Chapter 182

When Lu Chaoding exploded the stone door of the cave, on a giant tree not far away, Jin Ge, an outstanding player of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, looked in the direction of Lu Chaoding.

In his field of vision, the Daxuan Sword was hanging in mid-air, very eye-catching.

"It's him, he discovered something..."

Jin Ge narrowed his eyes. Unlike Meng Jingjing and others, this Juggernaut player often visited forums and watched live broadcasts. He was also a not-so-famous anchor, so he was very familiar with Lu Chaoding.

To be precise, Lu Chaoding is considered the most famous player nowadays, and his reviews are polarized. Some people call him Lu Laomo, some call him Brother Ding, some people call him black and black, and some people say he is a great person. Man, some say he is unreliable, some say he is extremely reliable...

Jin Ge knows that the information on the Internet cannot be trusted. In his own opinion, Lu Chaoding's reputation is good or bad. It's hard to say what he is like, but his combat power is definitely the best among today's players.

After thinking quickly, Jin Ge used Qing Gong and flew in the direction of the Daxuan Sword.

Soon he came to the exploded cave and saw [Strong Bull Demon Ape] jumping out and roaring at Lu Chaoding in the sky.

He could also see the attribute information of this [Mighty Bull Demon Ape], and he immediately became energetic.

"What a BOSS!"

He looked at the blasted hole again and couldn't help but feel ready to move.

There is no doubt good stuff in that cave.

"Lu Chaoding is a celebrity and has traffic. How about starting a live broadcast?"

Thinking of this, Jin Ge opened the live broadcast interface and pointed the live broadcast camera at Lu Chaoding.

"Boys!" He whispered, "I caught a wild Lu Chao Ding. The location is Fengbo Valley. Guys, let me identify it. Come and take a look..."

At this time, Lu Chaoding also discovered Jin Ge, but he didn't care. After [Strong Bull Demon Ape] jumped out and roared at him, he received a system prompt: "Ding, a hidden cave was discovered and an opportunity mission was triggered: Defeat the powerful bull demon ape. The reward for completing the mission is 1 spiritual energy fruit."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up. Update the tracking mission and tamper with the content: Defeat the Aura Fruit. The reward for completing the mission is 1 Powerful Bull Demon Ape."

"Huh?" Lu Chao raised his eyebrows, "Are you here again?"

At this moment, a blue pear-shaped spiritual energy fruit suddenly appeared from the top of [Strong Bull Demon Ape]'s head, and fell to the ground with a chirp. It rolled twice on the ground, and a pair of eyes opened on it, and it looked After looking at Lu Chaoding, he jumped away like a toad into the distance.

"This fruit wants to escape! Super guy, take him down!" Lu Chao shouted.


The super man acted immediately. He suddenly transformed into a long sword form, and with a flying stab, he nailed the aura fruit to the ground.

The super man's growth is not high now, and his attributes are still very low, but he can still deal with a mere spiritual energy fruit.

Immediately, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, defeat the Spiritual Energy Fruit, the mission is completed. You will get the Powerful Bull Demon Ape × 1..."

Following the system prompt, the powerful Bull Demon Ape below suddenly collapsed on the ground, and his body lit up with alternating light and dark golden light.

Lu Chaoding pointed at him and asked the super guy who had returned to his human form, "Do you know him?"

The super guy frowned and said, "I don't know him."

"Isn't it the guardian beast of the cave?"

"No, the real guardian beast is a rock snake. How about beating him to death to avoid causing trouble."

Lu Chaoding shook his head and said: "Looking at him, he looks quite powerful, and he seems to have some spirituality. It would be a pity to kill him. I guess I can conquer him with his personal charm."

At this time, the light on the powerful Bull Demon Ape below dissipated, and he looked left and right in confusion, looking a little dazed.

Lu Chao pointed his finger at the [Powerful Bull Demon Ape] below and said: "Hey, Hericium, can you understand human language?"

"Wow wow wow wow..."

[Strong Bull Demon Ape] roared twice and rolled his eyes in a humane manner, as if he could understand.

Lu Chaoding added: "Your master, Zhang Zifu, died 4 years ago. This cave has become a place where people are looking for opportunities. More and more people will come. Sooner or later, if you stay here, someone will kill you." Beat me to death, I see that it is not easy for you to practice cultivation, so I will show you a way to survive, which is to follow me, what do you think?"

The powerful bull demon ape was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his expression became sad and sad. He sat on the ground and wiped away his tears.

