Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 191: Sect’s mission

Chapter 191 Returning to the sect to complete the mission
Lu Chaoding was now equipped with six super swords. When he used his [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill], the wind and clouds in the sky dispersed, and six nine-foot-long giant swords fell from the sky.

These six giant swords descended slowly with terrifying momentum, causing air waves to hit the ground, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

The evil god Dom had been watching Lu Chaoding. He stood still, not looking at the extraordinary giant swords in the sky, and let them fall down.

This time, there was no smoke or fireworks. The giant sword fell, the earth shook, and the evil god Dom was directly smashed into the ground.




Six huge and bright red damage numbers appeared in the air, each damage number was 12686650, and the total damage exceeded 600 million!
"This damage figure..."

Lu Chaogao calculated silently.

His current basic attack power is 13550. All six super swords have been refined to +12, and the number of enemy kills has been maxed out. The total attack power bonus provided to Lu Chaoding is 138300, plus the addition of the black sword saber-toothed tiger. With an attack power of 4800 points, Lu Chaoding's total attack power at this time was as high as 156650.

The current skill level of [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] is LV9. The attack power of the summoned extraordinary giant sword is nine times that of Lu Chaoding. The super giant sword can effectively destroy terrain, buildings, etc., and is durable against buildings. The damage of the unit will be increased nine times again, which can reach 81 times Lu Chao's top attack power.

And 156650 times 81 is exactly "12686650"!
"So, this evil god Dom is considered a building? It has durability instead of health? Doesn't he have resilience to reduce damage? Could it be that he doesn't have resilience..."

Lu Chaoding thought quickly. Evil God Dom was still not pulled into the fighting space at this time, but after the six giant swords disappeared, Evil God Dom did not disappear. He flew out of the deep pit created by the six great swords. The health bar on the head was reduced by more than four-fifths.

"So, the original upper limit of the evil god Dom's durability is about [-] million, which is not very high! I don't know why he can't be pulled into the battle space. Is it because he has a special ability similar to the Moral Sword Immortal's immunity to enter the battle? Or is it? Is there any other reason... why didn’t he run away this time?”

Lu Chaoding had doubts in his heart, but he moved very quickly and took action again.

Even if the Evil God Dom cannot be pulled into the fighting space, one more round of [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] will be enough to kill the Evil God Dom.

Evil God Dom seemed to know how powerful he was. His figure flashed and suddenly appeared more than a hundred meters away.

Lu Chaoding's attack failed. Evil God Dom snorted coldly and stared at Lu Chaoding, causing Lu Chaoding's health to be permanently reduced by a thousand points again.

"There really is a flash! But it won't be so easy to run away this time!"

With a thought in Lu Chaoding's mind, he immediately launched a black cloud formation. The black cloud formation enveloped a 300-meter range around Lu Chaoding. Evil God Dom was in the formation, and damage numbers immediately appeared above his head: "- 1566"!
At the same time, Lu Chaoding's [Gaze Sword Technique] was also at work, and Evil God Dom permanently lost one point of durability every second.

Evil God Dom was a little stunned and stood there blankly.

"Purple gold gourd!"

Lu Chaoding took advantage of Evil God Dom's daze and quickly flew to him, took out the purple gold gourd, pointed the gourd's mouth at him, and said: "Take it!"

Evil God Dom's figure obviously staggered, and he was attracted by the invisible attraction of the purple gold gourd. However, the attraction was not enough to make him shrink immediately and fly into the gourd's mouth. He showed obvious struggle and resistance. It was like walking against a strong wind, struggling to escape.

"Why don't you continue to flash?"

Lu Chaoding's heart stabilized at this moment. He was about to use the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] again to kill the evil god Dom, but then he thought of the two martial arts towers in the Nut Secret Realm.

"Try to see if you can shoot the powerful Tianlong!"

Lu Chaoding made a decision, and with a thought, the clouds and mist in the sky dispersed, and then a mighty dragon swooped down.

This mighty dragon hit Evil God Dom's body firmly, making him do sit-ups twice. During this period, the purple gold gourd also exerted its effect, making Evil God Dom tired of resisting. Unable to make effective resistance and unable to leave.

"Another shot of the Great Universe Sky-Breaking Divine Sword!"

Lu Chaoding activated the No. [-] martial arts cannon again, and the sky-piercing giant sword appeared quickly, accurately hitting Evil God Dom, forming a teleportation beam, but Evil God Dom was not allowed to be teleported.

