Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 197 Nine Lin Tribulation Mirror

Chapter 197 Nine Lin Tribulation Mirror
After just a few moments, Lu Chaoding had purchased thousands of various fragments of the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror.

Then he started putting it together.

This assembly is actually very simple, just put the nine pieces together in a specific order, and then they will automatically become a whole.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully putting together the special prop Nine Lin Tribulation Mirror. This prop has been bound and set as a special weapon-like treasure. Please check the prop information for details."

What appeared in front of Lu Chaoding was a round mirror with a diameter of about thirty centimeters. The surface of the mirror was like gold, very smooth and glowing. On the back was a nine-headed unicorn carved on it. The nine-headed unicorn looked like a living creature, with eyes that were full of energy. There is light, and if you look carefully, you will find that they are moving slowly.

[Jilin Tribulation Mirror: special props, secondary weapons, weapon-like, bound, no star setting, cannot be refined.Equipped in the weapon slot, you can use the power of the tribulation mirror to lock the target's whereabouts and bring down the unicorn tribulation on it.Explanation: The Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror is a treasure found on the Kirin Cliff outside the territory. It is said to be made from the nine-headed Kirin beast and possesses infinite power. Please explore on your own for details. 】

"That's it? Can you defeat Yan Shangjing with just this mirror?"

Lu Chaoding frowned. Looking at the attribute information of the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror, he could not understand the function of this treasure. What was certain was that this mirror was a "weapon-like" and needed to be equipped in the weapon slot before it could be used.

If it is an ordinary player, there is only one weapon slot. Obviously, after equipping this Nine Lin Tribulation Mirror, no more weapons can be equipped.

However, Lu Chao has the characteristics of Duobao Sword Immortal. After reaching level 71, he has 7 additional weapon slots.

Therefore, he can completely equip the long sword weapon and the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror at the same time.

"Equip one first and give it a try!"

Lu Chaoding thought, and in the attribute panel, the name of Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror appeared above the second weapon column.

At the same time, the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror in his hand flew up automatically and hung above his head.

"Ding, equipped with the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror, you have obtained the special attack secret skill [Nine-Lin Great Formation], the special combat skill [Nine-Lin Divine Light], and the special stunt [Qilin Tribulation]. The above skills can be released through the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror. Specifically, Please explore on your own.”

Lu Chao quickly opened the attribute panel and found that there were indeed three more skills.

[Nine-Lin Formation: A special secret technique. The phantom of the nine-headed unicorn beast is released from the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror to arrange the Nine-Lin Formation. The power of the formation is determined by the player's level. The higher the player's level, the wider the coverage range of the Nine-Lin Formation. The bigger, the stronger the combat power of the phantom of the Qilin Divine Beast. When all the phantoms of the Qilin Divine Beast are shattered, it is determined that the Jiulin Formation has been broken. The formation can only be deployed again 24 hours after it is broken. 】

[Nine-scaled divine light: a special combat skill that consumes 5 points of fighting spirit and releases a nine-scaled divine light from the Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror to attack the target. The power of the nine-scaled divine light is determined by the player's level. The higher the player's level, the higher the nine-scaled divine light. The stronger the power of light, the Nine Scales Divine Light can ignore the target's defense and toughness, cause real damage and mark the target. The target marked by the Nine Lins Divine Light is in the Nine Lins Formation, or is suffering from the Qilin Tribulation, and is vulnerable to 50% damage. . 】

[Qilin Tribulation: Special stunt, consume 30 points of fighting spirit, use the Nine-Qilin Tribulation Mirror as the target to lower the Qilin Tribulation, then the target will be locked and hunted by the Qilin beast, and it will not stop until death!Note: After using Qilin Tribulation, the Nine Scale Tribulation Mirror will be damaged. 】

"These three skills..." Lu Chao rubbed his chin and said in his heart: "There is no doubt that [Qilin Tribulation] is the key to killing Yan Shangjing. This unique skill requires 30 points of fighting spirit to release. I am now My basic fighting spirit is already as high as 45 points. If I meet Yan Shangjing and my Qinglian Sword Immortal trait takes effect, I can definitely release the Qilin Tribulation at the beginning. Well, give her a Qilin Divine Light first. , let’s release the Qilin Tribulation again.”

Lu Chaoding feels stable, and now he wants to advance the plot mission of [Legend of Nine Scales]. That plot mission has been tampered with by an occasionally unreliable system. The mission requires collecting the fragments of the Nine Lin Tribulation Mirror to kill Yan Shangjing. Lu Chaoding feels that As long as he meets Yan Shangjing, this mission can probably be completed.

"It's time to pay attention to Yan Shangjing's whereabouts. This NPC is probably awakened. It's a hidden danger. Except for me, probably no one can punish her..."

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, and he continued to put together the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror, putting together more than 300 pieces in one go.

"More than 300, that's probably enough!"

