Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 174 Promotion to the Extraordinary

Chapter 174 Promotion to the Extraordinary
Song Shu was very sure that Lu Chaoding was definitely not here for the level 30 trial!

"This guy Lu Chaoding may have completed the level 30 trial last time he came to Tianyun City. This time, I think it's outrageous to think that he is here to do the level 60 trial? But no matter how old he is now Level, it is definitely not something that ordinary young players can do... The three leaders who were recently announced to the whole server were probably killed by Lu Chaoding, this guy is outrageous!"

Song Shu thought silently.

Since entering Chunhua Building, he has learned a lot of information. In fact, Chunhua Building generally does not conduct "human trafficking". Theoretically speaking, it is not easy to become a turtle man here. That is to say, Lu Chaoding has a special status. , Hua Lao Bustard was willing to buy him for 50 yuan because he was selling him face. If it were someone else who sold Gui Gong, Hua Lao Madam would not pay attention to him.

Thinking of Hua Lao Bustard, Song Shu felt that this NPC was extremely special, with extremely high intelligence, great personality, and extremely powerful abilities. Her magic of enchanting the heart of the devil has stunned many players recently.

There are also the "Four King Kongs" who are also weird. They are truly ruthless and don't talk much. They take action whenever they want. They are bound to fight in groups, and they don't enter the fighting space.

Song Shu saw a lot of jokes in Chunhua Tower during this time.

In fact, this Chunhua House is definitely not a brothel, and it cannot be serious at all. It is often the Hua Lao Madam who takes the first step and uses the magic of the devil to charm the customers first. When the customers get excited and plan to rush, the Four King Kongs will suddenly jump. Come out, beat up the customer first, and then steal the money, turning the customer's assets into a negative number.

The Madam usually shows up at this time, causing the customer to suffer tons of damage, both physically and mentally.

Of course, this is probably just for ordinary players. For those with extraordinary status and power, maybe the Madam Hua will take action.

As the "Turtle King", Song Shu's mission is to find ways to attract customers to Chunhua Tower. As long as he lures players to come, it will be a performance. If the performance is high, he will be promoted.

Therefore, Song Shu started a live broadcast and really deceived many players. Now his promotion is just around the corner.

This matter is naturally immoral and will be exposed sooner or later. However, in order to get ashore as soon as possible, Song Shu had no choice but to kill his Taoist friends rather than his poor Taoists.

But the strange thing is that those players who were cheated and ripped off did not expose these things. Many of them even posted good reviews without conscience. They probably thought that having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone. They fell into the trap and had to let others go. Others only feel comfortable if they fall off once, so that even now, his live broadcast room is still very popular.

"Humph, then Mr. Turtle, what do you mean by being so sinister?"

Geng Jinfei and others heard Song Shu's words and looked over with unkind expressions.

Song Shu had the words "Chun Hua Lou Turtle" on his head. He immediately put on a professional smile and did not answer. He imitated the NPC's behavior and just said: "Uncle, are you coming to play?"

Geng Jinfei and others were stunned by his shout.

Although they came to Tianyun City to complete the Tianxing Trial, visiting Chunhua Tower was also a major goal of their trip.

"Damn Mr. Turtle, can you give me a discount?"

"This Chunhua Building has an excellent reputation. You can't miss this trip. But let's get down to business first. Kill Lu Chaoding and let's go upstairs together!"

"Okay, then it's settled, go beat Lu Chaoding!"

"Well Mr. Turtle, I will come to play with you after I defeat Lu Chaoding."

Geng Jinfei said confidently.

Daluo Jianzong only accepts 1000 people in the entire server!

As a disciple of Da Luo Jian Sect, Geng Jinfei felt a sense of superiority, as if he had been admitted to a prestigious university. He was very confident in his own strength, and soon led his younger brothers to block the entrance to Tianxing Tower at Lu Chaoding. At the entrance, I thought that when he came out, I would defeat him.At this time, Lu Chaoding had already entered the second floor of Tianxing Tower.

"Ding, you have entered the Tianxing Tower. Your level has reached level 60. You meet the conditions and are about to start the Transcendent Realm Tianxing Trial!"

"Ding, please select the difficulty of the trial! The trial difficulty is divided into five levels: easy, normal, difficult, extremely difficult, and desperate! The higher the difficulty of the trial, the richer the reward after completing the trial."

"Choose despair!"

"Ding, are you sure you choose despair? Tip: If you fail the trial, you will be able to participate in the trial again after 24 hours!"


"Ding, the Despair Level Tianxing Trial is being prepared for you. The trial is generated. Please defeat the Silver War Beast within five rounds. After completing the trial, you will be promoted to the Transcendent Realm. The upper limit of the level will be raised to LV60, and you can obtain additional certificates. Jade x 5, Jade of Inheritance x 5, Jade of Enlightenment x 5, Random Props x 1!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates tracking tasks, and tamperes with content: Please defeat the Silver War Beast within five rounds. After completing the trial, you will be promoted to the Excellent Level, and the upper limit of the level will be raised to LV60, and you can obtain additional certificates. Jade × 5, inheritance jade × 5, enlightenment jade × 5, unreliable random props × 1!”

"Familiar feeling, familiar taste!"

Lu Chao shook his head, feeling that there was nothing new.

A moment later, the trial began. Lu Chaoding was equipped with five super swords. With just one sword strike, he killed the Silver Zhangyin War Beast and passed the trial easily, just like a formality. .

Later, I got five pieces each of the Jade of Certification, the Jade of Inheritance and the Jade of Enlightenment. As for the unreliable random prop, it turned out to be the skill book of the universal magic skill [Heaven and Earth Lives Together].

This prop is bound. [Heaven and Earth Lives Together] is a special stunt that does not occupy the stunt column and cannot be upgraded. After selecting a target to perform, you and the target will lose life span at the same time until one party's life span is exhausted.

If one's life span is exhausted, one dies on the spot and cannot be resurrected. Therefore, one's life span is exhausted and one dies, which is equivalent to deleting one's account.

This skill can be said to be very powerful, but the unreliable part is that it is impossible to check the target's longevity.

You must know that when the life span of heaven and earth is displayed, both the enemy and us consume life span equally, and hurting others also hurts yourself. If the target's life span is higher than your own, then you will be the one who is finished.

Lu Chaoding had taken a large amount of centenarian pills, and his longevity had reached the limit of the current stage, which was 1 years.

But this was not enough for Lu Chaoding to confidently and boldly use Heaven and Earth to Live Longevity. He thought about turtles, tortoises and the like among the wild monsters, who might have more longevity than him now.

"Heaven and earth have the same life span, but you can remove the binding characteristics through the Sutra Pavilion, and then use the mission hall to generate multiple copies... Dying after running out of life span is equivalent to deleting your account, which is still very scary. Do I want to develop There are a group of dead soldiers. After all, they have a hundred-year-old elixir at home, and they can spend ten thousand years of life at will..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

At this time, a system prompt rang in his mind: "Ding, go to Tianyun State to complete the Tianxing Trial, be promoted to extraordinary, complete the main mission, and the reward for completing the mission will be 1000 unreliable lottery tickets!"

"Ding, the main mission will be automatically opened: upgrade the level to LV70, the mission completion reward will be +100 lottery tickets, and the national war gameplay will be unlocked. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates tracking tasks, and tamperes with the content: upgrade the level to LV100, complete the task and receive +0 lottery tickets, and unlock the national war gameplay. Please explore on your own for details!"

(End of this chapter)

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