and suddenly said: "Is Lu Chaoding, who is number one on the third list, like you?" Woke up?"

Zhao Weike glanced at the man angrily and said, "If Brother Ding comes, will we still be arrested?"

The player wearing the conch hat nodded and said: "Not with you? Your top brother is really powerful. He taught us that the Tianjian Sect will be in chaos, alas!"

"Of course! The world boss has to run away when he sees our brother Ding. Even your leader Wan Tianyi is no match for brother Ding."

The conch hat player nodded and said: "It's indeed amazing! I have to explain to you that you were arrested and have nothing to do with me. Now I will release you from the prison. Please follow me to the leader's hall. The new leader. I and a group of elders want to see you!"

"What do you mean?"

"Is this guy going to let us go?"

"Why are you letting us go again?"

Zhao Weike and others were overjoyed, but after thinking about it for a moment, they felt a little strange.

After a while, they were brought to the master's hall. At this time, behind the gate, on the grand master's chair where only the master could sit, [Zhang Tianci] was sitting steadily. His expression was serious, but when he saw Zhao Weike and others, his face changed. Immediately changed into a flattering smile, he jumped down from the Taishi chair, hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, and said: "Dear friends of Tianjian Sect, I have kept you waiting for a long time. Let me explain in advance that all bad things are caused by Wan Tianyi. What you do has nothing to do with me, I am the new leader Zhang Tianci, and I admire the leader Lu of your noble sect very much!"

Everyone was confused when they heard this. Zhao Weike rolled his eyes and said coldly: "Hmph, you dare to put me in the sky prison. I will definitely tell Brother Ding about this! Let Brother Ding kill you all!"

Zhang Tian's expression turned stern and he said: "No, no, no, no, please calm down, this hero!"

Zhao Weike said again: "It's okay to let me calm down. I'll give you 1000 million and I'll forget about it!"

Dugu Tian, ​​Wang Chengang and others immediately frowned when they heard what he said.

"Zhao Skirt, you idiot, do you still want us to go to the prison?"

"Don't let Zhao Skirt speak. This person is so unreliable and will only harm others."

"Zhao Skirt, are you going to kill us? How dare you blackmail NPCs!"

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, to their surprise, the new head Zhang Tianci nodded seriously and said: "1000 million, I will offer it now. Please don't argue with me about such a trivial matter." Just don’t disturb Mr. Lu, the old man.”



"real or fake?"

Dugutian and others were stunned, as were the players at the Tianjian Sect in the main hall.

At this moment, in the Seven Realms Mountains of Hongchen, Lu Chaoding was delivering a message to Yan Shangjing Feijian.

He has sent letters to Yan Shangjing Feijian thirty times, and there have been accidents in 25 of them. Either the letter was lost, or the Feijian failed halfway, or the message was lost, confused, or garbled. In short, there were only five The message was sent successfully.

"Why not trigger the flying sword attack?"

Lu Chaoding muttered.

There is no doubt that the flying sword losing control and attacking the target in the Flying Sword Legend is a small probability event. It was a perfect coincidence that one shot of the Flying Sword Legend killed Wan Jianyi of the Tianjian Sect.

Now Lu Chaoding is looking forward to doing it again. It would be fun if he could beat Yan Shangjing to death.

(End of this chapter)

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