Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 194 Baolong Xuantian Trial Token

Chapter 194 Baolong Xuantian Trial Token
Lu Chaoding felt the fun brought by random equipment. With the blood-drinking sword, his survivability was greatly enhanced, and he fully realized the truth that only by standing still can he have output.

From then on, just like going through the process, the gold coin challenges continued. Lu Chaoding and the Spiritual Energy Fruit's defense were particularly smooth. By the fifth wave, Lu Chaoding and the Spiritual Energy Fruit had both reached level 10.

At this time, the upgrade setting is triggered.

Upgrading requires aura, and the first upgrade requires 100 aura points.

Spiritual energy is a public resource. At this time, Lu Chaoding and the others had just spent 120 points of spiritual energy.

"Master Ling, I am the leader, let me upgrade first!"

Lu Chao roared, and then used 100 points of spiritual energy to upgrade his character.

With a ding, Lu Chaoding changed from [Little Tiger] to [Big Tiger]. His basic attributes were greatly improved, and the power of his [Crit] skill became stronger. In addition, he also got a random second skill [Tiger Roar]. .

This [Tiger Roar] is an active skill. It increases the attack range of friendly parties and reduces the attack range of enemies. The cooldown time is only 10 seconds.

"This skill is not bad. This defensive game is quite interesting. The main focus is random, which is fun!"

Lu Chaoding sighed silently, he was getting more and more experienced in this defensive game.

Soon, the aura accumulated to 100, and the aura fruit also upgraded. He upgraded from [Toad] to [Golden Toad]. The second skill was randomly selected as [Tenacity Aura]. The skill effect was to slightly increase the defense and life recovery of surrounding allies. speed.

In addition, his positioning has changed from "auxiliary" to "thug". He can launch golden light balls to attack wild monsters. His attack power has been greatly improved, and his damage output is more than twice that of the coach Lu Chaoding. Basically, he can He was able to kill a wild monster with just a few seconds, just like mowing grass, which made Lu Chaoding very envious.

The Spiritual Energy Fruit was also very excited and said: "This Golden Toad is pretty good. Master, you can start a challenge. Challenge the BOSS. My output is pretty good!"

"Then I'm welcome!"

Lu Chaoding then began to challenge the equipment monsters, and successfully defended several waves. However, the equipment he unleashed was very awkward, and Lu Chaoding even felt that he was at a loss.

By the ninth wave, Lu Chao reached level 19. He took out a thousand gold coins and challenged the experience monster for the first time.

Then, thirty [Flying Ducks] flew out of the monster spawning hole.

These thirty [flying ducks] are fat, fly very slowly, have big heads and small eyes, and look very cute.

Lu Chaoding was a close combatant. When he saw these [flying ducks], he could only stare. The spiritual energy fruit immediately launched an attack on them, killing one with one blow. He quickly killed all 30 flying ducks, and every flying duck was killed by him. Duckdu dropped an experience book.

"Master Ling, your output is really good!"

Lu Chaoding sighed.

The Spiritual Energy Fruit was very happy and said: "It's exciting and refreshing!"

Lu Chaoding asked again: "How to distribute the experience books?"

"One and a half!"

"light and spacious!"

Lu Chaoding was not polite and quickly collected ten experience books. After using five of them, his level was raised to level 20.

At this time, Lu Chaoding can level up again.

This upgrade requires 200 spiritual energy points.

The same is true for the Reiki Fruit.

However, at this time, Lu Chaoding and the others only had 320 points of remaining spiritual energy, which was only enough for one person to advance.

Ling Qi Guo said: "Master, let me upgrade first, my output is high!"


Lu Chao nodded. His current defensive role is a bit like a gangster, and he is not very good at carrying it. He relies on attacking to suck blood to survive.

However, after the spiritual energy fruit was upgraded this time, it actually turned into a [Jade Spirit Toad]. Its positioning changed from a "thug" to a support. Its health value was greatly increased, its attack power was greatly reduced, and its attack speed was also reduced. Its third A skill is turned on, which is randomly [Jade Toad Strength]. The effect of this skill is to allow teammates to be resurrected.

Immediately, the output of the Spiritual Energy Fruit became very ordinary again, even worse than before the upgrade.

"Damn it, what the hell kind of setting is this? It's so nonsense. Why did a good fighter become an auxiliary again?" Ling Qiguo was very unhappy and shouted: "Master, if this is the last wave of overturning, you can't complain. I think the system is too unreliable!"

"This is the fun of the game! In fact, your [Jade Spirit Toad] is also very strong. Resurrecting teammates is definitely a magical skill, but it's a pity that it doesn't match me!"

Listening to the "vivid" words of the spirit fruit, Lu Chaoding felt that he was growing very fast. If he didn't know his details, he would probably believe that he was an alien player.

