Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 199 The spread of reputation

Chapter 199 The spread of reputation
Qilin Tribulation, never stop until death!

63 unicorn beasts travel through the void, locking onto the auras of all the Yan Shangjings in the world, and then chase them through the sky.

A large number of reliable sword sect players who were pulled into the battle space by Yan Shangjing's clones heard the Qilin roar and saw the Qilin break through the air, killing their enemies mightily and ending their battle.

There is also the hidden clone of Yan Shangjing. No matter where it is, it is locked by the Qilin beast. It is only a matter of time before it is destroyed by the sky.

On Qianyuan Island, in a secret cave in the inner sea, there is a "Yan Shangjing" sitting cross-legged!
To be precise, this is an important hidden clone of Yan Shangjing.

At this moment, her brows were furrowed and her mouth was bleeding.

"Damn it, this Qilin Tribulation is too restrained for me. No matter how many Blood God Sons are separated, I can't escape the pursuit of the Qilin Divine Beast. Facing this Qilin Tribulation, I can only resist hard and rely on my super strength to crush the Qilin Divine Beast. But …”

Yan Shangjing's figure swayed and she spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"However, even if my combat power returns to its peak, it is still unclear whether I can withstand the Qilin Tribulation. Now my old injuries have not recovered, and the reliable leader has launched a seventh-level Qilin Tribulation. Could it be that I am going to die here today? ?”

Yan Shangjing was anxious inside. She knew that if she didn't take action, she would be dead when the Qilin beast came looking for her.

"Damn it, what should I do? What should I do?"

This Yan Shangjing gritted her teeth and clenched her fists so hard that her nails were dug into her flesh.

Suddenly, a figure burst out of the sky and appeared in front of her.

The person who came was wearing aqua blue robes, with white beard and white hair. He looked like an immortal, and he was none other than Dao Zangkong.

"This reliable leader is the Duobao Sword Immortal!"

With a slight smile on his face, Daozangkong raised his hand, and seven refined +12 super swords appeared in front of him.

Yan Shangjing was shocked when she saw him coming.

This is her important hidden avatar. Outsiders should not know why this Daozang Kong was able to discover it and appear here.

Dao Zangkong said again: "Fellow Taoist, your condition is not very good. I have calculated with my fingers that even if you are moved to the void, you will not be able to escape the pursuit of those Qilin beasts. This is a natural disaster and cannot be avoided!"


Yan Shangjing didn't know what to say. She snorted coldly, thinking that this Dao Zangkong was probably going to add insult to injury.

In an instant, she thought back a lot. Although she understood that most of her memories were fabricated by the system and might not exist, in her feelings, they were extremely real and were her past.

"I didn't expect that I, Yan Shangjing, had exhausted all my powers and had been in power all my life, but in the end I was defeated by the leader of a third-rate sect. Fellow Taoist, the matter has come to this, I have nothing to say, please give me a break."

Yan Shangjing closed her eyes, already waiting for death.

Dao Zangkong shook his head and said, "Fellow Taoist, don't be so pessimistic! I have a method that can help you escape death. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

Yan Shangjing suddenly opened her eyes when she heard the sound and said, "Fellow Taoist, what did you say?"

Dao Zangkong stroked his beard and said: "Fellow Taoist, you should understand that we are players now. Players must follow the gameplay set by the system and cannot disobey it. The root of your disaster is that you are Yan Shangjing. , but what if you’re not?”


Yan Shangjing trembled.

Daozangkong continued: "My plot is messed up. I have multiple memories in my mind. Some are set by the system for me, some are Niu Daren's, some are Ren Daniu's, and even one with a spiritual energy fruit. These confusions originate from From another system, it changed me and made me no longer Daozangkong. Now I am a player named Zangdokong. This is the real awakening! This is the inspiration given to me by Ren Daniu. Do you understand? ?”

Yan Shangjing's heart perked up upon hearing this.


Unreliable thoughts came to her mind.

Zang Kongdao nodded and said: "Yes, just change your name! It's that simple, pick a new name, and from now on you are no longer a world BOSS, but a player!"

"Can this work?"

