Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 186 Black-skinned Orc

Chapter 186 Black-skinned Orc
boom boom boom boom...

The mechanical missiles ruthlessly streaked across the sky, drowning the black-skinned orc.

The rising smoke and fireworks are visually very damaging.

The black-skinned orc seemed to have evaporated and disappeared immediately.

However, Lu Chaoding frowned. He did not receive any kill prompt.

"There is a fraud!"

Lu Chaoding quickly looked around, and sure enough he found that in the square on the top of the mountain, not far behind the Tianxing Bagua Furnace, a new black-skinned orc suddenly popped out.

The black-skinned orc was holding a mace and roaring. He waved the mace randomly. After failing to spot the enemy, he looked up at the sky and saw the Daxuan Sword 600 meters away. Then he was stunned and scratched his head with his big hands.

"So the black-skinned orc just now is fake? Is it used as bait? Unfortunately, range is the key. I am 600 meters away and still hanging in the air. I should be safe."

If Lu Chaoding realized something, he reached out and pointed at the black-skinned orc, and a large number of mechanical missiles immediately flew away.

The black-skinned orc groaned and jumped on the spot. He adjusted his body in mid-air and moved his head up and down like a dive. When he landed, he plunged into the ground. What was strange was that the ground seemed to be made of water. The black-skinned orcs disappeared without a trace.

boom boom boom...

Lu Chaoding's mechanical missiles hit the open space and all missed.

"Huh? You dodged the attack. Is this burrowing into the ground? Or is it an escape method?"

Lu Chaoding felt that the black-skinned orc was very interesting. Although he could not find the black-skinned orc, he did not stop attacking. With the help of the Yin-Yang Sword Immortal's characteristics, he continued to bomb the top of the mountain, as if he wanted to destroy the hill. Normally fried.

However, the "mechanical missile" is just a weapon decoration. It explodes with a loud sound, fireworks and gunpowder smoke. It seems to be powerful in destructive power, but in fact it is only superficial. It does not have the terrain destructive power of real artillery shells. It is impossible to flatten the hills. of.

What Lu Chaoding wanted was a suppressive fire effect, so that the black-skinned orc would not dare to take the lead, so that he could collect the Tianxing Bagua Furnace.

One minute later, Lu Chao said to the super guy: "Super guy, I will perform the flame suppression. You go and carry the Tianxing Bagua Furnace over?"

"Carry it over?" The super man quickly shook his head upon hearing this, "This subordinate can't do it!"

"Why? Can't carry it?"

"This... subordinate has never memorized the Tianxing Bagua Furnace, no way!"

"What's wrong with this?" Lu Chao shook his head, took the purple gold gourd from his waist with one hand, slapped the bottom of the gourd, and released the powerful bull demon ape.

"Good disciple, my master will give you cover. You go to the top of the mountain and carry the Tianxing Bagua Furnace on your back!" Lu Chaoding said to the powerful Bull Demon Ape while continuing to bomb the summit square.

The super man nodded when he heard this and said: "The master is wise and the powerful bull demon ape is very powerful, so he is suitable for this job!"

"From now on, just call me leader. Don't call me master. It gives me goosebumps." Lu Chaoding looked at the powerful bull demon ape and said, "Apprentice, you can do this!"

The powerful bull demon ape had a simple and honest face. He hammered his chest with a look of "Look at my performance." Then he jumped down from the Daxuan Sword, used Qinggong again, and quickly entered the square on the top of the mountain, rushing into the smoke and fireworks. , quickly withstood the "rain of bullets" that hit the ground, and slowly carried the Tianxing Bagua furnace on his back.

The walking Bagua furnace seemed to be very heavy that day, and it was very difficult for the powerful bull demon ape to carry it, but in the end, he carried it safely out of the summit square step by step.

A moment later, the powerful Bull Demon Ape carried the Tianxing Bagua Furnace on his back and came under the Daxuan Sword. He was a swordsman. Although he had great light skills, it was impossible to carry the Tianxing Bagua Furnace onto the Daxuan Sword in mid-air.

Lu Chaoding controlled the Daxuan Sword to land. He was close to the Tianxing Bagua Furnace, and he could see the attribute information of the Tianxing Bagua Furnace.

[Tianxing Bagua Furnace: This is an ancient and mysterious treasure, which records some elixir recipes and refining plans, but you need to install it in a special place such as a cave to pry into its mystery! 】

At the same time, Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt: "Ding, a chance event has been triggered. You already own a cave. If you choose to receive the Tianxing Bagua Furnace, you can install it in your cave and it will not affect the Tianxing Bagua Furnace. Originally set.”