Soon, the last tenth wave of wild monsters appeared. They were 30 level 20 mandrills. The panel data was very good. Only after the tenth wave appeared, Lu Chaoding was killed.

"It's over, all the work has failed!"

Lu Chaoding said depressedly. He was half-kneeling on the ground at this moment, as if he had been defeated in the battle space.

"Don't give up. You have enough spiritual energy. Let's level up quickly!"

The spiritual energy fruit roared, and he used [Jade Toad Strength] to resurrect Lu Chaoding, but he was beaten to death by a swarm of mandrills.

Lu Chaoding looked at the resource panel at this time. His spiritual energy had just reached 201 points. He no longer had any hope of passing the level, but he still quickly consumed 200 spiritual energy points and upgraded.

"Ding, you have been upgraded to a rare species [Sangbiao], and your defensive position is a 'thug'!"

"Ding, the third skill bar is open. The random skill is [Extreme Brutality]. The skill effect is to greatly increase the attack speed for a short time, and gain blood-sucking attack, splitting attack, and 15% damage immunity."

Accompanied by a crisp system prompt, Lu Chaoding's body flashed with light, and a black, lizard-like, and very ferocious black tiger phantom appeared behind him.

"Huh? A rare species?"

Lu Chaoding didn't have time to think too much. Facing the gathering mandrills, he immediately used his third skill. His body glowed brightly. The black giant tiger silhouette behind him jumped out and immediately attacked the gathering mandrills. Its attack speed was extremely fast. He was so cruel that he beat all the mandrills to death and tore them into pieces. In the end, Lu Chaoding's level was raised to level 25.

"Ding, defeat all the wild monsters. The current defense is over. The final BOSS will appear in 1 minute. Please be prepared for defense."

"Ding, release a defense mission, defeat the final BOSS, and be rewarded with a treasure chest x 1 for clearing the level!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates tracking tasks, tampering with content: Defeat the final BOSS, reward unreliable clearance treasure chest x 1!"

"The unreliable system that refuses to be left alone has finally appeared and tampered with an unreliable treasure chest? How unreliable can it be?"

Lu Chaoding muttered.

At this time, the spiritual energy fruit was resurrected.

He looked at Lu Chaoding with envy and said, "This promotion is too cruel!"

Lu Chao said: "When a tiger gives birth to three sons, there must be one Biao. This Sangbiao is the Biao among the Biao, exciting!"

Soon, the final BOSS appeared, and it turned out to be just a giant level 30 groundhog. It was as big as an African elephant and had a health value of [-].Lu Chaoding was not afraid at all. When the BOSS came over, he immediately activated [Extreme Cruelty] to fight him.

Soon, Lu Chaoding was beaten to death, but the spiritual energy fruit behind him used [Jade Toad Strength] to pull him up again.

Finally, when there was still a trace of blood left in his second life, Lu Chaoding killed the giant prairie dog, and two huge golden characters appeared in the sky: "Victory"!
"Ding, congratulations on passing the Baolong Trial (difficult one)."

"Ding, after completing the [Difficult Trial], the realm of Baolong Jue has been upgraded to the entry level. Your character will receive attribute bonuses: 10000 points of health, 1000 points of attack power, 100 points of defense, 10 points of toughness, and 1 point of speed. "

"Ding, unlock the Treasure Dragon Trial (Difficulty Two), and clear the Treasure Dragon Trial (Difficulty Two) to upgrade the realm of Treasure Dragon Technique to proficiency."

"Ding, the treasure dragon art realm has been upgraded to proficiency, which can provide more attribute bonuses and strange abilities. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, the number of players allowed in team games +1!"

"Ding, kill the final BOSS, pass the trial, and complete the mission. All players participating in the defense will receive a treasure box."

After the system prompt ended, two golden treasure boxes appeared in front of Lu Chaoding and Ling Qi Guo.

Obviously, that is the reward for completing the level, one for each person, and the name is marked on it.

But the treasure chest marked with eight characters "Lu Chaoding's treasure chest for clearance" suddenly flashed with brilliance, doubled in size, and the text above it also changed: "Lu Chaoding's treasure chest for unreliable clearance!"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes and said to the spirit fruit next to him: "Master Ling, please step forward and open the treasure chest first!"

"it is good!"

The Spiritual Energy Fruit jumped forward, opened the lid of the treasure box, and a golden ball of light immediately emerged from it.

Lu Chaoding looked over curiously and saw the attribute information of the light ball.

[Archive props·Jade Spirit Toad: After the prop is activated, the second upgrade will definitely become the Jade Spirit Toad and obtain the "Jade Toad Strength" skill. The effect of this prop can be turned off manually. Please check the Baolong Trial interface for details. 】

"That's all I got."

