Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 21 The reckless man Lu Chaoding

Chapter 21 The reckless man Lu Chaoding

"It's too easy to be beaten to death by [Prince Turtle]. The key is whether it's worth it or not!"

Lu Chaoding began to think silently.

Fighting [Prince Turtle] is not about clearing the dungeon. If you are killed, you will definitely lose your level and your cultivation base will have to be cleared. Lu Chaoding thought that he has accumulated a lot of cultivation base now. If it is cleared all at once, the loss will be a bit big. .

However, he was also very curious about the luxurious training gift bag. Since it was called luxurious, he thought the contents inside should not be bad.

"For ordinary players, if you kill this [Prince Turtle], you can only receive the reward once. Is it possible for me to do it continuously?"

Lu Chaoding's mind suddenly moved, and he no longer hesitated. He strode forward, walked to about 30 meters away from [Prince Turtle], and then stretched out his hand to point at [Prince Turtle].

The 17 flaming swords were like missiles, bombarding the [Prince Turtle].

boom boom boom boom...

Accompanied by the sound of fire and explosions, damage figures overlapped and floated into the sky.





"-119, flame blast!"

In the eyes of Zhao Weike and others, a large red number appeared on the top of the [Prince Turtle]'s head, and its head was on fire. And the next moment, the world BOSS and Lu Chaoding disappeared together, leaving only Lu Chao. Where Ding originally stood, a fluttering battle flag appeared.

"Damn it, this guy named Lu is so reckless, he really dares to do it!"

"I can't understand this hurt!"

"The white stripes of Prince Turtle seem to have been reduced by half all of a sudden. It looks amazing!"

"No, we haven't formed a team yet. Brother Ding can't lead me?"

"The great god wants to kill Prince Turtle alone!"

"No nonsense, just start the war!"

"My top brother is so confident!"

"Can he really kill the prince turtle?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Zhao Weike stared. I never believed that Lu Chaoding could kill [Prince Turtle]. However, Zhang Jiaqiang and others beside him were shouting enthusiastically, which made him feel a little unsure, so he stretched his neck and waited to see the outcome of the battle. .

But in the battle space, Lu Chaoding looked relaxed at this time.

He just wants to die!
But before being killed by [Prince Turtle], you can try your own methods.

"Starting first, ignoring defense damage reduction, the total damage in one blow is 358, which cuts off 18 points of the Prince Turtle's toughness. Tianquan's special fire attack makes the Prince Turtle's defense of up to 100 useless. The toughness damage reduction is still there, but it cannot break the toughness. The second-stage flame blast failed to trigger..."

Lu Chaoding quickly calculated the damage he had caused.

The 1-minute preparation time ended quickly. [Prince Turtle]'s speed was only 40, while Lu Chaoding's speed was as high as 125. Therefore, Lu Chaoding took the lead and ushered in three rounds.

The first round, normal attack!
Just like entering the field, Lu Chao hit 17 swords, plus a flame blast, with a total damage of 358. He once again lost 18 points of toughness of [Prince Turtle], and accumulated a little fighting spirit.

In the second round, Lu Chao used [Sword Echo]!
boom boom boom...

After the sword and 16 sword shadows attacked [Prince Turtle] once, they did not return behind Lu Chaoding. Instead, they turned in a circle in the air and hit [Prince Turtle] again.

Therefore, if Lu Chao hits one [Sword Echo], it is equivalent to two basic attacks and 32 sword shadow attacks, for a total of 34 attacks!
Among them, the first four attacks did not break the toughness. Lu Chaoding's current attack power is 190 points. The main weapon damage of [Reverberation of the Sword] is only 80%. Affected by [True Solution Map·Shen Lian], the damage is increased by 20%, and the final damage is That is 96% of the attack power, and the resilience damage is reduced by 50%. The direct damage of the sword is only 91.

The subsequent three sword shadow attacks are not affected by the map, and are only affected by resilience damage reduction. The actual damage is 9, three attacks, a total of 27!

The fourth attack breaks the toughness, and the additional toughness breaking damage of the Ghost Face Hatchet is released, which is directly 780!

The next 30 attacks were all full damage. One hit of the sword caused 182 damage, and the damage of one hit of the sword shadow was increased to 19, with a total damage of 733!

The damage has been accumulated here, reaching 1631 points!
After the Pifu Sword and the Light Splitting Sword Shadow returned behind Lu Chaoding, the flame explosion began to trigger.

With a roar, a large ball of fire exploded on the head of [Prince Turtle]. [Prince Turtle] trembled, and a damage number appeared on his head: "-815"!
Immediately afterwards there was another roar, and the two-stage flame explosion was triggered. The huge body of [Prince Turtle] was directly blown over, and a damage number bigger than a buffalo appeared: "-2746"!
At this point, Lu Chao's total injuries in one round were astonishingly high at 5192!

"How is this damage calculated? It's so exciting!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked when he saw the damage he had done, and sighed in his heart that he was wise.

"Although Echo of the Sword is only a one-star combat skill, when paired with the Spectral Sword Shadow, it is a qualitative change. It is much stronger than that heavy attack! Of course, the strongest one is Tianquan, invincible!"

Lu Chaoding then started his third round. He found that the extraordinary characteristics of [Splitting Sword Shadow] gathered a little fighting spirit for him, so he then used [Reverberation of the Sword].




"-486, flame blast!"

"-1548, second blast!"

This attack has no toughness-breaking damage, but there is still a secondary fire blast, and the damage output is very impressive.

The [Prince Turtle] that had just gotten up was knocked to the ground again, and both of them howled in pain.Lu Chao's consecutive attacks resulted in a total of 8914 damage points!