"This monkey's head has quite a lot of expressions." Lu Chao said again: "Hericium, the deceased is gone. I express my condolences and accept the change. Please calm down. I will be your master from now on."

The powerful bull demon ape stood up, tremblingly bared his teeth at Lu Chao, and slowly pulled out a sharp single-edged long sword from his back.

"Does this mean you want to fight? Okay, okay, then I'll teach you my master's methods."

Lu Chao smiled and said to himself: The system has decided to give you to me, but you still want to resist?
He transformed the black saber-tooth tiger into a tank form, equipped it with six flying insect swords, and with a thought, the sky was filled with mechanical missiles.

He did not attack the [Powerful Bull Demon Ape], but relied on the characteristics of the Yin Yang Sword Immortal to select a hilltop 600 meters away and shouted: "Go!"

swish swish swish...

The mechanical missiles that filled the sky immediately bombarded the hilltop, bringing up a lot of flames and smoke.

This scene was very bluffing. [Strong Bull Demon Ape] was so frightened that Jin Ge, who was behind the rock, also had an incredulous expression on his face and exclaimed: "This...tank's sword is all over the screen." It’s a flaming missile. Is this still the Sword Immortal? Isn’t this the firepower of a division? Is this the method used by Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect?”

At this time, there were already three viewers in his live broadcast room. They were his companions who had been in Novice Village. Jin Ge had a good relationship with them. However, after the storyline in Novice Village ended, he took a different sect ship and entered a different world. The sect has never been seen again, but these three people are very supportive of Jin Ge's live broadcast. They often come to check in and occasionally send some small gifts.

"Hey, what kind of live broadcast is Mr. Jin doing right now!"

"What happened just now? A military exercise?"

"Mr. Jin has caught the traffic password. Wait, I'll call someone over!"

The three people who made barrage comments were obviously shocked by Lu Chaoding's bombardment just now.

But Lu Chaoding's attack did not stop. He felt that the long range was very exciting, so he continued to launch an untargeted attack on the hilltop.

swoosh swish...

boom boom boom...

Lu Chaoding's ordinary attack was just like a military exercise. Mechanical missiles kept flying, with more than 200 million hitting the ground every second. The fire and gunpowder smoke caused by the explosion quickly enveloped the hilltop. The scene was very... Horrible.

Jin Ge pointed the live broadcast camera at the hilltop and said: "This is too crazy, fellows, this place is at least a mile away from the hilltop. How can it be bombed like this? You can see clearly. I’m not doing special effects, Brother Ding is just a humanoid tank!”

"Driving a tank, piloting a flying ship, and can fire cannons, how can Dingge be a swordsman?" "Isn't this too outrageous, the attack range is so far?"

"What crime did Shantou commit? Why do you do this to him?"

"Anchor, can you interview Lu Chaoding and ask him what method he uses? I want to learn it!"

"Where did Brother Ding run away? Why did he blow up the mountain at the slightest disagreement?"

"I want to know, what exactly is Mo Lu doing? What purpose does he want to achieve?"

"Why did you blow up the mountain? Isn't there anyone who cares if there is no king's law?"

"If you have the ability, go blow up the mountain..."

There are more and more viewers in the live broadcast room, and the barrage comments are coming one after another. In just a few moments, Jin Ge's live broadcast room has reached unprecedented popularity.

After a full three minutes, Lu Chaoding stopped bombing.

At this time, [Powerful Bull Demon Ape] was already slumped on the ground.

Lu Chaoding clapped his hands and said to him: "Have you seen my method? Even though you have 6 million health points, if I want to kill you, it's just a matter of a casual blow, and compared to me There are so many powerful people that you can’t handle them, so if you want to survive, join my sect!”

After saying this, the mechanical missiles around Lu Chaoding changed their directions and all headed towards the [Powerful Bull Demon Ape].

[Strong Bull Demon Ape] was so frightened that he rolled back. He rolled his eyes, half-knelt down to Lu Chao, and raised the long sword above his head with both hands.

This look clearly shows surrender.

At the same time, Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt: "Ding, the Strong Bull Demon Ape has expressed his surrender and is willing to become your disciple and join the Reliable Sword Sect. Do you agree?"

"So cowardly?" Lu Chaoding was delighted, "I agree!"

"Ding, the powerful bull demon ape becomes your disciple!"

"Ding, the powerful Bull Demon Ape has joined the Reliable Sword Sect and is currently an entry-level disciple!"

