Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 19 Tianquan, ridiculously powerful

Chapter 19 Tianquan, ridiculously powerful

"Change the gold yuan into a cultivation level! This seems to be okay. The wild wolf I painted last night also lost a lot of bloody teeth!"

Lu Chaoding quickly opened the storage space.

After a night full of excitement, the harvest is all in sight.

Last night, Lu Chaoding's main focus was on moving around and killing monsters. He didn't dare to be distracted too much. Most of the loot was automatically stored in the storage space without careful counting.

He estimated that he had killed no less than 122 low-level night wolves. At this moment, he counted the harvest and found that there were a total of 126 [bloody teeth], 26 [Cultivation Experience], and [Night Wolf Heart] in the storage space. ] one piece, [Night Wolf Skin] [-] yuan!
In addition, Lu Chaoding's cultivation points accumulated directly from killing Night Wolf also reached 4756 points.

"Have you gained so much cultivation?"

Lu Chaoding's mind moved. He now still has 10 Yuan Pei Dan, and he seems to be able to break through the barrier and reach level 11!

But LV11 cannot be upgraded.

Because Linlang Cave only allows players whose level does not exceed LV10 to enter.

If he upgraded, he would have no chance of Linlang's secret treasure in Linlang Cave.

"That's all, Bloody Teeth is not in a hurry to hand it over, let's go draw the lottery first!"

Lu Chaoding thought of this and quickly came to Tianming Tower.

He took out 220 unreliable lottery tickets and carefully picked out three of them.

Those three unreliable lottery tickets are the most reliable. One is guaranteed to produce three stars, one is guaranteed to produce Tianquan, and one has an 88% chance of producing three stars.

Lu Chaoding planned to use these three first.

"Let's take a look at Tianquan first!"

Lu Chao raised an unreliable lottery ticket. The clouds in the sky dispersed, and a blue light quickly fell in front of him, and then turned into a ball of light.

Lu Chaoding stretched out his hand to break the light ball, and two big characters jumped out: "Yinghuo"!
Tianquan: Yinghuo

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Current effect: Change the damage type to special fire attack. Launching an attack will definitely cause additional fire blast damage. The fire blast is triggered intensively after hitting the target. The damage is 50% of the attack damage. If the target is in a broken state, an additional two segment damage (attack damage × Tianquan level + 300 × Tianquan level).

Note [-]: Special fire attacks are not affected by defense damage reduction, but are affected by fire resistance damage reduction.

Note 2: The first stage of flame blasting provides one point of rupture and toughness, and the second stage of flame blasting provides [-] points of fire rupture and toughness.

Note [-]: After equipping Yinghuo Tianquan, the Tianquan Dharma Ring will appear behind you. Your attack special effects will be affected to a certain extent. The target will be killed by the flame blast, and the death effects will also change. You can turn off the Tianquan Dharma Ring at any time. , then the power of heaven will not take effect.

Note [-]: Tianquan can also take effect in non-combat spaces.

Note [-]: Use [Yinghuo Baoyu] to increase the level of Tianquan.

Note [-]: Tianquan will be bound after upgrading.

Lu Chaoding stood still for two seconds, quickly calculating the damage-increasing effect of [Yinghuo] Tianquan in his mind. He felt that this Tianquan was a bit ridiculously strong!
The first is the conversion of damage types, which can instantly ignore defense damage reduction.

Defense damage reduction should not be underestimated. Lu Chaoding now has two points of defense. There is a formula for defense damage reduction in the character information panel, which is [1-100/(100+armor value)]. According to this formula, if you have A little defense can reduce damage by about 1%, and having 100 defense points can reduce damage by 50%.

High-level units must have defense, and Lu Chaoding is equipped with Yinghuo Tianquan. If there is no target with fire resistance in front of him, it is equivalent to zero defense and zero damage reduction. The benefits that this alone can bring, It's already immeasurable.

Yinghuo Tianquan also comes with direct damage, and the first burst is quite satisfactory, which is only equivalent to a 50% increase in damage, not very scary.

The second burst is very powerful. It guarantees a minimum of 300 and then increases the damage by 100%. The output may not be a direct explosion.

"This Tianquan is so powerful, much stronger than that powerful Tianlong with a deceiving name!"

Lu Chaoding felt that he was about to be invincible. He equipped Yinghuo Tianquan, and a flame aperture of about one meter in diameter immediately appeared behind him. The flames flickered within the aperture, and there was the shadow of a dark planet. It was not gorgeous, but it was still Extremely eye-catching.

