Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 177 Ancient Sword Repairing the Cave Mansion

Chapter 177 Ancient Sword Repairing the Cave Mansion

Elder Chu has a white beard and white hair. He is a level 60 NPC. He looks like an immortal. Holding a whisk in his hand, he bowed to Lu Chao and said, "I have heard about the reputation of Master Lu for a long time. When I saw him today, he was indeed extraordinary. There are rumors in the world that Master Lu killed the masters of the Golden Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect in one battle, and even the witch Yan Shangjing was defeated by you. Is it true or not?"

"It's rumored in the world?" Lu Chao asked sincerely that he might be a little famous. He said with a smile: "Yes, these are all true!"

Elder Chu bowed his hands again and said: "Headmaster Lu has such fighting power at such a young age. It is really admirable."

Lu Chaoding also followed his example and returned the salute, saying: "Actually, I am just an Earth player with an unreliable system!"

"Unreliable system?"

Elder Chu obviously did not understand what Lu Chaoding said. He flicked his fly whisk and said: "According to the previous agreement, the unidentified inheritance jade slips newly discovered in the ancient sword repair cave in Fengbo Valley in Tianfeng Prefecture are here. A total of 20 yuan , Leader Lu only needs to pay 2 cents and he can take them all away."

While he was speaking, 20 palm-sized dark yellow jade pieces appeared in front of Lu Chaoding. These jade pieces were engraved with different patterns and looked quite mysterious. They were unidentified inherited jade slips.

[The inheritance jade slip of ancient sword cultivator (unidentified): The ancient jade slip stored in the inheritance hall on the first floor of the ancient sword cultivator cave in Fengbo Valley may contain the secret skills of ancient sword cultivator, but this jade slip Sealed by a strange secret method of spiritual consciousness, it is difficult to pry into the mystery without using other methods.Note: After identification, the inheritance jade slip will display detailed attribute information and be converted into skill books, production maps, elixir recipes, etc. Please explore on your own for details. 】

Lu Chao nodded. He took out the Qianyuan Token, gave Elder Chu a dollar, and said, "Here you a dollar, no need to change!"

Elder Chu was overjoyed and said: "How can that be done? This is a huge sum of money!"

"It's only one dollar, don't be polite!"

Lu Chaoding didn't care at all. He accepted the 20 Yuan inheritance jade slips. He was thinking that these inheritance jade slips were non-binding and could be traded. Then he could grind them infinitely through the mission hall. What he gained was not 20 Yuan. But infinitely many.

After carefully examining these jade slips, Lu Chaoding added: "I wonder how to identify these inherited jade slips?"

Elder Chu said: "These jade slips are blessed with the ancient and mysterious secret method of spiritual consciousness. In my opinion, if you want to pry into the mystery, I am afraid you have to go to Dayu Country in Tianzhong Prefecture. I heard that there are people there who are proficient in ancient secret methods and are called appraisers." , they should be able to decipher the mystery of this inherited jade slip!"

"You still want to go to Tianzhong State?" Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed, "Is there no other way?"

Elder Chu said: "Yes! Divine consciousness can be forcibly erased. I heard that there are powerful spiritual consciousnesses in the peak realm. It is completely possible to forcibly erase the divine consciousness on these jade slips and make them appear mysterious."

"The peak realm exists?" Lu Chaoding's heart moved, "What does that mean?"

"Mortal, outstanding, extraordinary, pinnacle, supreme, and chaotic source, these are the six realms of sword cultivation that have been handed down from ancient times. Among them, the extraordinary and powerful can already establish a sect and take control of one side. The peak is still above the extraordinary, but now the peak There are only a handful of strong men, the dragon has its head but not its tail, and the Supreme Realm and Hunyuan Realm are legends. There are many strong people who believe that the Supreme Realm and Hunyuan Realm do not exist at all, and they are false rumors."

"Miao Chuan, right?"

Lu Chao said sincerely that finding a peak expert might be more difficult than going to Tianzhong Prefecture to find an appraiser.

He shook his head and put away the 20 unidentified inheritance jade slips, not planning to go to Tianzhong State yet.

"After all, it's just something I bought for one dollar, so let's think about it first!" Lu Chaoding muttered, thinking that he should return to his sect and farm more elixirs and lands. After a month, he can use the world map. After the teleportation function, it is not too late to go to Zhongzhou that day.

Thinking of this, Lu Chao said to Elder Chu: "The transaction is completed, there is nothing else to do, I will leave now!"

After saying this, he released the Daxuan Sword and was about to wield it and leave.

"Master Lu, stay!" Elder Chu suddenly said again, "Master Lu is very powerful. I wonder if you would like to go to the Fengbo Valley Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave?"