"Is there a chance to have a cave? If that's the case, then of course we have to collect it!"

Lu Chaoding stopped bombing the mountaintop area. He came to the side of the powerful bull demon ape and reached out to touch the Tianxing Bagua furnace. With a buzz, the Tianxing Bagua furnace disappeared.

It has been included in Lu Chaoding's exclusive cave. An "Installation" window popped up in front of Lu Chaoding, which contained a map of his exclusive cave. Lu Chaoding needed to specify the installation location.

Lu Chaoding installed it in the small courtyard of Dongfu.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully collecting and installing the Tianxing Bagua Stove!"

"Ding, the Tianxing Bagua Furnace you collected has restored its function. The Tianxing Bagua Furnace is at LV7 and records 36 kinds of elixir recipes and 48 kinds of weapon refining plans. Please explore on your own for details."

Lu Chaoding felt at ease after receiving the system prompt.

"The LV7 Tianxing Bagua Furnace, tsk tsk, is really good. It seems that the original one in my cave is still LV1, and the one collected from the secret realm of the universe is only LV3! Now this ancient sword is the most precious thing in the third floor of the cave. Now that you have it, the main purpose has been achieved. You can explore and explore as you like from now on..."

Lu Chaoding felt comfortable and everything went smoothly.

Soon, he returned to the Great Xuan Sword again. With a smile on his face, the super man immediately raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said: "Congratulations to the leader for successfully collecting the Tianxing Bagua Furnace. This furnace is the foundation of a first-class power. From now on, we will use this furnace to refine the sect’s elixirs, equipment, etc.”

Lu Chao nodded, suddenly realizing a problem, and said: "Super ordinary man, how do you leave this cave?"


The super guy said: "Looking for the one-way teleportation array, you can go from the high level to the lower level. There are many one-way teleportation arrays on each floor of this cave. I remember the location. Master, you plan to leave now. You need to Shall I direct the nearest one-way teleportation array?"

"No hurry, you can go shopping again..." Just as Lu Chaoding said this, he suddenly felt something in his heart and turned around to look behind him.

Not far away from him, the soil stirred, and the black-skinned orc suddenly jumped out of the ground, flew to a height of two feet, grabbed the mace with both hands, and smashed it towards Lu Chaokao with the force of splitting Huashan. .

Lu Chaoding felt a little sudden, and he wanted to dodge, but his body couldn't keep up, and he stood still like a puppet.

"Master be careful!"

At the critical moment, the super man stepped forward and blocked Lu Chao's attack from the black-skinned orc.

Super Piff's health is not high, but the entry-level [Super Body] can give him many strange abilities, such as blocking attacks.Logically speaking, if you successfully block, you will not be harmed and will not be pulled into the battle space. However, because the super guy is still weak, even if the blocking posture is standard, he will still be damaged and lose 82 points. Blood.

But he wasn't pulled into the battle space.

At this time, the powerful Bull Demon Ape roared, drew the long sword from behind and stepped forward to attack the black-skinned orc.

The black-skinned orc missed a hit and immediately retreated. He easily dodged the attack of the powerful bull demon ape, and made another forward pounce, as if entering water, and suddenly submerged into the ground.

However, his voice continued: "Unfortunately, the Bagua furnace was taken away under my nose. Outsiders, tell me your name!"

Lu Chaoding looked around, but couldn't see the black-skinned orcs, so he quickly led the super men and others to board the Daxuan Sword, and let the Daxuan Sword fly high to avoid being attacked by the black-skinned orcs again.

"Why, don't you dare to give your name?"

The voice of the black-skinned orc continued to sound. It was a three-dimensional surround sound, and its location could not be determined based on the sound.

Lu Chaoding knew that the black-skinned orc was a close combatant. Standing on the Daxuan Sword, he was not afraid of him, so he said: "I am the leader of the reliable sword sect, Lu Chaoding! Have you heard of me!"

"The leader of the Reliable Sword Sect?" The black-skinned orc said with doubt in his tone, "What kind of sect is this, third-rate, right? I have never heard of the name Lu Chaoding. He must be from an unknown family. Do you dare to challenge me to a duel?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this.

He thought of the effect of the mysterious aura.

"This black-skinned orc must have been affected by the mysterious aura. It seems that he is overly contemptuous?" Lu Chao's thoughts flashed in his mind and said: "If we challenge him one-on-one, I'm afraid you won't dare!"

