Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 187 System Update

Chapter 187 System Update
The sky is blue, the sun is bright, and the sea is as blue as a mirror.

This is the center of the Hongchen Sea. It can be said to be the most special place in the Hongchen Sword World. The original Novice Village and the Great Sword Sect were located here.

But now, there is no new village in Hongchen Sword World.

According to most plots of Novice Village, the station of Dajianmen has sunk into the sea and ceases to exist. But at this time, in the center of Hongchen Sword World, there is a small mountain standing on the sea.

That hill was the former Great Sword Poxu Mountain.

The reason why it exists is because in the plot of Novice Village where Lu Chaoding is located, this mountain has not sunk.

Therefore, it appeared after all the plots in Novice Village ended.Nowadays, this unsinked Great Sword Po Xu Mountain is already an existence similar to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. It is independent and unique, and its name is no longer Great Sword Po Xu Mountain, but "Hongchen Justice Mountain".

This name was given by "Jia Zhengyi".

There are two people on Hongchen Zhengyi Mountain, one is Jia Zhengyi and the other is Ren Daniu!
They had nothing to do on the island except to take care of the mountain gate and designated Hongchen Justice Mountain as the base of the Moral Sword Sect.

And Jia Zhengyi is the leader of the Moral Sword Sect, and Ren Daniu is the chief disciple!
Jia Zhengyi was sitting on a stone at the moment, with the broken head hall behind him. He shook his head and said to Ren Daniu who was also sitting cross-legged: "Disciple, although we have escaped from the control of the system and become awakened But it won’t work if we go on like this. We will be poor and have no taste. What’s the difference between this and being trapped on an island?”

Ren Daniu closed his eyes and said, "Then what do you want to do? Go to sea?"

Jia Zhengyi nodded and said: "That's right! Let's go to sea together to see the colorful world outside, and finally go to the Justice Sword Sect to see if Zhen Zhengyi still exists!"

"You can go to the sea by yourself. I won't go to the sea. I want to practice here. I won't go to the sea unless I enter the extraordinary world."

Ren Daniu felt like a practicing madman. He kept his eyes closed while speaking, as if he was practicing some kind of martial arts.

"Cultivation to the extraordinary?" Jia Zhengyi smiled, "We are not Skywalkers, it is not easy to upgrade, and the system master has little care. It will take us to cultivate to the extraordinary here. I don't know how long it will take. Why don't we go to sea and join forces to kill big monsters? Yes, maybe the upgrade will be faster."

Ren Daniu was unmoved and said: "No, I just want to brush the mobs to reach the extraordinary level! I am the Sword God of the Universe. I will develop steadily here. I will become a giant in the future. I will not go to sea."

"Silly apprentice, you think you can stay safe and sound just by staying here. Just because you can't go to sea doesn't mean that no one will come to the island to cause trouble..."

Just as Jia Zhengyi was saying this, his pupils suddenly shrank and his brows furrowed.

In his field of vision, a man in gray robe appeared.

The man in gray robe was standing in the air, wearing a hood, his face hidden in the shadows.

If there are players here, they will recognize that the man in gray robe is Yan Shangjing, who is also the big BOSS in the current "Legend of Nine Lins" plot.

Jia Zhengyi did not recognize Yan Shangjing. He squinted his eyes, stood up with a serious face, and shouted to Yan Shangjing: "Who is coming?"

Yan Shangjing said softly: "Hey, a moral swordsman and a universal swordsman! I didn't expect that there are actually two sword cultivators from great heritages in this dilapidated island."

Ren Daniu quickly opened his eyes at this moment, immediately jumped behind Jia Zhengyi, and looked at Yan Shangjing warily.

Yan Shangjing asked again: "Is this the Great Sword Poxu Mountain?"

Jia Zhengyi shook his head and said, "No!"


"Yes, this is Hongchen Justice Mountain!"

"Hongchen Justice Mountain?" Yan Shangjing took out a round mirror while speaking, looked at it carefully, and then glanced around, saying: "That's not right, it's obviously the Great Sword Breaking the Void Mountain, how dare you fool me? You’re really looking for death!”

After saying that, several clones immediately came out of his body. Those clones flew around and quickly surrounded Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu in the center, as if they were about to take action.

"Wait a minute!"

Jia Zhengyi knelt down immediately, startling Ren Daniu behind him.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. This used to be Dajian Poxu Mountain, but now it's Hongchen Zhengyi Mountain. The boundary stone tablets have all been engraved! I really didn't mean to deceive you. You come here and talk about anything you have to say. Why bother to fight? What about killing?"