At this moment, he just wanted to put his hands in his pockets and look up at the sky.

At this time, the [Prince Turtle] slowly climbed up. It seemed to be irritated, but after the round started, it slowly climbed up to Lu Chaoding, and then stepped on him hard.

This kick stepped on Lu Chao's "blood-boiling rage".

Lu Chaoding's body suddenly grew larger, blood wrapped around his body, and his attack power increased to 210!At the same time, gain 20% of blood-stealing attack status.

"It's so exciting. Am I so strong? If I keep fighting like this, I'm really afraid of killing this little turtle!"

Lu Chaoding felt his blood surge up. Prince Turtle's kick did not break his strength, but only 98 points of his life were destroyed.

Next, Lu Chaoding ushered in three more rounds of attacks.
He struck mercilessly, with a basic attack in the fourth round, and with the blessing of blood boiling rage, he output 546 damage, sucked 106 blood, directly filled up his blood, and regained 1 point of fighting spirit!
In the fifth round, he used combat skills to steadily output 3006 damage, triggering a blood-boiling rage again!

In the sixth round, the basic attack outputs 546 damage, restores 1 point of fighting spirit, and gathers 1 additional point of fighting spirit...

After these three rounds of attacks, Lu Chaoding really felt that he could kill [Prince Turtle] alone, but [Prince Turtle] used combat skills without respecting martial ethics in the second round.

Lu Chaoding saw four big characters appearing on its head: "Taiyi Divine Water".

Then the prince turtle spit out a water ball wrapped with lightning. The water ball hit Lu Chaoding and directly emptied his health bar!

"Damn it, I got caught!"

Lu Chaoding knelt down, and the next moment the battle space was shattered. His vision went dark, and he suddenly returned to the sword monument and resurrected.

On the beach on the coast, Zhao Weike and others saw that the battle flag representing Lu Chaoding's combat status was shattered, and then the huge Prince Turtle reappeared.

Its health bar was shortened by more than a quarter, but after reappearing, the health bar quickly returned to full, and the white bar representing resilience also reappeared.

Seeing this, Zhao Weike couldn't help laughing heartily: "Hahahaha, the guy named Lu was killed. Let me just say, how can he win the three major difficulties? This time he has to drop a level! Hahahaha!"

Zhang Jiaqiang and others reacted a little slower and were stunned into silence.

Zhao Weike glanced at them and said: "It is true that your top brother is very strong. He can knock out a quarter of the health bar of the Prince Turtle single-handedly, but he is just a reckless man. There is no future for you to hang out with him. If you want to Don't think about following me, I'll take you to jump off the cliff to get the chance, and when you get your equipment ready, I'll lead a team to fight this turtle, and I'll make sure to kill it!"

"This one……"

"It seems that Brother Ding is indeed a bit reckless!"

"He was beaten to death. Will he be demoted?"

"Those who are willing to be demoted will be demoted!"

"Zhang Jiaqiang, it's a shame you didn't team up with him, or else you'd have to die!"

"Is there really any chance of jumping off a cliff?"

"What a chance. If you don't believe me, just ask Zhang Defa! If you don't die by jumping off a cliff, you will be blessed later. We are all from the same village. Don't lie to your own people..."

Zhao Weike was inspired, and with his words, Zhang Jiaqiang, Wang Yingluo and others quickly started looking for the "naughty clam spirit" on the beach.

[Naughty Clam Spirit] is a kind of mob, which is rare in number and its spawn location is uncertain.

And a moment later, they saw Lu Chao running over in a hurry. His level had dropped to LV9, but like a bull, he rushed directly towards the [Prince Turtle], and after a short pause, he attacked again. , and then entered the battle space with [Prince Turtle].

"Brother Ding beats the prince turtle again!"

"Isn't this a way to die?"

"What's wrong with him? Is he stimulated?"

"Brother Ding, don't be confused!"

"You're a reckless man, the identification is complete!"

Zhao Weike and others looked puzzled.

Three minutes later, [Prince Turtle] reappeared as expected and continued walking on the beach.

And Lu Chaoding was obviously beaten to death again!
Less than 5 minutes later, Lu Chaoding actually ran back again. At this time, he was only at level eight, but he resolutely attacked [Prince Turtle] again. The result was that he could only be killed again.

Some time later, Zhao Weike and others saw Lu Chaoding running over to fight with [Prince Turtle], and then being beaten to death over and over again.

They were all dumbfounded.

When Lu Chaoding, who was knocked back to LV1, ran back and continued to attack [Prince Turtle], Zhao Weike finally couldn't help but said: "Isn't this guy a fool?"

Zhang Defa said: "I think he was stimulated by something and collapsed!"

"Having been killed from the tenth level back to the first level, Brother Ding has given up on himself!"

"With his delivery method like this, the Prince Turtle won't be able to upgrade, right?"

"Hey, someone go and persuade Brother Ding, there's no need to do this if you can't beat him!"

These players sighed, how did they know that every time Lu Chaoding came here, he would receive the mission to defeat the Prince Turtle, and those missions were all tampered versions. The mission objectives remained the same and the rewards were slightly changed. He only had to be killed. Once, you complete a task and receive a reward.

In his storage space, he has accumulated ten luxury training gift bags!
"As long as the Prince Turtle is alive, I will continue to complete this crusade mission. If I am killed, I have completed the mission. I am not allowed to take off? Hahahaha..."

Lu Chaoding laughed wildly in his heart. He decided that he would not do anything today except to piss off this prince turtle!

(End of this chapter)

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