"Ding, the system prompts that the Evil God Dom is imprisoned in the current space and cannot leave. The transmission of the Great Universe Shattering Void Divine Sword failed!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt, and his expression did not change much. He had expected this result, and thought that the purple gourd would probably not be able to take it away.

"That's all, there's no need to try other methods. Now that the evil god Dom is suppressed, I'll take my time and kill him!"

Lu Chaoding muttered, and at the same time began to adjust his equipment. He lowered his attack power. He did not want to kill the evil god Dom at once, so he slowly wore down his health bar.

During this period, Evil God Dom could not be pulled into the battle space. He seemed to realize that he could not escape, and turned around. While accepting all the attacks, he stared at Lu Chaoding. His strange power came into play again. Lu Chao Permanently reduces health by 1000 points per minute.

"Damn it, are you trying to kill each other and hurt each other?"

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy and became even more merciless with his attacks. When Evil God Dom's health bar was reduced to just a trace, Lu Chaoding stopped attacking. He quietly looked at Evil God Dom and said with "eyes" "Come and kill him!"
LV1's [Gaze Sword Technique], one damage per second. Lu Chao stared at the evil god Dom for three minutes before the evil god's blood bar completely turned black. He half-knelt on the ground, his robe shattered into ashes. The robot's body was revealed. This body did not turn into light and disappear, but a treasure box appeared in front of it.

"Ding, look into the eyes of the evil god Dom and kill him with the gaze sword technique. The mission is completed and the reward is +100 unreliable lottery tickets!"

“Is it easy to earn some dodgy raffle tickets?”

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt and breathed a sigh of relief. He dispersed the black cloud formation, put away the purple gourd, and came to the treasure chest dropped by Evil God Dom with his sword.

"Let's see what happens!"

Lu Chaoding opened the treasure box, and two items immediately floated inside.

The first item is a five-star material named [Tears of the Evil God] with an unknown purpose.

The second item is a five-star special material called [Evil God's Resurrection Crystal]. Using this resurrection crystal, you can resurrect an evil god. The premise is that you have the complete or partial corpse of the evil god. The resurrected evil god retains all its abilities, but Washing away all memories is equivalent to a new existence, which is subdued to a certain extent. "The Evil God's Resurrection Crystal?" Lu Chaoding looked at the robot body next to him that had not disappeared. This was also a special material called [Body Full of Mysteries].

"Isn't this just ready-made material?"

Lu Chaoding thought for a while and quickly put the two items into the storage space.

He did not conduct an on-site test to see if he could resurrect the evil god Dom, because these two special props were not bound to each other, which meant that they could be used as reward items and go to the mission hall to complete missions, and then a batch of [ A body full of mysteries] and [The Evil God’s Resurrection Crystal].

If this can be done, it will be great. I can completely produce "Evil God Dom" in batches. If they can be used by me, they will be an extremely powerful force.

"This harvest is not bad, but unfortunately, a total of 15000 health points were chopped off by the Evil God Dom!"

Lu Chaoding looked at his attribute information. His original upper limit of basic health was 135500, but now it has become 120500.

In fact, the base health value of a level 60 player is only 35500. Lu Chaoding took the Nine Transformations Pill, which increased his base health by an additional 10 points. Therefore, the permanent loss of 15000 health points did not make him feel too much. Too distressed.

"I have killed four of the five big bosses, and only the last level 70 Taoist Sheep is left. If I kill him too, then I will have penetrated this secret realm, and that will be perfect! "

Lu Chaoding raised his eyes to the top of the hill, thinking that the strongest Yang Taoist was probably on the top of the mountain, so he rode a tiger and sword and continued to explore.

Although he was determined to kill the level 70 Yang Taoist, he did not show any contempt or carelessness. He let the clone phantom lead the way and talked to the super man himself, trying his best to collect information about the Yang Taoist.

Half an hour later, Lu Chaoding arrived at the top of the hill, where he inevitably saw Taoist Yang.

The Taoist Sheep was sitting quietly on a rock. He had a long white beard, his eyes were lightly closed, and his posture was leisurely. He seemed to have a bit of an immortal spirit.

"If I find the target, I will set up a black cloud formation 600 meters away and kill it!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't see the attribute information of Taoist Yang. He was thinking about his plan when he suddenly received another system prompt: "Ding, trigger a chance mission: Please defeat Taoist Yang who is imprisoned in the third floor of the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave. After the mission is completed, you will receive the recognition of Taoist Yang and the Jade of Sword Intent. There is only one chance to complete this chance mission. After the mission fails, you cannot receive the chance mission again!"