Yan Shangjing complied with the instructions and recited silently in her heart: "I am no longer Yan Shangjing. From now on, my name is the Demon God!" After reciting it several times in succession, the void in front of Yan Shangjing suddenly distorted, and there was a Qilin beast. A roar came from it, and after two breaths, a Kirin beast appeared out of the sky. This Kirin beast had a head as big as a bucket, and its eyes were glowing with golden light. After it appeared, it stared at Yan Shangjing, But soon his head showed a human expression of confusion, he suddenly took a sip of water, turned his head and disappeared into the void.

Yan Shangjing was overjoyed to see this and said excitedly: "I have escaped the Qilin disaster just like this!"

However, at the next moment, Dao Zangkong suddenly pointed his finger at the center of her eyebrows and said, "My fellow Taoist has cultivated into the legendary Blood God Son. He has endless Tao transformation clones and his talent is peerless. How about becoming a Taoist protector for me?"

At this moment, Yan Shangjing showed an expression of struggle and pain. She looked at Dao Zangkong and said word by word: "How dare you plot against me. There is something wrong with that Nine-turn Golden Pill..."

As she spoke, her eyes became hollow.

Dao Zangkong laughed and said: "Fellow Taoist, you still have self-awareness. When I reach the peak and achieve the highest level, I will definitely give you your freedom! Now, go to my secret realm of the universe and heal your wounds."

A smile appeared on Daozangkong's face, and with a wave of his sleeves, he and the "Blood God" who had changed his name quickly disappeared.

At the same time, in Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, golden light fell from the sky, and the unicorn beast ran across the sky, as if to show its majesty.

"Server-wide announcement: The plot mission [Legend of Nine Lins] is advancing. The world BOSS demon Yan Shangjing fell in the Qilin Tribulation. The relevant list is updated on the Tianxing Forum. The subsequent plot will no longer be a world mission!"

"Ding, collect all the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror fragments and kill Yan Shangjing. The mission is completed. The reward is 1 unreliable lottery ticket and 100 fame spread!"

"Ding, the follow-up plot of [The Legend of Nine Lins] is advancing, please look for the Peach Blossom Sword God to learn about the plot..."

Lu Chaoding heard a series of system prompts, but frowned, unhappy.

The battle was over, Yan Shangjing was killed, but he lost seven super swords with a refinement of +12, and also destroyed seven Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors, and as a trophy, he got an unreliable lottery ticket. Just spread your reputation 100 times.

"What's the use of spreading your reputation? This fight doesn't seem to be very profitable."

Lu Chaoding muttered, then turned around and headed towards the top of the mountain. He wanted to see what new plot there was in Peach Blossom Sword God.

What Lu Chaoding didn't know was that just when he received the system prompt and obtained 100 prestige spreads, outside the twelve states, in an extremely remote place in the south, in a mysterious hall that looked like an immortal palace, Duan The middle-aged woman sitting on a lotus throne slowly opened her eyes.

This woman is quite graceful and noble. Just sitting quietly, she exudes the majesty and bearing of a superior person.

She is Kun Manman, one of the Four Wonderful People.

"There is a genius born in the Great Realm, with far-reaching fame. His surname is Lu and his name is Chaoding. He is the leader of the reliable sword sect. He can be a good man. With my authority, I will send one of you to assist and enter the Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. Being the wife of the head of the family and walking in the sword world, who is willing to go there?"

After Kun Man finished speaking, women in palace attire suddenly appeared in the main hall, carrying swords on their backs. Each of them had a beautiful appearance and a cold temperament, like fairies who could not eat the fireworks of the world.

If we count them carefully, there are a hundred of these women in palace attire!

However, no one responded to Kun Manman's questions.

"No one volunteers, so I will appoint you!"

Kun Manman pointed to the woman in palace attire closest to him and said: "Lan'e, go ahead!"

The woman named by her did not dare to disobey, so she bowed down and said yes.

But then, Kun Manman frowned, but repeated what he said before, and then pointed at a slave in palace clothes again, saying: "Then Lu Chao's reputation has been spread twice, Luliu, you can go too! "


The woman in palace clothes named Luliu was stunned.

Kun Manman repeated what he said before, and then assigned the third, fourth, fifth... until one disciple!

She surprisingly sent all her disciples, all the women in palace attire in this hall, to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, asking them to assist Lu Chaoding and become the head wife.

These women in palace attire did not dare to disobey their master's order, so they quickly came out together, walking on their swords one by one, turning into streaks of colorful light in the sky.

This is the effect of "prestige spreading" a hundred times.

(End of this chapter)

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