Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 188 Law Enforcers

Chapter 188 Law Enforcers

"Can I open the treasure chest when the system is updated?"

Lu Chaoding came to the treasure box full of expectations and lifted the lid of the treasure box. A piece of precious light immediately shone out, revealing three light balls inside.

There were numbers and strange symbols flashing in these three light balls, which did not look like physical objects. Lu Chaoding wanted to take them out, but found that he couldn't, and the three light balls couldn't be picked up at all.

"What is going on? Could it be that the items in the treasure box have not been determined yet? When the system update is completed, these three items should become physical..."

Lu Chaoding seems to have some realization.

He studied some more and found that although the items in the treasure box could not be collected, the treasure box itself could be moved.

Lu Chaoding carried it on his back and, after a lot of effort, returned it to the Peak Square.

"In this way, after the system update is completed, I can collect the items in this treasure box. As for the white-robed kobold, if I tie him up and beat him to death with a sword from behind after the system update is completed, I should You can also get some trophies!”

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding returned to Fengyun Palace, carried the statue-like white-robed kobold to the top of the mountain, and placed his face on the ground.

"Unfortunately, the system update time is only one hour, and now more than half of it has passed. The remaining time is not enough for me to explore the entire third floor of the cave..."

Lu Chaoding looked around and didn't plan to explore further. He walked around a few times and found nothing of value. Then he returned to the summit square and looked at the back of the white-robed kobold. Wait for the system update to finish.

Soon, a server-wide announcement sounded, and the system update was completed. At the same time, the status of all players, NPCs, wild monsters, etc. were also unlocked, and the Super Piff and the Strong Bull Demon Ape on the mountain top square could move.

The white-robed kobold who was carried to the square on the top of the mountain by Lu Chaoding, with his face on the ground and his back turned to the sky, immediately came to life. He let out an ouch, but before he could figure out what was going on, Lu Chaoding was already behind him. The sword is drawn.

Just a normal attack, six flying insect swords combined with [Incredible Spectral Sword Shadow], immediately let the white-robed kobold receive the lunch box, and he didn't even have a chance to hum.

Just as Lu Chaoding expected, the white-robed kobold's body turned into light and disappeared, and a treasure box appeared.

As for the treasure box that Lu Chao carried to the top of the mountain with the lid open, the box was filled with golden light, and three items appeared condensed.

"what's going on!"

"Hey, what happened just now?"

Super Man and Strong Bull Demon Ape were a little confused, scratching their heads and talking.

Ordinary NPCs will not see any changes after the system update is completed. They don't even realize that there is a system update. However, there are changes on the top of the mountain. Lu Chaoding killed them again in front of the Super Puppet and the Strong Bull Demon Ape. Seeing the white-robed kobold, they were naturally at a loss.

"Just kill the little monster!"

Lu Chaoding didn't intend to explain too much to the confused Super Man and the Powerful Bull Demon Ape. He casually chatted with them for a few words and then opened the treasure chest dropped by the white-robed kobold.

There are two items in this treasure chest. The first one is a four-star fashion [Mage White Robe].

[Mage White Robe: Four-star fashion, special fashion.The mage's white robe represents lofty status and powerful strength in the realm of the Dharma God. Wearing this attire, you will receive extremely high courtesy when walking in the realm of the Dharma God. 】

"Dharma God Realm? Is it another game plane?"

Lu Chao had a clear understanding, and he put away the [Mage White Robe] properly. If he had the opportunity to go to the Dharma God's realm in the future, this [Mage White Robe] might be useful.

Moreover, this costume is a non-binding item. Lu Chaoding can be brushed into multiple copies, and he can "create" a group of white-robed mages.

The second item in the treasure box is [Plane Merit Exchange Voucher]. Just this one can be exchanged for [-] points of plane merit.

"One hundred thousand points of plane merit is equivalent to 50 gold yuan. It's not bad. The key point is that this item is not bound. In the future, you don't need to use gold yuan to exchange for plane merit. You can just brush this. The merit is unlimited. The plane merit is unlimited. Aren’t you allowed to buy whatever you want in the store?”

Lu Chaoding was very happy. He had already opened the plane merit store. He checked it now and found that after the system was updated, the products in the plane merit store were also updated.

In addition to the three permanent products [Lottery Ticket], [Gold Dollar] and [One-Star Refined Jade], the other four products that are refreshed from time to time are: [Bigu Pill], [Unfeeling Sword], and [Wangyou Flower] ] and [Construction drawings of the Four Seasons Building].

