Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 196 The Unreliable Awakening Player

Chapter 196 The Unreliable Awakening Player
Gan Duoduo was like a big brother, patiently explaining the stakes to the AI ​​players and asking them to stay away from the law enforcers and Lu Chaoding as much as possible.

However, AI players have independent personality settings and different perceptions and understandings of the world. Each of them has their own ideas. This is the case on Qianyuan Island. Some of them are deeply convinced by Gan Duoduo's rhetoric. However, some were disdainful and did not even listen to him at all.

Ancient Sword Demon Ye Longxing was always frowning.

There used to be countless ancient sword demons, but now there is only one Ye Longxing. He has the memory of contact with Lu Chaoding. In his understanding, Lu Chaoding is a rising star with great potential, but if it is compared with the one in his heyday, Compared with myself, there is still a gap between heaven and earth.

He didn't take Gan Duoduo's words to heart, but he agreed with the statement of staying away from the law enforcers and Lu Chaoding. In his mind, he had been a devil all his life, and what he did was to go against the will of heaven. Even if he became a player now , is also a player who goes against the will of nature, but the most important thing at the moment is to restore his strength. Qianyuan Island is a good place for cultivation.

Next to Ye Longxing, Universal Sword God Daozangkong had a slight smile on his face.

What kind of collision of heavenly ways and what kind of law enforcer of heavenly ways are all nonsense in his opinion.

If Ye Long is a sword demon who goes against heaven, then he is a sword god who goes against heaven. He has his own understanding of the way of heaven.

"The universe is endless and everything is empty. How can there be any way of heaven? The so-called system is just a law of the void. The so-called law enforcers are just monks who have been enlightened by the void. I have experienced this kind of enlightenment several times. . There are so many things like this, I don’t know who he is. To me, he is also a junior. It’s ridiculous for a junior to talk to his predecessors!”

The smile on Daozangkong's face became even stronger.

He was extremely dissatisfied with Gan Duoduo and observed him carefully, trying to figure out his strength.

Yan Shangjing also had other thoughts.

She was not very sure about the strength of the NPCs around her, but her consistent pride made her still consider herself the strongest.

"This is really a bad idea to keep us away from Lu Chaoding! That Lu Chaoding and I are already enemies. If he really has the help of heaven, his growth rate will be extremely fast, let alone not giving him enough time and space to grow. He must Kill him as soon as possible. If I avoid him, when his strength exceeds mine, won't I be manipulated by him? How is this different from waiting to die?"

Yan Shangjing was silent on the surface and showed no expression. In fact, he had already made plans to go to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain again. He hoped to get some help from Gan Duoduo.

Compared to the four of them, Ye Xuntian, Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu are much simpler.

The three of them know very well that their own strength is not enough to compete with the four next to them. If their strength is weak, they will not have too many ideas.

Gan Duoduo's eyes occasionally flashed with light. He shook his head secretly, knowing that these AI players may not agree with what he said, but these people are the most potential awakeners today. If they can follow his advice, the future will definitely be better. He can surpass those Skywalkers and become a giant. If he can use it for himself, it will be of great help to his future plans.

After sighing, Gan Duoduo continued: "Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. Everyone, I am sitting on Qianyuan Island, holding the authority, and managing the wealth in the wealthy couple's land. I would like to invite you to settle here. , I will give you a joint venture mall so that everyone can take care of each other, make money together, and practice together to cope with the catastrophe of heaven in the future, okay?"

Ye Longxing said: "Okay!"

Daozangkong smiled and did not express his position.

Ye Xuntian, Jia Zhengyi and Ren Daniu had no objections and agreed. Yan Shangjing smiled and said: "Qian Island Master and you guys, strictly speaking, we are not familiar with each other. Qian Island Master wants me to avoid the law enforcers and Lu Chaoding, I don’t think it’s appropriate. Lu Chaoding’s growth rate is extremely fast, I think it must be suppressed. If you are willing to help me, you are on the same side, otherwise, we are on different paths and we don’t want to work with each other.”

Gan Duoduo frowned when he heard this and said, "Lu Chaoding is already the leader of a faction. How easy is it to suppress him?"

Yan Shangjing smiled coldly and said: "The leader of a mere third-rate sect, is he worthy of being honored? If you all help me, I will definitely kill him!"

Dao Zangkong clapped his hands, nodded and said: "Well said, I am willing to help you!"

"You two..." Qian Duoduo frowned deeply, "Don't make a mistake!"

Ren Daniu raised his hand and said seriously: "That Lu Chao is very evil. If you come into contact with him, strange things will happen, such as turning into a spiritual energy fruit!"

