Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 23 4 Star Fashion

Chapter 23 Four Star Fashion
Lu Chaoding is already LV1 anyway, has zero experience, and is not afraid of losing experience if he falls to death.

He continued to practice flying with his sword.

After turning on [Sword Flying], his iron sword was like a flying skateboard. The flying speed and flying height were all controlled by his mind. At first, Lu Chao stood on top of the sword, then squatted, sat, or lay down on his back. , lying down, riding...

He found that it was safest to wield the sword lying down, facing the earth, having a good view, and being safe.

Lying down and riding. Secondly, if you just lie down, the field of view is not very good and accidents are easy to happen. If you ride, although the thighs look a bit thick, there is actually no discomfort. It is most suitable for novices.

In addition, there is a certain amount of physical inertia in the flying sword. Although it is not as obvious as on the earth, it can still be clearly felt during rapid acceleration, rapid deceleration, and sharp turns. At this time, it is especially easy to "flip the sword" .

Therefore, from a safety perspective, Lu Chaoding decided to become a sword-riding fairy first. He used the flying sword as a mount and rode close to the ground.

After playing like this for a while, Lu Chaoding opened the talent skill tree page again to view.

"The 7 talents, except for flying with the sword, the other 6 can be regarded as passive skills. The Master of Escape is a bit interesting. He can escape from the battle at any time, which means running away at any time. If you have the conditions, you are willing to use these skills first. Let’s take a look at the Master of the Sky, the Master of the Sky and the Master of the Sky are a bit ordinary..."

Lu Chaoding silently calculated that if he wanted to fully activate his talents, he would need 45 Sword Immortal certificates, plus 45 cultivation bases.

It's okay to say that his cultivation level is good. Lu Chaoding still has more than 60 bottles of Yuan Pei Dan. With a quick brainstorm, he has his cultivation level. The key is the certificate of Sword Immortal!

Lu Chaoding now only has one certificate of Sword Immortal left.

He thought that this thing was rare and might not be easy to collect.

"That's all, let's forget about the talents and skills for now."

Lu Chaoding closed the talent skill page and took out two fist-sized round fruits from the storage space.

[Kiwi fruit: a special item, a three-star prop. There is a certain chance of obtaining a random permanent gain after eating it. Please explore it yourself for details. 】

"This is also a good thing!"

Lu Chaoding was not polite and showed off one directly. The [kiwi fruit] was red in color and looked very similar to tomatoes. It tasted like rice cakes but tasted like apples. Lu Chaoding thought it was quite delicious, but he dropped one. After eating, he immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, congratulations, your upper limit of fighting spirit has been permanently increased by 2 points!"

"Hey, not bad!"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed. The upper limit of fighting spirit reached 7 points, and he quickly ate the second [Kiwi Fruit].

"Ding, congratulations, your speed has been permanently increased by 5 points!"

"Not bad……"

Lu Chaoding reminisced about the taste of [kiwi fruit] and thought that two kiwi fruits were too few. It would be great if he could get a ten to eight ton one and eat it every day.

After sighing for a while, Lu Chaoding took out 50 unreliable lottery tickets and looked at them one by one.

Soon, Lu Chaoding showed a toothache expression on his face.

He held an unreliable lottery ticket in his hand.

[Unreliable lottery ticket: After use, you can conduct a lottery at Tianmingtai. This ticket randomly generates a winning probability and ignores lottery mechanisms such as guarantees.Random effect: Three-star sword master combat skills are a must! 】

"I am a swordsman. It would be unreliable to give me the swordsman's combat skills."

Lu Chaoding threw this lottery ticket aside and continued to check other unreliable lottery tickets. His face soon froze again, and he found one that was sure to produce the exclusive back piece of the Two-Star Sword Demon.

"All other players' lottery tickets must produce professional props, right?"

Lu Chaoding once again lamented the unreliability of unreliable lottery tickets. He read through the remaining unreliable lottery tickets and thought there was nothing too special.

Next, Lu Chaoding went to draw the lottery. He directly drew 50 consecutive draws and threw all 50 unreliable lottery tickets into the air.


