Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 202 Heading to Qilin Cliff

Chapter 202 Heading to Qilin Cliff

100 level 60 "Sword World Walkers" have just joined the reliable sword sect!
The system also certified them, and they obtained special sect positions. They were not "masses in charge", but "masters"!
"Master! What a god! Master!"

Lu Chaoding was speechless.

It can be seen from the sect management panel that the position of master is above that of the deputy master and the left and right guardians. He has high sect management authority, but does not have specific control positions. He is the kind of idle person with great power. , but obviously not all sects can have system-certified masters.

When Lu Chaoding introduced these one hundred "masters" into the mountain gate, another system prompt sounded: "Ding, the foundation of the Reliable Sword Sect has been enhanced, the master's reputation has spread far and wide, and he has been promoted to a second-rate sect!"

"Is this second-rate? The hundred wives of my sect masters are all extraordinary masters. The lowest level is level 61. In ordinary sects, they can become supreme elders!"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently, while his eyes swept back and forth on these one hundred "masses".

It is undeniable that these one hundred ladies of the head are extremely beautiful, they are all like fairies, and their appearance and figure are in line with Lu Chaoding's aesthetics.

They should also be very strong. They are all sword immortals. One of them, Lan E, has the highest level, reaching level 81 with a health value of 12 billion.

There is another one named Luliu, who is also level 80 and has a higher health value than Lan'e, actually reaching 20 billion.

Even among them, Lu Chaoding, who is the lowest ranked one, doubts that he is stronger than Sky Fire Sword Sect's Supreme Elder Tian Huo.

It's a pity that Lu Chaoding can't see their complete information, so he can only see their names, levels, occupations and health points.

In addition, it was obvious that the "Madame in charge" given by the system was different from the "Madame in charge" imagined by Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding soon discovered that their clothes seemed to grow on their bodies, and they probably just looked like beauties. That's all. In fact, it can only be eye-catching and talking, not intimacy at all.

"If you can't be intimate, what do you call me madam? No wonder the position is master!"

Lu Chaoding suddenly felt that he was wronged. When the one hundred ladies of the head came into the mountain, a large number of disciples of the reliable sword sect saw them. Many male players were envious and jealous, and there seemed to be awls hidden in their eyes. , but who knew they were actually just tool people.

"Actually, there are a hundred masters. A master is a master, but if I fall in love freely, they won't have any objections..."

Lu Chaoding began to think wildly.

"Master, where will I live?"

Lan E asked the distracted Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding came back to his senses and said: "Please wait a moment, I am very generous. I will give each of you a sky prison...oh no, each of you will have a floating villa. You choose it yourself."

The Tianlao is a prison cell floating in the air. It is a kind of floating building. Players of the Dabao Construction Corps can transform it into a luxurious floating villa. The ones Lu Chaoding built before are now the most popular. "Real Estate" is much more popular than "Sancai Tower", "Sutra Collection Pavilion" and the like.

After a while, Lu Chaoding drew a hundred construction drawings of the Tianlao, along with many plane merit redemption vouchers, and put the [Construction Drawings of the Four Seasons Tower] worth 1000 million plane merit in the plane merit mall. 】Bought it.

However, it took Lu Chaoding most of the day to allocate houses to the wives of a hundred heads. Lu Chaoding said in his heart: "No wonder some people say that women will affect the speed of drawing swords. Time is wasted on them." Got it!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head.

He was now standing in the Four Seasons Building.

Lu Chao built seven of these Four Seasons Towers, one on each floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. He was currently in the Four Seasons Tower on the top floor, curiously looking at the various decorations in the building.

The function of the Four Seasons Building is very powerful. After it is established, a team of four swordsmen cultivators can activate the special effects of the Four Seasons Sword Formation, allowing the four players to randomly obtain "Spring Thunder", "Xia Yu", "Autumn Wind", "Winter Wind" Snow" attack special effects.

The power of these four attack special effects is very powerful. Lu Chaoding briefly understood it. With the blessing of this sword array, it would not be a problem for four people to form a team and defeat monsters beyond the level.

If a team of already strong players like Dugu Tian, ​​Wang Chengang, and Jiang Youxian forms a team, with the blessing of the Four Seasons Sword Formation, they can already defeat big BOSSes such as the Fiery Tengu and the Ghost Battleship. Basically, BOSSs below level 60 can be killed at will. .

A hundred wives of the head masters also praised the Four Seasons Building, saying that with this building, it would not be difficult for the reliable sword sect to rise.

At this time, Lan E found Lu Chaoding again and said: "Master, I took a look at the sect management panel. It's time to do the sect construction task 006. Master, please promote the sect to the first level as soon as possible!"

Lu Chao said: "You think I don't want to, but the system doesn't give clear conditions. How do I know how to advance to the first level of the sect?"

