Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 193 Built-in defensive mini-game

Chapter 193 Built-in defensive mini-game
[Baolong Jue: Due to the unique physical constitution, a special treasure body is derived, and the Baolong Jue can be practiced.A special map, Baolong Xuantian, is born in your body, which is regarded as the world inside your body. Complete the difficulty archive to improve the realm of Baolong Jue.

The current level of Baolong Jue is for beginners, and [Difficult Trial] can be turned on.

After completing the [Difficult Trial], the realm of Baolong Jue can be upgraded to entry level.


Note [-]: Powerlong Trial is a small archive defense game that allows multiple people to form teams. After starting the trial, make reasonable use of game resources to resist the invasion of wild monsters. If you successfully defend a certain number of waves, you will be deemed to have passed the level.

Note [-]: After passing the Baolong Trial, the realm of Baolong Jue will be improved, which can provide more attribute bonuses and special abilities. Please explore by yourself for details.

Note [-]: During the defense process, there is a small chance that archive props will drop. Archive props can affect the player's defensive strength or real ability. Please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: In the defense game, you can conduct various challenges through the equipment store, gold coin store, experience store, dragon demon store, and aura store. Please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: The defense game has many random settings and hidden easter eggs. Please explore on your own for details. 】

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but frown after reading the description of [Baolong Jue] in his attribute panel.

He was a little confused.

Did not understand!
"It's acceptable to use medicine to create a special treasure body. It's normal for a special treasure body to be able to practice the Treasure Dragon Art. Is practicing the Treasure Dragon Art just like playing a small defense game? It's really outrageous..."

Lu Chaoding understood that the Hongchen Sword World was a real game world. He had just had a moment of fantasy, hoping that the Baolong Jue was a real practice that could be practiced. Now he fully understood that the game world was the game world. He wanted to improve his cultivation. Realm does not depend on hard work, but on playing small games.

"That's all, let's just play a small game and see what the setting is."

Lu Chao called up the [Baolong Jue] training interface. This interface displayed the [Baolong Jue] realm information, archive information, attribute bonus information, difficulty clearance records, archive props, N1 (difficult one) introduction, etc. wait wait wait.

There are also options such as “Invite Players” and “Start Game”.

Lu Chaoding felt like he was facing a computer game interface, and he studied it silently.

According to the description given in this interface, [Difficult One] only needs to defend 10 waves of wild monster attacks and defeat the final BOSS to pass the level.

Lu Chaoding could choose to defend alone or invite players to defend. He clicked the "Invite Players" option and found that there were only two players he could invite now, namely "Reiki Chef Niu Daren" and "Alchemy Master Reiki Fruit" .

"What the hell kind of setting is this? Why are the only two players that can be invited, but not real players?"

Lu Chaoding studied for a while, and he found that it seemed that real players could not be invited. Probably "Reiki Chef Niu Daren" and "Alchemy Master Reiki Fruit" were AI players installed in his training cave. They were born to be friends. That's why we can invite them.

And he is now limited to inviting up to one player to team up for defense.

"It doesn't make much sense to just study these descriptions. Let me experience it myself first."

Lu Chaoding clicked the [Start Game] button. Then, he felt that his eyes were going dark and bright again, and he had arrived in a strange environment.

"Ding, you have entered Baolong Xuantian!"

"Ding, please select the game difficulty!"

"Hard one!"

"Ding, confirm the game difficulty!"

"Ding, you are both the guardian and the protected person in the defense game. Your ability is set to [Balance]. After you are defeated, the game will fail!"

"Ding, a game character is being randomly created for you!"

"Ding, you have obtained the game character [Macaque], and has the skill [Monkey Fist]. You can obtain powerful attributes and more skills by upgrading. Please explore on your own for details!"

"Ding, narration: Cultivation is to go against the sky, and it is also to sail against the current. Your treasure body is like a dragon, stable and healthy. If you want to make progress, you need to resist the invasion of external demons. The game will start in 1 minute. Your initial resources are: gold coins 100, aura 10, dragon blood 1..."

Lu Chao looked around and saw a bright hollow a hundred meters high on the opposite side. Then there was a stone road connecting him to the bright hollow. Then he found that he could only stay within a small grid of one square meter. The activity and attribute information have also changed. He is now a defensive game character with two big white characters [Macaque] on his head. His level is only LV1, his health is 100, his attack power is 1, and his experience is zero.

As for his various skills as a swordsman, all are gone now. There is only one [Monkey Fist], which is still a passive skill. The effect is that 5% of the time when attacking, it will trigger a double hit.

"So I am a macaque now, and then when the game starts, monsters appear from the opposite side and come to attack me, the macaque? If I am killed, it means the game has failed. After surviving ten waves and defeating the final BOSS, even if victory?"

