Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 176 Heading to Tianfeng State

Chapter 176 Heading to Tianfeng State

Under the control of Lu Chaoding, Geng Jinfei became the second turtle master of Chunhua Tower. Although he was still a disciple of Daluo Sword Sect, he could not leave Chunhua Tower as a turtle master. He had to either redeem himself or work honestly. Live, improve performance, and strive for promotion.

Lu Chaoding looked at Geng Jinfei, who was sitting on the ground with a blank expression and no reaction, and left in disappointment.

Song Shu came over and put his hands in his sleeves. He couldn't help being happy and said with a smile: "Become famous, be famous!"

"F*ck!" Geng Jinfei cursed. His eyes widened as he seemed to realize, "Did I get sold to a brothel?"

"What's wrong? Get up, it's time to work, come with me to the door to greet the guests!"

"Who the hell are you? Get out of here! I'm a disciple of the Great Luo Sword Sect!" Geng Jinfei stared at Song Shu with an expression as if he wanted to eat someone.

Song Shu kicked him over and said: "Newcomer, it seems you still don't understand the rules, so I'll teach you! Four King Kongs, come out and beat him up!"

Following Song Shu's shout, the four two-meter-tall guards jumped out. Regardless of Sanqi 21, they pressed Geng Jinfei and gave him a beating.

These four kings are not following Song Shu's orders, but Song Shu is already very familiar with their style of doing things. When newcomers come, if they act arrogantly, they will immediately be beaten by the unified fat. Song Shu knows this very well. .

After a while, Geng Jinfei, who had been beaten hard, became honest. He and Song Shu stood in front of the gate of Chunhua Building, one on the left and one on the right. They looked at the passers-by and muttered: "Song Shu, you are such a fool. It’s too bad, no one has come to redeem you for so long!”

Song Shudao: "It sounds like someone is redeeming your life."

"Of course, I am a disciple of Daluo Sword Sect. I have many good friends. There must be someone willing to redeem my life." Geng Jinfei was already familiar with Song Shu and continued: "When I say hello, they will definitely do it. The person who raised the money for me, Hua Lao Madam, is too shady. He only paid 50 to buy me, but he actually asked for 100 million to redeem his life. If I really save up slowly in this Chunhua Building, I’m afraid it won’t take half my life!”

"Then you should hurry up and call your friends!" Song Shu said, "However, you have offended Lu Chaoding. Be careful that he catches all your good friends and sells them in."

Geng Jinfei frowned, sighed, and said: "I didn't expect Lu Chaoding to be so strong! I still don't understand why so many of us beat him together. Not only can't we pull him into the fighting space, but he can't The blood loss, and even the health increase number popping up on the head, is really outrageous, even more unsolvable than the big BOSS."

Song Shu also sighed after hearing this, and said: "This pervert is the head of the Reliable Sword Sect. He is really a giant. Alas, I once had the opportunity to join the Reliable Sword Sect. If I had been smarter at the time and knew how to embrace others, how could I have fallen into this situation? Now in this situation? In fact, Lu Chaoding and I have no grudges? "

"Don't be discouraged. If you work hard here, you might be able to achieve another career!" Geng Jinfei narrowed his eyes, "This Chunhua Tower is also a hidden force after all, and its location is good. Maybe it can become a leader comparable to Daluo Sword Sect in the future. You are a first-rate force. When the time comes, you will hold an important position, and you will also be a famous figure. Anyway, I can't go out for a while, so we will study and see if we can create something famous in this Chunhua Building. "

"I found that you have a good attitude!" Song Shu narrowed his eyes, "Let's get to know each other again, Sword Master Song Shu!"

Geng Jinfei cupped his hands and said: "Geng Jinfei, the Great Luo Sword Sect, is an ordinary sword god now, and will be the Great Luo Sword God in the future! We are friends now. Don't worry, if this Chuhualou doesn't cause trouble, when I go out, you still have to redeem me." If you can't escape, I will lead the sect's army to destroy this building, kill Hua Lao Bustard and the Four King Kongs, and give you your freedom."

As soon as he said this, the Four King Kongs jumped out. These four strong men were mainly elusive. After appearing, without saying a word, they held Geng Jinfei down and beat him up.

Song Shu grinned as he watched and said: "Brother, I forgot to tell you that you can't speak ill of Hua Lao Bustard and the Four King Kongs here. As long as you do, the Four King Kongs will know about it and beat them up. Brother, this This time you may have to endure a little longer than 10 minutes, and besides..."

Song Shu rolled up his sleeves, took out the nunchucks from his waist, and said, "In addition, in order to increase the favorability of the Four King Kongs, I have to be polite, so please bear with me!"

After saying that, Song Shu also beat Geng Jinfei. Twenty minutes later, Geng Jinfei was beaten until he was like mud and lay on the ground groaning.