"Ding, accidentally the unreliable system started, the tracking task was updated, and the content was tampered with: please be defeated by Taoist Yang who was imprisoned in the third floor of the ancient sword repair cave. The task was completed and recognized by Taoist Niu, and the Jade of Jian Xiu was obtained. This chance mission only has Once you have an opportunity to complete the task, if you fail the task, you cannot receive the chance task again!"

"What is this tampering with? I was defeated by Taoist Yang! This is easy. I don't know whether feigning death to escape from the battle or escaping from the air counts as being defeated. To be safe, just let Taoist Yang beat me to death once, which means I will lose my level. It’s just a level down. It’s not a big deal. I can make up for it by taking some medicine... What is the mission reward? The recognition of the Niu Taoist? What the hell is the Niu Taoist? Does it exist? I was defeated by the Sheep Taoist and got the recognition of the Niu Taoist. , what is the logic of this? There is also the Jade of Sword Intent, could this thing be used to exchange for the [Sword Immortal’s Sword Intent]?”

Lu Chaoding quickly made a plan.

There is no doubt that he will deliberately set things off and be defeated by Taoist Yang!
In this way, you can return to the city for free.

After making the decision, Lu Chaoding felt very relaxed. He collected the Daxuan Sword and the Sword Spirit Super Man, and used the Purple Gold Gourd to collect the powerful Bull Demon Ape. He also took off all the equipment on his body, and then came on foot. When he came to Yang Taoist, he stared at him.

He used [Gaze Sword Technique].

The damage number appeared above Yang Daoren's head, and he immediately opened his eyes.

"What kind of rat dares to sneak up on me!" Taoist Yang said. He glanced at Lu Chaoding and said, "Hey, where did this swordsman come from? He doesn't know how to live or die!"

After saying this, the sword from his back popped out and pierced Lu Chaoding's chest with a clang.

Lu Chaoding's health bar was drained and he was killed directly.

His body began to glow, and the next moment, his vision went dark and then brightened. Looking at his surroundings, he was suddenly resurrected at the sword monument on the top of the seventh floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

Lu Chaoding's resurrection point is bound to this sword monument.

"Ding, Taoist Yang who was imprisoned in the third floor of the Ancient Sword Xiu Cave was defeated. The mission is completed. Congratulations on getting recognition from Taoist Niu and the Jade of Sword Intent. The Jade of Sword Intent has been distributed to your storage space, please See for yourself.”

"Resurrecting back to the city also saves you time on the road, which is great!"

Lu Chaoding was still in a very good mood. He quickly opened the storage space and took out the [Jade of Sword Intent].

As he expected, this thing can be used to exchange for the "Sword Intent" of the four professions.

It's just a pity that this thing, like the [Jade of Inheritance], [Jade of Certificate] and other props, is bound when picked up, so Lu Chaoding cannot swipe it into multiple copies through the mission hall.

He replaced the [Jade of Sword Intent] with [Sword Immortal's Sword Intent] on the spot, and then used this [Sword Immortal's Sword Intent] to upgrade his gaze swordsmanship to LV2.

In this way, if Lu Chaoding activates the gaze sword technique, the target will permanently lose 4 health points every second, which is 240 points per minute.

"Where are there more Jade of Sword Intent?"

Lu Chaoding sighed, and then he sent a message to Zhang Defa Feijian, asking him to wait for him at the door of the mission hall.

However, this time, the flying sword was unreliable again. The flying sword failed and the message turned into an attack. Zhang Defa, who was breakdancing on the "Reliable Stage", was killed on the spot. He was still broadcasting, The live broadcast was also interrupted.

Naturally, Lu Chaoding also received the system prompt. He raised his eyebrows and said in his heart that the flowers would not bloom but the willows would not bloom. He had tried to assassinate Yan Shangjing with a flying sword so many times, but he had not succeeded. The first time he randomly sent a message to Zhang De, he actually beat him to death.

"This kid is so unlucky! That's all. Let's compensate him with more Baolong Pills later."

Lu Chaoding muttered.

After a while, he found the resurrected Zhang Defa and took him to the mission hall. He took stock of his gains from this trip and started to complete the missions.

Props such as [Baolong Pill], [Secret Realm Seed], [Plane Merit Redemption Voucher], [Mage White Robe], [Clone Mirror], [Body Full of Mysteries], [Evil God's Resurrection Crystal] and other props were quickly used. Lu Chao's top brush became multiple copies.

(End of this chapter)

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