Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 22 I, the mighty swordsman, fell to death

Chapter 22 I, the mighty swordsman, fell to death

The system is unreliable, but Lu Chaoding feels that he can be a reliable player.

He went back and forth between the Resurrection Sword Monument and the beach on the coast, ruthlessly like a robot. He even ate compressed biscuits on the way without wasting any time.

As for the luxurious training gift package rewarded by the crusade mission, it is a prop that can randomly give out training materials. Lu Chao opened one and got a bottle of Yuan Pei Dan, a bottle of blood recovery pill, a bottle of invigorating pill and a [ Heavy Attack】Skill Book.

Among them, the Invigorating Pill is a two-star item, with 2 pills in a bottle. It can be taken during preparations for battle. After taking it, it can directly restore [-] points of fighting spirit. Only one pill can be taken per battle.

This bottle of elixir made Lu Chaoding very fond of it. He felt that the value of the luxurious cultivation gift package was still very great. If you die and exchange for one, you will earn blood!
Lu Chaoding did not open more luxury training gift packages. He likes to save up and then explode.

As for Lu Chaoding's behavior of constantly challenging [Prince Turtle] and risking his own death, coupled with his coldness and silence, Zhao Weike and others saw this and thought at first that he was a charlatan. As time went by, the number of times increased. , so I don’t bother to care about it and just treat it as a piece of fun.

"There has never been a shortage of sand sculptures in this world, and Lu Chao is the best. I would like to call him the fighting sculpture among sand sculptures!" Zhao Weike said.

"I think Brother Ding must have some kind of personality flaw. Once he is frustrated, he is particularly prone to being incompetent and furious!"

"Do you think Brother Ding behaves like an intelligent AI?"

"Is it possible that he is an AI player? The program is stuck, so he keeps dying like this?"

"Anyway, I think Brother Ding is very unreliable!"

"Okay, stop studying your top brother and follow His Highness the Prince to study cliff jumping!"

"Compared with Brother Ding, Zhao, who is dressed as a woman, is much more normal and more reliable..."

These players talked about Lu Chaoding a lot. Gradually, "Brother Ding" became Lu Chaoding's nickname. But at noon, the mentality of these fun-loving people suddenly changed!

Because after the [Prince Turtle] got out of the battle again, he suddenly had a flash of golden light and was promoted to LV11!
"Damn it, the Prince Turtle has been upgraded!"

"It's really upgraded!"

"Brother Ding, this big idiot, has upgraded the world's BOSS with his own strength!"

"We can't let him act like this anymore. If we raise the level of the Prince Turtle, how can we kill him in the future?"

"Made, Brother Ding is such a wonderful flower! I'm convinced!"

Zhao Weike and others immediately began to curse and curse. At this time, no one regarded Lu Chaoding as a master anymore. Even Zhang Jiahao said that he had looked away.

Lu Chaoding, who came back again, was surprised to see the [Prince Turtle] upgraded.

"Yeah, can this thing be upgraded?"

He discovered that although the [Prince Turtle] had only been upgraded by one level, its attributes had been greatly improved. Its health points had been directly raised to 240, and its attack power had also been increased to [-]. Fortunately, the crusade mission had not changed and could still be triggered.

However, after triggering the crusade mission this time, Lu Chaoding, who was still thinking of running over to attack [Prince Turtle], suddenly stopped.

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: kill the Prince Turtle, and after the task is completed, the reward will be +10 unreliable lottery tickets and +0 luxury training gift pack!"

"This unreliable system, why are you asking to kill the Prince Turtle again!"

Lu Chaoding was a little unhappy. He had been worried that the mission had been tampered with and still asked to kill the Prince Turtle, but since he hadn't seen it so many times in a row, he thought he could wipe out the crusade mission until the end.

Now, it can be said that Lu Chaoding's hope was shattered. He immediately started researching again, trying to find an operation such as giving up the mission, but unfortunately, there was no such thing!

"There is no way to complete the subjugation mission!"

Lu Chaoding was unhappy when Zhao Weike and others blocked him.

"Brother Ding, don't let yourself die again!"

"You have fattened the prince turtle, how can we kill it?"

"Go and see the wild animals elsewhere. Please, don't trick us..."

Faced with the reprimands from these players from the same village, Lu Chaoding turned around and left without responding a word.

Since we can no longer complete the subjugation missions, and we cannot defeat [Prince Turtle] for the time being, there is no point in staying here. Is it possible to fight the clam monsters with Zhao Weike and the others?
Lu Chaoding decided to find a secluded place to open all the luxury training gift bags, and then go to the lion's cave or other places to explore.

"This guy, just left?"

"Now I also suspect that he is an AI player!" "Brother Ding's intelligence level doesn't look very high!"

"Don't worry about him, just brush the clam essence!"

Zhao Weike and others continued to fight the clam spirit on the coastal beach, and Lu Chaoding soon arrived in front of the Lion's Cave copy.