That aperture is the Tianquan Dharma Ring.

Lu Chao released the sword again. The sword immediately turned red, and flames ignited from its blade. It was now a flaming sword.

Lu Chaoding used the splitting sword shadow again, and the 16 sword shadows also burned at the same time.

"Made, you're so handsome!" Lu Chaoding roared excitedly. He suppressed the urge to try the trick and continued to draw the lottery.

This time Lu Chaoding used the lottery ticket that was sure to win a three-star prop, but after the blue light came, all he got was a three-star [Tian Huang Jade]!
"It's crooked, don't be afraid, come again!"

Lu Chaoding used the lottery ticket with an 88% chance of getting a three-star item, but his luck seemed to have run out. Although he drew a three-star item, it was a material that he could not use for the time being, named [Linglong Jade] ]!
"It's crooked again! Can't you give me secret battle skills or accessories?"

Lu Chao muttered, and then he was casual, and he just started to draw a hundred consecutive shots.

But at this moment, he didn't know that the arrival of three blue rays of light had already attracted the attention of the top four female players in the Lion's Cave.

"Who's drawing?"

"It's blue light!"

"Three blue lights in succession!"

"Don't think about it, it must be Brother Ding who is drawing the lottery!"

"Why is he so lucky?"

"Let's go over and have a look..."

These four female players were originally playing the Lion's Cave copy.

As Zhao Weike said, this dungeon is no longer a teaching dungeon. There are no rewards for completing the level. You can only buy materials, but you can't get lottery tickets.

At this moment, they saw three blue lights falling from the sky. They had no intention of brushing up their books and immediately ran towards the direction of Tianming Tower.

In the other direction, on the beach near the sea, Zhang Jiaqiang also saw three blue lights coming.

"Brother Ding is awake! He is drawing a lottery!"

Zhang Jiaqiang immediately understood.

He has been running around the map during this time, and the idea in his mind is to familiarize himself with the terrain and find the BOSS. In this way, if he can hug Lu Chaoding's lap, whether he follows him to fight the BOSS during the day or follows him to fight the nocturnal beasts at night, he will be able to It can be more relaxed, and it can also reflect a little bit of your own value.

Zhang Jiaqiang actually found a BOSS. It was a level 10 [Prince Turtle], which was as big as a small house. It was a wandering BOSS. It had just climbed ashore from the sea. If you enter within 50 meters of it, you will automatically receive a subjugation mission. Now it is wandering on the beach, and I don’t know if it will return to the sea.

Zhang Jiaqiang would definitely not dare to touch this BOSS by himself. He had been following this BOSS for a while. At this moment, Xunsi Lu Chaoding woke up and wanted to call him over.

Over at Tianmingtai, Lu Chaoding had already used up all the unreliable lottery tickets.

What made him very depressed was that the unreliable lottery tickets were unreliable. Only six green lights were drawn out of more than 200 tickets, and the rest were all white lights.

"Brother Ding is mighty! Brother Ding is invincible! Once you hit the soul, you will win money in the lottery!"

"Brother Ding, let's play together!"

"Brother Ding, can you support me with gold coins? I want to buy the production map of the Blood-Blooded Sword..."

Xiao Ning and others rushed over, and they were shouting mindlessly in front of the Tianming Stage.

Lu Chao glanced at them without giving any response.

He quickly stepped forward to collect the items he had pulled out, and obtained [Compressed Biscuits], [Bottled Mountain Spring Water], [Apple], [Strawberry], [Flawed Iron Sword], [Cultivation Experience], and so on.

The six two-star items are all consumables, and none of them are good.

But among the one-star white items, there was a bottle of [Fat Rat Blood] and a one-star combat skill [Sword Echo].

[Echo of the Sword], a combat skill exclusive to the One-Star Sword Immortal. The effect of LV1 is to consume a little fighting spirit and quickly attack twice, but the main weapon damage of each attack is only 60%.

After Lu Chaoding read the description of this combat skill, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Magic skill!"

Without hesitation, he immediately replaced the [Heavy Attack] skill book with the [Second Company of Swordsmanship] skill book, and also linked the true solution map to [Swordsmanship Echo].

At this time, Zhang Jiaqiang ran to the stage of Tianming, and he shouted directly: "Brother Ding, it's the big BOSS, Prince Turtle, there will be generous rewards after defeating it, I will lead the way, let's go to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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