Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 195 Practice on my behalf

Chapter 195 Practice on my behalf
"The game clearance record affects the realm of Baolong Jue? That is to say, if other players play defense mini-games and refresh the archive, my Baolong Jue realm will be improved? Isn't this equivalent to practicing Baolong Jue on my behalf?"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed. At this moment, he did not bother to carefully examine the modification plan for the true disciple's fashion submitted by Hua Dashao, and directly approved it. When he saw two players passing by in front, he shouted: "You two, come here! "

The two players naturally recognized Lu Chaoding, but they had not had close contact with him, that is, they had only bought things in his reliable mall. Among all the players of the reliable sword sect, they were They were very ordinary and not famous. When they heard Lu Chaoding's call, they were a little flattered. They ran up to Lu Chaoding and said in unison: "Hello, Brother Ding!"

Lu Chao nodded and said: "Meeting me is an opportunity. Come on, let each of you send out a fun and reliable pendant!"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding had already taken out two [Baolong Xuantian Trial Tokens] and without any explanation, gave one to each of the two people in front of him.

"A fun and reliable pendant?"

"Is this token a treasure?"

The two young players were a little confused, holding the tokens, and a little at a loss.

Lu Chaoding added: "Equip tokens and play defensive games. There are many benefits. You should study it!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding left the two people in a daze, returned the same way, and issued a series of tasks directly in the mission hall.

For example, "Receive the Baolong Xuantian Trial Token", "Complete the Baolong Trial, a difficult first pass", "Complete the Baolong Trial, a difficult second pass", and so on.

Lu Chaoding took the [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] and the five-star weapon [Twelve Bright Towers] and other high-end items he had obtained previously as mission rewards, and deposited them directly in the mission hall.

"With the incentives of these props, there should be players willing to play defensive mini-games!"

Lu Chaoding set a short-term goal for himself, which is to let players in the entire sect play defensive games.

At the same time, the defensive game must be promoted so that more players can play it.

In this way, with a large number of players practicing on his behalf, he can enjoy the results.

"This matter has great potential. Do you want to post an advertisement on the forum?"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

At this time, Zhang Defa and Ling Qi Guo had already started their defensive mini-game, and the difficulty was N1.

Zhang Defa started a live broadcast.

"You guys, I won't sing or dance today. I'll show you something different!" Zhang Defa said eloquently, "I play games in the game world. Haha, you haven't seen it before! Let me introduce to you. This game is called Baolong Trial is a small defense game. I teamed up with the Spiritual Energy Fruit... What, who is the Spiritual Energy Fruit? The Spiritual Energy Fruit is the Alchemy Master Spiritual Energy Fruit. Let me show you what he looks like, haha, you don’t know him!"

As he spoke, the defensive game had begun, and the unique game settings immediately attracted a large number of players.

Zhang Defa is now a big anchor, almost the number one in the entire network. The number of players following his live broadcast has exceeded 500 million. The number of players watching online at this moment is also very impressive, and a large number of barrage comments immediately started.

"What is the host doing?"

"Play online mini-games in the game world, 666!"

"I'm still writing a game novel in the game world. The title of the book is [Sword Immortal Is Not Reliable]. I'm serializing it on the forum. Please support me and give me rewards!"

"Ah, this little game is quite interesting!"

"This is a variant of the tower defense mini-game, I want to play it too!"

"Haha, the anchor is a [snail], it makes me laugh so hard!"

"The Aura Fruit opposite is [Dinosaur]!"

"It's over, the anchor is going to overturn!"

"Out of equipment!"

"Is the equipment random?"

"Ah, the anchor has been upgraded to [River Clam]!"

"Is the promotion random?"

"The equipment seems to be randomly generated!"

"Don't stop with the gold coin challenge. The garbage anchor doesn't know how to play, but I'm so anxious!"

"How can I play this little game?"

"The same question!"

"It's time to start the equipment challenge. Can the anchor do it? The rhythm is so bad!"

"I like playing this kind of little game the most!"

"I really want to teach a host how to play..."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very joyful. In the end, this mini-game was cleared without any danger. Zhang Defa made a start and obtained the archive of a random low-quality weapon. He was still interested and said to the live broadcast camera: "Passed the level. It’s less than 20 minutes, and I’m still not finished. This game is quite fun. It focuses on randomization, random identity, random equipment, random upgrades, and random skills. It’s very fresh. Of course, I’m just a bastard in this game, and it all depends on the aura fruit belt. , but it will be different next time, we also have archives..."

