Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 175: Work well here

Chapter 175: Work well here

"Here we go again! The thing I was worried about finally appeared. Level 100, level 100, the system is occasionally unreliable...occasionally!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the content of the main mission again. Others can unlock the national war gameplay when they reach level 70, but for him, he has to reach level 100.

"Civil war?"

Lu Chaoding also had some doubts in his heart.

What is national war?

"This is obviously not a plane war. Could it be that this national war is a battle between the twelve great powers of Hongchen? Or is it a sect war over territory?"

Lu Chaoding suddenly felt that the national war was quite interesting. Perhaps the plane war gameplay also requires a certain level to be unlocked.

After a while, Lu Chaoding left Tianxing Tower.

The first goal has been achieved, and what he wants now is to complete the second goal, which is to go to Tianjianmen and redeem Zhao Weike and the others.

As soon as they left the Tianxing Tower, Geng Jinfei and other players swarmed up and immediately surrounded Lu Chao.

"Heroes, capture one of Lu Chaoding alive. Next, please watch Brother Jin Fei fight against Lu Chaoding, who is number one on the three rankings. Let everyone see the background of Daluo Sword Sect players!"

"Lu Chaoding, come and have a showdown with me!"

"It's silly to talk nonsense, just fight him!"

"I'll take the lead!"

"Hey, I hit it, why didn't I enter the battle space..."

The players shouted loudly, and several of them actually launched attacks on Lu Chaoding. However, Lu Chaoding now had 10 exemption privileges and was not pulled into the battle space by anyone.

"Good guy, ambush me!"

Seeing the large number of players around him, Lu Chao smiled slightly, but immediately equipped the four-star +9 [Counterattack Shield] to the first back item slot.

This thing looks like durian skin. Lu Chao thinks it is too ugly, so he usually just keeps it in the storage space without equipping it.

But this piece of equipment is as ugly as it is ugly, but it can almost be said to be Lu Chaoding's strongest piece of equipment.

At this moment, with the four-star +9 [Counterattack Shield] added to his body, Lu Chaoding was no longer afraid of group attacks. He said with a smile: "Come on, use your strength."

"Hit him!"

"What a great Lu Chaoding, he's surrounded by us, and he's still so arrogant!"

"Kill Lu Chaoding and make him famous!"

"Form a team and beat him..."

Amidst the shouts, several more people launched an attack on Lu Chaoding. The [Counter-attack Shield] took effect immediately. Super Swords automatically appeared from behind Lu Chaoding, turning into dense sword shadows and attacking those who were attacking him. The attacking player fights back.

This counterattack is an instant kill!

The first effect of [Counterattack Shield] is to receive any attack and immediately launch a normal counterattack with 100% attack power against the attacker.

Lu Chaoding is now equipped with five super swords, with an attack power of over 15. With 100% attack power, he can easily kill these players instantly.

[Counter-attack Shield] also has two effects, that is, it is immune to attack damage with an attack power lower than (Defense × 9), and when attacked, there is a 90% chance of recovering (Toughness × 9) points of health.

Now Lu Chaoding's defense is 1548 and his toughness is 1332, which means that attacks with an attack power lower than 13932 will not cause any damage to Lu Chaoding. When he is attacked, there is a 90% chance of recovering 11988 health points. .

For ordinary players, even if they are well-equipped, it is difficult for them to reach an attack power of [-]. Except for Lu Chaoding, there was no one at the scene.

At this time, Lu Chaoding could almost be said to be invincible.

"What's going on? Ergou is dead!"

"Why didn't Lu Chaoding be pulled into the battle space?"

"Damn it, he's fighting back!" "Fight him, there are so many of us, fight together..."

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Song Shu tiptoed towards the square at this time. He was the turtle master of Chunhua Tower and was not allowed to leave Chunhua Tower. Seeing Geng Jinfei and others surrounding Lu Chaoding, he was very curious about the battle there.

As for everyone who participated in the attack on Lu Chaoding, no one dared to attack Lu Chaoding anymore.

The clever ones among them immediately realized that they had kicked an iron plate, and ran away in surprise. This was the case with Geng Jinfei.

"What's going on with this Lu Chaoding? He can't be pulled into the fighting space. If you attack him, he will be counterattacked, and he will be replenished with blood. How can you fight him? Retreat first, keep a safe distance, and observe for a while."

Geng Jinfeng felt a little outrageous, and said to himself that he was indeed the first among the three rankings, and he did have some tricks.

The next moment, he suddenly felt a huge suction coming from behind, and then his body involuntarily shrank, and his vision quickly went dark.

This is Lu Chaoding using Zijin Gourd.

Lu Chaoding didn't recognize Geng Jinfei, but saw that he had the most gorgeous clothes and seemed to be a boss, so he used the purple gold gourd to accept him.

"You little players, where do you have the courage to disrespect me? I must give you a warning today!"

Lu Chaoding said something unhurriedly, and then took action at will, killing several players who yelled the most fiercely in seconds.

"It's not good, Old Demon Lu is going on a killing spree!"

"This guy is too arrogant!"

"What's going on? What are you talking about? What happened?"

"Run quickly, Mr. Lu has killed someone!"

"NPC city guards are here! Here, here, there is someone killing people in the city. City guards, come and arrest him..."

The voices of the players attracted more players, and indeed a city guard team was attracted.

The city guards of Tianyun City wore armor and looked very good, but when they saw Lu Chaoding, they stepped forward and bowed in a very respectful manner.

Lu Chaoding noticed this and was very satisfied.

"It seems that it would be good to have a cheap apprentice of the city lord..."

Lu Chaoding laughed, then flicked his sleeves and stopped chasing the players who were ambushing him. He strode away, thought for a while, and then turned back to Chunhua Tower.

Song Shu saw Lu Chaoding and his eyes widened.

Although he had long expected that Geng Jinfeng and his group would not be able to harm Lu Chaoding and would most likely be killed by Lu Chaoding, but seeing Lu Chaoding's calm and calm appearance at this time, he couldn't help but feel shocked and shouted. :"abnormal!"

"Song Shu, how are you? Is the job I found for you okay?"

Lu Chaoding said hello to Song Shu, but Song Shu pretended not to hear, said nothing, and looked away.

Lu Chaoding didn't care about him. He strode into Chunhua Tower and displayed the title of "Hundred-Yuan Billionaire". After taking out the five-star Qianyuan token and displaying it, Hua Lao Madam immediately greeted him enthusiastically and said: "This is not Is Lu Chao the leader of Lu? It’s been a long time since I last saw you. I miss you so much! Please allow me to serve you when you come here this time!”

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble!"

Lu Chaoding took out the purple gold gourd and said, "I'm here to sell someone. See how much this is worth!"

After saying this, Lu Chao slapped the bottom of the gourd and released Geng Jinfeng.

The Four King Kongs jumped out of nowhere and quickly suppressed the confused Geng Jinfeng.

"This..." Hua Lao Bustard said with a face full of joy: "The slave family will naturally accept the person sent by Master Lu. This person is average-looking, how about 50 yuan?"

"Another 50? Forget it, it's for nothing!" Lu Chaoding glanced down at Geng Jinfeng, who was obviously still confused about the situation, and said: "You look like the leader of the gang just now. I will teach you a lesson today. Let’s work well here from now on.”

(End of this chapter)

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