Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 172 Exclusive Cave LV5

Chapter 172 Exclusive Cave LV5
After continuing to send letters with flying swords for another 20 minutes, Lu Chaoding was no longer obsessed with killing people by sending letters with flying swords.

Obviously this matter depends purely on luck and cannot be forced.

"I can only say that Wan Tianyi, the head of Tianjian Sect, is so unlucky! He is also not strong enough and can't even block the basic attack of the Flying Sword!"

As Lu Chaoding spoke, he silently opened the treasure box that Wan Tianyi had dropped in the storage space.

Quickly, four items appeared in Lu Chaoding's storage space.

The first thing is [Sect Construction Token].

Perhaps in the eyes of others, sect building tokens are rare items that are hard to find, but here at Lu Chaoding, there are already a lot of them, which are almost like garbage.

The second item is the five-star sword master’s exclusive prop [Sealing Heaven Sword Manual].

This sword manual is similar to the [Golden Spirit Sword Art] that Lu Chaoding obtained before. After equipped, it occupies the secret skill column, combat skill column, and stunt column, allowing players to choose a secret skill, combat skill, or stunt skill in the sword manual.

As for the skills in this sword manual, acupoints, body immobilization, pulse sealing, forbidden methods, etc., most of them have the effect of restricting the target's movement. Some skills with high levels can seal, capture, and subdue the opponent. Once the target is Being sealed, captured, or subdued is equivalent to being killed, which can affect the survival of the battle space.

The third item is the five-star sword master’s exclusive back piece [Dragon Binding Mace].

This weapon is a square, bright silver mace, 1.2 meters long. It can be used as a hidden weapon or secondary weapon during the action round, and has a chance of stunning the target.

The fourth item is [Tianlao Construction Blueprint].

[Tian Lao] is a special sect building. According to the description given in the attribute information of the drawing, [Tian Lao] is a suspended hall with a durability of [-] million. It can be used to imprison players or NPCs. Players imprisoned in the Tian Lao or The NPC cannot contact the outside world and is in a special sealed state, making it difficult to escape.

After a while, Lu Chaoding found Zhang Defa and made multiple copies of the [Sealing Heaven Sword Manual], [Dragon Binding Mace] and [Heavenly Prison Construction Drawings], and built twelve more [Heavenly Prisons].

These twelve [Heavenly Prisons] were also built by Lu Chaoding as decorations. They float above Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, and they are quite similar to the artistic conception of a heavenly palace.

As for its functions, Lu Chaoding has not been turned on. As a result, this Tianlao has no functions. It is also good for sect players to use it as a "floating villa", "gathering place" and so on.

When Lu Shaobao saw these twelve floating [Tianlao] halls, he nodded repeatedly, and soon led a group of players to decorate them. He really wanted to transform the Tianlao into a floating villa.

"It's interesting to use Tianlao as a villa. Maybe the players are quite rare. This thing won't be robbed, right? We have to let Hua Dashao and the others study how to distribute it, but don't cause conflicts... Hey, Where has that guy Hua Dashao gone? I can't see him, what are you busy with?"

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, he suddenly received a system prompt for approval of the sect's fashion modification. Upon closer inspection, it was Hua Dashao who submitted the elite disciple's fashion modification plan.

The fashions of this elite disciple are also divided into men's and women's styles, which are more high-end than the fashions of entry-level disciples. In Lu Chaoding's view, the design is full of details, such as cuffs, corners, collars, etc., all of which are reliable. You need to look closely to see the words, which give the feeling of being handcrafted one by one.

In addition, compared to the entry-level disciples' fashions, the elite disciples' fashions include ancient-style headscarves. This headscarf is actually a hat with a fashionable hairstyle. The actual effect is that it is a ponytail. The men's fashion headscarf is blue and white, and the women's style is blue and white. The fashion is red and pink.

In other words, when elite disciple players wear this fashion, their hairstyle will be fixed, and some bald and short-haired players will also be forced to change into ancient-style ponytail hairstyles.

