Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 198 Reliable leader

Chapter 198 Reliable leader
Yan Shangjing looked at Hongchen Qijie Mountain and said: "This is my second time to come to this mountain, and I don't want a third time!"

Dao Zangkong's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said: "This mountain did not exist 200 years ago. It is not difficult to sink it into the sea! Fellow Taoist, do you want to go directly to the mountain?"

Yan Shangjing waved her sleeves and said, "That's exactly what I meant!"

Daozangkong said again: "Would you like to try forming a team?"


Yan Shangjing became silent after hearing this.

The system gives AI players independent personalities and at the same time gives them the complexity of human nature.

Yesterday, Daozangkong's Nine-turn Golden Pill was completed. Under the influence of the Nine-turn Golden Pill, the injuries of the two men were greatly healed, and their strength was also greatly enhanced. Although it was still far behind the peak, But when they think about it, it is enough to be proud of the world.

And now that they are together, the two people have their own thoughts.

They were actually more afraid of each other than Lu Chaoding.

Yan Shangjing is a witch who has been famous for 50 years. She has the title of demon shadow against the sky. When she is proud, even if the nine sons of Qilin Cliff and Qilin join forces, they can only slightly suppress her. She considers herself invincible in single combat. .

Dao Zangkong became famous 200 years ago as the supreme elder of the Great Sword Sect. In his time, he was a peerless genius as famous as Ye Longxing. If Ye Longxing is a giant of the demonic path, then he is the leader of the righteous path.

Now these two people are walking together, and they have been secretly testing each other's strength. They are not afraid that the other party is weaker than themselves, but they are afraid that the other party is stronger than themselves.

As AI players, they now also understand many system settings.

For example, forming a team!

After forming a team, you can activate the team panel and view the opponent's basic attribute information, that is, level, health, attack power, etc.

Although this data information does not represent the opponent's full strength, it is definitely an important reference.

Dao Zangkong proposed forming a team because he wanted to see Yan Shangjing's level.

"If this witch agrees to form a team, you can see her level information. If she doesn't agree to form a team, it can at least prove that she is not confident enough... This witch is a bit arrogant and has strange methods. I guess she must be at the peak of her powers now. The strength and level may not be high, probably no more than level 80!"

Daozangkong was thinking silently, but a gentle smile appeared on his face.

His current level is level 85!
Yan Shangjing suddenly laughed, and then directly sent an invitation to Dao Zangkong to form a team, saying: "It's a good idea to form a team. You and I are always injured, so it's good to form a team and take care of each other!"

Dao Zangkong waved his hand again and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, this is just a third-rate sect, why do we need to form a team? My fellow Taoist has a grudge against the reliable leader Lu Chaoding, so go ahead and kill him on the mountain. It will be more satisfying to kill the enemy with your own hands." , I am holding the battle for you from behind. In fact, what I am good at is the escape method, and I don’t have much research on fighting methods."

"is it?"

Yan Shangjing narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything more. She put her hands on her back, stepped on the void, and headed towards Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain with overwhelming domineering strength.

Soon, the witch was discovered by two nine-foot-long golden lions. The two nine-foot-long golden lions emitted a golden light. They immediately roared to warn the police. The roaring sound shook the clouds in the sky, but the three colorful auspicious clouds were If summoned, quickly fly to the top of the mountain gate.

Under the gate of Qijie Mountain, a wharf has been built here. Next to the wharf is the shipyard built by captains Xiao Wudi and Xiao Shuishui.

A large number of Dabao Construction Corps players were busy in the shipyard. Two NPCs, Xiao Wudi and Xiao Shuishui, were also in the shipyard at this time. They heard the roaring warning of the Jiuzhang Golden Lion, looked at each other, and immediately showed sullen expressions.

"The golden lion roars as a warning that a foreign enemy is coming!"

"Even Yan Shangjing was beaten away by the master. I want to see who is so ferocious and dares to attack my mountain sect!"

The two immediately flew out of the shipyard and flew towards the Jiuzhang Golden Lion in unison. After landing on the head of the Jiuzhang Golden Lion, they immediately took over control as elders.

Then, they saw Yan Shangjing.

"No, that witch is back!"

"Quick, notify the leader!"

The expressions of the two shipbuilding captains suddenly changed.

They are also AI players now, but unlike Yan Shangjing and Daozangkong, they are more like real NPCs, but they do not have the kind of self-awareness and clarity of their player identities.

In the Shanmen Square, the weapon refiner elder Ding Quanzhen and a large number of reliable sword sect players were also attracted by the roar of the nine-foot golden lion and looked overseas.

And in such a short period of time, the original clear sky was half filled with countless "Yanshangjing".

