Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 184 Are you playing me?

Chapter 184 Are you playing me?

Lu Chaoding really stepped back.

Prince Hua couldn't help but sigh and said: "NPCs are also grabbing monsters, how shameless! Brother Ding, no one is in a strong position, so it's not shameful for us to retreat. We can't beat this BOSS anyway, so let's give it to a stronger one." The Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect doesn’t think he has suffered much loss, it’s just a loss of face..."

In his opinion, Lu Chaoding had already challenged the Golden Double-Gun Crab just now. He had not fought before and was out of the battle. There was no point in trying to fight again.

He felt that Lu Chaoding had the same idea, so he was willing to retreat.

Lu Chaoding said: "I just want to see this Supreme Elder overturn. He is only level 62. I'm afraid he won't be able to beat the level 65 Golden Double Gun Crab."

The level information of the Golden Double Gun Crab is hidden. Lu Chaoding cannot see it, nor can anyone else. The super man has obtained the "spirituality" of the Great Flame Nether Phoenix and has some information about the cave, so he only knows its level information.

The Golden Double Gun Crab on the second floor of this cave is obviously the final BOSS that needs to be conquered collectively. Without the intervention of the players, it is absolutely impossible to be killed by the NPC as soon as it comes up, because in that case, the players will not be reflected. The meaning of existence.

Therefore, Lu Chaoding determined that Elder Tianyu in front of him would definitely lose if he fought with the Golden Double Spear Crab.

From a grade point of view, there is nothing wrong with this result.

Yun Luoxue thought that Lu Chaoding had given up, and said with a smile: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero, Master Lu, you are very smart. When we deal with this big boss and get the spoils, I don't mind sharing some with you. As for Prince Hua, forget it!"

Prince Hua snorted coldly, but Lu Chaoding smiled and said nothing.

Next, the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect really took action against the Golden Double Spear Crab. Together with Yun Luoxue, they entered the battle space. A battle flag appeared above the teleportation platform, and there was also a light shield to teleport it. The platform is covered to prevent outsiders from approaching.

Lu Chaoding stood in front of the Daxuan Sword and said to Prince Hua: "Call me to buy four bottles of iced watermelon juice. Let's each drink one bottle and watch the show while drinking!"


Prince Hua couldn't keep up with Lu Chaoding's ideas, so he followed his advice and bought four bottles of iced watermelon juice.

Lu Chaoding couldn't buy anything from a reliable mall. He took three bottles of iced watermelon juice from Prince Hua and gave one bottle each to Super Piff and Strong Bull Demon Ape. Then he looked at the battle flag in front of him and sipped it. straw.

Prince Hua said: "Brother Ding, do you think the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect can't defeat that crab?"

"That's for sure!" The answer was from the super guy. He studied the iced watermelon juice and drank it all in one sip. Looking at the empty empty bottle, he seemed to be unsatisfied and said: "It's just a 62 How can a super little sword fairy be the opponent of the Golden Double Gun Crab? The Golden Double Gun Crab is not that easy to deal with!"

"Really?" Prince Hua said, "Then the Supreme Elder of Tianyujian Sect is not a fool, and he is not comfortable with himself."

"Didn't you listen to what he said? He calls himself a veteran tycoon. He probably has been in a high position for a long time and has been praised a lot. He is a little arrogant!" The super guy threw away the empty bottle in his hand, and the empty bottle immediately turned into light and disappeared. Looking at the iced watermelon juice in Prince Hua's hand, he said: "If you don't believe it, let's make a bet. If I am right, you will give me one bottle, oh no, ten bottles of iced watermelon juice, how about it?"

"It's done!"

Prince Hua nodded. A bottle of iced watermelon juice cost one yuan. It was very cheap. It didn’t matter if he lost.

Soon, the battle flag in mid-air shook violently, and a figure flew out from it. It was Tian Yu, the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect.

This NPC looked miserable at the moment, with only one-third of his health bar on his head. He looked panicked and hurriedly ran away with his sword in the distance.

The battle flag in mid-air has not disappeared yet, it still exists.

"This is……"

Prince Hua was a little confused.

Lu Chao said: "The Supreme Leader of the Tianyu Sword Sect is a swordsman. It is obvious that he got out of the battle with the help of [Dunkong Master]. The reason why the battle flag is still there is probably because there is another Yun Luoxue in the battle space." .”

"Run away?" Prince Hua was stunned, then laughed, "Haha, isn't that Yun Luoxue stupid? You are shooting yourself in the foot! Thinking of what she said before, will you still dare to be arrogant in the future?"

He immediately bought 100 bottles of iced watermelon juice, placed them all in front of the super guy, and said: "I'm willing to admit defeat, I'll give these to you, you're welcome, enjoy as you like!"

"You're still a kid!"

