Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 24 Sell it to you cheaper

Chapter 24 Sell it to you cheaper

His eyes suddenly darkened and then brightened, and Zhang Defa appeared at the entrance of Linlang Cave.

Looking at the three big characters on the entrance of the cave, Zhang Defa laughed.

"Haha, what Zhao Skirt said is actually true. After all, the hard work these days has not been in vain!"

Zhang Defa was in a happy mood, thinking that he might have the halo of the protagonist. He successfully arrived at Linlang Cave after jumping off the cliff for the first time. This was really good luck.

He quickly walked into Linlang Cave, and then saw Chance Treasure Box No. [-] located in the center of the cave.

"First come, first served, haha, I'm so smart, this secret treasure is mine!"

Zhang Defa strode forward, opened the lid of the treasure box, and was stunned for a moment.

There was only one thing in the treasure box, which looked like a compressed biscuit.

"What is this? Linlang's secret treasure?"

Zhang De picked up the compressed biscuit in a daze. The next moment, the scene in front of him flickered and he was teleported back to Lion Cliff.


Zhang Defa was immediately stunned. His eyes were wide open, his mouth was half-open, and he was still holding the compressed biscuit in his hand.

"Hey, Zhang Defa! You didn't fall to death. Could it be that you entered Linlang Cave and obtained the secret treasure?"

"No, he beat me to it!"

"Tell me, what secret treasure did you get?"

"Hurry up and show us the secret treasure..."

As soon as Zhao Weike and others saw Zhang Defa reappearing, they immediately gathered towards him. Some were curious, some were envious, some were jealous, and they all started shouting.

They were really curious about Linlang's secret treasure.

"I'm crazy!"

Zhang Defa slammed the compressed biscuit in his hand to the ground. He looked at Zhao Weike fiercely and said: "Zhao Skirt, you tricked me!"

Zhao Skirt is the nickname of Zhao Weike. When he saw Zhang Defa appear, he felt disappointed. It was because of envy and jealousy. When he yelled at him, he was stunned and said: "What do you mean? How did I cheat you? You took the secret treasure, no?" Should you thank me?"

"Thank you, thank you for your hammer, you big fool!"

"How do you scold people?"

"What's wrong with scolding you? If you were in that place in my hometown, I would still beat you!"

"You are ungrateful!"

"Bah, what's the point of your kindness? You're tricking me. There are no secret treasures in Linlang Cave, only compressed biscuits! Don't believe Zhao Skirt, he is even less reliable than Ding Ge, so don't jump off the cliff! "

Zhang Defa stared with big eyes and became furious.

Everyone around him frowned when he heard this. Zhao Weike was also stunned for a moment, but soon he showed a look of realization: "Well, Zhang Defa, I can't tell you have so many colorful intestines. You took advantage of it in Linlang Cave. You are also afraid that others will compete with you, so you say this deliberately to prevent everyone from jumping off the cliff, so you can go on to get the secret treasure, right?"

Zhang Jiaqiang nodded when he heard this and said: "That makes sense. If you don't die by jumping off a cliff, you will have good luck in the future. How is it possible that there are only compressed biscuits in Linlang Cave?"

"Yes!" Wang Yingluo followed, "Zhang Defa, you are too stingy. Why don't you show us the secret treasure you got? I won't take it from you!"

At this time, Xiao Ning came to the edge of the cliff, gritted his teeth, and jumped down.

"Xiao Ning jumped off the cliff!" Gu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "The secret treasures are limited, first come, first served, everyone, hurry up and jump!"

After hearing this, everyone stopped talking and jumped down the cliff. Zhao Weike also jumped down.

"What a bunch of fools!"

Zhang Defa shook his head, glanced at the compressed biscuits he had thrown away on the ground, bent down to pick them up, stuffed them into his mouth and started chewing them.

From the time he got up until now, he hasn't eaten a bite of food.

However, Zhao Weike and others were not as lucky as Zhang Defa. They jumped off the cliff and all fell to death. Then they were resurrected collectively at the Resurrection Sword Monument.

Of course, if you jump off a cliff to your death, you will lose your level.

"Fuck, is this dead?"

"I suddenly regretted it so much!" "What are we playing?"

