Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 20 World Boss

Chapter 20 World Boss
At the foot of Lion Rock, there is a beach on the coast.

A turtle that was slightly larger than a tank was pacing leisurely. It held its head high and narrowed its eyes. Every step it took left deep pit-like footprints on the beach.

This giant turtle is the wandering BOSS discovered by Zhang Jiaqiang, and its name is [Prince Turtle]!
[Prince Turtle: LV10 world BOSS, life 50000, attack 200, speed 40, toughness 40, defense 100.Explanation: The Prince Turtle is ranked third in the list of ferocious beasts of the Great Sword Sect. He is currently seriously injured and his level has dropped to LV10. If you enter within 50 meters of it, you will automatically receive a crusade mission. If you complete the mission, you will receive generous rewards! 】

Zhang Jiaqiang is not the only player who discovered this giant turtle.

When Zhang Jiaqiang returned to Tianming Terrace, two people walked out from the bushes behind the beach. One of them was wearing a cool sailor dress and it was Zhao Weike.

Zhao Weike looked at the Prince Turtle from a distance and said, "Sure enough, the Prince Turtle will appear early the next morning!"

Zhang Defa glared at Prince Turtle and said: "Oh my god, fifty thousand lives! Zhao Weike, you don't want to beat this boss, do you? Don't make trouble, if you want to die, don't pull me!"

He followed Zhao Weike to Lion Cliff and learned that there was indeed a cliff jumping mission. Then he followed Zhao Weike to hunt special wild monsters all over the mountains and fields. So far, he had killed a total of two [Naughty Man-headed Geese] and three [Alert Geese]. A fat rat] and two [jumping frogs with amazing jumping power], but I also collected some rare props.

Those props are one-time special consumables. Putting them in the storage space can increase the chance of surviving a cliff jump. But so far, accumulating all the effects of those items can only make it possible to survive a cliff jump and enter Linlang Cave. The probability has increased to 30%, and the risk is still very high if you jump off the cliff rashly.

"Of course not!" Zhao Weike said, "Our target is the [Naughty Clam Spirit]. After killing it, you can get a naughty clam shell, which increases the chance of surviving by jumping off a cliff by 20%. There should be one on the beach, let's look for it together. After we get the clam shell, we can try to jump off the cliff."

"Oh!" Zhang Defa nodded, looked at the [Prince Turtle] again, and said, "Why is this Prince Turtle's attributes so high?"

"World BOSS, one of the three major difficulties in Novice Village, his attributes are of course high!" Zhao Weike glanced at Zhang Defa with seeming contempt.

Zhang Defa scratched his head and asked: "What is the world BOSS and what are the three major difficulties?"

"There are three world BOSSs in Novice Village. We internal beta players call them the three major difficulties, which are the Prince Turtle, the Tengu of the Dog Tooth Mountain, and the Ye Longxing of the Great Sword Breaking the Void Mountain!"

Zhao Weike seemed to be trying to show off, and continued: "Let me tell you, there is one of these prince turtles in every novice village. If you kill it, you will get a training gift package. If you can kill it first, it will be even more powerful. , being able to report to the world will benefit the entire village of players!”

"First kill? Competing with other novice villages?"

"That's natural!"

"Do we have a chance to make the first kill?"

"There's a fart chance!"

Zhao Weike spat, "Stop fantasizing, I'm telling you, this BOSS can't be killed now. At least we have to wait until after the sword discussion mission is over, the level exceeds level 10, and the equipment is almost ready, then we can form a team." Fight! If you don’t have ten days or eight days, you can’t even think of killing it!”

"That's it." Zhang Defa looked like he suddenly realized it, and said: "What about the other two major difficulties? Are they also the same settings?"

"The other two major difficulties are that the dog may be beaten to death that day, and Ye Longxing is invincible. He is the ultimate BOSS of Tianxing Island. According to the plot of Novice Village, he will destroy the entire Tianxing Island and kill all the Great Sword Sect. All the NPCs, and then us players were lucky enough to survive and drift out to sea, which ended the story of the Novice Village! Mad, why are you talking so nonsense, hurry up and find the naughty clam spirit!"