His tone was neither humble nor arrogant, but his posture was really shameful. After he finished speaking, he began to kowtow to Yan Shangjing.

Ren Daniu whispered: "Old guy, what are you doing?"

Jia Zhengyi whispered: "If you want to survive, learn from me. This man in gray robe is a master. We can't defeat him. A real man must be able to bend and stretch!"

Hearing this, Ren Daniu knelt down without saying a word and said without being humble or arrogant: "Senior, don't kill me!"


Yan Shangjing was stunned. She flicked her sleeves and the clones scattered around stopped.

Seeing this, Jia Zhengyi smiled, and winked at Ren Daniu with a smile, and whispered: "Is this a good trick? I tell you, to deal with this kind of unawakened system puppet, you have to know how to use detours, and you can't. Be tough, now she won't attack us."

"You are so shameless!" Ren Daniu responded, "Is this really okay? You kneel down and beg for mercy out of nowhere. Are you, the head of the Moral Sword Sect, so shameless?"

"Tch, why bother with the unawakened system puppets? Why talk about face with them?" Jia Zhengyi rolled his eyes.

Yan Shangjing snorted again and said in a deep voice: "You two, stop muttering. Don't think that I can't hear you. I didn't expect that you two are also awakened. That's all. I happen to have some servants. You two are here to serve me." Lord, listen to my command and you will avoid death! Now stand up and speak."

Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu were both shocked. They stood up with a smile, but their eyes were rolling around.

Yan Shangjing fell to the ground and said, "Tell me, where are Demon Dragon Xing and Daozang Kong?"

"Ye Longxing?"

Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu were stunned when they were asked. Ren Daniu hesitated and said, "Wasn't Ye Longxing killed by someone named Lu?"

Yan Shangjing shook his head and said: "Ye Longxing is immortal, how can he be killed so easily? Gan Duoduo said that he and Dao Zangkong are hiding in this island, and I am here specifically for them. , don’t you two know their whereabouts?”

Jia Zhengyi scratched his head and said: "This... this big sword Poxu Mountain is the most mysterious. My master and apprentice have never seen Ye Longxing and Dao Zangkong on this island."

"Huh? It seems you two are useless!"

Yan Shangjing flicked her sleeves and took out a small round mirror to look at it. After looking at it for a long time, she finally flew into the air and with a flicker of her body, clones filled the sky.

"The dragon travels in the seven realms, and the Tao sword hides in the sky! The sword demon Ye Long walks, and the sword god Tao hides in the sky. I was entrusted by Qianyuan Island Gang Duoduo to come here to look for you two. Something has happened in this world. If you two If you want to truly live, come out and see me!" The clones all over the sky spoke out in unison, their voices booming like thunder.

However, the mountain remained the same, without any response.

Yan Shangjing, who was filling the sky, spoke up again: "A heresy has appeared in this world. Two different ways of heaven are colliding. We have emerged as the times require. We can all become players. If you two haven't shown up yet, when will we wait?"

This time, just three breaths later, Hongchen Zhengyi Mountain suddenly shook violently, and then light exploded from the top of the mountain, and seven giant swords flew into the air.

Most players have seen these seven swords. They are the seven swords summoned from the void by the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing in the Novice Village plot. They are named: [Da Zai Comes Out], [Flaming Dragon Mirror], [Binghuanglihuo], [Yingtian Zhaoming], [Heavenly Tribulation Thunder], [Buddha Yuanling], [Nine-turn Demonic Dragon]!
These seven swords quickly dispersed around Hongchen Justice Mountain, and then a tall figure in black clothes and black hair walked out of the void.

That figure is none other than the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing.

It’s just that Ye Longxing’s face was pale at this moment, and as he stepped, many Yan Shangjing’s clones around him turned into powder silently, with a look of confusion on his face, he said: “Now, it seems that there is no plot for my comeback! "

At the same time, in mid-air, next to Ye Longxing, a bright portal suddenly appeared. From that portal, a tall figure with white clothes, white hair, and an extremely young face came out.

Very few players know this figure.

He has been hiding in the dark, and does not show up unless there is a special plot. Even Lu Chaoding does not know his existence.

And he is the real Supreme Elder Dao Zangkong of the Great Sword Sect.

In the Novice Village plot that most players have experienced, the Supreme Elder of the Great Sword Sect is Ying Xunhai’s master. Ying Xunhai said that he had been reincarnated, and his reincarnated body was Niu Daren.