"Is this considered an act of confusing players..."

Several people's faces were not good-looking, and they complained as soon as they were revived.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had just stepped off the Destiny Platform. He was wearing [Shenji Miaojue] costume, riding on an iron sword that had grown larger and longer, and was circling the temporary camp at a speed that was not much faster than walking.

Xiao Ning saw Lu Chaoding first and said in surprise: "Hey, everyone, look, who is that?"


"Yeah, Brother Ding! Has he changed his clothes?"

"What kind of fashion is Brother Ding wearing? What is he doing?"

"Are we dazzled..."

When the six players saw Lu Chaoding, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Lu Chaoding felt a little proud at this time. He saw these players resurrected under the sword monument. He wanted to show off a little bit, and deliberately rode an iron sword in front of them, then flew away, but soon came back. .

"You guys!" Lu Chaoding took the initiative to speak, "Do you want to kill Prince Turtle? I'll take you with me?"

Zhao Weike and others turned a deaf ear to Lu Chaoding's words. They were all stunned, and no one spoke for a while.

They really couldn't understand Lu Chaoding, and they were all thinking randomly.

Suddenly, Zhao Weike slapped his thigh and said: "Flying with a sword! This is flying with a sword! Brother Ding, you've already activated your innate skills!"

He slapped his thigh again and said, "I know! Brother Ding, you jumped off the cliff last night, right? Did you take the Linlang secret treasure?"

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face, neither admitting, denying, nor responding.

However, Zhao Weike felt more and more that his guess was correct, and said: "You Lu Chao, you are still pretending to be stupid. You must have taken Linlang's secret treasure, otherwise you wouldn't be so strong. It's a pity, it's a pity, Linlang's secret treasure Why did you, a reckless man like you, get it? Isn’t this blindness in vain?”

"What? Is it true?"

"Brother Ding, are you an AI?"

"Brother Ding, can you say something?"

Lu Chaoding remained expressionless and continued: "Do you want to kill Prince Turtle? I will take you with me?"


"It seems that Brother Ding is really an AI!"

"Stop making trouble, how can there be AI players!"

"Then how does he explain it?"

Seeing the performance of Zhao Weike and others, Lu Chaoding also found it interesting. He continued to express expressionlessly and said loudly: "You guys are too good, so I will reluctantly lead you. Zhao Weike, Gu Xiaoxiao, and Xiao Panpan, you guys Come here three, I'll take you to fight the Prince Turtle!"

Zhao Weike had a toothache expression on his face and said: "If you beat your sister, don't you know that the Prince Turtle has gone into the sea? It only comes ashore every morning!"

"Is that so?" Lu Chao asked, "Then we'll fight tomorrow morning!"

"And then commit suicide together?" Zhao Weike said, "Brother Ding, if you want to die yourself, don't hold us back!"

Lu Chao said: "Those who believe in me, take them flying! I am a reliable swordsman!"

While talking, Lu Chaoding opened the storage space and took out the black pot back piece, Marshal Pig fashion, etc.

In fact, Lu Chaoding still values ​​​​Zhao Weike, a closed beta player. If he can get his intelligence support, at least in this novice village, Lu Chaoding feels that he will live a more comfortable life.

Besides, he really wanted to kill [Prince Turtle].

"With my current strength, if I form a team again, it is not impossible to kill the [Prince Turtle]. Now that I can no longer complete the subjugation mission, I will kill the Prince Turtle as soon as possible. As for Zhao Weike and the others, if they can develop into tool men , it’s not bad, at least team up with them to defeat the Prince Turtle, benefit others and yourself, it’s good for everyone, I will reluctantly be the village boss and lead them..."

Lu Chaoding thought silently.

When Zhao Weike and others saw the items that Lu Chaoding took out, they were shocked and confused. They didn't understand what Lu Chaoding was going to do.

Lu Chaoding wanted to be the boss of the village. He started with forced buying and selling. He said loudly: "Sword Demon Zhao Weike, you will take the blame. You will be sold by fake pigs. Sword Master Xiao Panpan, you will buy the Sacred Heart Art. Others Come and take a look, I have extra heavy attack and horizontal slash skill books... I'm offering a big discount, I'll sell them to you cheaper."

(End of this chapter)

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