Lu Chaoding stopped what he was doing. With a thought, the seven additional equipment slots were all equipped with Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors. Suddenly, seven golden round mirrors were suspended in a fan shape above his head.

After a while, Lu Chao went to the Nut Secret Realm to test the power of the [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror]. He found that the special secret skill [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror] was not superimposable. He could equip himself with one [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror] or multiple [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror]. Tribulation Mirror], has no effect on it at all.

This [Nine-Lin Formation] is quite powerful. After unfolding, nine 71-level unicorn beasts will appear. They will automatically protect the person setting up the formation. The range of activity is a circular area with a diameter of 800 meters. The formation method Within, the phantom of the Kirin beast will not allow the person setting up the formation to enter the battle space, whether it attacks others or is attacked by others.

It's a pity that the phantoms of the Kirin beasts are not invincible. They have attribute data. The health value of level 71 is 1000 million, which is actually considered a powerful BOSS.

What surprised Lu Chaoding was that after entering the battle space equipped with seven [Nine-scale Tribulation Mirrors], he could control seven [Nine-scale Tribulation Mirrors] to release [Nine-Lin Divine Light] at the same time in one action.

The power of [Nine-Lin Divine Light] is not weak. Its actual power has nothing to do with Lu Chaoding's attribute data, only related to his level. Lu Chaoding is now level 71, and a single [Nine-Lin Divine Light] can hit 710. With a real damage of 4970 yuan, if seven mirrors are used at the same time, it can produce a super high damage of [-] million yuan.

"The characteristic of Duobao Sword Immortal is that it is strong. Unfortunately, this characteristic of mine sometimes works well. Don't let it slip at the critical moment!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. He then tested the power of [Qilin Tribulation] and found that the stunt was the same as combat skills. All [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirrors] could be released in one action, but only one target could be selected.

Of course, after using [Kilin Tribulation], [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror] will shatter and then turn into light and disappear.

Lu Chaoding wasted seven [Nine Scale Tribulation Mirrors] for this. Fortunately, he had a lot of these things, so he didn't feel bad about wasting them.

After coming out of the training cave, Lu Chaoding found Dugutian and others who were on a mission.

"Very good, you have completed your mission well this time. I am very pleased. Those who have the status of elders can continue to be elders. Those who do not have the status of elders, I will promote you all to true disciples. In addition, I will I’ll treat you to a feast of spiritual energy, and give you Baolong Dan and Baolong Xuantian trial tokens, so that you can quickly break through the bottleneck…”

Lu Chaoding praised these eight teams, a total of 24 players, and then took them into his training cave with the [Great World Shattering Void Divine Sword], and asked Niu Daren to cook them a spiritual energy feast.

Half a day later, under the influence of the outstanding people in the fifth-level cave, except for Zhao Weike, [Devil May Cry] who could not be tried and upgraded, and was stuck at level 30, all other players had been upgraded to level 31 or higher.Upgrading from level 30 to level 31 already requires a lot of cultivation. Nowadays, there are still very few players who can pass the trial and reach or exceed level 31.

Lu Chaoding originally planned to give each of these players a set of fragments of the [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror], so that they can piece it together to obtain the instantly bound [Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror]. At present, this prop can definitely be called a super weapon .

However, after much thought, Lu Chaoding finally decided not to deprive other players of the fun of the game.

It's okay to cheat on your own secretly. Just pretend to be stupid and be stunned. It's better not to make it public as much as possible. There is no need to serve the public. Just take proper care of the disciples of the sect.

The next day, Lu Chaoding found Xiang Ruyan, the Peach Blossom Sword God, who was recovering from his injuries on the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. The Peach Blossom Sword God was stunned when he saw the seven nine-scale tribulation mirrors on Lu Chaoding's head.

"This, this...master, these are all Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors? How come there are seven of them?"

The Peach Blossom Sword God's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Lu Chao said: "You can have as much of this thing as you want."

The Peach Blossom Sword God was silent for a long time, then suddenly sighed and said: "Since the leader has obtained the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror, it will be possible to kill the demon girl Yan Shangjing, then..."

His eyes looked at the sea urchins that were cooking in the distance.

Lu Chaoding's mind suddenly moved, and he realized that a plot was about to be triggered. It seemed that Peach Blossom Sword God would at least provide some plot information.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, the Peach Blossom Sword God said: "Once, I was extremely eager to kill Yan Shangjing, but now that I see the leader has obtained the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror, it makes me feel scared and ashamed..."

He looked up at the sky and said: "I, Xiang Ruyan, consider myself to be upright and aboveboard, and I have no regrets. However, those past events still happened because of it. Master, would you like to hear about my past events at Qilinya..."

"Here we come!" Lu Chao raised his hands and said, "Elder Taohua, please speak."

The Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan looked at the sky with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Qilin Cliff is outside the world. It is actually a cave in the sky. Qilin sons will appear in thousands of years. If the number of Qilin sons is nine, you can get the true biography of Qilin and get the title of Jiulin. I Xiang Ruyan has been the leader of Jiulin since he was a child, and his swordsmanship and martial arts are all superior to his eight junior brothers. The elders of the clan said that I am a genius that is rare in 5000 years. I once called myself the proud son of heaven, and regarded myself as the number one unicorn in Qilin Cliff today. Until I met Yan Shangjing."

He paused and moved the peach blossom petals with his fingers. With a few strokes, the peach blossom petals outlined the silhouette of a woman.

"Yan Shangjing's real name is Yu Xiaojing. She is also my disciple at Qilinya. However, she is from a humble background and is a woman. She is not among the Jiulins. Her tribe does not know her talent. However, she is intelligent and has extraordinary talents. When I first met her, Her strength was already quite impressive, far superior to her peers. I marveled at her talent and taught her carefully. Her growth rate surprised me. Three years later, she was already on par with my eight junior brothers, so I took her to the Qilin General Forum and introduced her to the elders..."

"The elders are all talented. They are kind and open-minded. After some discussion, they changed the nine-lin to ten-lin, and Yu Xiaojing is the tenth one and the first female unicorn in the history of our clan. From now on, we will get With the support of the clan’s resources, Yan Shangjing’s strength improved faster, and I was once proud of this, but it’s a pity...”

The Peach Blossom Sword God shook his head, with a bitter look on his face.

"It's a pity that I couldn't see her ambition. Yu Xiaojing, she was not satisfied with the end of Shilin. She used many dirty methods to assassinate several elders and juniors. In three years, she was already a Shilin Second, she enjoys great power in the clan. But I had been deceived by her until that day when she took action against me... She misjudged my strength and failed. After the matter was exposed, she admitted many crimes and was finally The bones of the unicorn were removed, the pieces were peeled off, and the unicorn was driven out of the cliff. From then on, the ten unicorns turned into nine unicorns again."

"At that time, I thought she would die in despair. After all, how could she survive without her Qilin bones? But I never expected that not only would she survive, but she would also change her face and name..."

The Peach Blossom Sword God clenched his fists and said: "It's a shame that I was deceived by her twice! 50 years ago, she transformed into Yan Shangjing and met us, but I didn't recognize it. After that, she was bewitched by her again and did this. I have done many wrong things, and indirectly harmed eight junior brothers... I have really been blind all my life, and the most ridiculous thing is that Yan Shangjing and I have a son, a sea urchin."

"Yan Shangjing regarded the sea urchin as a tool and used it to blackmail me. I once gave in and foolishly held a trace of fantasy towards her. I was tainted with sin. It wasn't until she took the sea urchin's unicorn bone that I realized that this The woman has no humanity! Later, I teamed up with eight junior brothers to seal her. The eight junior brothers died of injuries, and they were actually harmed by me. In this life, I have been ashamed of my tribe, my junior brothers, my youngest son, and my father. The world..."

The Peach Blossom Sword God suddenly knelt down to Lu Chaoding and said, "Xiang Ruyan begs the master!"

Lu Chaoding quickly helped him up and said, "Elder Taohua, what are you doing? Get up quickly and speak if you need anything."

The Peach Blossom Sword God looked at Sea Urchin, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes, and said: "Sea Urchin is kind-hearted by nature. He is innocent. In fact, his talent is also very high. If he practices, his future achievements will definitely be better than mine. I will wait for the master to kill him." After marrying Yan Shangjing, can you take Sea Urchin to Qilin Cliff? Let him recognize his ancestor and return to his clan!"

"Can't Elder Taohua send him there himself?"

The Peach Blossom Sword God smiled and shook his head. He raised his hands to Lu Chaoding again and said: "There are too many sins on my body that cannot be washed away or erased... When Sea Urchin arrives at Qilin Cliff, please ask the master to tell him that his The name is Xiang Rudan!"

"Ding, accept the opportunity mission. After the plot of [Nine-Lin Legend] ends, escort Xiang Rudan to the Qilin Cliff Cave. After completing the mission, you will receive a Qilin Secret Treasure."

"Ding, sometimes the unreliable system starts up, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: After the plot of [Nine-Lin Legend] ends, escort Xiang Rudan to the Qilin Cliff Cave. After completing the task, you can get ten copies of the Qilin Secret Treasure."

"This mission..."

Lu Chaoding frowned and looked at the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruyan. He had a bad premonition and thought that this NPC would not do anything outrageous, such as suddenly committing suicide to thank the world.

"Elder Taohua, don't hold anything against your mind. The past has passed and no one cares about it. From now on, you will follow me. I will make sure that you will not encounter such useless things again. Happiness and beauty will come tomorrow. ah."

Lu Chao tried to enlighten the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ruhai, but at this moment, outside Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, in the sea, light flashed and two figures appeared.

These two figures are Yan Shangjing and Daozangkong.

(End of this chapter)

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