Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 183 Golden Double Gun Crab

Chapter 183 Golden Double Gun Crab

"What kind of martial arts is Baolong Jue?"

Lu Chaoding was quite curious, and the harvest this time was undoubtedly huge.

The three items are all non-binding, which means that they can be brushed infinitely through the mission hall. If there is one, there are countless.

In this way, [Secret Realm Seeds] can be planted at will, which is the rhythm of taking off.

And [Baolong Pill] can also replace [Nine Transformations Pill] and become Lu Chaoding's next upgrade elixir. The upgrade efficiency will be higher, and if you knock it like a jelly bean, you will only get the "Baolong Pill" with a small chance. "Secret" will definitely be obtained.

"It's really good!" Lu Chaoding was delighted and said to the super guy: "Good fellow, are there any treasures in this second floor?"

The super guy said: "According to the information I have, there are many items left in the second floor of Zhang Zi's Mansion. Resources supplied to a sect were once stored here, but most of them are low-level items. There are no good ones that can catch your eye." Maybe the master can go to the third floor and collect the Tianxing Bagua Furnace inside. It’s not difficult to go to the third floor. All you need to do is find the holder of the Great Flame Nether Phoenix and let him open a temporary passage."


Lu Chaoding silently made plans.

The training cave in Zhang Zi Mansion has five floors. The Excellent Realm can enter the second floor, the Extraordinary Realm can enter the third and fourth floors, and the Peak Realm can enter the final fifth floor.

In the short term, Lu Chaoding will not be able to enter the fifth floor. He plans to find Prince Hua and ask him to open the passage to the third floor and collect the [Tianxing Bagua Furnace]. This operation is almost the same. It's over. Then go back to the sect, brush up the elixirs, sow the seeds of the secret realm, and keep developing for a while. After a month, if you are free, go to Zhongzhou Dayu Country to find an appraiser that day.

"It's a pity that the Great Flame Nether Phoenix is ​​not in my hands, and that Prince Hua's realm is too low to go to the third floor. He cannot open the passage to the fourth floor from the third floor, and I don't know when he can go there. The fifth floor, this cave, we have to come back to in the future!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. If he wanted to go to the fourth and fifth floors as soon as possible, he could provide Prince Hua with pills, but for this kind of thing, Prince Hua should beg him. After all, he was now a member of the same faction. Your Majesty, it’s time for you to have some face and pomp.

There were some herbs and mineral materials in the cave. Lu Chaoding looked down upon them and was too lazy to collect them. After confirming that there were no more valuable items, Lu Chaoding left the cave.

Jin Ge came forward and smiled, seeming hesitant to speak.

Lu Chaoding didn't mind being noticed by the players. Sometimes he enjoyed the feeling of being a saint in front of others. He looked at Jin Ge and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"No, no..." Jin Ge seemed a little embarrassed.

Lu Chao smiled and said, "Why are you so nervous? I'm not a man-eating tiger. Come on, order me a bottle of iced watermelon juice to calm down."

"Iced watermelon juice?"

Jin Ge was stunned for a moment, but soon discovered the mystery and said in surprise: "Ah, Brother Ding, you still have store attributes. Huh? What is this, a gold medal for immunity from death! Kang Long Sword! We have these two pieces in stock, brother. Can I buy it too, baby?”

"Meeting me is an opportunity. I am generous and helpful. If you want to buy it, just buy it. Remember to give me a five-star review!"

Lu Chaoding is very generous.

"It must be a five-star review!" Jin Gexin said excitedly, and he swept away all the Kanglong Sword and death-free gold medals on the spot.

Only five items of these two items are sold every day. Meng Jingjing, Jia Fei, and Oudi each bought one item before, so Jin Ge bought two items each. He also bought 100 bottles of iced watermelon juice, and then drank them all. Received five-star praise.

Lu Chaoding sells these products at the original purchase price without making any profit. It can be said that they are of high quality and low price.

"Yes, you are very smart!" Lu Chao nodded, "We are destined to meet again! By the way, there are some herbal materials and ore materials in this cave. If you like them, just take them. They are still worth some money."

After saying that, Lu Chaoding released the Daxuan Sword, and he was going to find Prince Hua now.

"Brother Ding, walk slowly!" Jin Ge handed over his hand, and before Lu Chaoding could walk far, he quickly bought 3455 bottles of iced watermelon juice from the reliable mall.

When Lu Chaoding received the system prompt that the transaction was successful, he couldn't help but take a second look at Jin Ge, wondering if this guy had spent all his gold coins on iced watermelon juice.

