Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 203 Qilin Thief

Chapter 203 Qilin Thief
The Nut Secret Realm is equipped with a [Secret Realm Radar]. In the central control room, you can search for secret camps, exclusive caves, exclusive caves, small worlds, strategic bases, etc. Lu Chaoding has studied this [Secret Realm Radar] before, but did not find any secret realms. Now After listening to Lan E's words, I probably understood that it turns out that this radar can only work in a special place that is relatively close to the secret realm.

"The secret realm, the cave, the small world, it feels like a multidimensional space. What is certain now is that Daozangkong's Great Universe Cave is near the Dajianmen station. The Dajianmen station no longer exists, and only half of the Dajian Gate is left there. Poxu Mountain, when I return from Qilin Cliff, I will go there and do a good exploration..."

Lu Chaoding made plans silently, and then asked Lan E and others many things about Daozangkong, Ye Longxing and Qilinya, and learned a lot of useful information, which made him feel that these one hundred ladies are still Very reliable.

Half a day later, Lu Chaoding's sky-level survey ship arrived at the place designated by Xiang Rudan.

This is an unnamed small valley, located in the northern suburbs of Tianyun City. There are a few families of hunters living outside the valley. It is quiet and quiet. The valley is only two miles long. There are weeds in it and there are no wild monsters. The whole valley looks ordinary. Nothing special.

Lu Chaoding parked the sky survey ship in the middle of the valley. Xiang Rudan jumped out. He performed a weird trick and bit the tip of his tongue to spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood turned into a kylin shadow. The shadow jumped into the air, and a bright light appeared. The portal slowly became clear.

Xiang Rudan said: "If you step through this light door, you should be able to reach the Qilin Cliff Cave. I don't know whether the future will be a blessing or a curse. I also ask the master and the ladies of the master to protect me!"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "Let's go!"

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and was the first to walk into the bright door. Stepping in, it was as if he had entered the teleportation array. Lu Chaoding felt like the world was spinning. After three breaths, the scene in front of him stabilized, and he was stunned. It is to enter the Qilin Cliff Cave.

"Ding, you have entered the Qilin Cliff Cave!"

"Ding, the current area is a special secret realm. Some system functions will be invalid if you move in it. Please explore on your own for details."

"Ding, after the plot of [Legend of Nine Lins] ends, escort Xiang Rudan to Qilin Cliff Cave. The task is completed and you will be rewarded with ten Qilin Secret Treasures. The reward items have been distributed to your storage space. Please check for details."

"This completes the mission?"

Lu Chaoding was in a good mood. He looked around and saw that a hundred ladies of the head and Xiang Rudan had teleported over. Now, his group was standing next to a unicorn statue. The unicorn statue was three feet high and looked very old. Feeling, his right paw pressed on a boundary stone tablet. There were three big characters on the boundary stone tablet, which was "Qilin Cliff".

Lu Chao stood up with his sword. Looking further into the distance, he could see many houses and palaces on some lush mountain peaks. It seemed that Qilin Cliff was an isolated mountain. The mountains on one side were gentle and the mountains on the other side were gentle. It is steep, and one side of the cliff faces the sea, but the sea is actually not big. You can see the end, which is the end of Qilin Cliff Cave, where there is a light blue light barrier.

In fact, Lu Chaoding has now completed his mission, leaving Xiang Ruhai behind and can go back. The bright portal under the Qilin statue has not disappeared. You can probably step out and return to the valley on the northern outskirts of Tianyun City.

However, after finally coming to Qilin Cliff, Lu Chaoding still wanted to visit and explore it, maybe there would be some opportunities.

"Lan'e, Luliu, please clear the way ahead. We want to meet the person in charge of Qilin Cliff and arrange for Xiang Rudan to be settled..."

Lu Chaoding quickly made arrangements, and then walked in the middle of the team, silently examining the ten secret Kirin treasures.

At this time, about three miles away, in the most magnificent hall at the highest point of Qilin Cliff, nine old men in golden robes were sitting cross-legged around a small golden Qilin statue.

They are the nine elders of Qilin Cliff, and they are the most noble beings in Qilin Cliff today.

If there are players here, you can see their simple information. Eight of the nine are level 80, and one is level 81, "Great Elder Xiang Tianming"!
This great elder is now equivalent to the patriarch of the Qilin Clan in Qilin Cliff. He holds a high position and is quite prestigious.

Suddenly, someone hurriedly rushed into the hall, knelt down and said: "Elders, it's not good, it's not good, the Kirin Treasure House opened automatically just now, and all the Kirin Secret Treasures stored in it have disappeared!"


Xiang Tianming, the great elder in golden robes, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this. He looked at the person who sent the message and said: "Without the nine people like us using magic techniques, how could the Kirin Treasure House be opened?"

