Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 189 Starry Sky Beast Pet Egg

Chapter 189 Starry Sky Beast Pet Egg

The dense mechanical missiles accurately hit the Flame Owl beast.

The damage caused by these mechanical missiles was extremely terrifying. However, after the smoke and flames dissipated, the starry sky beast's body was charred black and fell to the ground. It did not disappear and did not enter the battle space.

"Ding, the starry sky beast Yan Xiao has entered reincarnation and is expected to enter its second form in 3 minutes. Destroying the body of the starry sky beast can block reincarnation!"

A system prompt sounded suddenly, and Lu Chaoding couldn't help but frown.

"Is there a second form? We can't waste time, we must destroy its body within 3 minutes! Just use the extraordinary giant sword technique!"

Lu Chaoding immediately changed his equipment and was about to continue taking action when he suddenly received another system prompt: "Ding, the occasionally unreliable system starts and releases a mission: protect the body of the starry sky beast and wait for its reincarnation to succeed and enter its second form. Mission The completion reward is +100 unreliable raffle tickets!”

"This system..." Lu Chaoding almost stumbled, "What kind of tasks are they releasing? Don't they follow any logic? But this task is still simple. Don't waste 100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

Lu Chaoding crossed his arms and planned to wait quietly for three minutes.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared above the body of the Yan Xiao beast.

This figure was surrounded by lightning, and a long sword was suspended behind him, looking very imposing.

"Well, it's the Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect! What is he going to do?"

Lu Chaoding had a bad premonition in his heart, and then he saw the Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect launching an attack on the body of the Yan Xiao beast.

Boom boom boom boom, he wielded the long sword from a distance, and the long sword shuttled, causing thunder to bombard the body of the Flame Owl beast.

"This NPC wants to ruin my good deeds!"

Lu Chaoding quickly stepped forward and shouted from a distance: "Wei, Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect, stop it!"

As soon as he shouted, the Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect really stopped. The NPC turned to look at Lu Chaoding and said, "Who are you and why did you tell me to stop!"

"You don't recognize me, the leader?"

Lu Chaoding raised his eyebrows and immediately remembered that he had 21 layers of magical aura attached to him. It would be difficult for ordinary NPCs to remember his appearance. He thought for a while and said quickly: "I am Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect. Before We have seen it! Elder Tianlei, please don’t damage the Yan Xiao beast’s body, it is very useful to me!”

"Master Lu?" The Supreme Elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect had a puzzled look on his face, but he quickly clasped his fists and said: "Since Master Lu has spoken, I will stop now. I know that Master Lu's skills are related to creation. , unfathomable, but I still have to remind you that this beast has not died, but has entered reincarnation. Once he is successfully reincarnated, his life form will change and his strength will be enhanced."

"Of course I know that my gang leader wants it to be reincarnated successfully and enter its second form!"

Lu Chaoding knew the characteristics of the mysterious aura. He would make ordinary NPCs either treat him with too much contempt or attach too much importance to him. The words of the Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect were definitely not excessive contempt, so he You attach too much importance to yourself, so there should be no problem in listening to yourself.

"Headmaster Lu is actually waiting for it to complete its reincarnation. I think I have all the means to suppress it, so I won't cause trouble here!"

The Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect handed over his hand and was about to leave.

But at this time, the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect actually appeared. He snorted coldly and said, "Senior brother, are you planning to give the entire body of this starry sky beast to this boy named Lu?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect, knowing that this NPC underestimated him too much. He was the most obvious one who had been subdued. He had been slapped in the face several times, but he still didn't believe that he was strong.

"Junior brother, how can you say that? This giant beast was shot down by Master Lu, so the body should belong to Master Lu!" The Supreme Elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect said righteously to the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect. He yelled, "Master Lu has a high level of cultivation, how dare you disrespect him and why don't you just plead guilty and beg for mercy?"

"Ask me to plead guilty and beg for mercy? What a joke!" The Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect sneered, "If Senior Brother Tianfeng hadn't fought so hard to injure this giant beast, how would this man named Lu have any chance to take action? Shoot down this giant beast. , That’s taking advantage of Senior Brother Tianfeng, Senior Brother Tianlei, now that Senior Brother Tianfeng has been killed by this giant beast, how can we, our masters from the same sect, hand over this giant beast to outsiders? Why don’t you and I join forces to kill Kill this guy named Lu too, so that he won’t be an eyesore!”