The super guy grinned and invited the powerful bull demon monkey next to him to drink watermelon juice.

At this moment, the battle flag shattered, and the golden double-gun crab reappeared on the teleportation platform, its health bar reduced by about one-tenth.

Yun Luoxue, of course, disappeared. He was obviously beaten to death and resurrected at the Hongchen Sword Monument.

Lu Chaoding quickly drank the iced watermelon juice and said: "You guys go find a place to hang out next to me, I'm going to harass the Golden Double Gun Crab."

After saying this, Lu Chao controlled the Daxuan Sword to fall to the ground. After the Flower Prince, Super Man and the Powerful Bull Demon Ape jumped down, he rose up with the sword and attacked the Golden Double Spear Crab.

It was still the same routine as before. Lu Chaoding tried his best to reduce his output and get out of the battle after entering the battle space. In this way, he achieved the goal of the tampering mission. Three minutes later, Lu Chaoding harvested two mysterious treasure boxes again.

After [Master of Escape] cooled down, Lu Chaoding came back again and triggered the mission again. The mission was tampered with again. He still needed to challenge but not kill the golden double-gun crab entrenched on the teleportation platform. However, the reward for this mission was Three mysterious treasure chests.

Lu Chaoding repeated his old trick. After 3 minutes, the task was completed and three mysterious treasure boxes were obtained.

Three minutes later, Lu Chaoding once again triggered the task of challenging the golden double gun crab. This time the task rewarded an "unmysterious treasure box".

"What the hell is a treasure chest if it's not mysterious?"

Lu Chaoding muttered.

The mysterious treasure chests he harvested before are still in the storage space, none of them have been opened, and he has no intention of opening them now.

Soon, Lu Chaoding saw the "unmysterious treasure box".

This "unmysterious treasure box" looks like it is made of glass. You can see the contents inside without opening it. The contents are also very ordinary, just gold coins. A box full of gold coins!

Moreover, there are big characters floating on the box: "One Hundred Thousand Gold Dollars"!
"One hundred thousand gold dollars? Rubbish!"

Lu Chaoding made a comment, and after collecting the "unmysterious treasure box", he continued to complete the task of challenging the Golden Double Gun Crab. He couldn't stop doing this, and two hours passed before he knew it.

Prince Hua yawned when he saw it from a distance. He couldn't understand Lu Chaoding's behavior and said: "If you can't beat him, don't fight, or find a master to form a team. It's too painful to fly a kite like this and wear out your blood. I'm afraid it's not ten thousand." I can’t defeat this BOSS in a few hours!”

When he thought about it, Lu Chaoding was undoubtedly using his ability to break away from combat to grind down the HP of the Golden Double Gun Crab. Theoretically speaking, if he could maintain this level, Lu Chaoding could kill the Golden Double Gun Crab alone, but in this way The battle was really painful, and Prince Hua was tired from watching it.

Another half hour later, when Lu Chaoding returned to the teleportation platform again, someone else finally arrived.

And there are still two groups.

The first group was Jin Ge from the Tianfeng Sword Sect, Xie Dongliu from the Tianlei Sword Sect, as well as the supreme elders, leaders and guardians of the two sects.

The second group is the Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect, the elder of the Sky Rain Sword Sect who has returned with full health bar, as well as the leaders and guardians of the two sects.

The two groups of people came to the teleportation platform from two directions almost at the same time.Lu Chaoding also discovered them, but didn't take it seriously. At this moment, he received a new system prompt: "Tamper with the content, challenge and kill the golden double-gun crab entrenched on the teleportation platform. The reward for completing the mission is a mysterious treasure box × 10!"

"10 mysterious treasure boxes!" Lu Chaoding shook his head, a little disappointed.

Because this tampering mission requires killing the Golden Double Gun Crab.

This also means that the challenge mission cannot be continued. This is the final challenge mission.

Seeing that the high-level NPCs were rushing over, he did not dare to delay. He adjusted the equipment column and skill column, took action quickly, and once again entered the battle space with the Golden Double Gun Crab.

Prince Hua shook his head at this moment and said: "The NPCs have formed a group. Tsk tsk, the Golden Double Spear Crab is in danger! Brother Ding's plan to kill the Golden Double Spear Crab has been ruined. It is really unreliable to grind the blood like this. Alas, what's ahead? All that time was wasted.”

He felt sorry for Lu Chaoding and felt a little sympathy for him in his heart.

At this time, Jin Ge took the initiative to come over. He recognized the super guy and the powerful bull demon ape and said, "We meet again!"

Super Piff and Strong Bull Demon Ape glanced at Jin Ge casually and did not want to talk to him.

These two people have a very high profile, and they really don't bother to talk to ordinary players.

Prince Hua said: "Jin Ge! What, do you want to team up with NPCs to fight the BOSS?"