He didn't think much about it, he called the super man and the powerful bull demon ape to get on the big black sword, and then quickly left.

Jin Ge, who only knew light kung fu, naturally couldn't catch up with him. Looking at the Daxuan Sword in the distance, he had a regretful expression on his face and said: "Tiemen, Brother Ding is gone! After a brief contact, I think Brother Ding is a good person. , he is not a bad guy, he is quite friendly, by the way... If you are watching the live broadcast, you may not know that Dingge has the characteristics of a mall, just like those NPCs such as supply men and salesmen, you can open the reliable mall panel through him, everyone If you meet Brother Ding in the future, buy more things. It’s really good quality and cheap. I just bought a lot of goods from Brother Ding, including iced watermelon juice, two death-free gold medals and two Kanglong swords. I’ll hang it with the trading house. If you like the boss, please remember to buy it!"

"Anchor, you are so embarrassed!"

"Aren't you a second-rate dealer?"

"Boycott the anchor, don't buy the items he lists for sale!"

"Where is Brother Ding? I'm going to buy some goods too!"

"Meeting Brother Ding is like meeting an opportunity!"

"I really want to join the reliable sword sect..."

The barrage comments went crazy.

Of course, Lu Chaoding didn't know about Jin Ge being a "second-rate dealer", but even if he knew, he wouldn't ask. He would think it was normal. After all, he could rely on the goods in the mall to be of high quality and price. Lian, the other party has the right to dispose of the goods that he sells normally.

After a while, Lu Chao found Prince Hua on a hillside.

This guy seemed to have just killed a monster and was opening a small treasure chest.

The appearance of Lu Chaoding startled him and said, "It turns out to be Brother Ding. Brother Ding, what are you doing here?"

Lu Chao spoke directly about his purpose and said: "I am here to ask you to open the passage to the third floor of the cave."

"Do you know how to enter the third level?"

Prince Hua released the sword spirit of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix]. This sword spirit was still stupid and dull.

"There's something wrong with this sword spirit. She can't speak. She doesn't know anything. She doesn't even know how to fight. She just stood there stupidly after being released. She didn't even tell me where to open the passage to the third layer of the cave. Here But there is no light beam."

"It doesn't matter, I know." Lu Chao greeted Prince Hua to board the Daxuan Sword, and then said to the super guy: "Super guy, come and show the way!"

"Okay!" The super guy said with an expressionless face and handed over his hand.

When Prince Hua boarded the Great Xuan Sword, Lu Chao said to him: "You are undoubtedly lucky to be able to get the Great Flame Nether Phoenix. This leader is actually very optimistic about you. I have many cultivation elixirs here. , can handle it for you..."

While talking, Lu Chao took out a bottle of [Baoxuan Pill] and [Nine Transformations Pill], shook his hands and threw it to Prince Hua, and said: "If you want to level up quickly, jungle leveling is not enough, just level up in the jungle. You have to take medicine."

Prince Hua was flattered and said: "Is this for me? Brother Ding, you are my eldest brother, you are too generous, tsk tsk, I have seen this Baoxuan Pill in the trading house, it costs 500 yuan each, this A bottle contains 20 pills, which means it is worth 1 yuan! This Nine Transformations Pill is even more powerful and worth a lot of money."

Lu Chao said: "I am kind to others and willing to help others. Meeting me is an opportunity. If you have free time, come to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. I can provide you with cultivation elixirs like this at a low price." , as many as you want.”

"Really? Low price? How much is that?"

"It depends on your performance. If you perform well, I'll give you a [-]% or [-]% discount on the market price, or even give you a free death!"

"Brother Ding, you are a big shot. If you spit and spit, you must admit what you said. Anyway, I take it seriously. I will buy elixirs from you later!"

"What I have said, of course it will count!" Lu Chao smiled and said no more.

A moment later, under the guidance of the super man, Daxuan Sword arrived above a building similar to the Tianming Tower.

The building looked very dilapidated, with severe signs of time and weathering, but there was a big golden crab lying on it.

The big crab was as big as a tank, with golden, javelin-like fluff on its body. It had two large pointed pincers that looked like drill bits. Strangely, there was a large golden treasure box on its back.

[Golden Double Gun Crab:? ? ? ? ? ? 】

Lu Chaoding could only see the name of the giant crab, but no other attribute information.

"Ding, when you find the teleportation platform, you will automatically receive the enemy-killing mission: challenge and kill the golden double-gun crab entrenched on the teleportation platform. The reward for completing the mission will be a mysterious treasure box!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: Challenge but do not kill the golden double gun crab entrenched on the teleportation platform. Completing the task will reward you with two mysterious treasure chests!"

