Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 178 Great Flame Nether Phoenix

Chapter 178 Great Flame Nether Phoenix
Lu Chaoding successfully completed the team formation.

However, after joining the team, his nickname and level information can no longer be hidden. Through the team panel, it can be clearly seen that Lu Chaoding is now level 60.

Lu Chaoding also saw the attribute information of the three people in the team. The tall female player is named Meng Jingjing, the fat player is named Jia Fei, and the skinny player is named Oudi. They are all sword masters and only level 25.

The fat player immediately checked Lu Chaoding's attribute information and said: "Hey, Lu Chaoding, your level is so high, you are actually level 60!"

"Level 60! Am I mistaken? Our leader is only level 60!"

"Impossible? Have any players reached level 60 now?"

The three players murmured, and Meng Jingjing seemed to suddenly think of something and said: "I remember, you are the number one on the three lists!"

The thin player asked: "Which one is number one among the three lists?"

The fat player said: "That's the awesome player who killed Ye Longxing, and he was on the server-wide notice!"

"When you said that, I also remembered it!" The thin player looked at Lu Chaoding again and said, "I actually met a famous person."

Meng Jingjing said: "But even if you are number one on the three lists and your level is still as high as 60, you have to listen to me after entering this ancient sword repair cave. The monsters inside are really strong, and the traps are very powerful!"

"Okay!" Lu Chao nodded gently, thinking that these three people are really weird. They know their identities and are still so calm. Could it be that they have been playing games with their heads down, or maybe they are not as famous as themselves? It's as big as expected.

"Okay, let's enter the cave! It costs 3000 yuan to enter the cave once. This is not a small sum. Everyone must be careful!"

Meng Jingjing said hello and led the way, Jia Fei and Oudi followed behind, and Lu Chao walked at the end with his hands behind his head.

After entering the entrance of the Sifang Hall, Lu Chaoding felt that he had arrived at the market. There were actually a lot of people here, most of them were players, not only from the Tianfeng Sword Sect, but also from the Tianlei, Tianhuo, and Tianyu sects. , many players set up stalls on the spot, shouting and selling small items.

Looking around, there are many thatched houses. The sky seems to be a light blue light shield. There are trees around. There is a hill in the distance. There is a ray of light on the top of the hill that reaches straight into the sky, which is very eye-catching.

"Ding, you have entered the first floor of Fengbo Valley Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave!"

"Ding, in the current area, some props and abilities will be invalid. Please explore by yourself for details."

Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt and thought that this cave was like a small world. Compared with his own fifth-level cave, it seemed to be no less generous. If it had a level, it would not be lower.

He looked at his information panel and found that his skills were not affected, but it seemed that he could not open the entrance to the exclusive cave.

Meng Jingjing looked back at Lu Chaoding and said: "This is the first floor of the Gujian Xiu Cave. It is a closed space with a radius of about ten miles. This is your first time here. Let me give you a brief introduction. Take a look around. This is It’s a small village called Hermitage Village. The good things nearby have been stripped away by others, so there’s no need to waste time in this hermitage village. If you want to get good things, you have to go to the mountains!”

She pointed to the hill with the light pillar on the top of the mountain in the distance and said: "That mountain is called Jianxiu Mountain. It is the core area of ​​the first level of the ancient Jianxiu Cave. There are many resource points in it. It is said that there are also hidden treasure boxes. Of course There are also many wild monsters on the mountain. There is an underground palace at the foot of the mountain. The terrain in the underground palace is complex and there are many mechanisms. Good things are produced from that underground palace. However, the competition there is also fierce. The most common thing is to grab treasures and monsters. Even NPCs sometimes take action. The destination of our trip is not the underground palace, but a secret cave in the back mountain of Jianxiu Mountain. The cave is called Lingguang Cave. Ganoderma lucidum herbal medicine is refreshed in it. Ganoderma lucidum herbal medicine is very valuable. If you can collect it, With 10 plants, we can make back our money! Lu Chaoding, what are your plans?"

Lu Chaoding had a "sightseeing" mentality and said: "I'm free to play with you. There is a four-image array. If you can, help me open it."

"Four-element array?"

Meng Jingjing narrowed her eyes and said: "I know the Four Elephant Formation, it's on the top of the mountain, but in addition to the cooperation of four people, opening the Four Elephant Formation also requires the Four Elephant Yuan Fei Sword, and the Four Elephant Yuan Fei Sword requires four You can only get it by the big monsters, and the four big monsters are all level 60 and very powerful. Many players have failed to challenge them!"