There is nothing to say about the first three items, and even Lu Chaoding doesn’t like them. The last [Construction Drawings of the Four Seasons Building] are the construction drawings of the sect’s exclusive buildings. They are limited to the leader players and require 1000 million plane merits to redeem them. !
"1000 million! This price is a bit outrageous! And with such a high price, this Four Seasons Building should be very powerful..."

Lu Chaoding carefully checked the description of the Four Seasons Tower in the product introduction. It seems that after the Four Seasons Tower Sword is established in the sect's station, a team of four swordsmen cultivators from the sect can activate the special effects of the Four Seasons Sword Array, allowing four players to randomly obtain The special attack effects of "Spring Thunder", "Summer Rain", "Autumn Wind" and "Winter Snow" can greatly increase the attack power.

"No wonder this blueprint is so expensive. Teaming up with four people is the norm. With the special effects of the Four Seasons Sword Formation, the team's combat effectiveness can be greatly improved, benefiting a sect. This Four Seasons Tower is much more powerful than the Sancai Tower. From now on Players from my reliable sword sect have special privileges again."

Lu Chao said sincerely that it was only 1000 million plane meritorious deeds, and for him who had the [Planar Merit Redemption Voucher], it was nothing at all.

He then went to check the treasure box he carried on his back. The items inside were relatively ordinary, just three medicine gourds.

The first medicine gourd contains one thousand [Bigu Pills]. [Bigu Pill] is an ordinary pill. It is now sold by beasts in the plane merit store. Taking one pill can keep you from being hungry or thirsty for three days.

The second medicine gourd contains a thousand [Divine Wind Pills]. This pill is a bit strange. Taking it can give the player the ability to ride the wind within an hour.

The third medicine gourd contains a thousand [Soaring Cloud Pills]. After taking this pill, the player can soar into the clouds and ride in the mist within an hour.

"It's all flashy and useless!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head and took out a crystal ball from his arms.

This crystal ball can be regarded as dropped by the white-robed kobold. When the system was updated, Lu Chaoding could not see its attribute information. Now he can see it. Its name is [Glory Ball], which is a "magic ball". It is equipped with Finally, the wearer's physical attack can be equipped with the "holy light" characteristic, thereby causing powerful damage to undead creatures and other creatures.

It's just that Lu Chaoding doesn't have a "sphere bar", so he can't equip this [Glory Sphere].

"This prop is probably similar to a pendant or a back piece. I think players in the magic god realm have a magic ball column."

Lu Chaoding put away the [Glory Sphere], and just as he was about to take the Super Piff and the Powerful Bull Demon Ape to explore elsewhere, a figure came to the summit square.

That figure is the Supreme Elder of the Skyfire Sword Sect.

However, in Lu Chaoding's field of vision, the name on his head was clearly red!
"Red NPC! This is...the law enforcer?" Lu Chaoding was immediately frightened.

In this system update, one of the important updates is "adding AI players", but occasionally the unreliable system prompts that the "law enforcement blacklist" function has been added, so that law enforcement will appear in one's field of vision. For the red name.

"Why did this Supreme Elder become a law enforcer! Is he here to find me?"

Lu Chaogao's thoughts were racing and he couldn't help but take a step back.

The Supreme Elder of the Skyfire Sword Sect narrowed his eyes, but said: "Hello, Master Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect, please introduce yourself. The person standing in front of you now is Tianhuo, the enforcer of the order. I am sorry to inform you. , you are seriously suspected of cheating. In order to maintain the authority under order and the good operation of Hongchen Sword World, I will enforce the law on you, execute you on the spot, and permanently deprive you of your player status."

"Execution on the spot? So cruel?"

Lu Chaoding did not dare to be careless at this moment. He did not expect that he would meet the law enforcer so soon. According to his words, the law enforcer was really sent by the system to deal with him. If he was killed by him, would he lose his player status?What does that mean?Death?
At this time, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is activated, and the mission is released: Please talk to the law enforcer Tianhuo for more than five sentences. The reward for completing the mission is +100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

"Is there any mistake? What time has it been since this happened, and you still want to talk to him! The reward is pretty good, 100 unreliable lottery tickets..."

If you follow Lu Chaoding's temperament, you should take action directly at this moment. It is best to strike first and kill the famous law enforcer directly. It is the best way to let yourself talk to him. Wouldn't it mean that you will die because of your words?