Yan Shangjing unfolded her clone method, and the sky was filled with her clones.

She has the attitude of killing an entire family and slaughtering a mountain by one person.

Dao Zangkong followed her not far away, watching with some curiosity.

Suddenly, a big sword flew out from the direction of the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

It was said to be a big sword, but in the field of vision of Dao Zangkong and Yan Shangjing, it looked more like a sword-shaped flying boat.

Lu Chaoding was standing on the bow of the Daxuan Sword at this time. He looked at the countless shadows of Yan Shangjing, and his eyes almost glowed.

"Okay, okay, I came at the right time. There is a way to heaven but if you don't take it, there is no door to hell and you break in. This will save me from going to find you!"

A smile appeared on Lu Chaoding's face. With a thought, he took down the seven nine-scale tribulation mirrors from the equipment rack and replaced them with super swords.

He was afraid that the seven Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors would scare away Yan Shangjing, so he wanted to suddenly take them out and use them during the battle to make the final decision.

After all, he has the characteristics of the Infinite Sword Immortal and can change his costume at any time.

"Brother Ding is here. Will Brother Ding personally take action against the big BOSS witch?"

"Quick, quick, start the live broadcast, such a powerful plot must be spread..."

Countless players of the reliable sword sect were excited and excited when they saw Lu Chaoding appear. A group of players headed by Zhang Defa started a live broadcast at this moment.

Lu Chaoding ignored the players below him. He pushed straight forward and stopped outside the mountain gate, standing proudly. At this moment, Yan Shangjing's clones had entered his shooting range. He used [Gaze Sword Technique] first and launched it first. Kill with your gaze.

Many of Yan Shangjing's clones were swept by Lu Chaoding's gaze, and the damage number quickly appeared above their heads, which was "-4".

Such damage was naturally inconspicuous, and no other players noticed it, but Yan Shangjing knew it. Her shadow in the sky stopped, they all looked at Lu Chaoding, and said in unison: "Head of the Reliable Sword Sect. Lu Chaoding, player Lu Chaoding, hahahaha, is this your ability? It’s ridiculous! Today I, Yan Shangjing, come to Qijie Mountain again, you and the players in the mountain will be wiped out and no longer exist in the world!"

"Arrogant!" Lu Chao was happy and undaunted. He put his hands behind his back at the moment, looking like a big boss, but said: "We players are immortal and can be resurrected infinitely. How can you, a witch, make me wait for death and annihilation?" Doesn’t exist in the world?”

"You'll find out soon enough!"

The clones in the sky all spoke out, with terrifying power.

"I'm afraid you will regret it!"

Lu Chaoding snorted, grabbed the air, and yelled: "Sword coming!" The next moment, a sword light came through the air and appeared on Lu Chaoding's right hand.

That is of course [Sword Spirit·Super Man].

Of course, this super guy was in the form of a long sword at the moment. He appeared on Lu Chaoding's right hand, making a clanging sword sound. There was a bloody light flashing on the sword body, which was dazzling.

After returning from the ancient sword repair cave, Lu Chaoding gave the super man a lot of blood materials, such as [Golden Crow Blood], [Pure Dark Blood], etc., which are the top materials, and also gave him many fourth-level, The fifth-level long sword is for him to devour, and then he is given free rein, letting him clear dungeons, wild monsters, and pirates.

With the long sword in hand at this moment, Lu Chao was very pleased, because this super ordinary man had already refreshed his attack power to 30, and the two special attack effects of [Super Body] and [Plain Man's Ultimate Kill] had been refreshed. It’s time to become proficient!

"It's not six stars, it's better than six stars. One sword is worth a thousand swords!"

Lu Chaoding laughed and shook his hand, and activated the [Great Absurd Light Splitting Sword Technique], turning a super sword into a piece of super sword.

Lu Chaoding's ordinary super sword has naturally divided into sword shadows. There are eight swords in total, and there are 2048 sword shadows.


Lu Chaoding no longer hesitated. Taking advantage of his long range, he launched the attack first. It turned out to be a clone of Yan Shangjing with one sword, killing them instantly with each sword.

Soon, Lu Chaoding launched a black cloud formation again. Large black clouds fell from the sky and gathered into a group. The sword shadows flashed and thunder light surged inside. A large number of Yan Shangjing's phantoms poured into it. They failed to launch an attack. They themselves first Be obliterated like a moth to a flame.

Behind him, Dao Zangkong frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

"This is similar to Ye Longxing's black cloud formation. This leader Lu actually learned it?"

His expression became more cautious, and he suddenly raised his hand and moved forward. The void immediately distorted, and a hole suddenly appeared above Lu Chaoding's head. Within the hole, there were cracks in the space.