"No killing..."

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes, "Does this mean you want to beat him up and then let him go?"

The super man said at this time: "Fall down to the platform below and hold up the Great Flame Nether Phoenix to establish a passage to the third floor. But first, we must kill the Golden Double Gun Crab. This giant crab seems to be a vicious crab specially caught by Zhang Zifu. Beast, it should be the strongest guardian beast in this second-level cave, its actual level is as high as 65, and it is an extraordinary existence. If you underestimate it, you will definitely pay the price."

"Wow wow wow wow..."

The powerful bull demon ape beat his chest and spurted white air from his nose, as if he did not agree with what the super guy said.

Prince Hua stared at the golden double-gun crab below and exclaimed: "A level 65 extraordinary wild monster, tsk, tsk, this one is hard to fight."

Lu Chaoding said: "It's just a little monster."

After saying that, he adjusted the skill bar and weapon bar, and then jumped out of the Daxuan Sword. This time, he did not use the [Incredible Splitting Sword Shadow], but used a super sword to lightly attack the golden double spear crab. With one slash, the battle was triggered, and he entered the battle space with the golden double-gun crab.

After the battle started, Lu Chaoding casually slashed at the golden double-gun crab, and then said: "Little crab, I'm just going to go through the motions. I'll let you go this time. I'll attack you again after I get the reward." Kill you."

After saying that, he immediately got out of the battle, then took up the Great Mysterious Sword and circled around with Prince Hua, Super Man and the Strong Bull Demon Ape.

"Ding, challenge but don't kill the golden double-gun crab entrenched on the teleportation platform. The task is completed. Congratulations on getting two mysterious treasure boxes. The reward items have been distributed to your storage space. Please check it yourself."

After receiving the system prompt, Lu Chaoding felt very happy. He was not in a hurry to open the two mysterious treasure boxes, and drove the Daxuan Sword around for 3 minutes. After the [Master of Escape] cooled down, he came again. Next to the teleportation platform.

At this time, he actually received the same system prompt as three minutes ago, and even the tampering task was exactly the same.

"This wild monster can keep getting kill missions!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed. He remembered the tampering mission when he defeated Prince Turtle. He had made a lot of money at that time.

He was planning to repeat his old trick, first attack the Golden Double Gun Crab, then break away from the battle and collect the mysterious treasure chest.

Suddenly, a long sword fell straight in front of the golden double-gun crab like thunder, and the sword half pierced into the ground.

Then, a figure floated down, standing with one foot on the hilt of the long sword, with his back to Lu Chaoding and others.

Lu Chao raised his eyebrows. He recognized that the person coming was none other than the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect, Tianyu.

Immediately afterwards, another player came with a sword. This player was Yun Luoxue, the only player from the Tianyu Sword Sect who entered the secret realm of the cave this time.

She was a female gamer, wearing a colorful skirt. While waiting to enter the second floor of the cave, Lu Chaoding briefly exchanged greetings with her. Seeing each other now, this girl had a smile on her face, but she said something to Lu Chaoding. He said: "Master Lu, we discovered this wild monster first, let us kill it."


Lu Chaoding was stunned when he heard this.

He felt that this female player was here to grab monsters.

Prince Hua knew Yun Luoxue, and said with a squinted smile: "It's a joke, we were the ones who came first, how come you discovered the BOSS first?"

Yun Luoxue frowned and said, "Huh, Prince Hua, don't talk nonsense. We discovered this BOSS a long time ago! Don't grab monsters!"

Prince Hua said: "Yeah, you're going to bite me back! Again, who's going to steal the monster?"

"I don't want to talk to you!" Yun Luoxue looked at Lu Chaoding, cupped her hands and said, "Master Lu, this BOSS is very strong. You may not be able to defeat it, so let us handle it. I know you are very strong. The level is very high, but the Supreme Elder I sent is level 62, which is two levels higher than you. It is safer for him to deal with this BOSS, don’t you think?"

At this time, the supreme elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect turned his face and said: "Master Lu, you have not truly stepped into the extraordinary world before reaching level 61. You are only level 60 now. I advise you not to be too reckless. You should remain humble in front of us old extraordinary giants!"

"Okay!" Lu Chaoding nodded calmly, "It turns out that extraordinary people can be considered giants, so let's ask the old giants to take action and kill this BOSS! I, the leader, stand back!"

(End of this chapter)

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