"Haha, you really have no self-awareness. I am 70 extraordinary levels. How many levels are you?" The black-skinned orc seemed a little annoyed and said: "I am very strong. In this cave, I am almost the first. You A small swordsman is like an ant in front of me. Even if I stand still and let you hit me, you can't hurt my hair, believe it or not?"

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he was basically sure that the black-skinned orc had underestimated him too much. He smiled and said loudly: "I don't believe it! Unless you show up, stand still and let me try it!"

"You ant actually dare to question my strength."

"This leader not only questions your strength, but also your IQ. Stand up and let me fight to prove your strength and IQ. Otherwise, you will just be a coward who only knows how to burrow into the ground."

"Hmph, you're angry at me. Well, come and hit me!"

As soon as he said these words, the black-skinned orc jumped out of the ground not far away with a bang. He looked at Lu Chaoding with an evil expression and said, "I'll give you a chance. Come and beat me. If you don't beat me to death, I will beat you to death!"

Seeing this, Lu Chaoding burst into laughter.

Sure enough, I had a "wisdom halo".

He was no longer polite at this moment. He looked at the black-skinned orc with a smile and said, "Stand upright and die!"

After saying that, he used normal attacks again. This time, he did not open a tank, and the mechanical missiles were not visible. The top of the furnace was surrounded by dense flying insect sword shadows.

At this moment, following Lu Chaoding's intention, those flying insect sword shadows swarmed forward and immediately surrounded the black-skinned orcs.

The black-skinned orc, who had a calm face at first, as if he wanted to show off his skills, now roared in pain.

The roar stopped suddenly again.

As the shadow of the flying insect sword dissipated, the black-skinned orc was nowhere to be seen, except for a treasure chest that he dropped after his death.

"So what about level seventy? Why don't you be cut off by this leader!" Lu Chao smiled and shook his head. He looked at the treasure chest dropped by the black-skinned orc and said: "Facts have proved that if you underestimate it too much, you will have to pay for it with your life." The price! Your death was unfair!"

Under normal circumstances, it would not be easy for Lu Chaoding to kill the black-skinned orcs with his "escape" skills.

It's a pity that Lu Chaoding, who has 21 mysterious auras, immediately knocked him out of his wits.

Lu Chaoding happily stepped forward to open the treasure box. As soon as the lid of the treasure box was lifted, a piece of precious light shone out.

Lu Chaoding saw three items.

The first item is a small bottle, which contains a pitch-black liquid, which is [Pure Dark Blood].

Perhaps because it is not a regular item in Hongchen Sword World, the attribute information of this [Pure Dark Blood] is full of question marks.

"Blood material?" Lu Chao said to the super guy, "When I go back, I'll get enough blood material, so I'll give it to you so you can drink blood and grow."

"Thank you, Master!" The super man saluted happily.

Lu Chaoding then counted the trophies. The second item was a set of five-star fashion items called [Black Leather Suit]. This suit was a pure black leather suit. It had a good shape and could increase defense, toughness and physical dodge. , the attributes are pretty good.

The third item is the black-skinned orc's mace weapon. Its name is [Black-skinned Mace] and it is a five-star item.

Its attribute information was also full of question marks. Lu Chao tried it and found that he couldn't equip it at all.

In his opinion, this thing can only be regarded as a collection.

The last item is a small, palm-sized mirror, its name is [Double Mirror].

[Clone Mirror: Special five-star pendant, refined +0. After equipped, you can create optical clones of yourself or others at any time. Optical clones are virtual illusions, have no health points, and have no conscious thoughts. They can only act according to the set actions. It can be destroyed, and it can exist for a long time until it is eliminated, dispersed, etc.Description: Use image gems to refine the clone mirror. After the clone mirror is refined, multiple illusions can be created at the same time. When the user removes the clone mirror from the pendant bar, all clone illusions will disappear. 】

"Hey, not only can you create your own illusions, but you can also create other people's illusions. This thing is kind of fun! If I pass the mission hall, create multiple mirrors, and equip them all in the pendant, can't I create a group of illusions?"

Lu Chaoding liked the [double mirror] with special functions very much and started playing with it immediately.

After a moment, he equipped the [Clone Mirror] to the pendant rack. With a thought, the light on it flashed, and an illusion exactly like him appeared in front of him.

He pointed at the powerful bull demon ape and said: "Make an illusion of him!"

There was another flash of light on the [Clone Mirror], and the shadow of the powerful bull demon ape appeared in front of Lu Chaoding again. However, since this [Clone Mirror] is now refined +0, it can only allow one illusion to exist at the same time, so After the illusion of the powerful bull demon ape appeared, Lu Chaoding's illusion disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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