Another golden-robed elder frowned and said, "Could it be that a thief is here? He broke the ban on the treasure house and stole the secret treasure inside!"

"Could it be that black unicorn?"

"The black unicorn suddenly appeared and occupied a cliff. He is indeed very strong, but stealing the unicorn secret treasure is not that simple."

"The Qilin Treasure House is the centerpiece of our Qilin Cliff. Every piece of the Qilin Secret Treasure inside is very important. It is the heritage of our clan. Who has the means to steal all the secret treasures inside?"

"This matter is no small matter!"

"Everyone, go to the Qilin Treasure House to have a look!"

"If all ten secret treasures are taken away, the loss will be too great!"

"Seal the entire mountain first, don't let the treasure thieves escape..."

The nine elders of Qilin Cliff stood up quickly and soon arrived at the Qilin Treasure House.

The Qilin Treasure House is also a building that looks like a hall, and its door is indeed wide open. There are only ten bare jade platforms inside, and there is nothing on the jade platforms.

"how is this possible!"

The Great Elder Xiang Tianming couldn't help but staggered back. He pressed his heart and said: "Ten secret treasures, Kirin Sun and Moon Armor, Kirin Good Fortune Pill, Kirin Immortal Medicine, Kirin Spiritual Qi Fruit, Kirin Peace Sword, Kirin Seal of Life and Death, Kirin Holy Fire Order, The Qilin Vientiane Wheel, the Qilin Nine Yang Blood, and the Qilin Divine Beast Talisman are gone, gone, all gone, they have been robbed by a big thief!"

The great elder began to vomit blood as he spoke, as if he was out of breath, and soon became extremely weak, and was helped up.

It is true that these ten Qilin secret treasures are too precious. They can be said to be the foundation of the Qilin clan. For the Qilin clan, losing even one of them is a big deal, let alone losing them all.

So, soon, the sound of bells spread throughout Qilin Cliff, and a large number of NPCs became active and began to catch thieves all over the mountains and plains.

In this atmosphere, Lu Chaoding and his party were quickly stopped by a group of guards.

"Who are you?"

The leading guard was a level 60 sword master, wearing armor. He looked at Lu Chao and others nervously.

You must know that Lu Chaoding and his one hundred head wives are now extraordinary sword cultivators. They travel together, just like a group of second-rate sects' supreme elders gathering together. How can it not be scary?
Lu Chaoding had just read the ten Kirin secret treasure rewards at this moment. They were ten five-star props, which were [Kilin Sun and Moon Armor], [Kilin Fortune Pill], [Kilin Immortal Medicine], [Kilin Spiritual Qi Fruit], [Kilin Spiritual Energy Fruit], Taiping Sword], [Kilin Seal of Life and Death], [Kilin Holy Fire Order], [Kilin Vientiane Wheel], [Kilin Nine Yang Blood], [Kilin Divine Beast Talisman]!
Among the ten secret treasures, [Kilin Sun and Moon Armor] is a fashion item, [Kilin Good Fortune Pill] and [Kilin Immortal Medicine] are elixirs, [Kilin Taiping Sword] is a weapon, [Kilin Life and Death Seal] and [Kilin Holy Fire Order] are pendants. , [Kilin Vientiane Wheel] is the back piece, [Kilin Nine Yang Blood] is the material, [Kilin Spiritual Qi Fruit] and [Kilin Divine Beast Talisman] are special treasures.

Their attributes are very good, and they have been bound to Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding was very satisfied. He was in a good mood at this time. When he saw someone stopping him, he did not rush or make trouble. He stepped forward and said: "I rely on the sword." The leader of the mission, Lu Chaoding, has been entrusted by Jiulin’s leader, Xiang Ruyan, to send his son Xiang Rudan back to Qilin Cliff. Please take us to see the leader of your clan to discuss Xiang Rudan’s cultivation.”

"What? Xiang Ruyan's son?"

The guard leader was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Xiang Ruyan seriously, his eyes lingering on his eyebrows for a long time, and nodded: "Sure enough, he is a member of my Qilin clan, so you are Xiang Ruyan's son, you How is your father now? Is he back? Now that there are black unicorns causing chaos in our Qilin Cliff, it is the time when we need experts. It would be great if it was your father who came."

Xiang Rudan looked sad and stepped forward and said: "Father, he has passed away. I will go back to the mountain on his behalf." "Xiang Ruyan is dead! How is it possible? He is a peerless genius who only appeared in our Qilin clan in 5000 years. Great Elder He was said to be able to become a powerful man at the pinnacle level, so how could he fall? What about the other Eight Lins? How are they doing now?"

The guard leader seemed to recognize Xiang Ruyan, and he had a look of disbelief on his face at the moment.

Xiang Rudan shook his head and sighed, saying: "Jilin...all fell."

"Impossible! I don't believe it!"