"Fight big monsters?" Lu Chao said with a smile, "I'm good at this! Why don't you lead the way and I'll kill the monsters!"

"Can you do it?" Meng Jingjing frowned and said, "Let's go to Lingguang Cave to collect Ganoderma lucidum herbal medicine first. After making sure that the capital is guaranteed, I will take you to visit the underground palace or fight the four elephant monsters! You can use Qinggong to follow Let me go, I know a safer way!"

After saying that, Meng Jingjing led the way. This female player seemed to be very capable. She actually had some Qinggong skills. She could jump two feet high in one jump and could also fly over walls.

Jia Fei and Ou Du also quickly started Qinggong and chased Meng Jingjing from behind.

"Hey, these three guys are not very high-level, but they actually activated their innate skills. This light skill seems not bad compared to Song Shu!"

Lu Chaoding was a little surprised. He didn't have any light skills and couldn't fly up or down walls. However, he was a swordsman and could handle a sword.

As long as he could fly, Lu Chaoding didn't want to walk. He directly released the Daxuan Sword, stepped on it, and followed Meng Jingjing and others steadily.

However, in less than 5 minutes, Lu Chaoding suddenly entered the battle space with a flash of sight.

"Ding, your teammates are under attack!"

Lu Chao frowned. This was the disadvantage of forming a team. When his teammates were attacked, he had to enter the battle space. The immunity-entering feature of the Moral Swordsman was ineffective in this regard.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding looked forward. There were also four players on the other side. Judging from their fashions, they were not from the Tianfeng Sword Sect.

"It's the sword demon of the Sky Fire Sword Sect!" Meng Jingjing snorted. She seemed to recognize the four people opposite her, and her expression was very ugly at the moment.

The four people on the opposite side were looking at Lu Chaoding at this time. Although Lu Chaoding entered the battle space, he still stepped on the Daxuan ship. The Daxuan ship was really eye-catching.

"Holy shit, what the hell is this?"

"I have a bad feeling, it seems like I've hit an iron plate this time!"

"Is this the sword master's method? It seems that the sword masters of the Tianfeng Sword Sect have invited powerful foreign aid!"

"Then we can't let them go up the mountain!"

"That's right! Prince Hua and the others have entered a critical moment and cannot be disturbed by players from the other three factions coming up the mountain!"

The four of them were talking loudly.

Lu Chaoding looked at Meng Jingjing and said, "Do you need me to kill them?"

Meng Jingjing said: "I recognize them. They are subordinates of Prince Hua. Prince Hua is a true disciple of the Sky Fire Sword Sect. He is very strong personally and as a person... I remembered that today is the appearance of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] On that day, Prince Hua and the others were fighting for the [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] on the top of the mountain. Damn it, Jin Ge told me, but I actually forgot about it."

At this time, the preparation time was over, and Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and entered his turn.

He looked at the four people opposite again and said, "How dare you drag me into the fighting space!"

After saying that, he took action decisively. The Sword Immortal's twelve hatreds, one hate, two hate, three hate and four hate, directly ended the battle, and the fighting space was immediately shattered.

With Lu Chaofeng's strength, it is easy to kill ordinary small players.Meng Jingjing and others were stunned.

Before they could react, the battle was over.

"This Lu Chaoding is really powerful! Maybe..." Meng Jingjing's eyes lit up, and she turned back to look at Lu Chaoding in the sky, "This man is a master. If he tries to grab the [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], I wonder if he can Grab it..."

After thinking quickly, Meng Jingjing waved to Lu Chaoding and said, "Lu Chaoding, there is a spiritual sword on the top of the mountain. Do you want to fight for it?"

"What spirit sword?" Lu Chaoding became interested when he heard this.

Meng Jingjing said: "The name of the sword is [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], it is born with a sword spirit, a five-star top weapon!"

"The name is good, you can go up and have a look!"

"Okay, I'll lead the way!"

Meng Jingjing used Qing Gong again, and her speed increased significantly.

At this moment, at the top of Jianxiu Mountain, in front of a dilapidated hall, in the center of the stone-paved square platform, there stood a figure wearing a fiery red robe and a black hat.

This figure is not a player!
She is the incarnation of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], or the sword spirit form of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix]. She fell from the light pillar and came to earth like a mortal.

Around this sword spirit, in the four directions of southeast, northwest and four directions, there is a white-haired old man sitting cross-legged in mid-air.

The four white-haired old men are the supreme elders of the four sects: Feng, Tianlei, Tianhuo, and Tianyu. Their levels are all over level 60, three of them are level 62, and one is level 65.