The four kings took turns patting Song Shu on the shoulder, with kind smiles on their faces, as if they recognized Song Shu very much, and even took out a skill book and handed it to Song Shu.

That is the skill book of the special universal secret skill [Serious Beating].

Song Shu's eyes lit up.

"This is... Chunhualou's exclusive skill book!"

Song Shu quickly took it and found that this [Serious Beating] is a privileged secret skill with a passive effect. It only works in Chunhua Tower. As long as it enters the "Serious Beating" state, the power will show an overwhelming advantage, leaving the beaten party with no way to fight back. force.

"A good skill, but it's a pity that it can only be used in Chunhua Tower!" Song Shu was still very happy. He squatted on the ground, poked Geng Jinfei with his finger, and said: "Brother, the beating you received was not in vain, it is worth it! "

"Your uncle...you are the one who beats me the hardest!"

"That's a show! If I don't use my strength, how can the Four Great Vajras recognize me?"

"You're a swindler! No wonder Lu Chaoding sold you in! You're so unreasonable!"

Geng Jinfei was very unhappy.

But at this moment, Lu Chaoding was controlling the Great Xuan Sword, but he was walking leisurely towards the Tianjian Gate.

He was still thinking about Zhao Weike and others.

The station of Tianjianmen is not far away from Tianyun City. Lu Chaoding can reach it in half an hour by controlling the Great Xuan Sword.

From a distance, Lu Chaoding could see pavilions, halls, towers and other very impressive buildings built against the mountain. That mountain was called Tianjian Mountain, and it was the seat of the Tianjian Sect. The mountain is even taller and taller.

The gate of Tianjian Gate is built at the foot of Tianjian Mountain. The gate is not much different from the gate strengthened by the Reliable Sword Sect. There are giant sword statues on both sides.

When Lu Chaoding came to the mountain gate, he saw two giants one foot tall cursing in front of the mountain gate.

These two giants are none other than the guards at the Unreliable Mountain Gate [Dugu Qiu Sheng] and [Eastern Defeat].

At this moment [Dugu Qiu Sheng] was sitting cross-legged and shouting at the mountain gate: "It will be a disaster to keep you here. Either surrender and follow us, or wait for destruction. I will personally take action and kill you without leaving a trace!"

[Eastern Defeat] Others on the side also shouted: "If you are not convinced, follow me, and I will lead you to attack Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain!"

Lu Chaoding recognized them from a distance and thought to himself that they were indeed unreliable guards. Instead of guarding the gate at home, they went to other people's gates to make trouble.

When Lu Chaoding came to the mountain gate, the two unreliable guards immediately bowed to him.

"Master, I am trying to persuade the players from Tianjian Sect to attack our reliable sword sect!"

[Eastern Defeat] cheerfully took the initiative to speak.

"The boss really has to thank you!" Lu Chao replied, and then asked: "Have you been arrested before?"

[Dugu Qiu Sheng] said: "Yes, but the mere soldiers from Tianjian Sect know that I am powerful and they don't dare to really lock us up."

"Really?" Lu Chaoding asked tentatively: "Where are Zhao Weike, Dugutian and the others?"

[Eastern Defeat] and [Dugu Qiu Sheng] shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they had no idea.

Lu Chaoding also ignored these two unreliable mountain gate guards and allowed them to let themselves go.

Next, Lu Chaoding forced his way into the Heavenly Sword Gate. Many NPC guards and players were attracted to him and shouted loudly. A few of them chased after him. Lu Chaoding ignored it and spent 10 minutes. When he reached the top of the mountain, he put away the Great Mysterious Sword, jumped up, and stood firmly in front of the head hall of Tianjian Sect.

A group of players had already gathered in front of the master's hall. When they saw Lu Chaoding jumping down, they immediately started talking. "Who is this person? He came in a plane?"

"Looks like he's from a reliable sword sect!"

"Look at his fashion, it's so shabby!"

"He is Lu Chaoding, he is Lu Chaoding!"

"Yes, it's him, Lu Chaoding, who is number one on the third list! I saw his exaggerated flying sword in my Defa's live broadcast."

"Old Demon Lu is here!"

"I'm here to ask for an explanation!"

"Hurry and inform the acting head and the elders that Old Demon Lu is here!"

"Hurry and inform the elders of the reliable sword sect..."

The players shouted loudly, and suddenly they separated to both sides and gave way to the road.

Someone came out of the main hall.

The leader was Zhang Tianci, the former deputy head of Tianjian Sect and now the head of Tianjian Sect. Behind him were a group of NPCs. Lu Chao took a quick look and found that most of these NPCs could see attribute information, including level 50. The only level 60 NPCs are Zhang Tianci and the punishment elder Xie Tianwu.