"I know this!" Lan E smiled and said: "Under normal circumstances, three conditions must be met for a sect to be promoted to the first level. The first is that the number of disciples in the sect exceeds 80, and the second is that the sect has at least one full-level extraordinary person. For a strong person to be in charge, the third thing is to have a popular five-star prop. As far as I know, there are 50 disciples of the first-class sword sect Da Luo Sword Sect. There are peak strong people sitting in command and have the exclusive weapon Da Luo Sword of the sect, and they are also a first-class force. The Hongchen Sword Sect has more than a million disciples, and there are also peak powerhouses. The sect's exclusive five-star prop is the Hongchen Flag on the back. It also uses the Qinglian Sword Sect, with [-] disciples, and a peak elder, but Inherit the five-star secret skill Qinglian Sword Formation!"


Lu Chaoding didn't react much. He clapped his fingers and muttered: "I can't fulfill any of the three conditions."

Lan E continued: "There are still abnormal situations!"

"What an abnormal situation!"

"The sect has more than a million disciples, has the most powerful person in charge, or has received special honors at the sword cultivator conference. As long as you achieve one of these, you can be promoted to a first-class force."

"Haha." Lu Chao laughed dryly, "Ignore the first two conditions and talk about the Sword Cultivation Conference."

"The Sword Cultivation Conference is a grand event in the sword world once a year. It is hosted by the Dayu Dynasty. Basically all the more famous sects will participate. Participating in the Sword Cultivation Conference is the best way for a sect to become famous and show its power. If you can It is not impossible for the sect to be promoted to the first level if he performs amazingly at the meeting and is recognized by the sword cultivators of the sword world."

"Once a year? That's right! After all, this is a game world. If it really happens once every few decades, the players won't be able to accept it!" Lu Chao said, "Then when will this conference be held?"

"The leader only needs to go to Yudu, the capital of Dayu, and can participate at any time." "Okay, I understand!" Lu Chaoding remembered that he still had 20 unidentified inherited jade slips, and he happened to be going to Dayu to look for identification. Master Appraisal, you can take the opportunity to learn about the Sword Cultivation Conference.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chaoding said again: "Mrs. Lan'e, do you know how many first-class sects there are in Hongchen Sword World now?"

Lan E said: "If you don't count the hidden sects, transcendent families and dynasties, there are currently only seven first-rate sects, 42 second-rate sects, and countless third-rate sects in the twelve states of the sword world, including Daluo Sword Sect and Hongchen Wanjian Sect. He Qinglian Sword Sect can be called proud, and the other four sects are Yaoguang Sect, Xingluo Sword Sect, Dahe Sword Sect, and Tiantong Sword Sect. Of course, in terms of power, the most powerful one in the twelve states now is the Dayu Dynasty. , there are countless masters in the Dayu Dynasty, and they are more powerful than the three major sects of Daluo, Hongchen, and Qinglian."

"It turns out there are only seven first-class sects... Then if my reliable sword sect is promoted to first-class, it will be the eighth sect in Hongchen Sword World."

Lu Chao nodded, having already decided to attend the sword cultivation conference.

At this time, another woman in a green dress came over. She was Luliu, and like Lan'e, she was one of the 100 wives of the head.

Lu Liu came to Lu Chaoding, bowed and saluted, and said: "Master, a servant came to see him."

"Head boy?" Lu Chaoding immediately thought of Xiang Rudan and probably guessed his purpose.

However, in order to test the skills of the two ladies in front of him who were actually masters in the sword world, Lu Chaoding said calmly: "Two madams, what do you think? Will the head see the handyman or not?"

Luliu said: "Master, I see that the handyman has the Qilin seal between his eyebrows. He is quite extraordinary. He should be a lucky person. I think he is not an ordinary handyman. He has a humble attitude and is considerate when he comes to see you. Why don't you just meet him?" Once we see him, let’s see what’s going on with him.”

Lan E then bowed and saluted, and said: "I noticed the handyman. If I'm not mistaken, he is not a human, but a Qilin, or a stranger from the Qilin clan. The leader should meet him."

Lu Chao said: "To be honest, that servant is the son of our Peach Blossom Sword God and the demon girl Yan Shangjing. His real name is Xiang Rudan. His father, Xiang Ruyan, was originally the head of the nine lins on Qilin Cliff. I am here to kill him." After killing the leader of Yan Shangjing, he gave his Qilin bone to Xiangrudan and entrusted me to take him to Qilin Cliff so that he could recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. Xiang Rudan came to see me probably for this reason. We have decided to take him to Qilin Cliff, do you two ladies have any objections?"

"Kirin Cliff..."