"The NPCs won't take me with them. One supreme elder, one leader, and two guardians, it happens to be a team of four!" Jin Ge was still on the live broadcast at this moment, casually introducing the identities of the NPCs to the audience, and then to Jin Ge said: "I saw Brother Ding just now. Did Brother Ding go to challenge the BOSS? Can he do it alone? Why didn't he take you with him?"

"Of course he can't do it alone!"

Prince Hua said: "Brother Ding can get out of the battle. I originally planned to kill the big BOSS here. He has been grinding for more than two hours. Unfortunately, since you are here, the NPCs will definitely take action. Brother Ding's work has been in vain."

"To kill the big boss? Are you working in vain?" Jin Ge didn't quite understand, "Brother Ding is so strong, are you sure you are working in vain?"

"Brother Ding is strong, the boss is even stronger!" Prince Hua said, "I've been squatting here for more than two hours, can I still lie to you?"

Jin Ge paused for ten seconds after hearing this, and suddenly said to the air: "Old fellows, I met the good guy Ding Ge again. Ding Ge is fighting the BOSS. I'm going to make a guess on whether Ding Ge can kill the BOSS! "

"Are you hosting a live broadcast and engaging in quizzes?"

Prince Hua was stunned. He immediately called up the live broadcast window and quickly found Jin Ge's live broadcast room. He found that there was indeed a bet, and many people had already bet on it. The one who bet on Lu Chaotai's ability to kill the BOSS was actually not there yet. Less, more than 2 in total.

"I'll also bet and make some money, hehe!"

Prince Hua bet all the money he had on "Brother Ding can't defeat the BOSS", which was a huge sum of over 30 yuan.

Looking at the four factions of players, Prince Hua is confident that he has strong financial resources. Not many ordinary players can spare 1 yuan at this time.

He just felt that everything was safe. After all, it had been more than two hours. Brother Ding had escaped from the battle time and time again. The health bar of the Golden Double Gun Crab was still very stable. There should be no surprises this time.

This bet immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Jin Ge's live broadcast room became popular due to his previous encounter with Lu Chaoding. Now it has a lot of viewers, more than 4000 people.

But with more than 4000 people betting, if all the bets on both sides are added up, it would be good to have [-] to [-].

Now there were suddenly more than 30 bets, and Jiao Jinge and the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Good guy, why do you suddenly have so much money betting on Brother Ding's ability to defeat the BOSS?"

"Are there any rich people coming in?"

"How should I bet on this? Should I go with the team or give it a try?"

"Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle. I bet Brother Ding can kill the BOSS!"

"I'll add 1000 yuan!"

"I also added an additional 1000 yuan, but it's just to buy the top brother if he can't kill the boss. I'll join a bunch of rich people..."

Prince Hua looked at these barrage comments and felt very happy.

However, just one minute later, the battle flag in mid-air suddenly shattered, and Lu Chaoding appeared and slowly landed on the teleportation platform, but there was no trace of the golden double-gun crab.

"Huh? Where's that crab?"

Prince Hua couldn't help but be stunned, and a bad premonition suddenly came into his heart.

"Ding, regional channel: The special wild monster Golden Double Gun Crab has been killed, and the function of the teleportation platform has been restored. Currently, it can only teleport in one direction."

Following the system prompts, the transmission platform lit up with light, gradually forming a pillar of light that connected to the sky.

At the same time, Prince Hua’s face froze.

Dad's money!

I worked hard and finally saved 30!

Just because I made a bet, it’s gone?
Nothing to lose!

Prince Hua wanted to vomit blood. He hit his chest hard and said: "Brother Ding, you are too unreliable. Did you deliberately trick me? Why did you kill the BOSS! This is not what you should be doing!" Did you play me for more than two hours in the past? To numb me?"

Jin Ge on the side was very happy. He said to the live broadcast camera: "It turns out that you can always trust Brother Ding. Brother Ding is extremely reliable! Congratulations to the players who made the right bet. This time you can get generous rewards... Tsk tsk, 33 to 1000, the odds are 1000 to [-]. If you bet [-] yuan, you can get [-] yuan. What a profit! Let us thank the wealthy boss!"

Hearing Jin Ge's words, Prince Hua felt even more uncomfortable.

"I'm so mean. I lost all my family fortune in one go by playing some kind of guessing game..."

Prince Hua collapsed on the ground, feeling hopeless.

At this time, the surrounding NPCs also started talking. The Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect who had fought against the Golden Double Gun Crab and escaped from the battle had a very ugly face. He could not believe that the Golden Double Gun Crab was actually beaten by Lu Chao. died.

"How is it possible? Could it be that this leader Lu's combat power is higher than mine? Are those rumors in the world true..."

The NPC muttered.

At this time, Lu Chaoding started counting the loot in a happy mood.

(End of this chapter)

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