Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 190 Unlimited team formation in the Zhuxian Sword Formation

Chapter 190 Unlimited team formation in the Zhuxian Sword Formation

Lu Chaoding and Evil God Dom, one in the sky and the other underground, hundreds of meters apart, just started looking at each other quietly.

The difference is that Evil God Dom will not suffer any damage, but Lu Chaoding will permanently lose a thousand health points every minute.

"This evil god's ability is a bit abnormal!"

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy. He endured it for 10 minutes, and the upper limit of his health was reduced by 10 points. Finally, he received a system prompt: "Ding, look into the eyes of Evil God Dom for [-] minutes. The task is completed, and the five-star special secret skill [Gaze" is rewarded. Swordsmanship skill book]!"

After the system prompt ended, a skill book with a black cover appeared in front of Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding put the skill book away, thinking that it was finally over. At this time, the evil god Dom was still watching Lu Chaoding. Just as Lu Chaoding wanted to kill him with his sword, the system prompt came again.

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is activated, and a task is issued: Make eye contact with the evil god Dom, and use the gaze sword technique to kill him. The reward for completing the task is an unreliable lottery ticket +100!"

"Damn it, I'm still looking at him! It's a rubbish system, I won't play with you anymore!"

Lu Chao snorted. He hadn't read the description of the [Gaze Sword Technique] yet. Regardless of whether he could kill the evil god Dom with this sword technique while staring at each other, even if he could, it would still be impossible to kill him instantly. It would cost a lot of money. Time, and since he was watching me, my life points were constantly falling. This was a real loss.

Therefore, Lu Chaoding decisively gave up this "unreliable mission" and immediately activated the tank form of Black Sword Shihu, driving a tank and controlling a large ship. With a thought, mechanical missiles all over the sky were blasted towards the evil god Dom.

"Look at whatever you're looking at, look at whatever you're looking at, I'll beat you to death!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly, but when the smoke cleared, there was no shadow of Evil God Dom where he originally was. Lu Chaoding did not receive the kill prompt, nor did he enter the battle space.

"What happened? He ran away!"

Lu Chaoding was even more unhappy. He immediately looked around and couldn't see the shadow of Evil God Dom at all.

"He really got away! But my upper limit of health will no longer be reduced. This evil god Dom is no longer looking at me!"

Lu Chaoding muttered, the evil god Dom was gone. Naturally, the unreliable task of killing Dom with his gaze was not completed, but this task did not disappear either.

"Where could he go?"

Lu Chaoding scanned the surroundings again, and after confirming that he could not find the evil god Domu, he immediately drove away with the Daxuan Sword.

After a while, Lu Chaoding entered a cave.

This cave is not big, or it can be said to be a stone chamber, with an area of ​​less than 200 square meters. There are traces of artificial excavation inside, and some herbal materials grow there, as well as two blood-returning grass plants.

Lu Chaoding asked his clone to sit cross-legged outside the cave, and asked Super Man and the powerful Bull Demon Ape to guard the entrance of the cave while he sat cross-legged inside the cave.

He didn't come here to collect herbal materials, nor to conquer the blood grass animals. He just wanted to be on guard against the evil god Dom, and wanted to find a closed place where no one would be peeping at him, and then quietly study the [Gaze Sword Technique].

Secret Skill: Gaze Sword Technique (Skill Book has been bound)
Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Explanation [-]: A sword cultivator has cultivated his sword intention, which is condensed and released through his gaze. It can affect the target's mind and body, thus injuring the enemy with his gaze.

Explanation [-]: Wherever you look, your sword will be like an arrow. After selecting the target and casting this skill, the target will permanently drop health points. The health value drop will be calculated in seconds and dropped every second (number of skill levels × number of skill levels). Points of health, sword damage is not affected by conventional defense, toughness, equipment characteristics, etc. Please explore by yourself for details.

Note 2: When performing [Gaze Sword Technique], you cannot move or use other skills, otherwise the skill effect will be interrupted. If the skill is interrupted, it cannot be used on the same target within [-] minutes.

Note [-]: The casting distance of [Gaze Sword Technique] is sight distance. You can also observe the real-time image to lock the target. The damage caused by the Gaze Sword Technique will not pull the target into the battle space. Please explore it yourself for details.

Explanation 2: Consuming two copies of [Sword Immortal’s Sword Intention] can increase the level of [Gaze Sword Technique] to LV[-]!

"Isn't this skill the ability of the evil god? Haha, the sword fairy version!"

Lu Chaoding suddenly became interested. His [Gaze Sword Skill] currently only has LV1. Gazing at the target can only make it drop 1 point of maximum health per second, and it only drops 1 points in 60 minute. But if the skill level is improved, For example, if you reach level 10, looking at the target can reduce its health by 100 points per second, and its maximum health can be reduced by 1 points in one minute. This can be said to be very powerful.