"I don't know if this fashion design is professional or not, but it must be too careful! With so many details, how much thought and time does it take? This guy Hua Dashao won't be doing this all the time, right?"

Lu Chaoding frowned. He felt that the fashion designs of the elite disciples were too good and looked better than all the current fashions of his sect. This made him feel that Hua Dashao was not doing his job properly.

Of course, Lu Chaoding still approved this set of modifications.After thinking about it, Lu Chaoding sent a flying sword message to Hua Dashao.

The content of the message is: "As the deputy head, don't put too much energy on fashion design, pay more attention to the affairs of the sect, and be a reliable deputy head, otherwise I will send you to Siguoya!"

After Feijian was sent, Lu Chaoding quickly received a system prompt: "Ding, the letter was successfully delivered. There are slight errors in the letter information. Please explore on your own for details."

At this time, the content of the letter Hua Dashao received was: "As the deputy head, I must focus on fashion design and be an unreliable deputy head, otherwise I will send you to Siguoya."

"Hey, Brother Ding's flying sword pass is interesting. He must be praising me. I know that my fashion design will definitely be recognized... Brother Ding mentioned Si Guoya. What does it mean? He asked me to go over and please him. That Huang Zuiying, can I let him teach me the skills? Brother Ding is really thoughtful! By the way, the prisoners in Siguo Cliff also have fashions, let’s go on to do this prisoner fashions, when you’re done, put them on and experience them, tsk tsk tsk, let’s do fashion in Siguo Cliff The design should be pretty good. How to design the prison uniform? How about making it look like casual pajamas..."

Hua Dashao's thinking was divergent and out of control. All he could think about was how to design the Siguoya prison uniform. After thinking about it, he opened the sect management panel, made himself a prisoner, and took the initiative to experience life in Siguoya. .

After arriving at Siguoya and putting on the Siguoya prison uniform designed by Lu Chaoding, Hua Dashao's face was full of contempt, and the idea of ​​modifying the prison uniform became even stronger.

Lu Chaoding didn't know about this. He chatted with Lu Shaobao for a while, and then entered the exclusive material copy of the exclusive cave and hung up to sleep.

When he woke up, Lu Chaoding released a large number of King Aolong and Huoyunju that he carried.

"Ding, King Aolong has settled in the cave, and the aura index of the cave has increased by 100!"

"Ding, Huo Yunju settled in the cave, and the aura index of the cave increased by 50..."


Following the system prompts, the aura index of the exclusive cave increased rapidly, and soon exceeded [-].

"Ding, the spiritual energy index has exceeded 5, the exclusive cave secret realm will be automatically promoted to LV[-], and the upper limit of the level of Tianxing Bagua Furnace and Tianxing Jade Bed will be increased."

"Ding, your cave's spiritual veins have grown stronger, and the growth rate and spiritual object production speed of the free-range earth praying have increased. The cave can give birth to some low-level earth praying on its own. Please explore the details by yourself."

"Ding, your exclusive cave is expanding!"

"Ding, the facilities in the cave have been added, please explore on your own for details."

At this moment, the spiritual energy fruit lying in the medicine garden basking in the sun jumped up and shouted: "There are outstanding people, outstanding people, the spiritual energy is about to explode!"

In his cry, a wave of light golden air suddenly rose from the earth and turned into a dragon shape. This dragon-shaped air was like a living creature, spiraling up the mountain and completely surrounding the cave hill.

"Whoa, whoa..."

Lu Chaoding even heard the roar of the dragon, and after the roar, a light rain suddenly began to fall. The light rain fell to the ground. Whether they were in plant form or animal form, they all stretched their bodies and turned their heads to the sky. .

Gradually, the light on them flashed, and they upgraded one by one.

 Thanks to the big guys for the rewards, I’ve been busy for the past two days to make up for the update.Thanks a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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