A sound similar to the sound of a long bell sounded, the clouds in the sky dispersed, and fifty rays of light broke through the sky. Among the fifty rays of light, in addition to the green light and the blue light that Lu Chaoding expected, there were actually There was a purple light. "A four-star item is out!"

Lu Chaoding was shocked.

The purple light corresponds to the four-star props. Under normal circumstances, the chance of drawing a four-star prop is extremely low. During the Novice Village, there is a guarantee that a thousand draws must be purple. That is, a thousand draws must be performed to obtain a four-star prop.

Lu Chaoding used unreliable lottery tickets for the lottery, which had no guarantee. He actually drew a four-star item. He felt that he was really lucky.

"Don't turn it into material!"

Lu Chaoding hurriedly stepped forward to check the four-star props. After breaking the purple ball of light, four big words appeared in front of him: "Shenji Miaojue".

Fashion: Wonderful sleep

Number of stars: four stars

Occupation: General
Refining level: +0

Fashion parts: Shenji robe, Shenji shirt, Shenji underwear, Miaojue belt, Miaojue cloth boots, Miaojue cloak.

Note [-]: Costumes cannot be separated into equipment, otherwise the features cannot be activated.

Explanation 1: Consume a piece of [Shenji Jade] to refine [Shenji Miaojue] to +[-]!

Note 9: Four-star costumes can be refined up to +[-], but they will be bound after refining and cannot be traded.

What appeared in front of Lu Chaoding was a set of ancient robes.

Without saying a word, Lu Chaoding directly replaced the two-star [Marshal Pig] with this four-star fashion.

Immediately, Lu Chaoding changed his body and put on a brocade robe mainly made of green gray and plain white. The robe had cloud patterns and white crane embroidery on it. The belt was made of sea blue jade pieces, and there were A light snow-colored cloak and cloth boots with the texture of metal combat boots.

Lu Chao shook his big sleeves, looked at his cloth boots, and shook the snow-colored cloak behind him, exclaiming that he must be feeling special at this moment.

"Yes, yes, this costume can increase fighting spirit by two points, and it will give you four points of fighting spirit when entering a battle. It is exactly what I need... Can a four-star costume be refined 4 times? The growth potential is too strong."

Lu Chaoding was very happy.

He ate [Kiwi Fruit], and the upper limit of his fighting spirit was permanently increased by two points. Now wearing this set of [Magical Awareness], the upper limit of his fighting spirit has reached 9 points. With one more point, he can use [Great Power] Too dragon].

Lu Chaoding looked at the other items. There was no need to mention the white items. Most of them were food such as compressed biscuits and low-level materials. The three-star sword master's combat skill was the [Sacred Heart Art], which was the same as the one Gu Xiaoxiao had drawn.

The exclusive back item for the Two-Star Sword Demon is [Black Pot].

[Black Pot: Exclusive back piece for the Two-Star Sword Demon, life +200, toughness +2, defense +2. After equipped, it is easier to gain enemy hatred, and gain +20% cultivation from killing enemies, current refining +0, no additional attributes, It can be refined up to three times, but please note that the back piece will be bound after being refined and cannot be traded. 】

"The sword demon takes the blame? That's interesting."

Lu Chaoding wondered if he should carry forward the spirit of team friendship and give Zhao Weike and the others the black pot, Sacred Heart Art, general combat skills book, and the replaced Marshal Pig costume?
Little did he know that at this moment, Zhao Weike and his party had arrived at Lion Cliff.

"With all the materials gathered, the chance of surviving a cliff jump and entering Linlang Cave can be increased to 40%. Everyone, it's time to test our character!"

Zhao Weike shouted.

Zhang Defa raised his hand and asked: "Zhao Weike, what treasures are there in Linlang Cave? Have you ever gone in during the internal testing?"

"Although I have never been in, I know that someone has been in. Don't worry, Linlang Cave is a secret realm of chance. The secret treasures inside are of high quality. First come, first served. Don't miss it! Alas, there is only a selfless good person like me. Only then will I share such precious information with you for free. We have agreed that when you get the secret treasure, you have to remember us. At least send some red envelopes to show your appreciation! Enough nonsense, come on, let’s use guessing to decide the dance. Cliff sequence..."

Before Zhao Weike finished speaking, Zhang De made a big leap and jumped off the cliff first.

(End of this chapter)

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