Lan'e muttered, frowning, and said: "I seem to have heard of this place. It seems to be the secluded place of the Qilin clan. It is a secret cave in the sky. It is not in the Twelve States. There are many treasures in it. If the master can go there, please I must go, Lan'e is willing to accompany you."

Luliu then said: "Lvliu is also willing to go with us!"

Lu Chao smiled and said, "It's okay to take you two with me. Luliu, let him come in!"

After a while, Xiang Rudan entered the Four Seasons Building.

After obtaining his father's unicorn bone, although this Rudan had "astonishing" talents, his appearance and temperament did not seem to have changed much, and he was still honest and honest. As Lu Chaoding expected, he came to see him with the intention of Go to Qilin Cliff.

"Master, my father said that he was ashamed of his people and had no shame in returning to Qilin Cliff, but he asked me to recognize my ancestors and return to the clan. But I still want to stay in the sect. I think life here is quite good..."

Xiang Rudan said with a sincere face.

Hearing this, Lu Chaoding nodded and said: "Xiang Rudan, although you have obtained your father's Qilin Bone and your level has been raised to level 61, and you are already a strong man in the extraordinary realm, you still have no cultivation and have too few means. Your father asked you to go back to Qilin Cliff, probably because only there can your talents be put to use and your growth will be faster. But he didn't trust you to go back alone, so he asked me to take you back. And went to Qilin Cliff , does not mean that you have left the sect, the door of my reliable sword sect is open to you at any time, Xiang Rudan, do you know how to get to Qilin Cliff!"

Xiang Rudan nodded and said: "I know that the entrance to Qilin Cliff is not far away, it is in Tianyun City in Tianyun Prefecture!"

After a while, Lu Chaoding used his sky-level survey ship and set off for Tianyun City.

Originally, in his plan, it was enough to take Xiang Rudan to Qilin Cliff alone, but now, he was accompanied by 100 more "masses".

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but let them accompany him. They were very motivated and followed Lu Chaoding closely.

Many reliable sword sect players saw this scene and thought that Lu Chaoding was taking his wife on a honeymoon trip.

But it's not a bad thing to have these 100 ladies accompanying me. After all, they are all masters, they still walk in the sword world, they know a lot, they are bodyguards, secretaries, and consultants, and they can still chat when they are bored.

The survey ship was at full speed. Lu Chaoding described the previous battle with Yan Shangjing to the wives of the leaders on the way, focusing on the incident where Dao Zangkong took away his seven super swords.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that old guy's Great World Shattering Void Divine Sword is a bit powerful. The leader of the teaching suffered a big loss. I wonder if you have any way to restrain him."

Lu Chaoding asked seriously.

The wives of all the heads were very active. Lan E said: "If my prediction is correct, the old guy the head mentioned should be the famous Dao Zangkong 200 years ago! Dao Zangkong is the founder of the Great Sword Sect. In the year 200, he was a genius as famous as Ye Longxing. They were both peerless. It is said that the dragon travels through the seven realms and the Taoist sword hides in the sky. Ye Longxing created his own Great Freedom Sky Patrol Demonic Sword, which seems to be able to travel through the seven realms, while the Taoist sword hides in the sky. Kong created his own Great Universe Breaking Divine Sword, which is best at the method of void. In addition, as far as I know, Daozang Kong has his own cave, called the Great Universe Cave. If the master's weapon is taken away by him, Daozang Kong will The probability will be stored in the Great Universe Cave."

Lu Chao asked: "Is there still a possibility of taking it back?"

Lan E nodded and said: "Of course there is. If we can sneak into his secret realm, we will not only be able to retrieve the master's weapons, but I also think there will be other gains! The master may not know that your nut secret realm has a detection cave and The function of the cave is that in the right place, you can detect the Daozangkong cave in the world. Then with the help of the No. [-] martial arts cannon, the leader can drop us there. We are willing to retrieve the weapons for the leader. If I don’t expect it, Worse, the leader can try to activate the Nut Secret Realm’s detection ability at the original Great Sword Sect station, and there is a high probability that the Great World Secret Realm can be discovered..."

"You actually know about the Nut Secret Realm and the Martial Arts Cannon!"

Lu Chaoding was a little surprised. He had never shown his cave to outsiders, nor introduced the Nut Secret Realm to outsiders. He wondered why Lan'e knew this.

"As I assist the leader, I am naturally familiar with everything about the leader. In addition..."

Lan'e's face was serious and serious as he continued: "In addition, as far as I know, Daozangkong also has powerful enslavement methods that can refine and control special sword spirit puppets!"

"Refining and controlling sword spirit puppets?"

"That's right! Daozangkong's own fighting power is not strong. Important battles are completed through sword spirit puppets. Usually, his sword spirit puppets will also be placed in the Great World Cave. If the master sends us into After entering the Great World Cave, we will bring out those sword spirit puppets later."

(End of this chapter)

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