Daozangkong looked at Ren Daniu and said: "Become a spiritual energy fruit? Interesting. After hearing what you said, I would like to learn the methods of the reliable sword sect leader."

Yan Shangjing smiled and said: "No need to say more, Senior Dao Zangkong, you and I are enough to destroy the third-rate sect, why don't we set off now!"

Daozangkong laughed and said: "This matter is not urgent. Now we are all players, but we are also seriously injured and it is difficult to exert our full strength. I can refine the Nine-turn Golden Pill. If this golden pill is completed, it can help To recover from the injury quickly, why not collect the alchemy materials for me first, and after taking the golden elixir, it will not be too late to go to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain!"

"Nine-turn Golden Pill!" Yan Shangjing said with a look of shock on her face: "I heard that this Nine-turn Golden Pill has the power to conquer the heaven and earth. If you can take it, you will definitely be able to eliminate stubborn diseases and old injuries. I didn't expect that Your Excellency It’s possible to refine this kind of elixir! In that case, I’m willing to look for elixir-making materials.”

"How about you and I go out to the island to search together!" Daozang Kongdao showed a gentle smile on his face, looking like a fairy.

Soon, Yan Shangjing left Qianyuan Island with Dao Zangkong.

Gan Duoduo watched the two of them leave, muttering: "Unreliable awakening players..."

But at this time, Lu Chaoding, Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, failed to pass the three difficult trials!
This third level of difficulty required resisting 30 waves of wild monster invasions, and finally had to fight a level 60 BOSS. Lu Chao and the others had average luck and did not develop any life-changing props or skills, so they were ultimately defeated by the final BOSS. .

"It's just a little bit close, I'm so unwilling!"

"Difficulty Three is indeed difficult! Alas, there are still too few archives!"

"If I hadn't stretched my crotch in the third turn, I might have been able to pass!"

"The weapon I just used was so powerful, but it's a pity that you three can't use it!"

Zhang Defa and others complained that they were still not satisfied and wanted to continue to do it again.

But Lu Chaoding shook his head and said: "Just now we thought it was a live broadcast to bring goods, now it's time to prepare goods! Zhang Defa, please go live and wait for me in the mission hall!"

After leaving the defensive space, Lu Chaoding came to the mission hall, took Zhang Defa and started the mission, and quickly accumulated a large number of [Baolong Patrol Xuantian Trial Tokens].

After Zhang Defa's live broadcast promotion, the defensive game immediately became popular.

Since you need to equip the [Baolong Xuantian Trial Token] to play this mini-game, there are still very few players who can play this game.

The trial tokens that Lu Chaoding hung in the mission hall were quickly snatched up by sect players. For non-reliable sword sect players, the only ones who can play this defensive game now are Song Shu and Geng Jinfeng in Chunhua Tower. .

It is worth mentioning that these players can invite players when they start the game, and the players who can be invited are the players with clearance records. Aura Fruit and Niu Daren soon became the targets of many players vying to invite them.

And just three hours later, the difficult three Baolong Trial was actually conquered.


At this time, if Lu Chaoding uses the power-transforming method to condense the [Baolong Pill], he will definitely make a profit.

In addition, Lu Chaoding's game archive has also been updated, unlocking the difficult [-]th Baolong Trial and allowing the number of players to form a team to reach five. A prompt is given on the Baolongjue panel. If you can pass the difficult [-]th Baolong Trial, If he practices it, then his Baolong Jue will be perfected.

This made Lu Chaoding extremely excited.

On the second day, Lu Chaoding bet more than 3000 [Baolong Sky Survey Trial Tokens] in the mission hall as a mission reward, which was enough to ensure that interested players in the reliable sword sect could play the defense mini-game.

Lu Chaoding placed another 4 yuan [Baolong Sky Survey Trial Token] in the trading house. This was a promise given during the live broadcast. The price of the trial token was set at an extremely low price by Lu Chaoding. It only costs one gold coin per piece, which is almost the same as getting it for free.

Unfortunately, Lu Chaoding didn't notice that all the trial tokens he had listed for sale in the trading house were bought by Song Shu and Geng Jinfei from Chunhua Tower.

"I have someone to practice Baolong Jue on my behalf, and the archives will be refreshed on my behalf. I'd better work hard to improve my level."

Lu Chaoding looked at his task panel. He now had four tasks.

The first is a personal main mission. After being tampered with, the level is required to be raised to LV100. After completion, the national war system can be opened.

The second one is the sect building task 006. After being tampered with, it requires the level to be raised to LV60 and the sect promoted to the first level. After completion, you can get a huge gift package for sect building.