The guard leader shook his head repeatedly.

Lu Chao said: "Stop questioning, please take us to see your manager!"

The guard leader suddenly snorted and said: "Now there are big thieves sneaking into Qilin Cliff. You are very suspicious, so just follow me to meet the nine elders!"

After a while, Lu Chaoding and his party were taken to the Qilin Hall on the top of the mountain and met nine elders of the Qilin clan.

These nine elders were all a little restless at the moment, still struggling with the matter of the lost Kirin secret treasure. They were noisy and quite ignored Lu Chaoding and his party. They stayed in the hall for a while, being guarded by the previous team of guards.

"Qilin Cliff was robbed, and the Qilin Secret Treasure was stolen..."

Lu Chaoding suddenly felt guilty after hearing a few words.

"Could it be that the unreliable system robbed someone else's treasure house and then gave it to me as a mission reward? Is there anyone who gives out mission rewards like this? Could it be that it didn't trick me..."

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, the nine elders in the hall used their methods at the same time. Suddenly a ray of light fell on Lu Chaoding. When the people of the Qilin clan saw it, they immediately surrounded Lu Chaoding.

"The thief was found!"

"It turned out to be this guy!"

"I have long suspected this outsider!"

"Take it down, take it down..."

A group of unicorn-like NPCs shouted, as if they were about to take action immediately.

"The unreliable system, you idiot is hurting me!"

Lu Chaoding was a little unhappy. Looking at the situation in front of him, the misunderstanding was not easy to explain. I'm afraid there was going to be a fight.
But just when Lu Chaoding wanted to strike first, he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, it occasionally starts unreliably, and a limited-time task is released: Within 3 hours, get along well with the nine elders of Qilin Cliff, and obtain their With respect, the mission is completed, and the reward is an unreliable prop x 1!"

"Huh? Here comes the mission!"

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chao immediately gave up the idea of ​​fighting. He threw his hands around and said loudly: "Don't get excited, everyone. If I say that the ten Kirin secret treasures are the mission rewards sent to me by the system, are you willing to believe it? This leader has just arrived in Guibao Land, how could he be some kind of unicorn thief?"

The great elder Xiang Tianming looked at Lu Chaoding with a very serious look on his face. He pressed his palms to signal everyone to be quiet and shouted: "Hand over our clan's secret treasure. If it is intact, I will spare your life!"

Lu Chao said: "No, it's all bound!"

"Bound? What do you mean?"

"It means it's already mine and can't be given to anyone else!"

"You! I'm so angry. If that's the case, please stay here!"

"What, you want to do it?"

Lu Chaoding calmly took out a Jiulin Tribulation Mirror. When the NPCs from Qilin Cliff in the hall saw this, their expressions immediately changed.

The great elder said: "Wait a moment, what is in your hand..."

"This is the Jiulin Tribulation Mirror!" Lu Chaoding then took out the second, third, and fourth mirrors... until he piled a small pile in front of him. He said loudly: "These are all Jiulin Mirrors." Jie Jing, the goods are genuine and fair, do you want it? It’s a free gift!”

"Is this...really a free gift?"

"I am generous and good-hearted. I think you nine elders like it. As long as you respect me as a man, I will give it to you for free! Come on, elders, come forward and get it for yourself!"

Lu Chaoding decided to "induce". Anyway, he had a lot of Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors. If he spread some out and easily completed the task, he would make a profit!

Next, the Great Elder Xiang Tianming doubtfully took over a Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror from Lu Chaoding. He examined it carefully and found that it was real. His eyes suddenly lit up and he laughed and said: "Your Excellency Is it Master Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect? I offended you just now, and I respect you as a man!"

The second elder, Xiang Tianjin, then walked up to Lu Chaoding and said, "I respect you for being a man!"

After saying that, he picked up a Jiulin Tribulation Mirror from the ground and ran away happily.

"Master Lu is a man, I respect you!"

"Master Jing Lu!"

"It's my turn. I, Master Jing Lu, is a man..."

The atmosphere in the main hall suddenly became weird. Soon, the nine elders all got a Nine-Lin Tribulation Mirror. They rubbed it with smiles, and no longer had the melancholy of losing the Kirin Secret Treasure before.

But Lu Chaoding did not receive the system prompt that the mission was completed. He frowned and said: "Nine elders, your respect is not enough. You must respect me from the bottom of your heart. Come on, do it again, and everyone will send it again." A mirror!”

The nine elders were ecstatic when they heard this, and immediately gathered around Lu Chao to praise him.

Finally, after Lu Chaoding sent 36 Jiulin Tribulation Mirrors, he finally received a system prompt: "Get along well with the nine elders of Qilin Cliff and gain their respect. The mission is completed and the reward is [Construction of Unreliable Buildings" Drawing] One piece!”

(End of this chapter)

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