At this moment, the Super Sword and Dao Dao sword shadows suddenly flew towards the hole uncontrollably. Even the clouds from the black cloud array quickly flew towards the hole, as if the hole had great suction power. The weapons and black cloud formation that sucked the top of the land.

"The universe is endless and the Dao is hidden in the void. In the name of my Universal Sword God, I will deprive you of your weapon and send it into the void. This is the sword that breaks the void of the universe!"

Dao Zangkong spoke calmly, but his voice was as loud as thunder, shaking the sky, making Lu Chaoding look stern and take a step back.

Only then did he notice Dao Zangkong, and when he glanced over, blood began to pour from Dao Zangkong's head, and his upper limit of health was reduced by one point every second.

"Who is he..."

Lu Chaoding didn't recognize Dao Zangkong, and couldn't see his attribute information at the moment, but he immediately felt wary of him.

Just because of his casual attack, he actually severed his connection with the seven super swords and destroyed his black cloud formation.

Those seven super swords were all five-star weapons that were fully refined. They seemed to have been lost at this moment, disappearing from the equipment list. This was a huge loss.

Only the Sword Spirit Super Man was not affected by the strange suction force and was still equipped in the weapon column on top of Lu Chao.

Lu Chaoding immediately regarded Daozangkong as his enemy.

He made a prompt decision and struck Daozangkong with his sword.

Daozangkong laughed, and his figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and he didn't know where he went.

"Dog thief!"

Lu Chaoding felt that he had suffered a big loss and was depressed. Suddenly he saw Yan Shangjing who was constantly transforming into clones.

There is no doubt that it is the original body!

Lu Chaoding released the black sword Shihu, turning it into a tank form. He drove the tank sword and raised his hand, and dense mechanical missiles enveloped Yan Shangjing's body.

So, after the battle so far, the real battle was triggered. The bodies of Lu Chaoding and Yan Shangjing turned into light and dissipated at the same time. They entered the battle space, and a huge battle flag appeared in mid-air.

"Brother Ding has entered the battle space!"

"Brother Ding, can he win?"

"Everyone must believe in Brother Ding and the leader!"

"Brother Ding dares to fight and fight hard. Well done. Even if he has never fought before, there is no shame in him!"

"Why are those clones still there? Oh my, they are flying over here!"

"Prepare to fight and form a formation!"

"The speed is 120 points. Click me to form a team and start a big group!"

"Get ready to fight..."

As Yan Shangjing's many clones approached, the Jiuzhang Golden Lion activated, the colorful auspicious clouds launched an attack, and a large number of reliable sword sect players also formed their teams and prepared to fight.

As for Lu Chaoding, after entering the battle space, he directly equipped the Nine-Sided Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror without any nonsense.


Yan Shangjing's clones continued to form, but when she saw the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror appearing above Lu Chao's head, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"That's the most precious treasure of Qilin Cliff, the Nine-Scale Tribulation Mirror. It's impossible. Isn't this mirror broken? How could you have it? And there are seven of them!"

Yan Shangjing took a step back, showing some panic.

Lu Chao said: "Don't be afraid, these are pirated goods!"

He is too lazy to say too much now. There is a powerful old man outside who can take away his bound weapons. If he is here to chat with Yan Shangjing, he will take care of him if he can't stand up to his old nest.

The 1-minute preparation time ended quickly. After the battle began, Lu Chaoding's speed was far faster than Yan Shangjing. He took the first action and used seven [Nine Scales Divine Light] to repel Yan Shangjing seven steps and hit Yan Shangjing. Enough damage.

In the second round, Lu Chao was still the winner. He said coldly: "Demon girl Yan Shangjing, in the name of the leader of the reliable sword sect, I will bring you seven levels of unicorn calamity. The sins of the past will be settled today, and it will all be yours." It’s your own fault!”

After saying that, Lu Chaoding spent 30 points of fighting spirit, and the seven nine-scaled tribulation mirrors above his head flew out at the same time, and quickly turned into air balls of light, each ball of light differentiated into nine-headed unicorn beasts.

In the blink of an eye, the nine-headed unicorn beasts had already pounced on Yan Shangjing. They were majestic and brave. They tore Yan Shangjing into pieces in the blink of an eye and quickly killed her clones.

In front of those unicorn beasts, Yan Shangjing and her clones looked like they were made of paper.

In less than 2 minutes, all the clones of Yan Shangjing in the battle space were killed, and the battle in the battle space ended. However, the battle between the Qilin beasts did not stop. They escaped into the void and quickly appeared again. Hongchen Qijie Mountain, kill those Yan Shangjing who invaded the mountain gate.

Even the Qilin beast entered the battle space of other players and killed those clones of Yan Shangjing in the battle space.

(End of this chapter)

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