If Lu Chaoding applied what he had learned, he continued to observe and soon discovered that there were five light balls of gold, red, green, white, and black on one side of the road.

These five light balls are stores, namely gold coin store, equipment store, experience store, dragon demon store, and aura store!
The game has not been opened yet, and these five stores have not been opened yet, but the attribute information can already be viewed.

[Gold Coin Shop (Difficulty 10): Spend 10 gold coins here to challenge the gold coin monster. You can get gold coins by killing the gold coin monster. There is a [-]-second cooldown for challenging the gold coin monster. 】

[Equipment Store (Difficulty 100): Spend 30 gold coins here to challenge the equipment monster. Kill the equipment monster to get a low-grade equipment treasure chest. There is a [-]-second cooldown for challenging the equipment monster. 】

[Experience Negotiation (Difficult 1000): Spend 60 gold coins here to challenge the experience monster. Kill the experience monster to get a small experience book. There is a [-]-second cooldown for challenging the experience monster. 】

[Dragon Demon Shop (Difficulty 10000): Spend 5 gold coins here to challenge the dragon demon. The dragon demon appears randomly and its strength is uncertain. After defeating the dragon demon, you have a chance to obtain gold coins, spiritual energy, experience books, equipment, equipment treasure chests, archive props, etc. Various props, please explore on your own for details.The cooldown of the Dragon Demon Challenge is [-] minutes. 】

[Aura Shop (Difficulty 10000): Spend 5 gold coins here to challenge the aura monster. Kill the aura monster to get a large amount of aura. Aura is the key for players to level up.The cooldown of the Reiki Challenge is [-] minutes. 】

"These five are all challenge shops...that is to say, in addition to fighting normal wild monsters, you can also spend resources to challenge these special monsters?"

Lu Chaoding muttered, and before he could figure out the specific uses of various game resources, the game started.

There was a buzzing sound, the light ball on the opposite side flashed, and then a green-skinned toad jumped out.

"Ding, 100 green toads are coming!"

The system prompt sounds.

Lu Chao looked forward and saw that the green-skinned toad was only the size of a fist, shiny green, with a health value of 10 and an attack power of 1. It looked very slim.

It croaked and jumped forward, and a second later, a second green-skinned toad jumped out.

"So the first wave of wild monsters is this green-skinned toad? I am a powerful swordsman, the leader of a sect, and I started practicing the Treasure Dragon Art by killing toads?"

Lu Chaoding was ready to fight the toads, but he felt that he could send one away with one punch, which was too leisurely, so he immediately opened the gold coin store and spent 10 gold coins to challenge the gold coin monster.

Quickly, a large group of golden gold coins appeared in the light ball on the opposite side. Those gold coins were as big as a basin, floating forward. It was the gold coin monster with 20 health points and no attack power.

"Hey, how many gold coin monsters are these! Thirty of them!"

Lu Chaoding perked up. The gold coin monsters were much faster than the green-skinned frogs. They piled up and quickly swarmed in front of Lu Chaoding. "I'll beat you to death!"

Lu Chao raised his fist and launched an attack on the gold coin monster. He killed one of the gold coin monsters with the first two punches. There was a "ding" sound and he was happy to lift a gold coin.

"If you kill a gold coin monster, will it drop a gold coin?"

Lu Chaoding didn't want to think too much. The gold coin monsters didn't stop. He just moved forward, but he couldn't move. It was impossible to wipe them all out visually. He just wanted to kill some of them as best he could. He must know that these gold coin monsters are out of his reach. I bought it with 10 gold coins, but I had to kill at least ten to make up for it.

"I hit, I hit..."

Lu Chao shot his bow left and right, even using his feet.

This may be the busiest moment since entering the game world.

However, the gold coin monster, like a passer-by, had no interest in him and just moved forward at his own pace. Finally, about ten seconds after he was far away from Lu Chaoding, he suddenly disappeared.

"Don't run, don't even run!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly, and at this time the first green-skinned toad jumped in front of him. This green-skinned toad was different from the gold coin monster. Like a tiger, it actually jumped up and hit Lu Chaoding's knees. With one hit, Lu Chaoding was knocked out of some blood.

"What a brave toad, suffer death!"

Lu Chao trampled the green-skinned toad to death with one kick. Two seconds later, he trampled the second one to death. By the time the third green-skinned toad jumped up and hit him, there were no more gold coin monsters in the place. , Lu Chao hit thirteen and ran away seventeen.

He grinned and muttered: "You only made three yuan? I'm too weak! Moreover, if this continues, the green toad will kill me if it hits a little blood. I won't even be the first." I can’t bear the waves either. No, I have to practice dodging!”

Lu Chaoding was a little panicked. It would be really embarrassing if he was beaten to death by a hundred green toads, or died with them.