Here, he opens the storage space and begins counting the harvest.

In this half-day, Lu Chaoding completed a total of 66 subjugation missions, and received a total of 50 unreliable lottery tickets and 68 luxury training gift packages, of which one gift package has been opened and 67 have not yet been opened.

Lu Chaoding opened the 67 luxurious training gift packages one after another without any delay, and system prompts kept ringing in his mind.

"Ding, you opened the luxury training gift package and got a bottle of Yuan-Pui Dan, a bottle of Invigorating Pill, and a bottle of Blood-Recovering Pill!"

"Ding, you opened the luxurious cultivation gift package and got a bottle of Peiyuan Dan and a certificate jade!"

"Ding, you opened the luxury training gift package and got two bottles of Invigorating Pills..."


Coupled with 50 unreliable lottery tickets, this is the result of Lu Chaoding's half-day struggle.

Among these items, needless to mention the Certificate Jade, it is definitely a high-end item. Lu Chaoding exchanged it for the [Sword Immortal’s Certificate] on the spot, and used one to upgrade his talent for sword control from LV4 to LV5!

"Ding, congratulations, your professional talent sword level has been increased to LV5, the maximum attack distance has been increased to 50 meters, and the extra speed has been increased to 40!"

"Ding, your base speed has reached 140!"

"Ding, the talent skill tree system is open, please check it yourself!"

"Talent skill tree?"

Lu Chaoding quickly opened the character information panel, and sure enough, there was an additional page called "Talent Skill Tree".

According to the content on that picture page, there are a total of 7 innate skills for Sword Immortal. The starting skill is [Sword Flying]. After turning it on, Sword Immortal players will have an extra flying sword column. The flying swords in the flying sword column will not be added. Attributes are only used for flying with the sword.

In other words, if [Sword Flying] is turned on, Sword Immortal players can fly into the sky with their swords, which is equivalent to gaining the ability to fly. However, turning on [Sword Immortal Flying] requires three [Sword Immortal Certificates] and consumes 30000 repair points. for.

[Walking with Sword] There are three skill branches in the future, and the branch skills need to be activated in order.

There are two talent skills on the first branch, named [Flying Master] and [Air Control Master]. The effect of the former increases the upper limit of the player's sword flying speed by 100%. To activate it, you need 5 Sword Master certificates and 5 points. Cultivation.

Here is an explanation of the upper limit of the player's sword flying speed. If [Flying Master] is not enabled, level 10 is taken as a stage. The upper speed limit for levels 1 to 10 is 10 meters per second, and the upper speed limit for levels 11 to 20 is 20 meters per second, the upper speed limit for levels 21 to 30 is 30 meters per second, and so on.

The effect of [Master of the Sky] is to allow the sword to carry people, up to three people. To activate it, you need 10 copies of [Sword Immortal's Certificate] and [-] points of cultivation.

On the second branch, the first talent skill is called [Far Attack Master]. Its effect is that the attack distance is +20 meters. To activate it, you need 5 Sword Immortal certificates and [-] points of cultivation.

The second talent skill is called [Master of Sky Breaking]. Its effect is that the attack distance is +30 meters. To activate it, you need 10 Sword Immortal certificates and 10 points of cultivation.

There are also two talent skills on the last branch. The first one is called [Speed ​​Master]. The effect is to increase the speed by 20 points. To activate it, it requires 5 Sword Immortal certificates and 5 points of cultivation.

The second one is called [Master of Escape]. Its effect is that if its own speed is 100 higher than the opponent's speed, it is allowed to escape at any time during the battle.

Lu Chaoding studied for a moment, and then used three Sword Immortal certificates again, took another 70 Yuan-Pei Dan, accumulated [-] points of cultivation, and activated [Walking with the Sword].

The next moment, he equipped an iron sword he had obtained in a lottery to the flying sword fence, and with a thought, the iron sword appeared out of thin air at his feet, lying flat, and became larger and wider. The blade of the sword, which was one foot long and two fingers wide, has now become more than two meters long and two palms wide.

Lu Chao had a clear understanding in his heart. He stepped on the iron sword, said "get up" calmly, and the iron sword slowly flew into the air with him.

"Haha, it's exciting. How can you be called a swordsman if you can't wield a sword? From now on, if anyone can fly, we will never have to run!"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed. Under the control of his mind, the Iron Sword quickly floated five meters high in the air and flew leisurely towards the valley ahead. Then in less than ten seconds, Lu Chaoding was unable to stand still and fell from the Iron Sword. He fell down and hit his head on a rock.

The next moment, Lu Chaoding's vision went dark. When his vision returned, he was actually resurrected under the sword monument.

"Did I fall to death? I am a great swordsman, fell to death?"

Lu Chaoding stared, and he immediately realized that "sword handling" is still a technical job. It requires practice. If the skills are not good, there may be accidents every day.

(End of this chapter)

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