Lu Chaoding stopped, and he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, trigger a chance event, talk to Elder Chu of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, and learn more about the ancient sword repair cave in Fengbo Valley."

"Go to the Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave in Fengbo Valley?" Lu Chaoding immediately turned back and said, "Yes, yes, that's what I have in mind! I wonder what's so mysterious about the Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave?"

Elder Chu said: "If Master Lu is willing to go, that would be great. Speaking of the ancient sword repair cave, it is really extraordinary. I don't know what kind of person left it. I sent out all the experts, even the Supreme Elder. , and masters from other sects have gone in to explore together, but so far, they have only been able to break through the first floor of this cave, and this cave is by no means only one floor. Master Lu, please follow me, I will take you there Let’s talk about the ancient sword building cave as we walk!”

"it is good!"

Lu Chaoding then walked side by side with Elder Chu towards a valley.

That valley is Fengbo Valley.

This valley is huge, in the shape of a "ten", with four ways in and out. According to Elder Chu, the ancient sword repair cave is at the center of it, and is used by the Tianfeng Sword Sect, Tianlei Sword Sect, and Tianyu Sword Sect. Co-operated with the Skyfire Sword Sect.

The four factions are located close to each other, and their power is not much different, so they are quite competitive.

Lu Chaoding followed Elder Chu and first came to the headquarters of Tianfeng Sword Sect.

Looking at the scale of the sect's buildings alone, the Tianfeng Sword Sect looks to be one level higher than the Golden Sword Sect, Tianjian Sect, and Tianfeng Sword Sect. Because it is not near the sea, the Tianfeng Sword Sect does not have a patrol ship, but the sky above where the sect is stationed is There are a dozen large sky survey ships floating, two of which are earth-level.

There are also many players from the Tianfeng Sword Sect. Lu Chaoding went all the way and saw more than 20 big guys. They saw Lu Chaoding, but they didn’t have much reaction. They probably recognized him as an NPC. What should they do? Still doing nothing, not even bothering to take a second look.

After a while, Lu Chaoding entered the valley, and after walking along the valley passage for another half an hour, he arrived at the very center of the valley. There was a square hall there, which completely occupied the center of the valley and blocked the entire valley. Way to go.

Obviously, the main hall is the entrance to the Gujian Xiu Cave.

The Tianfeng Sword Sect occupies a quarter of the Fengbo Valley and can only control one entrance to the Sifang Hall. There is also an entrance to the other three sides of the hall, which is probably controlled by the three entrances of Tianhuo, Tianlei and Tianyu. Send control.

As soon as Lu Chaoding saw this scene, he understood that the inheritance of ancient sword cultivation was not trivial. It was very likely that the four sects of Tianfeng, Tianyu, Tianlei, and Tianhuo were designed around it.

At this time, there were many NPCs and players in front of the entrance of the Sifang Hall.

Most of the NPCs stood still and the players were noisy. Lu Chaoding simply listened and understood that the ancient sword repair cave was a large secret realm. If he wanted to explore it, he needed to find the Tianfeng Sword Sect first. Leader Feng Kuaihou received the exploration mission.

This leader is standing in front of the entrance of the Sifang Hall. He is a level 60 NPC, dressed in black, expressionless, standing still. If no player comes forward to interact with him, he is like a sculpture, a standard Task-based NPC.Next to him stood two NPCs with white beards and white hair. They were the left and right guardians of the Tianfeng Sword Sect. At the moment, one was acting as a supply man with store characteristics, and the other was a doctor who seemed to be able to increase blood for the players.

Lu Chaoding also discovered the Hongchen Sword Monument and Tianming Platform here.

"Good fellow, the leader and the guardians on the left and right are not doing anything, they are just standing here. This Tianfeng Sword Sect exists because of this ancient sword repair cave, right?"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

Soon, he followed Elder Chu and came to Feng Kuanghou. Elder Chu said: "Master, this is Master Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect. He is a hundred-dollar millionaire. Maybe he can help us explore this ancient sword cultivator." Cave!"

Feng Kuanghou heard this, and his face became more expressive, but it was obvious that the leader was not very intelligent. He took out a token from his waist, looked at Lu Chaoding, and said, "You are not a disciple of our sect. If you want to explore the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave, you need to pay 100 million each time...oh no, a penny! If you can't pay the money, you won't be able to enter. However, if you join our Tianfeng Sword Sect, not only can you get free money once a day You only need to spend 3000 yuan to enter once. How about joining our Tianfeng Sword Sect!"

"No!" Lu Chao shook his head.

Feng Kuanghou continued expressionlessly: "If you don't want to join our faction, please pay first before entering the cave!"