"You idiot!" The Supreme Elder of the Sky Thunder Sword Sect changed his face when he heard this. "You can die if you want, but don't hold me back!"

The Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Alas!" The Supreme Elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect shook his head, but looked at Lu Chaoding, cupped his hands and said: "Master Lu, do you need me to take down this madman? Don't listen to his nonsense, I will He is no longer a sect member, it is actually more appropriate to say he is an enemy."

"Oh, you can do whatever you want!"

Lu Chaoding waved his hand casually. He felt that the NPCs had been subdued, which was very interesting!
After hearing Lu Chaoding's words, the Supreme Elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect surrendered his hand again, and then actually attacked the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect with his sword.

The two quickly entered the battle space, leaving a battle flag in the void.

At this time, the reincarnation of the Yan Xiao beast was also completed. With a pop, a penguin-like beast broke open its scorched back and slowly crawled out.

This little guy had two big characters [Yan Xiao] on his head. Lu Chaoding could not see its attribute information. It seemed that it was not used to walking yet. When it came to the ground, it took three steps, squeaked, and suddenly turned on its back with a thud. He fell down and roared in pain again.

In fact, it is not appropriate to call it a "little guy". Its body is as tall as a three-story building. It is fleshy and chubby. Even a creature with the size of an elephant can only be handled casually in front of him. Just toys.

"Ding, the starry sky beast Yan Xiao has completed the reincarnation and successfully entered the second stage. The mission is completed. Congratulations on getting 100 unreliable lottery tickets. The items have been distributed to your storage space. Please check carefully!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system activates. Please defeat the Flame Owl monster in its second state. The reward for completing the task is 100 unreliable lottery tickets. Please explore on your own for details."

"Now you ask me to defeat it? It's interesting, I can accept this mission!!"

Lu Chaoding thought of this and was planning to take advantage of the range to attack Yan Xiao.

Suddenly, the huge penguin sensed Lu Chaoding. It immediately opened its mouth and spat out a golden halo. There was lightning crackling above the halo, and it hit Lu Chaoding straight.

"Hey, it actually attacks first! It's interesting. This attack range is good. Can it hit me from such a distance?"

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry, wanting to experience the power of the aperture for himself, but the super guy jumped up. He took the initiative to face the aperture, and suddenly he had a super guy sword in his hand. Holding this sword, he struck out with a sword. Just chop down the aperture.

"squeak squeak..."

Yan Xiao made a rapid and high-pitched sound, opened his mouth again, narrowed his eyes, and this time spit out several rings of light in succession.Lu Chaoding didn't want the super guy to block the gun for him. He stretched out his hand towards the Yan Xiao beast, and a large number of mechanical missiles ruthlessly bombarded it.

The flight speed of the mechanical missile was much faster than the aperture, so Lu Chaoding arrived first and hit the Yanxiao beast first.

So, he entered the battle space with the Yan Xiao beast.

After the Yan Xiao beast entered the battle space, it looked around anxiously, showing a humanized look of fear.

"You fat penguin, you are so naive, you are a bit cute, but it's a pity..."

Lu Chaoding shook his head, quickly sorted out the equipment and skill columns, and when the preparation time was over, he launched a merciless attack on the Yan Xiao beast.

The dense damage figures jumped up. Although the Yanxiao behemoth was a starry sky behemoth, it could not stop Lu Chaoding's explosive output. Lu Chaoding killed it directly with a casual ordinary attack. The Yanxiao behemoth The corpse dissipated along with the smoke, and a large golden treasure box appeared where it originally stood.

"I'm too strong, I can kill people in seconds! I thought this giant sky beast's second form was so amazing, but it turns out that I can kill people in seconds."

Lu Chaoding had no sense of accomplishment. He stepped forward to open the treasure box. As soon as the lid of the treasure box was opened, a big white egg popped out. The big egg swelled in the wind and soon became like a small car.

[Starry sky beast pet egg: a special item, a five-star prop, limited to use by special professions such as animal trainers and conquerors. After use, a starry sky beast pet can be hatched. Can this starry sky beast be used as a mount? ? ? ? ? 】

The White Dome has attribute information, but the second half of the attribute information is full of question marks.