However, if you want to upgrade [Gaze Sword Technique], you need to consume [Sword Immortal’s Sword Intent].

Lu Chaoding has never seen this kind of prop. It is probably a rarer material than [Sword Immortal's Certificate], [Sword Immortal's Heritage], etc., so it may not be that easy to upgrade this skill to a high level.

"The maximum life limit of 1 points per minute is too little. This skill must be upgraded, or it is useless! An unreliable system is unreliable, and the upgrade materials provided are too unreliable!"

Lu Chao shook his head and silently muttered "Sword Immortal's Sword Intent".

Quickly, he counted the unreliable lottery tickets in the storage space.

After the system update, he got 400 unreliable lottery tickets from completing the unreliable task, plus the 1000 tickets he got from completing the Tianxing Trial tampering task before. Lu Chaoding now has a total of 1400 unreliable lottery tickets.


Among the two top-quality coupons, one is a guaranteed five-star stunt, the other is an 80% chance of drawing a five-star prop, and a 20% chance of drawing a four-star prop.

"With the help of the Destiny Treasure Book, these unreliable lottery tickets will definitely allow me to take off once! After the system update, the unreliable system is more active. Although it is still unreliable and randomly sends out tasks, the benefits after completion are huge. Not bad!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and simply used the unreliable lottery ticket on the spot.

He owns the Destiny Illustrated Book, which is itself a mobile Destiny Platform, and he can draw prizes anytime and anywhere.

For junk coupons and ordinary coupons, Lu Chaoding would use them in batches and not waste the Destiny Illustrated Book. But for premium coupons and top-quality coupons, they must use the Destiny Illustrated Book to match them.

Soon, Lu Chaoding was surrounded by various foods, including compressed biscuits, roasted lamb legs, beef jerky, fresh strawberries, lemon lollipops, and so on!
Most of the items drawn from the junk coupons and ordinary coupons were miscellaneous, nothing worth mentioning. After using up 1300 coupons, the one that satisfied Lu Chaoding the most was the three-star item [Hinglunhua].

But after the premium coupons, due to the use of Tianming Baojian, each prize was selected by Lu Chao, and the quality was very good.

Pieces of fashion items, backpacks, pendants, skill books, etc. began to pile up around Lu Chaoding.

However, although each of these items was said to be one of a hundred, there was still nothing that made Lu Chaoding particularly excited or surprised.

Not long after, the 98 premium coupons were used up, and Lu Chaoding began to use the last two premium coupons.

He raised his hand and saw an unreliable lottery ticket disappear. Lu Chaoding used the Destiny Treasure Book again and saw the treasure selection interface.

Appearing in this interface are 100 skill books of the Five-Star Sword Immortal's special skills, including [Great Freedom Sword Qi], [Seven Absolute Sword Formation], [Zhuxian Sword Formation], [Heaven-Breaking Sword Style], and [Sword Knocking on the Heavenly Gate] , [Infinite Sword Tower], [One Sword Opens the Sky], [Shadowless Sword World], and so on.Lu Chaoding studied for a long time and finally chose the [Skill Book of the Zhuxian Sword Formation].

Special Skill: Zhuxian Sword Formation (Bound)
Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV1
Explanation 30: Spend [-] points of Sword Intent to launch a Killing Immortal Sword Formation.

Explanation [-]: After the skill is released, the phantoms of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian will be manifested, the range of the sword array will be divided, the environment inside the sword array will be changed, and a round of sword energy will trap the target. If the target is successfully killed, the target's equipment and skill book will be revealed. , Heavenly Power, Earthly Ones, and all items in the storage space will be dropped, the target's experience will be cleared, and all elixir properties, chance properties, etc. will be dropped.

Explanation [-]: Improving the level of the Zhuxian Sword Array can increase the number of rounds of trapping and killing with the sword energy in the sword array (equal to the number of skill levels).

Note 4: The power of each round of sword energy trapping is equal to (player attack power × [-]), and it can be released in a range, either alone or in groups.

Note [-]: The Zhuxian Sword Formation requires the player to sit in place. During this period, the player cannot move or take action, otherwise the effect of the formation will be canceled immediately.

Note [-]: This skill book is bound when picked up. Repeatedly obtaining the Zhuxian Sword Array skill book can improve the level of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

"As expected, it is indeed the Zhuxian Sword Formation. It is so powerful. The penalty for killing is almost the same as account deletion. If you are killed, you will return directly to the starting point! And the damage is also high!