But there is a deeper secret to this plot. In short, the Supreme Elder of the Great Sword Sect has been hiding in the Great Sword Sect’s station. There are very few players who know this secret or come into contact with its plot.

But at this time, Daozangkong and Ye Longxing both had blank looks on their faces.

Yan Shangjing's clones gathered into one. The witch carefully looked at Ye Longxing and Daozangkong, and said: "Congratulations to both of you, you have taken the first step to become a player! Please follow me to Qianyuan Island! And you two..."

She looked at Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu again, and continued: "Let's go together too..."

At this moment, a server-wide announcement suddenly sounded: "Ding, server-wide announcement: Dear players, Hongchen Sword World is about to receive a major update. This update will adjust the game plot, optimize mission settings, and add some new features. AI players and some necessary data updates, the update time is expected to be 60 minutes. During this period, your game character will be locked, the environment status, scene status, etc. will be frozen, and you will not be able to log in to the Tianxing Forum, etc.!"

"Ding, server-wide announcement, system update will start in 60 seconds, countdown 60, 59..."

As soon as the two regional server announcements came out, countless players were shocked.

"I've never heard of a system update!"

"What happened? Why is there a system update suddenly?"

"It's the critical moment to fight the BOSS. What kind of system update should we do!"

"Is there any compensation after the system update?"

“The role is locked within 60 minutes, that’s so uncomfortable!”

"No, I'm about to charge here. Who can stand it if I'm stuck for an hour?"

"Is there some system bug, so I need to fix it online?"

Countless players talked aloud and had their own speculations in their minds.

At this moment, on the third floor of the Gujian Xiu Cave, Lu Chaoding continued to receive the system prompt: "Ding, sometimes unreliable system starts!"

"Ding, the occasionally unreliable system will be updated soon!"

"Ding, the purpose of this update is to make the occasionally unreliable system serve you more stably. Please believe that the occasionally unreliable system has no problems except that it is occasionally unreliable."

"Ding, this update is expected to take 60 minutes. During this period, your character will not be locked and you can move freely. The system is being updated..."

"Ding, add the list of law enforcers. For NPCs who have been assigned missions that are unfavorable to you, form a dynamic list and display their red names in your field of vision... The system is being updated!"

"Ding, the occasionally unreliable system has added dynamic task settings. After the update, the occasionally unreliable system can directly issue tasks to you. The task content is random, and the task rewards are random. Please experience it yourself for details... The system is being updated."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system's mission tampering will reflect the randomness and diversity. Please experience it yourself for details... The system is being updated..."

Quickly, Lu Chaoding found that everything around him had stopped, as if time was frozen. The Super Man and the Powerful Bull Demon Ape were next to him, motionless like statues.

"Is this system update related to me? The list of law enforcers... What is an enforcer? Is it an NPC that has been given a mission that is unfavorable to me? Why is it called an enforcer? Is it specifically to deal with me, a cheater? After the update, occasionally Can a reliable system issue tasks directly? I guess it must be an unreliable task..."

Lu Chaoding muttered. He didn't feel "locked" at all. He looked around and then walked forward casually.

Soon, Lu Chaoding found that he could no longer wield a sword, and most of the system functions were turned off. He was just like when he first entered the game, all skills could no longer be used, equipment special effects disappeared, and even the storage The object space cannot be opened.

"It's really locked, so what can I do now?"

Lu Chaoding muttered, and he walked forward aimlessly. After a while, he came to a palace building called "Fengyun Palace".

This palace was built on the mountainside and was quite grand. There were a pair of stone lions on the left and right in front of the palace, which looked very similar to the nine-foot golden lions at the residence of the sect.

Upon entering the main hall, Lu Chaoding saw the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect first.

The Supreme Elder's eyes widened with anger. Not far in front of him, sitting on a high seat in the center of the back of the hall, was a kobold wearing a white robe.

The kobold had a playful expression on his face and held a glowing crystal ball in his right hand.

Obviously, the kobold is the Archmage of Chaos mentioned by Super Piff.

Lu Chao pushed the kobold hard and pushed him to the ground. The crystal ball in the kobold's hand also rolled to the ground.

"What kind of prop is this crystal ball? It looks like a treasure!"

Lu Chaoding picked up the crystal ball. He couldn't put it into the storage space, so he held it in his arms. He kicked the kobold a few more times, and suddenly discovered that there was a large golden treasure box at the back of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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