Following these NPCs were Zhao Weike and others, all of them had handsome postures and happy faces.

Because the harvest is really too great.

Needless to say, gold dollars, 1000 million gold dollars are divided equally!
The newly appointed city lord was very generous and would take out a batch of treasures and distribute them to them every day. Zhao Weike and others really felt like they were happy and unwilling to miss Shu.

"It's Brother Ding!"

"Brother Ding is here!"

"Brother Ding, we are here! We have a great time here!"

"The new head of Tianjian Sect is a good person!"

"Oh, I forgot about the mission of Qilin Secret Realm!"

Zhao Weike and others discovered Lu Chaoding and shouted.

At this time, Zhang Tianci, the head of the Tianjian Sect, heard that Lu Chaoding, the head of the Reliable Sword Sect, had arrived, and acted a little trepidatiously.

He straightened his clothes, stepped forward and cupped his hands, saying: "Zhang Tianci, the head of the Tianjian Sect, and all the elders have met the head of Lu!"

"I've met Master Lu!"

All the NPCs followed Zhang Tianci and bowed their hands. This battle made Lu Chaoding a little confused.

"What's going on with these NPCs? They all look so cowardly!"

He waved his hand and said: "Get up, I'm here to redeem someone. The leader of your sect gave me a letter from Feijian, saying that he has captured a member of my sect and wants 100 million gold yuan to redeem him. If he doesn't redeem after the deadline, he will tear him up." !”

Zhang Tianci trembled when he heard the words, and quickly waved his hands and said: "Wan Tianyi said nonsense about that thing without eyes. Now that he is dead, he has received the punishment he deserves. I will talk to your sect." Disciples get along as friends and never dare to neglect me. If you don’t believe me, just ask!”

"That means no ransom is required? That's great! Also, your leader said he wants to talk to me about the ownership of Tianyun City!"

"Is there any need to talk about this? I heard that Li Chengzhi, the lord of Tianyun City, is your disciple. Of course, you are the one who protects this Tianyun City. I hereby promise you that our Tianjian Sect will never interfere with the operation of Tianyun City in the future. I won’t collect any more tribute money!”

Zhang Tianci said categorically, Lu Chao smiled, looked at Zhang Tianci and said: "You are good, you have a future!"

"Thank you very much, Master Lu, for the compliment. Please also invite Master Lu into the palace, so that I can show my friendship as a landlord!"

Lu Chao waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I still have a lot to do!"

He looked at Zhao Weike and the others and said angrily: "You guys should have some snacks, be more reliable, and go to the Qilin Secret Realm quickly to find the fragments of the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror!"

"Okay, Brother Ding, let's set off now!"

"We've almost conquered this sect, so it's time to try somewhere else!"

"I really don't want to leave..."

After a period of commotion, Zhao Weike and others reluctantly left Tianjianmen.

Two hours later, they arrived at Tianyun City, and without further delay, they lined up under the Tianxing Tower, waiting to complete the Tianxing Trial.

Lu Chaoding went to find Li Chengzhi specifically.

Li Chengzhi was extremely excited when he met his "master" and bowed before him. He was even more excited when he learned that Tianjian Sect would no longer interfere with the operation of Tianyun City.

"You should run Tianyun City well from now on. I am very much looking forward to how you will develop Tianyun City. If you have any difficulties, feel free to come to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain Master Sect and ask for help from me or other fellow sects! Remember! , your master is a reliable sword sect, very reliable!"

Lu Chao patted Li Chengzhi on the shoulder and expressed that he was very optimistic about him.

"I will definitely live up to Master's expectations!"

Li Chengzhi bowed deeply, and when he looked up again, Lu Chaoding had already released the Daxuan Sword, jumped up and flew away.

He remembered that in the chat group of the Chamber of Commerce, Elder Chu of the Tianfeng Sword Sect once mentioned that unidentified and inherited jade slips were newly unearthed from the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave in Fengbo Valley, Tianfeng Prefecture, and they cost one penny, a total of 20 yuan.

The elder Chu told Lu Chaoding that it was "a penny", but the actual price was 100 million.

"One million pieces of inheritance jade slips!" Lu Chaoding thought to himself, "I think that inheritance jade slips should be good things. Now that they are all out, we might as well go to Tianfeng Prefecture again and get those 100 inheritance jade slips. Received.

Lu Chaoding opened the world map and took a closer look. He found that Tianfeng Prefecture was not far from Tianyun Prefecture. He did not delay and set off directly.

One day later, Lu Chaoding arrived in Tianfeng Prefecture, and followed the world map to Fengbo Valley. Finally, he asked in the Chamber of Commerce chat group and successfully met the "Elder Chu".

(End of this chapter)

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