The Spiritual Energy Fruit didn't seem very satisfied. He turned to Lu Chao and said, "Master, look at your luck!"

Lu Chao said: "I'm not bragging to you, the things I come up with are definitely extraordinary."

After saying that, he stepped forward to open the unreliable clearance treasure box, and immediately, a golden token flew out.

[Baolong Xuantian Trial Token: Special item, special pendant. Equipping this pendant can unlock the Baolong Xuantian interface and play the Baolong Trial defense game. Please explore on your own for details. 】

"What is this?" Lu Chao narrowed his eyes.

He has already opened the Baolong Xuantian interface. Without equipping the Baolong Xuantian Trial Token, he can smoothly play the Baolong Trial Defense Game. To him, this token is just a redundant thing.

"It's really an unreliable prop, but..."

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up.

[Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] is a non-binding item and can be traded, which means that it can be transformed into multiple items in the mission hall.

"If I distribute this token, players who get the token can play defense mini-games. Isn't this equivalent to releasing a game?"

Lu Chao looked happy, but then he frowned and muttered: "What does this mean to me? At most, it is just an entertainment activity for the players. What can I get?" Can this token be sold wholesale or retail? How much can I earn?"

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding suddenly felt that the [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] was useless.

At this time, the space changed, and Lu Chaoding and the spiritual energy fruit were teleported out of Baolong Xuantian.

Ling Qiguo said: "Master, are you still playing?"

"Play! Call Chef Niu this time! No, just wait for a while, I'll be back soon!"

After Lu Chao said this, he quickly left the training cave. He quickly found Zhang Defa and used him to get more than 1000 [Baolong Xuantian Trial Tokens].

"I'll give you a piece of this token. Study it yourself!"

Lu Chaoding threw down a [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] and wanted to return to the cave again and team up with Niu Daren and Ling Qi Guo to play a few more defensive games.

Zhang Defa said hurriedly: "Brother Ding, please stay. There are many evil gods Domu outside. Did you get them? Tsk, tsk, a lot of people were stared at by them and lost their blood."

Lu Chao slapped his forehead and said: "I forgot to place them, that's all, let them stay on the sky survey ship first!
While speaking, Lu Chaoding had already left the mission hall. He quickly came to the Mountain Gate Square, and then took the one hundred evil gods Dom aboard his sky-level survey ship.

"Just stay here for now. Don't run around or look around. If there is a better place in the future, I will take you there..."

Lu Chaoding gave instructions to the 100 Evil God Domu, and then suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, deputy head Hua Dashao has provided you with a modification plan for the true disciples' costumes."


Lu Chao was stunned.

Modification plan for true disciple’s fashion!
"What exactly is Hua Dashao busy with? I don't know where he is. Has he been tinkering with sect fashion?"

Lu Chaoding shook his head.

He felt that he had been careless before, and this leader seemed very unreliable.

When Hua Dashao was appointed as the deputy head, Lu Chaoding wanted him to manage the sect so that he could be the master of the sect and make it easier to fish. But now it seems that this deputy head has no clue about the dragon. Hidden there, it seems that there is no management, but the sect's fashion modification is very active.

"What I want is the deputy head, not the fashion designer!"

Lu Chaoding murmured, but he also opened the sect management panel and checked the true disciple's fashion modification plan submitted by Qihua Dashao.

At this moment, in the small mission hall, Zhang Defa was equipped with the [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token]. He called up the character panel to check and said, "What is the use of this pendant?"

Soon, Zhang Defa found the Baolong Xuantian trial panel.

This panel is similar to Lu Chaoding's "Baolong Jue Cultivation Interface". There is an "Invite Team" option in it. Zhang Defa clicked this option curiously and found that there were two players who could be invited to form a team. One was "Lu Chaoding" ", one is "Alchemy Master Spiritual Energy Fruit".

"What the hell is the alchemy master's spiritual energy fruit?"

Zhang Defa was a little curious. He thought about it and instead of inviting Lu Chaoding to form a team, he invited the "Alchemy Master Spiritual Energy Fruit"!
Immediately, in Lu Chaoding's exclusive cave, the spirit fruit received a system prompt: "Ding, player Zhang Defa invites you to play the Baolong Xuantian Defense Game. Do you agree?"

"Huh? Who is Zhang Defa, inviting me to play a defensive game?"

There was a puzzled look on the Spiritual Energy Fruit's face. He thought for a moment, clicked Agree, and the next moment he suddenly came to the Xuantian world again.

At the same time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, Baolong Xuantian World is activated, and the defense game is being prepared!"

"Ding, the defense game is on. The game clearance record will affect your Baolong Jue realm. Please explore on your own for details."

(End of this chapter)

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