Zhao Weike shook his head and secretly said that if he hadn't met Lu Chaoding and his script had unfolded smoothly, he might have had a chance to kill the prince with his head, but now, it was destined to be impossible.

Depressed, he began to look for the [Naughty Clam Spirit], but after a while, the [Naughty Clam Spirit] was not found. He suddenly saw Lu Chaoding, Zhang Jiaqiang, and the four female players coming together.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had a ring of heavenly power behind his back and a halo of earth under his feet. He was wearing a [Pig Marshal] and carrying a ghost-faced ax on his back. As he walked, 17 flaming swords followed behind him, which was extremely eye-catching.

Zhang Jiaqiang, Xiao Ning and others are like his little followers. "Where is the BOSS?"

Lu Chao shouted.

After obtaining Tianquan Yinghuo and the combat skill [Sword Echo], he was full of confidence in his own strength and was thinking of finding a BOSS to try his hand at.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Chaoding has now spent his cultivation points and raised [Reverberation of the Sword] to LV2, which increased the main weapon damage of the two attacks after using the combat skill from the original 60% to 80%.

In addition, he also used [Fat Rat Blood] to refine the Piffle Sword to +3. Now the Piffle Sword can provide 90 attack points.

It is a pity that the one-star [Echo of the Sword] is the same as [Critical Strike]. It reaches the top after one upgrade, while the two-star [Piffle Sword] has reached its limit after being refined to +3 and cannot be refined anymore!
"There! Brother Ding, look, it's that big turtle!" Zhang Jiaqiang pointed to the road, "If you enter within 50 meters of it, you can trigger the crusade mission."

Lu Chaoding looked in the direction pointed by Zhang Jiaqiang, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

This turtle is so big!
It does look like BOSS.

But then when he saw the attribute information of [Prince Turtle], Lu Chaoding's face darkened.

"World BOSS, health value is 50000! Mad, you think too highly of me."

Lu Chao turned his head and wanted to leave.

What a joke!
Although he is very strong, he cannot defeat this kind of monster.

The attributes are too different.

"Brother Ding, form a team and take me with you!"

Zhang Jiaqiang urged, and actually sent Lu Chaoding a team application.

Lu Chao glanced at him and said to himself, brother, you are really brave. How can you get the confidence to fight a world BOSS with [-] blood?Isn't that sending someone to death?
Xiao Ning, Wang Yingluo, Gu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Panpan saw the [Prince Turtle] and exclaimed. They were obviously shocked by the super high attributes of the [Prince Turtle].

At this time, Zhao Weike stopped looking for the Clam Demon. He held up the hem of his skirt and came over, smiling and saying: "Oh, isn't this the Great Sword Immortal Lu? Oh, the equipment is so luxurious. It has been upgraded to level 10! Are you here? Are you the one who beats the Prince Turtle? Then don’t be stunned, please hurry up, kill this Prince Turtle, get the first kill, and we will all take advantage of you!"

Lu Chao couldn't stand being provoked, so he turned around and walked away. After taking two steps, he came back and leaned towards the [Prince Turtle].

He wanted to leave without saying a word, but suddenly he remembered that Zhang Jiaqiang seemed to say that he had a crusade mission, and he might as well see what it was about.

Lu Chaoding quickly entered within 50 meters of the [Prince Turtle], and the system prompt rang in his mind: "Ding, you have discovered the Prince Turtle, which is ranked third in the Dajianmen ferocious beast rankings, triggering the crusade mission: kill. The ferocious beast Prince Turtle will be rewarded with +1 lottery ticket and +1 luxury training gift pack after completing the mission!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: killed by the ferocious beast Prince Turtle. After the task is completed, the unreliable lottery ticket +1 and a luxury training gift pack will be rewarded!"


Lu Chao's mind suddenly moved, could he accept this task?
(End of this chapter)

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