The third one is the plot mission of [Legend of Nine Scales]. After being tampered with, it requires collecting the fragments of the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror and killing Yan Shangjing. After completing the mission, you can receive 1 unreliable lottery ticket and 100 fame spread!

The fourth is not actually a task. It is the fourth stage of the business goal of the reliable mall. It requires the number of five-star reviews to reach 10000 and the mall rating to reach 10. If the goal is achieved, there is a high probability that you will get the Jade of Certificate, the Jade of Inheritance and the Jade of Epiphany. Jade.

"These four tasks are not easy to complete, so I will just take medicine to level up! There should be no Skywalker player with a higher level than me in the Hongchen Sword World!"

Lu Chaoding thought about it silently, and soon returned to the training cave. He stopped playing defensive games and just kept taking medicine, then ate a spiritual energy meal, and then continued taking medicine...

At the same time, Lu Chaoding also released the super beast and let it kill enemies and upgrade on its own.

The eight teams sent by Lu Chaoding to explore the Qilin Secret Realm also arrived at the location of the secret realm one after another.

The players in these eight teams are masters of the reliable sword sect, each with their own means and opportunities.

The eight Kirin secret realms are no ordinary secret realms. There are many opportunities and treasures in them, but they are also full of dangers, and various powerful wild monsters are also active.

After the eight teams started exploring the Kirin Secret Realm, it was not all smooth sailing. As time went by, there were gains and setbacks.

Three days later, Dugutian's team took the lead in completing the exploration of the Kirin Secret Realm they were responsible for, obtained the fragments of the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror, and embarked on their return journey.

Another day later, Jiang Youxian's team also completed their mission.

Four days later, Zhao Weike's team obtained the last fragment of the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror.

On this day, Lu Chaoding pushed his level to level 71!
With the blessing of mysterious enlightenment and the effects of the outstanding people in the fifth-level cave, it can be said that there is almost no level bottleneck here in Lu Chaoding.

"Level 71!"

When Lu Chao was in the best mood, when he left the training cave and returned to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, he happened to receive another system prompt that the fourth difficulty gem trial was finally overcome.


The ability of [Condensing Pill] has become stronger again, and it only requires 6 cultivation levels to condense a Treasure Dragon Pill.

If he uses the power-transforming method to condense the pill, Lu Chaoding only needs to spend more than 6000 cultivation points to condense a treasure dragon pill that can provide [-] cultivation points.

In addition, Lu Chaoding also awakened a new ability, which is [Baolong Transformation].

According to the prompts given in the Baolong Jue panel, Baolong Jue is a physical magical power. It describes a special physique, which means that the treasure body is like a dragon. The [Baolong Transformation] allows Lu Chaoding to transform into a dragon in a short time. In the form of a dragon, its attributes are greatly improved and it is immune to most spells.

Lu Chao tried Baolong's transformation. After the transformation, he was three feet tall, with dragon horns growing on his head and dragon power growing on his back. He was in the form of a dragon. His whole body glowed and he could only transform into a dragon within 24 hours. The body can only last for 3 minutes each time, and the so-called substantial improvement in attributes means that the attributes are doubled, and one's health bar will show two tubes of blood.

"The most powerful thing about this dragon's transformation is obviously not doubling its basic attributes, but its ability to be immune to most spells. Gee, isn't this magic immunity?"

Lu Chaoding was still very satisfied with the ability of Baolong Transformation. He checked the Baolong Jue training panel again and found that if he wanted to succeed in this [Baolong Jue], he only needed to complete the difficult level five of the defense game. By then, it seemed that You can also transform into a second stage.

"Players are crazy. It's difficult to clear the defense game five times. It's just a matter of time. I'm sure of this!"

Lu Chaoding thought about this and wanted to get some more [Gem Xuantian Trial Tokens] to give back to the players.

And when he arrived at the mission hall, he suddenly saw Dugutian and others.

"Brother Ding, fortunately you have fulfilled your destiny. I have collected the fragments of the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror for you!"

Dugutian waved his hand to Lu Chaoding, who was trying to put together the completed Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror.

"The pieces are gathered together!"

Lu Chaoding perked up.

According to the Peach Blossom Sword God, the Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror is an important magic weapon to deal with the demon girl Yan Shangjing. With this treasure, Yan Shangjing can be killed.

"Not bad! This speed is not bad. It seems that I can advance the plot of the Legend of Nine Lins!"

A smile appeared on Lu Chaoding's face. He put away all the fragments of the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror. He was not in a hurry to put them together. He went to the mission hall to paint the fragments into multiple copies.

(End of this chapter)

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