Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 173 The top caves have outstanding people

Chapter 173 The top caves have outstanding people
"It looks so powerful, but what's the use? Raising so many ground prayers is nothing more than a zoo and a botanical garden..."

Lu Chaoding shook his head. With his current situation, this exclusive cave had limited benefits to him. He called up the exclusive cave information panel and found that if the exclusive cave went up further, it could become a LV1 cave.

And that requires the cave's spiritual energy index to reach [-]!
"A 100-point spiritual energy index. A five-star Aolong King only provides [-] points of spiritual energy index. For ordinary players, wouldn't this [-]-point spiritual energy index be considered a lifetime series? With such a high level of difficulty in upgrading, what should this cave be like? Only the attributes can be worthy of it?”

Lu Chaoding found the Spiritual Energy Fruit and asked him the above question, but the Spiritual Energy Fruit said: "Master, do you know what an outstanding person is?"

"You know, isn't this an idiom?"

The spiritual energy fruit shook his fat body and said: "This outstanding person and earth spirit is used to describe the exclusive cave. Now this cave has been promoted to LV5 and has given birth to a powerful spiritual vein, which is the outstanding person and earth spirit. From now on, our cave will automatically When a low-level creature is born, you don’t need to practice here, your cultivation will grow automatically, and it will be easier to break through bottlenecks during retreat."

"is it?"

Lu Chaoding opened his personal information panel and checked, and he discovered the mystery. It originally required 60 billion cultivation points to upgrade from level 61 to level 100, but in this exclusive cave, it only required one-tenth. In other words, a cultivation value of 10 billion is enough.

Therefore, taking medicine in this exclusive cave is very cost-effective.

Moreover, in this exclusive cave, his cultivation value is also growing rapidly, rising almost every second.

"It's really good!" Lu Chao said, "Aura Fruit, does the effect of this outstanding person only take effect on me, or does it take effect on everyone in the cave?"

"Of course it is effective for everyone. Niu Daren and I can enjoy it, and if we stay here for a long time, we will awaken certain abilities. Our cave is the holy land of cultivation!"

Just as the Spiritual Energy Fruit said this, the service-oriented NPC Niu Daren ran over. His face was full of joy and he said: "Master, the Spiritual Energy Fruit, the cave has been upgraded, and I am so blessed that I can suddenly cook!"


Lu Chao called up Niu Daren's information panel and checked. Sure enough, this guy had awakened his "cooking skills" and gained a new title of "Aura Chef".

[Reiki Chef: A special title. Those who obtain this title will be rewarded with a reiki kitchen knife, which can cook a reiki feast. By eating the reiki feast, you can obtain a large amount of cultivation points, rapid recovery, purify bad states, and have a small probability of obtaining professional epiphany. !Cooking with spiritual energy ingredients will have better results, please explore on your own for details. 】

Lu Chaoding found it very novel and said: "Not bad! It's fun! Well, Chef Lingqi, Niu Daren, from now on the kitchen will be under your control. You can provide three meals a day!"

Niu Daren said excitedly: "Yes, I'm going to cook now! Master Aura Fruit, can you help me with some plants, such as styptic grass, longevity mushrooms, big scallions, small scallions and so on?"

After hearing this, the Spiritual Energy Fruit jumped up angrily and said, "If you dare to touch Xiaohong, Xiaolu, Xiaomei, and Xiaorou, I will beat you to death!"

"I can't move the ones with name tags. Can I do the ones without name tags?"

"Then you have to wait until this fruit is confirmed before you take action!"

"That's too much trouble!"

"You actually find it troublesome..."

Lu Chaoding quietly watched the quarrel between the Spiritual Energy Fruit and Niu Daren, lamenting that their "spirituality" had become stronger again, and they were more like real life forms.

"Outstanding people, outstanding people..."

Lu Chao muttered, thinking that there was another way to serve the public. In the future, he could bring disciples from the sect over to eat and take medicine. This was an opportunity for ordinary players.

