Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 185 The Second Floor of the Cave Mansion

Chapter 185 The Third Floor of the Cave Mansion

Lu Chaoding got a total of 56 "mysterious treasure boxes" and 3 "unmysterious treasure boxes".

In addition, the golden double-gun crab also dropped a treasure chest.

There is nothing to mention about the unmysterious treasure chest. One box has 20 gold yuan, and two boxes have [-] gold!
The mysterious treasure chests are bound and will disappear once opened.

Lu Chaoding first opened the treasure chest where the Golden Double Gun Crab fell. There was a ding sound, and three items floated up from it.

The first item is a set of four-star clothing called [Golden Warrior], which is golden and looks gorgeous.

The second item is a golden four-star crab claw back piece, which can increase attack power.

The third item is a five-star treasure chest back piece. This back piece has storage space and can greatly attract hatred when equipped.

"It's all fancy and meaningless!"

Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed with these three items. He couldn't use any of them. After putting them into the storage space, he opened the first mysterious treasure box and found that nothing was inside, but he received a system prompt. : "Ding, you opened the mysterious treasure chest and gained a mysterious aura. Your attribute information will be more difficult to detect. You can also be anonymous and hide level information in special states such as teaming up. Please explore on your own for details."

"Mysterious aura? Intangible props?"

Lu Chaoding blinked, and then opened the second mysterious treasure box, which also contained nothing.

"Ding, you opened the mysterious treasure chest and received a mysterious enlightenment. The required cultivation level for upgrade is permanently reduced by 5%."

"This time it's a mysterious enlightenment... This effect is not bad. 5% is not a big value, but the cultivation level required for future upgrades is too much. If you add up, this 5% can make me Take a lot less pills."

Lu Chaoding looked at the character information panel. It takes 60 billion to upgrade from level 61 to level 100. 5% is 10000 million. For ordinary players, [-] million is not a small amount of cultivation. Even if it is [ [Baolong Pill], then I have to knock [-] pills.

He continued to open other mysterious treasure chests, and the system prompts kept ringing in his ears, but the ones he opened were all "mysterious aura" and "mysterious enlightenment", with slightly more "mysterious inspiration" and slightly less "mysterious aura".

The effect of "Mysterious Enlightenment" is that the required cultivation level for upgrade is permanently reduced by 5%, but it is a multiplication rather than direct addition. For example, the effect of the second "Mysterious Enlightenment" is that the required cultivation level for upgrade is permanently reduced by 5%. %, reduce it again by 5%, that is, by 9.75%, instead of directly reducing it by 10%.

The effect of "mysterious aura" seems to be superimposed.

Soon, Lu Chaoding received 9 "mysterious auras".

When he obtained the 10th "aura", the system prompt was different: "Ding, you opened the mysterious treasure box and obtained a mysterious aura. Because you are too mysterious, it will affect the NPC's judgment of you. The performance is as follows To overemphasize or overemphasize.”

"Can it affect NPCs? Over-ignoring? Over-emphasis on? Two extremes? It's a bit interesting. It's a bit like a halo of wisdom..."

Lu Chaoding continued to open the treasure box. When he obtained the 20th mysterious aura, the system prompt changed again: "Ding, you opened the mysterious treasure box and obtained a mysterious aura. Because you are too mysterious, you will affect NPCs." The impression I have on you is that I remember your name but easily forget your appearance."

"The effect has been added again! The mysterious aura continues to increase, will there be new effects?"

Lu Chaoding found it very interesting. He opened all 56 mysterious treasure boxes, and finally got a total of 21 "mysterious breaths" and 35 "mysterious enlightenments".

35 times of "Mysterious Enlightenment" permanently reduced the cultivation required for his upgrade by 83.39%. This effect is already very good!

"With these 35 mysterious enlightenments, it will be much easier to upgrade in the future. If combined with the effect of the five-level cave dwellers, breaking through the bottleneck only requires one-tenth of the cultivation level, then I will upgrade from level 60 to level 61. It originally required a cultivation level of 100 billion, but now it only requires a cultivation level of 1.66 million. How much less medicine do you have to take? You can upgrade when you go back. This is a privilege, and..."

Lu Chaoding thought of the [Transforming Gong Technique]. It would be easier to upgrade. It might be more cost-effective to use the "Gong Transforming Technique" again. This needs to be tested and verified.