Suddenly, a killed green toad dropped a treasure chest.

"The treasure chest is out!"

Lu Chaoding discovered this only dropped item immediately, and picked it up with a thought. Then with a flash of golden light on his body, he unexpectedly rose to LV2, and his status was full. His health reached 120 points, and his attack power reached 12. [-] o'clock.

"Haha, upgraded! I can definitely survive this first wave!"

Lu Chaoding breathed a sigh of relief.

And soon he opened another treasure box. With a thought, the lid of the treasure box opened, and the system prompt sounded. Lu Chao was very happy to mention ten points of "spiritual energy".

Not long after, a third dropped item appeared, which was also a treasure box. After Lu Chao opened the top, there was a piece of white equipment inside. Its name was [Animal Skin Fist Gloves], and its attribute was the wearer's attack power +1.

"Are the dropped items random?"

Lu Chao top equipped himself with animal skin gloves and continued fighting. After he finished beating 100 green-skinned toads, golden light flashed on his body again, and he reached LV3.
"That's it? It doesn't seem to be too difficult. What are the wild monsters in the second wave?" Lu Chaoding looked towards the bright passage on the opposite side.

The system upgrade sounded: "Ding, 100 steel needle hedgehogs are coming!"

"Damn it, steel needle hedgehog! This little monster doesn't have the ability to retaliate."

Lu Chaoding muttered, and soon he saw the Steel Needle Hedgehog, a monster with only 2 attack points.

Three minutes later, Lu Chaoding died under the siege of the steel needle hedgehog full of resentment.

His first defense game ended in a failure. No save file was played, and the game character automatically exited the game map and returned to its original position.

But at this time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, and a task is issued: Clear the Baolong Trial Difficulty 1, and the reward for completing the task is +[-] unreliable props!"

"Occasionally the unreliable system comes to join in the fun again!"

Lu Chao raised his eyebrows. He understood that with his current strength, if he defended alone, he would not be able to pass the lowest difficulty of the Baolong Trial.

"Looks like we need to form a team. Now we can only form one, the Reiki Chef Niu Daren, or the Alchemy Master Reiki Fruit!"

Lu Chaoding made a decision quickly. After a moment, he pulled the spiritual energy fruit over and said: "Master Ling, come, form a team and play games together!"

"What game are you playing? I'm currently researching the recipe for elixirs!"

Spiritual Energy Fruit is still very busy on weekdays, but at Lu Chaoding's insistence, he also formed a team with Lu Chaoding, and then entered the game scene of Baolong Trial with him.

But this time, Lu Chaoding's game character has changed. Although it is also balanced, it is no longer a [Macaque], but a [Little Tiger], with the skill [Crit Hit], and a passive probability of triggering a double attack effect. !
The Aura Fruit is positioned as an "auxiliary", the game character is named [Toad], and its ability is "active", providing one point of life recovery for everyone per second.

Of course, he also has attack power, and can also attack from a distance.

In addition, the two people can also adjust their positions.

"With two people, the pressure is much less!" Lu Chaoding thought quickly and said, "Master Ling, stand behind me and I will carry it!"

"All right!"

The Aura Fruit looked around, showing obvious curiosity about this game space.

After the defensive game started, Lu Chaoding immediately bought a wave of gold coin monsters. This time the two of them fought together and intercepted all 30 gold coins.

"30 gold coins have arrived! Haha, I know how to play, let's continue!"

Lu Chaoding then bought another wave of gold coin monsters and cleared them out easily.

The pressure from the first wave of green-skinned toads was too little. Lu Chaodingwanquan could challenge the gold coin monsters non-stop. Soon he had saved up 100 gold coins and challenged another wave of equipment monsters.

There is only one equipment monster in each wave, which is a level three [Big Fat Bear]. This [Big Fat Bear] has attack power. He climbed up to the top of Lu Chao in a leisurely manner, and then began to ruthlessly attack this monster. Lu Chao started taking pictures.

Lu Chaoding and Ling Qiguo were in a hurry and almost overturned. After killing the [big fat bear], Lu Chaoding had less than ten points of health left.

"It's over, are you going to fail the level again? Oh, I shouldn't have challenged the equipment monster so early!"

Lu Chaoding sighed, [Big Fat Bear] dropped a low-grade equipment treasure box. The low-grade equipment treasure box can only open low-grade equipment. Lu Chaoding had no hope for this treasure box, but after opening it, there was actually something inside. It's a [blood-drinking sword].

This [Blood Drinking Sword] adds 5 points of attack power, and also has the special effect of sucking 50% of blood.

Lu Chao was overjoyed. He took the [Blood Drinking Sword] in his hand and said, "Is low-grade equipment so powerful? Mader, it's so exciting. There is hope for this round of clearance!"

(End of this chapter)

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