After a while, Lingqi Guo and Niu Daren finished their quarrel, and they reached a consensus. Niu Daren went to cook happily, and Lu Chaoding asked Lingqi Guo again what was so special about the cave above the cave.

The Spiritual Energy Fruit didn't know about this either. He only said that the cave was much more powerful than the top caves and seemed to be related to the power of heaven.

"The Sword Immortal's twelve hatreds, the first one he hates is that Tianquan can't come out..." The words of the spiritual energy fruit made Lu Chaoding's mind move. He has a deep understanding of "the power of heaven can't come out". To this day, he has done it so many times. Prize, but only with the help of unreliable lottery tickets, I only got a three-star power [Yinghuo].

And even if it is a three-star power and has not yet been upgraded, the effect of [Ying Huo] is extremely powerful, more powerful than those lands, equipment, skills, etc.

"If Dongtian is related to Tianquan, that would be really awesome. I have a mission in the small hall, and it's not very difficult to just scrape the ground and just scrape out a hundred thousand spiritual energy index. After I complete the Tianxing trial and am promoted to extraordinary, it will be Do this!”

Lu Chaoding made plans silently.

Half an hour later, after finishing the breakfast made by the spiritual chef Niu Daren, Lu Chaoding tidied up the storage space, took five super swords and five five-star flying insect swords with him, and put them into the Qianyuan Token. After saving 100 million gold yuan, he decided to go to Tianyun City.

He had only two purposes for this trip. One was to pass the Tianxing Trial, complete the main mission, and be promoted to extraordinary.

The second is to redeem Zhao Weike and the others who were kidnapped.

Lu Chaoding didn't know that Zhao Weike and others had been released, and now they were being served like uncles in Tianjian Sect. He thought that although these guys were a bit unreliable, they were still disciples of his own sect. Moreover, they have had their share of hardships as they have grown up to this point. As a "parent", I also have to feel sorry for them and take care of them at critical moments.

And it's only 100 million gold yuan, which is not a lot. It can be bought casually. If the status of "millionaire" can be effective and give a [-] million discount, it can be solved with just one penny. Lu Chaoding is still willing to do it.

This time going to Tianyun City, Lu Chaoding could teleport directly through the world map.

So, 2 minutes later, Lu Chaoding arrived at the big sword monument behind Tianyun City.

This big sword monument is a teleportation point, and there are several on each continent.

The Great Sword Monument behind Tianyun City was not far from Tianyun Square. Lu Chaoding released the Daxuan Ship and arrived in less than half an hour.

At this time, Tianyuncheng Square was much more lively than when Lu Chaoding came last time. There were many players in the square. Of course, they were all level 30.

"Hey, isn't that the spaceship that appeared in my Defa live broadcast?"

"That's the super flying sword that tops the top three rankings!"

"Lu Chaoding, Brother Ding?"

"Brother Ding is also here to participate in the Tianxing Trial!"

"I thought Brother Ding had already passed level 30, but it turns out he's just like me!"

"He's so popular that he's just an ordinary player!"

"Everyone, Geng Jinfei of Da Luo Sword Sect has been promoted to excellence and is now level 31. If I fight with Lu Chaoding, who do you think you are more optimistic about?"

"Lu Chao was blown up. I think Brother Jin Fei might not lose to him in a duel!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Why don't we go to Lu Chaoding later? I'll start a live broadcast and slap those idiots who are fooling around in the face!"

Some players in Tianyun Square recognized Lu Chaoding and saw him fly directly into the Tianxing Tower. There was a lot of discussion. Some players even went to the forum to post, revealing that Lu Chaoding had just come to the Tianxing Trial. That’s all.

At this time, outside the door of Chunhua Tower, Turtle Duke Song Shuyi was standing on the door frame. He had just heard the shouts of the Great Luo Sword Sect "Geng Jinfei" and said with a smile: "Silly bird, go and hit Lu Chaoding." , make a name for yourself today!”

(End of this chapter)

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