Following the system prompt, the powerful bull demon monkey below immediately put on the reliable Sword Sect entry disciple's fashion designed by Hua Dashao. He looked at his clothes in a humane manner, turned around a few times, and seemed to like it very much. .

Lu Chao sent a team application to [Strong Bull Demon Ape] and said: "Strictly speaking, you are the second disciple of this sect. You don't have a name yet, right? I will give you one, and from now on you will It’s called ‘empty’, remember!”

[Strong Bull Demon Ape] nodded.

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with the result.

Naturally, Jin Ge and others couldn't understand.

"Then the monkey recognizes Lu Chaoding as his master?"

"What is this operation?"

"Can anyone understand what's going on? How does Lu Chaoding operate?"

"I don't understand. I don't understand. Let the anchor go over and do the interview..."

Jin Ge looked at the barrage comments that kept popping up, and was a little excited, saying: "You may not be able to see, but the monkey head is a level 60 BOSS with a life value of up to 6 million. Maybe he was beaten by Lu Chao I was so frightened by Ding’s methods that he actually surrendered and even wore the fashions of the reliable sword sect. It’s really outrageous! I’m going to say hello to Brother Ding now. Please continue to pay attention to me and don’t go away.”

After saying this, the young anchor took the initiative and walked over to Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding put away the Daxuan Sword at this moment, and he was going to enter the cave to hunt for treasure. Obviously, he would not be able to get in if he stepped on the Daxuan Sword.

He also noticed Jin Ge walking towards him, looked at him carefully and said, "Do you want to go into the cave to hunt for treasure?"

With a smile on his face, Jin Ge said: "Brother Ding is really awesome. The missile bombing just now made people's blood boil. I wonder what the method was?"

"It's just a normal attack."

Lu Chao told the truth. He now had no inhibitions and was content with the situation. He called the super man and his new disciples and headed for the cave.

Jin Ge was sensible and didn't ask any more questions, but followed Lu Chaoding and said, "Go and broaden your horizons with Brother Ding. Brother Ding doesn't mind, right?"

"what ever."

Lu Chaoding waved his hand indifferently, and when he entered the cave, he walked through a deep passage of more than a hundred meters. After entering a huge cave room, he saw a large python as thick as a bucket coiled up. On the stone pillar in the center of the cave, a head as big as a water tank was placed not far from the entrance of the cave, as if he was sleeping.

[Rock Snake: LV60, HP 6 million, attack power 6, defense 600, toughness 20, speed 200.Description: This is the guardian beast of the cave's secret treasure. After killing it, you can get the secret treasure chest. 】

After seeing the attribute information of this [Rock Snake], Lu Chaoding directly attacked with his sword without any hesitation.

At this moment, his multi-treasure attribute was still bright. All the equipment in his equipment column were flying insect swords, but he did not drive a tank. The mechanical missile's fashion effect was not displayed, but the dense flying insects looked quite scary.

Jin Ge, who was watching from behind, had goosebumps. He whispered: "Old fellows, isn't Brother Ding's method outrageous? There seems to be a level 60 snake in front. I think Brother Ding is going to fight it. I will broadcast it live. …”

Before he finished speaking, the dense flying insects rushed forward and flew out, then turned into light and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the cave was quiet, there were no more flying insect sword shadows, and even the level 60 snake was gone, and Lu Chaoding was happily stepping forward to open the treasure chest.

"The battle is over?"

"No, so fast!"

"With just one move, he was killed immediately? He didn't even enter the fighting space?"

"Did the anchor miss something?"

"Anchor, follow up quickly and see what Brother Ding can do..."

The barrage comments ushered in another wave of frenzy. Jin Ge hurriedly stepped forward, but the super guy and the powerful bull demon stopped in front of him. The super guy said with a cold face: "My lord is collecting the secret treasure. I won't wait for you." Allowed in."

At this time, Lu Chaoding had already opened the "Secret Treasure Box" dropped by Rock Snake, and the three items immediately floated up.

The first item is the [Secret Realm Seed], which is a fist-sized ball of light that exudes milky white light. It can be buried in the Secret Realm and it will randomly grow into plants, spiritual veins, special buildings, etc. wait.

The second item is a five-star weapon, its name is [Earth Dragon], and its attributes are quite satisfactory.

The third item is a grape-sized bead called [Baolong Pill]. After taking it, [-] points of cultivation will be added to the character upgrade progress bar. At the same time, there is a small chance of opening the special magical power [Baolong Jue].

(End of this chapter)

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