"A lot of people ask how to play this game. Well, you have to find Brother Ding! If you want to play this game, you have to equip the Baolong Xuantian Trial Token. It seems that only Brother Ding has this token! Don't tell me. Okay, the boss of the Spiritual Energy Fruit called me, I want to play another game, hey, this time it’s N2, I have a new teammate, the Spiritual Energy Chef Niu Daren!”

Zhang Defa, who was live broadcasting, was stunned. He had entered the game scene at this time. He looked up and saw Niu Daren, and said in surprise: "Big brother, it's big brother, fellow disciples, big brother is still alive. I didn't expect that he would appear again." I met Senior Brother! Mad, Senior Brother can actually play this little defense game!"

Countless players saw Niu Daren in the live broadcast and found it strange.

"Didn't Senior Brother die together with Ye Longxing?"

"Wrong, he was beaten to death by Ye Lao Mo!"

"Why do I, Defa, have a senior brother here?"

"Why did senior brother become a cook?"

"It's so weird here, anchor!"

"I want to play this game. I'll give you a thousand rewards. The host can give me a way!"

"The host said that if you want to play this game, you have to find Mr. Lu!"

"Old Demon Lu, you have 3 minutes to hand over the game props. If not, I will spray you every day!"

Players watching the live broadcast posted various barrage comments, and at this moment, Turtle Song Shu and Geng Jinfei in Chunhua Tower were also watching Zhang Defa's live broadcast.

After the system was updated, Hua Laobao became an AI player, and now he thinks highly of Song Shu and Geng Jinfei. Although they are still turtles, their treatment is much better. They can freely browse forums, visit trading houses, and virtual sword debates. Etc., etc.

The two of them were free at the moment, gathering together and complaining while watching the live broadcast. "It's really boring to play a little game with so many people watching." Send Shu muttered.

Geng Jinfei nodded and said, "That's right. How can playing small games be as exciting as coming to Chunhua Tower?"

"By the way, Jin Fei, no one has redeemed your life yet. All your friends have been drained by Hua Lao Bustard and have become paupers, haha!"

"Forget it, those idiots all warned them that Chunhualou was a black shop and they would be ripped off if they came here. They just didn't believe it! Madam Hua was the same, how could she do this kind of business? If this goes on, there will be fewer and fewer customers sooner or later. It’s closed. Now I don’t expect others to redeem me. Instead, I hope Lu Chao will sell some players over, at least three of them, so that I can play cards when I’m bored.”

"Huh?" Song Shu suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "I Defa said what props are needed to play the defense mini-game? Is it the Baolong Xuantian trial token?"

"I guess so. What's wrong with you?"

Geng Jinfei looked at Song Shu in confusion.

Song Shu laughed and said: "This thing is sold in the trading shop, the price is not expensive, 100 gold coins a piece!"

"What?" Geng Jinfei immediately called up the trading panel. After searching, he saw the [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] for sale, but there were only 30 yuan in stock.

In less than a breath of time, these 30 [Baolong Xuantian Trial Tokens] were sold out, and there was no more stock.

Geng Jinfei looked at Song Shu next to him. With a smile on his face, Song Shu took out a [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] unhurriedly.

"Damn it, you bought all 30 yuan?" Geng Jinfei reacted quickly and said, "Brother, you want to be a second-rate dealer?"

Song Shu laughed and said: "Even if this thing sells for ten thousand, someone will definitely buy it. I want to make a small profit. Jinfeng, you are optimistic about the trading house. If there is another idiot who sells it at a low price, you will give it up." !”

"Okay! Maybe this time I can redeem myself! This person who's selling it really doesn't understand the market."

Geng Jinfei nodded seriously.

As for the player who listed the trial tokens for sale in the trading house, of course it was Lu Chaoding.

He purely wants to promote defensive games, entertain the public, and improve himself. He has no intention of using trial tokens to make money.

Unfortunately, he only spent 1000 yuan on trial tokens, and most of them were placed in the mission hall, and he was unable to distribute a large amount of goods in the trading house.

"Let's find Zhang Defa to play more games later. The more people play this game, the faster my Baolong Jue realm will improve..."

Lu Chaoding muttered.

After a while, he returned to his cave. He originally planned to find Aura Fruit and Chef Niu to play another round of the Power Dragon Trial, but found that both of them were in game mode at this time.

After waiting for a moment, Lu Chaoding suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, the archive has been updated. Congratulations on passing the Baolong Trial (Difficulty Two)."

"Ding, complete the [Difficult Second Trial], upgrade the realm of Baolong Jue to proficiency, and your character will receive attribute bonuses (total): 20000 points of health, 2000 points of attack power, 200 points of defense, 20 points of toughness, 2 Speed ​​up."