"Pets, this should be a setting of a certain plane...animal trainer, conqueror, so this giant egg is just a decoration for me, and I can't even hatch it."

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He put the [Starry Sky Beast Pet Egg] into the storage space. Looking at the treasure box again, there were actually two items in it.

The first item is a boxy piece of black metal. Its name is [Super Metal], but the attribute information is all garbled.

The second item is [Galaxy Jade], which is a five-star high-grade material with unknown purpose.

Lu Chaoding was not very satisfied with these three trophies.

The next moment, the battle space was shattered, and he returned to the third floor of the Gujian Xiu Cave Mansion. The system prompt that the mission was completed came again, and Lu Chaoding once again obtained 100 unreliable lottery tickets!
At this time, the battle flag not far away from Lu Chaoding was still floating, and the supreme elders of the Tianlei Sword Sect and Tianyu Sword Sect were still fighting. Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to explore, he was waiting to see the result.

Suddenly, the battle flag shook violently, and an embarrassed figure flew out from it. It was the Supreme Elder of the Tianyu Sword Sect.

He was panting violently, panicking, not daring to stop for a moment, and immediately moved away with his sword.

"This is... an escape from the battle! With the help of Master Dunkong's escape from the battle, he ran away!"

Lu Chaoding rubbed his chin. After another three seconds, the battle flag was shattered. The Supreme Elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect appeared. He raised his hand to Lu Chaoding and said: "I am not strong enough, let this madman I just ran away, please forgive me, Master Lu!"

"Look at what you said, what crime do you have? Immediately forgive me!" Lu Chao said, "If he runs away, he will run away. This gang leader will not care about him."

"Master Lu is really magnanimous, I admire you, please accept my bow!" The Supreme Elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect bowed his hands!
Lu Chaoding was a little uncomfortable and waved his hands: "Relax, there is nothing to ask for! But since you are so smart, I will give you a suggestion, leave and don't continue on the third floor. After exploring, there are two powerful BOSSs here. If you encounter them, you will be in danger!"

"Okay, I'm willing to listen to Master Lu's teachings. Let's go find the teleportation array and leave!"

The supreme elder of the Tianlei Sword Sect bowed to Lu Chaoding again, and then said goodbye. The 21 mysterious auras added to it made the NPC pay too much attention to Lu Chaoding, and he paid too much attention to Lu Chaoding's words. As an imperial edict.

For example, at this moment, Lu Chaoding suggested that he leave, and he left without saying a word.

Seeing him leaving, Lu Chaoding also began to continue exploring.

There were many buildings on this second mountain peak. Lu Chaoding walked around each one and collected a lot of materials and elixirs, but those materials and elixirs were very ordinary and not worth mentioning.

Two hours later, Lu Chaoding headed to the third hill.

"If nothing else happens, the most powerful being in the third level, the Taoist Sheep, and the Evil God Dom are on this hill. I just don't know if there are any rare things on this hill."

Lu Chaoding was full of curiosity, but he was also careful. He used the mirror to create a phantom of himself, letting the phantom walk in front while he followed behind.

Not long after, Lu Chaoding met the evil god [Dom].

This is an octopus man, with human limbs and torso, but the head is a greasy octopus, with two bulb-like eyes, and wearing a black tuxedo.

"The evil god, Dom! Is this guy from the Machine King universe?"

Lu Chaoding muttered.

At the same time, the Evil God Dom also turned his head and looked at Lu Chaoding, with golden light emitting from his two bulb-like eyes.

A system prompt suddenly sounded: "Ding, the evil god Dom is watching you. You feel inexplicable panic, and your health has been permanently reduced by 1000 points!"

"Ding, please be aware that if you are watched by the Evil God Dom, your health will be permanently reduced by 1 points every 1000 minute."

"Damn it, look at me and I'll lose 1000 blood permanently! You're still looking at me with big eyes..."

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy. He was about to take action on the spot, but suddenly received another system prompt: "Ding, sometimes the unreliable system starts, and a task is issued: stare into the eyes of the evil god Dom for 10 minutes. The reward for completing the task is unreliable props. +1!"

"This unreliable system, what are your criteria for releasing tasks? Why are you trying to trick me again!"

Lu Chaoding complained, but if he thought about it carefully, if he looked into the eyes of Evil God Dom for 10 minutes, he would lose [-] health points and get an unreliable item. This task was not impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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