The level 65 one is the Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect, sitting cross-legged in the void, with a golden magic ring behind his back and a big sword slung across his back.

And below these four supreme elders, there are four teams.

The ones below the Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect are naturally the players of the Sky Fire Sword Sect. They are the most powerful in numbers. The leader is wearing a white dress and has narrow eyes that look like fox eyes.

He is Prince Hua, the No. 1 player of the Sky Fire Sword Sect. He has completed the Tianxing Trial and is now level 32!

The other three player teams also have "big brothers". Among them, the "big brother" of the Tianfeng Sword Sect is named Jin Ge, and he is a level 31 sword master.

At this time, the sword spirit in the center of the square suddenly spoke: "Following the master's will, I will choose a suitable master when I am born today..."

Before she finished speaking, Prince Hua suddenly shouted: "Your master can only be me! Brothers, don't hesitate, go ahead, crush the players from the other three sects, and help me control [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] 】sword!"

"Okay, kill!"

"Listen to the prince and kill him!"

"Sneak attack, come on!"

"We are responsible for the Tianfeng Sword Sect, and you deal with the other two factions..."

As soon as the players of the Skyfire Sword Sect moved, the players of the other three factions also moved. The top of the mountain was immediately covered with war flags and a mess.

And the supreme elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect also moved. He shouted: "You three are no match for me. Retreat or die!"

The supreme elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect said: "Tianhuo, can you finally bear it no longer?"

The Supreme Elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect followed and said: "Tian Lei, Tian Yu, the three of us join forces first, otherwise we will be defeated by Tian Huo one by one, and there will be only death today!"

"it is good!"

As a result, the four NPCs also started fighting, and floating battle flags appeared in mid-air.

Prince Hua looked around, with a smile on his face, and said: "The more people we have, the better. We have flags all over the place. Who can stop me now?"

He strode towards the sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], bowed his hands before and after he came close, and said: "Sword spirit, accept me as your master, you can become famous all over the world in my hands!"

The sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] looked at Prince Hua, and said expressionlessly: "According to the original master's order a long time ago, if you can defeat me, I can serve as your master and be your wearer." sword!"

Prince Hua added: "Then what are you waiting for? Haha, to tell you the truth, other players will be eliminated by me. Even if you want to choose someone else, you will never have a chance."

But at this moment, with a buzzing sound, the Daxuan Sword flew to the top of the mountain. Lu Chaoding stood at the head of the sword. He put his hands on his back, his clothes were fluttering, and he scanned the bottom indifferently, and finally cast his eyes on Prince Hua.

"Huh? Who are you?" Prince Hua frowned. He arranged many players at the foot of the mountain, but he didn't expect that there would be someone who could rush up.

Lu Chaoding said: "I am Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect! I heard that there is a spiritual sword here, come and take a look."

At this time, he also discovered the sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], nodded, and said: "Not bad, not bad, it actually has a human form, it looks very high-end!"

The sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] also looked at Lu Chaoding, his eyes clearly lit up, and he took the initiative to take two steps forward and said: "He is actually an extraordinary swordsman, not bad! According to the original owner a long time ago, If you can defeat me, I can serve as your master and be your sword!"

"Ding, trigger the opportunity mission: fight with the sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] (you can form a team) and defeat it. After completing the task, you can gain its allegiance and get a special five-star weapon [Great Flame Nether Phoenix]."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, following the tracking mission, tampering with the content, fighting the sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] (you can form a team), and defeating it. After completing the mission, you cannot gain its allegiance and get a special sword. spirit."

"What do you mean?" Lu Chao was stunned and muttered: "You can't gain his allegiance, but you also get a special sword spirit? What kind of sword spirit is the special sword spirit? It seems that you can't get this five-star weapon smoothly. It’s a pity…”

At this time, Prince Hua couldn't bear it any longer. Seeing that the sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] was optimistic about Lu Chaoding, he immediately blew a whistle.

With a buzzing sound, a huge battle flag shattered in mid-air, and the Supreme Elder of the Skyfire Sword Sect actually escaped from the battle.He glanced at Prince Hua and then at Lu Chaoding, frowning suddenly and his expression became serious.

The Supreme Elders of the other three sects also appeared at this time.

Prince Hua pointed at Lu Chaoding and said to the Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect: "Superior Elder, please help me kill this player!"

 Sorry, my wife is busy at the hospital during her pregnancy, so updates are slow!backup.

(End of this chapter)

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