Of course, Lu Chaoding prefers the influence of 21 "mysterious auras" on himself. He either underestimates it or attaches too much importance to it. He can remember the name but not the appearance. He feels that this thing is the halo of wisdom, but it is a pity that it only Effective on NPCs.

At this time, players such as Prince Hua, Super Pif, Strong Bull Demon Ape, and Jin Ge, as well as a number of NPCs, also came to the teleportation platform.

The NPCs all stared at Lu Chaoding with different expressions.

The Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect was the first to say to Lu Chao: "Who are you? You can actually defeat the Golden Double Spear Crab!"

The Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect said, "Hey, are you the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect Lu?"

"Tianhuo, you must have mistaken the person. I remember that Master Lu doesn't look like this."

"What does Master Lu look like?"

"When you say that, I realize that I don't remember what Head Lu looks like."

"Headmaster Lu, haha, he is just the head of a third-rate sect, not worth mentioning!"

"Have you forgotten that Master Lu defeated Yan Shangjing, a famous witch before Jiazi? He is definitely a giant!"

"Headmaster Lu, he seems to be very mysterious..."

Those NPCs were talking loudly. Lu Chaoding heard his conversation and felt it was very interesting. Apparently, his 21st-level "mysterious aura" had already taken effect, and the effect was very significant. He taught several NPCs to appear insane, just like that day The Supreme Elder of the Fire Sword Sect had obviously seen him before, but he couldn't recognize him at this moment. He thought he was someone else, with question marks written all over his forehead.

"Let them make wild guesses!"

Lu Chao shook his sleeves, not intending to waste time or respond to the NPC's questions. He said to Prince Hua: "Open the passage to the third floor!"

"Okay Brother Ding, I listen to you!"

Prince Hua responded. He looked extremely ugly at the moment. The 30 he had worked so hard to save was gone. He was now a pauper. At this moment, he wanted to give Lu Chao a slap in the face and ask him why he suddenly hit him. After the death of Golden Double Gun Crab, did you deliberately act like yourself? Why did you want to harm yourself?
But he dared not.

The method to open the third level of the Ancient Sword Cultivation Cave is very simple. It is similar to opening the second level. Prince Hua holds the [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] high to communicate with the system.

Three minutes later, the passage to the third floor of the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave was opened.However, there are cultivation restrictions to enter this third level. You must advance to extraordinary level. Those who are eligible to enter are Lu Chaoding and the supreme elders of the four sects.

"I'm going to the third floor, you can do whatever you want!"

Lu Chaoding stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void, and the super man turned into a long sword form and was caught in his hand. He took out the purple gold gourd and told the powerful bull demon ape not to resist. He put the gourd's mouth in a pair.

After doing this, Lu Chao entered the third floor of the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave through the teleportation platform without hesitation.

This time, of course, he didn't give any money.

Only when Lu Chaoding's figure disappeared did Prince Hua react. The Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect also approached him and said, "Who is that person who went to the third floor? Why didn't you charge?"

Hearing this, Prince Hua showed a strange expression on his face and said, "Elder Taishang, isn't that Lu Chaoding? He is the head of the Reliable Sword Sect. You have met each other before and even talked to each other. Why can't you recognize him now?" Out?"

"Master Lu?" Tianhuo frowned, "Don't talk nonsense. I have seen Master Lu before. He is not like this. Who is this person?"

"Elder Taishang, are you stupid? He is Lu Chaoding!" Prince Hua felt very confused. He simply sat down on the ground and said to the Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect unhurriedly, "Tai Shang Elder, you should also go to the third floor. This passage will not last long, so hurry up if you want to go."

"Of course I want to go to the third floor..."

The supreme elder of Skyfire Sword responded, then flew towards the light pillar above the teleportation platform, and disappeared in a flash.

The supreme elders of the other three sects were not far behind, and none of them spent the prince's money.

Soon, only Hua Taizi, Jin Ge and a group of NPCs who had not yet entered the extraordinary world were left on the teleportation platform.

They were unable to enter the third level and quickly dispersed. In this second level, they continued to look for opportunities.

Lu Chaoding, who had entered the third floor of the Gujian Xiu Cave, was now facing a boundary stone tablet.