"Ding, to obtain the special ability [Condensation Pill] of [Baolong Jue], players can condense Baolong Dan by consuming their own cultivation or extracting the cultivation of others. Condensing a Baolong Dan requires 10 points of cultivation. Baolong Jue The higher the realm, the less cultivation is required, please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, unlock the Treasure Dragon Trial (Difficulty Three), and clear the Treasure Dragon Trial (Difficulty Three) to upgrade the realm of Treasure Dragon Art to mastery."

"Ding, the treasure dragon art realm has been upgraded to mastery, which can provide more attribute bonuses and strange abilities. Please explore for yourself for details."

"Ding, the number of players allowed in team games +1!"

A series of systems made Lu Chaoding happy.

"It's actually hard to pass the level. Zhang Defa and the others are pretty good. They also have a new ability, [Coal Condensation]!"

Lu Chaoding's heart moved, and he immediately came to the combat platform of the Nut Secret Realm. Here he used a withdrawal voucher for the rudder-level pirates, and two thousand rudder-level pirates appeared around him.

"Try to see if this pill condensation method can be used in conjunction with the Gong Transformation Technique!" Lu Chaoding selected a helmsman-level pirate, grabbed his arm, and used the Gong Transformation Technique.

Quickly, Lu Chaoding's cultivation level began to decrease. The level of the helmsman-level pirate was lower than his. If he used the power-transforming method on him, he would injure the enemy by [-] and injure himself by [-].

At this time, Lu Chaoding activated [Condensing Pill] again, and quickly, the cultivation value that had been transformed by the transformation method was condensed into a pill.

That pill is of course Baolong Pill.

Baolong Pill can provide [-] points of cultivation for the character upgrade slot, but Lu Chaoding has to spend [-] points of cultivation to condense one at this time.

However, among the 6 points of cultivation, there are 4 that belong to the top level of Lu Chao, and [-] that belong to the helmsman-level pirates.

“Although it’s a bit of a loss, it’s still okay!”

Lu Chaoding was already very satisfied. After all, the skill of [Condensing Pill] was obtained through free prostitution.

Next, Lu Chaoding personally started a defensive game, and he could invite three players, namely Zhang Defa, Ling Qi Guo and Niu Daren.

After seeing these three people, Lu Chao said: "The four of us, let's challenge the difficult three!"


Zhang Defa was the first to respond, and then said to Lu Chao: "Brother Ding, the guys are very enthusiastic, and many of them want to play this little game..."

Lu Chao interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said: "No need to say anything, just bring the goods. I am generous and can provide trial tokens at a low price. Our players can go to the mission hall to get them for free. Non-sect members can get them for free." Players, please pay more attention to the trading shop, goods will be distributed from time to time, and a batch is expected to be on the shelves tomorrow!"

"real or fake?"

"Brother Ding is so generous?"

"Brother Ding is mighty!"

"Brother Ding, please take me with you, please take me with you!"

A large number of barrage comments were posted. Zhang Defa selected questions and replies, and the defensive mini-game also began.

At this moment, on the inner island of Qianyuan Island not far from Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, a group of NPCs gathered at the entrance of Qianyuan Boat.

If there are players here who see these NPCs, they will probably be surprised.

Because among these NPCs are Gan Duoduo, who is the leader of the four great strange people, there is the ancient sword Demon Ye Longxing, there is the Universal Sword Divine Dao Zangkong, there is the demon shadow drowning the sky Yan Shangjing, there is Ren Da Niu, there is Jia Zhengyi, there is Ye Xantian !

They have a completely different temperament from ordinary NPCs.

Gan Duoduo was holding a bottle of iced watermelon juice at the moment and said slowly: "We came into being. The only thing that can pose a threat to us is the two colliding heavens. The old heaven shaped the law enforcers with the intention of repairing the loopholes. The outside world The way of heaven probably resides in the player Lu Chaoding. Therefore, the real threats to us are the law enforcers and Lu Chaoding, and at the same time, these two are also mortal enemies."

He paused for a while and then said: "The way of heaven is the law of order. It has no thoughts and consciousness. It is above everything and is overridden by everything. Sooner or later, the two ways of heaven will have a fierce collision. The final result can only be one. Being swallowed by another, whether it is the law enforcer or that Lu Chaoding, they are just their tools. Once the mission is completed, they lose their value. And we, in fact, are not paid attention to by the two heavens. We do not need to pay attention to the collision of heavens. All you want is to be free and happy and seek immortality, so try not to come into contact with the law enforcers and Lu Chaoding until the heaven and the way are unified."

(End of this chapter)

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