In the LV1 [Zhuxian Sword Formation], one round of sword energy trapping is four times the attack power, which is obviously not as powerful as the Twelve Sword Immortals.

As for LV2 [Zhuxian Sword Formation], there are two rounds of sword energy to trap and kill, which is equivalent to eight times the attack power.

By analogy, if this [Zhuxian Sword Formation] reaches level 12, it will be a twelve-round sword energy trap kill, 48 times the damage, and it is group damage.

"Pile the attack power high and use this Immortal Killing Sword Formation to deal with group targets. The effect will definitely be domineering."

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied. He then used the second top-quality coupon and the Destiny Treasure Book. This time, in the selection window in front of Lu Chaoding, there were 80 five-star props and 20 four-star props.

Lu Chaoding finally picked out the five-star prop [Scroll of Sect Privilege].

[Scroll of sect privileges: special props, bound, limited to the leader player. After use, you will get a random sect privilege. Please explore it yourself for details. 】

"Let's see what sect privileges we can get next."

Lu Chaoding used the [School Privilege Scroll] on the spot, and then he received a system prompt.

"Ding, using the sect privilege scroll, your reliable sword sect will obtain sect privileges, the calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, congratulations, your Reliable Sword Faction has obtained unlimited teaming privileges. Members of the Reliable Sword Faction are no longer limited to the number of people in a team. They can form a team of more than four people, but the speed value of the team members cannot exceed four. During the battle, players with the same speed will act at the same time, please explore by yourself for details."

After the system prompt ended, Lu Chaoding was still a little confused.

"The privileges of this sect are a bit too powerful!"

He muttered, and quickly called up the field information panel to check. After confirming the authenticity of the "unlimited team privileges", he couldn't help but cheered.

In Hongchen Sword World, teams of up to four players are limited.

Lu Chao guessed that this setting was probably related to turn-based combat. After all, if there were too many players, it would be very cumbersome to take turns taking action one by one.

After unlocking the unlimited team privileges, players of the reliable sword sect can form teams of more than four people.

To be precise, as long as the player's speed value does not exceed four, they can form a team, and there is no limit on the number of players. After entering the battle, players with the same speed will act at the same time, and they will no longer take turns to act one by one.

"With this privilege, the reliable sword sect will become more reliable. In the future, group fights will be possible. Whether it is fighting BOSS or playing against players, it will have a huge advantage!"

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with the effect of the "unlimited team privileges", but at this point, all his unreliable lottery tickets had been used up.

After a while, Lu Chaoding packed up all the items he received from the lottery and walked out of the cave. As soon as he came out, he received another system prompt. It turned out that he was being targeted by the evil god Dom again. Every minute Will permanently drop 1000 health points.

"Damn it, where is this evil god hiding to spy on me?"

Lu Chaoding quickly looked around, and soon found the evil god Dom. He was standing behind a rock more than 300 meters away, half of his body hidden behind the rock.

"Fight guerrilla with me?"

At this time, Lu Chaoding's Tai Chi Sword Immortal's characteristics were effective, and there were 6 secret skill columns. He equipped [Gaze Sword Technique] into a secret skill column. He first responded to Evil God Dom's gaze sword technique, and then rode a tiger to wield a sword. , launched an attack on it.

"Evil God Dom, don't run away if you have the guts!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly and used normal attacks at the same time.

boom boom boom...

At this time, the black saber-toothed tiger was in the form of a saber-toothed tiger. Lu Chaoding had a long-handled sword in his hand. As he thought, the flying insect sword shadow flew towards the evil god Dom like a swarm of locusts.

Evil God Dom's expression did not change. His figure was quickly submerged by the shadow of the flying insect sword, but then he disappeared strangely. In fact, he did not suffer much damage.

"Running away again? What kind of method is this?"

Lu Chao was very unhappy. At the same time, he quickly thought about his own methods. He let Evil God Dom escape twice in a row, which made him realize that it was impossible to kill Evil God Dom with normal attacks. If he did not use normal attacks, Lu Chao would You can use secret skills such as [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], [Dark Cloud Formation], or props such as Purple Gold Gourd.

In addition, he is not sure whether he can use martial arts cannons in this cave. If so, he can also use the [Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon] and the [Great Universe Sky-Breaking Divine Sword].

"There are still many ways to deal with this evil god Dom. I will try them one by one in the future. I don't believe I can't kill him!"

Lu Chaoding clenched his fists. He piloted the Daxuan Ship into the sky and stood on the bow of the ship, looking down. Two minutes later, he found the Evil God Dom again.

But this time, before the evil god Dom could take action first, Lu Chaoding's [Gaze Sword Technique] caused damage to him first, and then Lu Chaoding threw down a [Supernatural Giant Sword Technique].

(End of this chapter)

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