Without saying a word, Lu Chaoding took out the Qianyuan Token and roared at the wind and swiped a dollar.

Feng Kuanghou said with a calm expression: "For one dollar, you can enter 100 times!"

After saying that, the leader took out a token from his waist, handed it to Lu Chao, and said: "Now you can enter the ancient sword repair cave. There are many dangers in this cave. It is recommended that you form a team to explore! In addition, If you can find my junior brother Feng Qingyang inside, rescue him, or pass the news back, you will receive a generous reward!"

"Ding, congratulations on your qualification to enter the Fengbo Valley Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave. You can currently enter it 100 times!"

"Ding, receive the quest to explore the Ancient Sword Repair Cave, go to Fengbo Valley to explore the Ancient Sword Repair Cave, rescue Feng Qingyang, the deputy head of the Tianfeng Sword Sect who is trapped inside, or send his news back, you can use the Tianfeng Sword Send leader Feng Kuaihou to receive generous rewards."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tampered with the content: Go to the Fengbo Valley Ancient Sword Repair Cave to explore, rescue Feng Qingyang, the deputy leader of the Tianfeng Sword Sect who is trapped inside, or send his news back. , you can get Feng Qingyang from Feng Kuanghou, the leader of Tianfeng Sword Sect!"

"Huh?" Lu Chao raised his eyebrows, "An unreliable reward is here again. Get Feng Qingyang! Are you going to reward me with an NPC?"

Looking down at the "passage token" in his hand, Lu Chao said sincerely that this ancient sword repair cave was regarded as a profit-making organization by the Tianfeng Sword Sect. The cost of entering and exploring it is really not low. If it is the normal price, Players who are not from the Tianfeng Sword Sect will have to spend 100 million to enter!

However, the fee is so high, I think there are many treasures in this ancient sword repair cave.

"Master Lu!" Elder Chu spoke again at this time, "If you find anything in the cave, or enter the second level, if you find anything, you can give it to me if you don't need it, and I will definitely give it to you. A price you are satisfied with.”


Elder Chu said again: "Master Lu, if conditions permit, you'd better form a team to enter the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave Mansion, which is safer. Moreover, there is a four-image array on the first floor of the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave Mansion, which requires the cooperation of four people to open it. , you’d better form a team of four!”

At this time, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, accept the mission. Four people form a team to explore the Fengbo Valley Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave, and successfully open the Four Elephant Formation, you can get a hidden reward."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: four people form a team to explore the Fengbo Valley Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave, and successfully open the Four Elephant Formation, you can get ten hidden rewards."

"Hey, another team mission has been completed! Ten hidden rewards..."

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and said to Elder Chu: "You are a good NPC, I will try my best!"

At this point, three players came over. Their attribute information was hidden. Lu Chaoding could not see their names and level information. One of them was a tall female player. She looked at Tianfeng Sword carelessly. The leader of the faction, Feng Kuang, roared: "Here are 9000 for you and three brands! Take them from my storage space, I'm too lazy to take them out!"

Feng Kuanghou nodded and said: "Introductory disciple Meng Jingjing has deducted 9000 gold yuan from your storage space and given you three access tokens. Now you can enter the Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave. If you can I found my junior brother Feng Qingyang inside, rescued him, or sent back the news..."

"I got it, stop rambling! Who knows where your ghost junior brother is? I'm too lazy to look for him!"

After saying that, she took the three access tokens from Feng Kuanghou's hand, and gave one piece to each of the two players behind her.

The two players, one fat and one thin, are both men. They were very happy after getting the pass token. The fat player said: "Sister, I owe you this time. When I have money, these 3000 I will return the principal to you with interest!"

Another thin player said: "Now we are three short of one, and there is still one person missing!"

Lu Chaoding heard this and said with a smile: "Three of you, let's form a team!"

"who are you?"

"I haven't seen you!"

"Looking at your appearance, you are just starting out, right?" The female player Meng Jingjing looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Have you ever been in this secret realm?"

Lu Chao shook his head and said, "Not yet!"

"Then you are a pure novice!" Meng Jingjing crossed her arms and thought for a while, then said: "That's all, my sister is in a good mood today, so I will take you as a newcomer, but there are ugly words ahead. After entering the ancient sword repair cave, everything will You all have to listen to me and don’t act on your own. The monsters here are very strong and there are mechanisms. If you don’t pay attention, the whole group will be destroyed!”

Lu Chao nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try my best!"

He thought for a moment and then said, "Don't you all recognize me?"

The fat player said: "I don't recognize you, what's your name?"

The thin player followed: "Are you famous? Should we know you?"

"I should be somewhat famous..." Lu Chao smiled and felt that he really missed forming a team with others.

(End of this chapter)

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