There are four big characters on the stone tablet: "Zi Mansion Sword Court"!
The super man turned back into a human form and said to Lu Chao: "Zhang Zifu was once the master of the Zifu Sword Court. The Zifu Sword Court was equivalent to a first-class force 4 years ago. However, with the fall of Zhang Zifu, , has long since disappeared. In this third floor is Zhang Zi’s Mansion’s Tianxing Bagua Furnace. Many elixir recipes and artifact refining maps are recorded in the Bagua Furnace. Zhang Zi’s Mansion once used this Tianxing Bagua Furnace as the basis for the entire The Imperial Court of the Purple Mansion supplies elixirs and equipment. The Tianxing Bagua Furnace is the most important item in this third level. In addition, there should be many elixirs, equipment, materials, etc. in this third level, and there should also be some land animals."

Lu Chao asked: "Where is the Eight Diagrams Furnace that day?"

The super guy looked around, then pointed in a direction and said: "It should be at the top of the mountain!"

Lu Chaoding looked in the direction he pointed and saw a green hill.

The mountain was not high, and there were many buildings built on it. The buildings showed no signs of dilapidation, as if they had just been built, and looked brand new. However, the entire hill was silent and lifeless.

In addition, there are two other hills in this cave. The three hills are distributed in a "pin" shape. They look similar, and there are also many buildings on them.

"There seems to be a lot of places worth exploring. Let's collect the Tianxing Bagua Furnace first. The Supreme Elders of the four sects should also have come in. I don't know where they were randomly teleported. Don't let them get the Tianxing Bagua Furnace first. …”

When Lu Chaoding thought of this, he released the Great Xuan Sword and took the super man to the hill directly ahead.

On the way, the super guy said again: "Master, you need to be careful when moving here. According to the information I have, there are five extraordinary beings here. The weakest is stronger than the golden double gun crab on the second floor, and the strongest is It’s a level 71 weirdo, they were captured by Zhang Zi’s Mansion from the plane battlefield, and they are permanently imprisoned here, unable to go out.”

"Level 71 weirdo? What is that!" Lu Chaoding asked curiously.

The super guy looked like he was thinking hard and said: "I don't know his species, so I call him a weirdo. This weirdo has the head of a sheep, wears Taoist robes, and knows swordsmanship. He is also called Taoist Sheep. He is very strong. And he is very cruel. When Zhang Zifu was alive, he could suppress him and make him behave in this cave and not dare to cause chaos. But now, this Yang Taoist has long been freed from his restraints and must be the most dangerous existence here. If the master Don’t be careless when you meet him.”

Lu Chao nodded and asked, "Where are the other four extraordinary beings?"

The super guy said: "The other four are also very powerful. One is the evil god from another world named [Dom], whose true form is an octopus man. The other is the juvenile starry sky beast [Yan Xiao] with extremely strong physique, and the other is the self-proclaimed The white-robed kobold of the Archmage of Chaos. He possesses several forbidden spells, the best of which is meteorite magic. The last one is a black-skinned orc. He looks stupid, but is actually cunning and savage. He is a prophet. His level As high as 70, the strength is second only to Taoist Yang."

"It looks great."

When Lu Chaoding heard the introduction of the super guy, he was very curious about the five bosses and even more curious about the plane battlefield.

He has been to the Machine Emperor Universe and has long known about the Plane War. He has also opened the Plane Mall. However, according to normal procedures, it will probably take a long time for the Plane War to be opened. Not to mention the Plane War, even the National War, in the short term It will not be open inside.

Unless you get an outrageous prop like an unreliable boundary-breaking talisman, you can have a trip to another world in advance. Unfortunately, you can't have that kind of prop if you want.

After a while, Lu Chaoding arrived at the top of the hill. In an empty small square, he saw a huge Tianxing Bagua furnace.

This Bagua furnace is more than twice as tall as the one in Lu Chaoding's cave, and its shape is slightly different. It emits colorful light and looks like a pagoda from a distance.

But in front of the Bagua furnace, there was a dark humanoid creature sitting cross-legged.

"That is……"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes, and the first thought that came to his mind was that he had encountered a black-skinned orc.

Sure enough, the super man said: "This black-skinned orc is actually here. Master, it seems that it is impossible to collect this Tianxing Bagua furnace smoothly."

Lu Chao said: "Then throw it away!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chao stopped 600 meters away from the black-skinned orc with the Great Mysterious Sword. At this distance, he was enough to attack the black-skinned orc.

"My leader, Dugu Qiubai, will see if this level 70 black-skinned orc can be my opponent today!"

Lu Chaoding could not see the attribute information of the black-skinned orc at this moment. He released the black-sword saber-toothed tiger, manifested the tank form, and equipped it with six flying insect swords. With a thought, he was surrounded by mechanical missiles.

(End of this chapter)

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