Seeing the law enforcer on the opposite side slowly draw out his long sword, Lu Chao gritted his teeth and said tentatively: "Wait a minute!"

Tianhuo actually stopped moving.

Seeing this, Lu Chaoding relaxed a little and said, "You have the wrong person, I am not Lu Chaoding!"

"You can't be wrong. You have a strong mysterious aura about you, but this mysterious aura has no effect on me, because I have become a player and have an independent mind!"

"Illusions, they are all illusions, they are all fake, you are just an NPC!"

"You are wrong. I have a life of my own! As a law enforcer, it is my duty to capture you today!"

"Wait a minute! Can I ask a few more questions?"


"Do you volunteer to be a law enforcer?"

"Yes, the system only gave me two options, one is to become a Skywalker, and the other is to become a law enforcer!"

"So why choose a law enforcer? Isn't it better to be a day walker?"

“Law enforcers get higher wages and better treatment!”

"Damn it, you guys are still getting paid!"

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Yes, that means are you sure you can beat me..."

As he spoke, Lu Chaoding equipped himself with six flying insect swords.

He has received a system prompt that the unreliable task of talking to law enforcement for more than five sentences has been completed, and 100 unreliable lottery tickets have been distributed to his storage space.

And a new unreliable mission has also appeared, that is: "Kill the law enforcer Tianhuo, the reward for completing the mission is an unreliable lottery ticket +100!"

Therefore, Lu Chaoding no longer had any worries at this moment. He took action directly without any regard for martial ethics. The mechanical missiles all over the sky immediately pressed down on the law enforcer Tianhuo.

The law enforcer Tianhuo's reaction was also extremely fast. He slashed a sword energy towards Lu Chao.

The next moment, there was a rumble, and Tianhuo's figure disappeared in the fireworks and gunpowder smoke. Lu Chaoding also received a sword blow, and his health was reduced by [-]!

"Ding, kill the law enforcer, the mission is completed, the reward is +100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

After hearing the system prompt, Lu Chaoding breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the smoke that had not yet dissipated and said: "I was shocked. I thought you were very strong and could kill me alone! Why would you be a law enforcer if you don't have that strength? , isn’t this just asking for death and having it delivered to your door?”

Killing the law enforcer with one blow gave Lu Chaoding a lot of peace of mind. At present, it seems that the law enforcer is not very strong and has no direct system power to support him.

Soon, the smoke cleared, and Lu Chaoding discovered that nothing had fallen from the enforcer Tianhuo.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, at the Hongchen Sword Monument at the entrance of Fengbo Valley, where the Sky Fire Sword Sect was stationed, there was a sudden flash of light. The Supreme Elder of the Sky Fire Sword Sect, who was killed by Lu Chaowao, was actually there. Here comes the resurrection.

The AI ​​player frowned and said: "I was careless, and I was killed by him in one fell swoop! This leader Lu's combat power is still higher than mine. If I want to kill him, I'm afraid I have to find other law enforcers to form a team." Team, or use this Sky Fire Sword Sect? After all, I am still the supreme elder here!"

Tianhuo summed up silently, and a moment later, as the Supreme Elder of the Skyfire Sword Sect, he summoned all the members and issued an order to hunt down Lu Chaolow on the spot.

On the third floor of the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave Mansion, Lu Chaoding was now at ease. He controlled the Great Mysterious Sword, carrying the super man and the powerful Bull Demon Ape, entering the palace and encountering the buildings and other buildings, as if he was playing.

In the process, Lu Chao harvested a lot of elixirs and weapon refining materials.

After a while, he left the current hill and headed towards the hill on the right. As soon as he reached the foot of the hill, he saw a battle flag.

The presence of the battle flag means there is a battle here.

Lu Chaoding waited curiously for a moment. When the battle flag shattered, a red beast appeared, which was over a hundred meters tall and resembled a crow. However, it had no feathers on its body and instead had barnacle-like protrusions.

There is no doubt that this is the [Starry Sky Behemoth Yan Xiao] among the five giants of the third level mentioned by Super Piff!
The battle space was shattered, but only it flew out, and nothing else.

"Well, this Yan Xiao's opponent was probably one of the supreme elders of the three sects of Tianfeng, Tianlei, and Tianhuo. Tsk, tsk, he was actually killed! Then let me take revenge for you!"

Lu Chaoding glanced at the Yan Xiao. His health bar was still four-fifths. Without hesitation, he drove the tank to attack the Yan Xiao directly from two or three hundred meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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